FlyingSquid, to world in Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence avatar

Good job, Israel. You never know when your forces might be attacked by a guerilla sheep.

I hear they’re also training the chickens to be snipers.


Israel is quickly making itself an enemy of the world.


It is an enemy of the world. With all its imperfections the UN with the ICJ and ICC were the best development we had towards a