belated_frog_pants, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Looool idiot, i cant believe anyone ever thought he was smart


There are still people around who believe that he’s the tech messiah sent to deliver them to Mars.


I wouldn’t go anywhere this guy tells me to go, nevermind to fucking Mars


Of course you wouldn’t. I’m talking about the mob that would. A mob with no more than a few neurons collectively is a danger to everyone else.


But would you let him put a chip inside your head, potentially controlling your thoughts and access to information?


No questions asked!

DavidGarcia, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

I bet he’ll rename it to “SEX” sooner or later


He already did that with the Tesla models



Are Tesla models the Musk equivalent of Heffner’s Playboy bunnies? /s

HalJor, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter avatar

I’d love to see the investment banks start to call their loans that financed this purchase in the first place.


They already wrote them off. If i had lost a 100th of that i’d never have credit ever again

Gormadt, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter avatar

I’m honestly a bit surprised

Surprised that it’s only 71% that is

MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Well, duhh!

All the devs are working on Wayland now.

SketchySeaBeast, avatar

Who is making Yutani?


I dunno, but they better watch out if they don’t want Seegson eating their lunch.


Damn, man. The food ain’t that bad.

ulkesh, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter avatar


Auzy, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Honestly, the only thing keeping X relevant, is news articles at this time.


It feels like news agencies run these stories just to rub it in his face.


That and jokes about refusing to call it X

Zozano, avatar

What’s X?


It marks the spot.

Hyggyldy, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

wHaT bUsInEsS hAvE yOu StArTeD


follows Musk on LinkedIn

vhstape, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter avatar

shocked pikachu face

chemicalwonka, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter avatar


crandlecan, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Brilliant business strategy, you just wait!! 😂

Powderhorn, avatar

I’m pretty certain I know how Musk would respond to this. It’s inappropriate for Beehaw.


Something something woke mind virus something


Or some bs like I didn’t make my money by being nice.


He’s a genius playing 8D chess. You just don’t understand. By this time next week, Twitter will be the only website in the world and Lonnie will laugh at you from mars. Just watch!


Insert Bond Villain Plot™ where he’s secretly buying all the EMP-hardened server parks in the world, and it’s getting ready to orbital-nuke everything except Shitter servers back to the stone age.

And of course he will brick every phone and computer everywhere, so nobody will be able to use Shitter, but God damnit, it will be the only site left!


Literally only the best strategies here! I mean lets recap:

  • Threaten to buy company then double down and agree in writing as a bullying tactic: check
  • Roll a nat 1 on your intimidation check: check
  • Be forced to follow through when called out on being mentally an 8 yo by the feds: check
  • Fire critical employees, like basically all of them: check
  • Yoink verification away from public news orgs: check
  • Let anyone pay to be “legit,” even if they’re parodying you: check
  • Rename twitter to the stupidest thing imagined since head-on (apply directly to the forehead): check
  • Gut content moderation policies but also stop enforcing regardless: check
  • Post own hate content and racism to the platform: check
  • "Accidentally" run ads next to hate content: check
  • Be told your sign sucks and to take it down by city: check (lol)
  • Become a living embodiment of “big yikes” energy while telling aforementioned advertisers to “go fuck yourselves” on live TV: check
  • Hallucinate about making x into a libertarian wechat alternative: check
  • Tank the value of the company while blaming literally anyone else for your failures: mission in progress, #1 priority

10/10 solid buy, gonna grab some long calls rn. The koch boys and rupert murderjock must be holding back a tsunami of jealousy by now 🤣


See! This guy gets it!! 😍


You left out “throttle diaster information accounts when the disaster is happening” (Japan earthquake).



Also, I forgot all the tomfuckery he pulled with starlink in Ukraine, cutting off access and the like.

It’s truly a testament to how much shit this guy has done that we forget so much of it.

Burn_The_Right, to world in Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll

Nothing good in human history has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all.


You mean a backwards looking ideology doesn’t address the needs of society today and in the future?


Even calling it “backwards” is falling for conservatives’ euphemistic lie. Conservatism has never really been about “upholding tradition” or any of the bullshit they claim; it’s only ever been about authoritarianism and enforcing hierarchy. If it happens to jive with a “tradition” it is only because said tradition is authoritarian and hierarchical.

Bassman1805, to games in Nintendo’s design guru Shigeru Miyamoto: ‘I wanted to make something weird’

he is also responsible for several of Nintendo’s other hit games – among them The Legend of Zelda, whose latest instalment just topped many of 2023’s game of the year lists.

Did the author not actually check any GotY lists, or do they only look at GotY lists by hard-core Nintendo fans? Because none of the big industry lists had TotK at the top.


Maybe they’re from a timeline where Baldurs gate didn’t release?

p03locke, avatar

Lot of people put TotK as one of their top games, even for how stacked 2023 was. Although, I’d be hard pressed to find anybody labeling it as GotY.


Almost everyone at GVG had it as their #1 spot

p03locke, avatar

Then, nobody there was playing BG3.


Some did and said it just wasn’t their kind of game


2nd place is still “topping,” I would say. When a song is topping the charts, its not usually actually number 1, more often its actually in the top 4, or 10, etc.

DdCno1, to technology in Meta censors pro-Palestinian views on a global scale, report claims

I’m not usually one to defend Facebook, but it might have something to do with (and is possibly being done to counteract) this massive state-sponsored disinformation campaign:…/israel-hamas-information-war.html

In case of paywall:…/…

snowe, avatar

And yet all of Israel’s disinformation is allowed to stay up…

BlueBockser, (edited )

What do you base that claim on? The article doesn’t mention it.

Edit: Your silence is also an answer. Ironic, talking about misinformation and spreading it yourself…

snowe, avatar

lol my silence is not an answer. I don’t spend inordinate amounts of time on the internet so have no need to respond within a day much less a week. Here’s one example of the numerous misinformation that Israel has been spreading, coming from a news source that actually helped spread Israel’s disinformation.…/al-shifa-hospital-gaza-hamas…


You evidently had enough time to post elsewhere, so it’s not unreasonable to think you might’ve read my reply already.

How is the WP article showing misinformation? It basically boils down to “Israel alleged something and provided some evidence, but we think it’s not conclusive”. It does not show that Israel knowingly lied about anything, which is what you’re insinuating.

snowe, avatar

You evidently had enough time to post elsewhere, so it’s not unreasonable to think you might’ve read my reply already.

Evidently? Huh?

How is the WP article showing misinformation? It basically boils down to “Israel alleged something and provided some evidence, but we think it’s not conclusive”. It does not show that Israel knowingly lied about anything, which is what you’re insinuating.

The article is literally about how Israel claimed a bunch of things as complete truths and then every single thing they claimed was wrong.

This has been the case for almost everything Israel has said until this point. They lied about hostages being raped, they lied about not going to bomb specific areas, they lied about certain areas being safe for Palestinians, they lied about only trying to kill hamas, and have killed over 20k civilians as a result, they lied about not actively trying to kill journalists. The list is endless. It’s perfectly clear that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and if you support that, I’m sorry but you’re absolutely evil.


It’s perfectly clear that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and if you support that, I’m sorry but you’re absolutely evil.

This “you’re either for Palestine or a genocide supporter” mindset is half the reason this conflict still exists, the other half is the “you’re either for Israel or a terrorist supporter” mindset. I’m sure it feels great to have a one-dimensional world view, but not everyone is either for or against one side.

All I was asking for is a source for your claim that Israel is spreading misinformation and that said misinformation is allowed to proliferate. The one source you provided is inadequate because it doesn’t have any proof of Israeli lies, it just says that Israeli-provided proof is inconclusive. Let alone your claim that the alleged misinformation is not removed…

We’re done here, clearly there’s no good faith discussion to be had.

PrincessEli, to games in The curious case of Epic Games: how the developer beat Google but not Apple

It’s like the textbook example of why you want a jury when your case is just nonsensical appeals to emotions and bias, and a judge when you want a case of facts

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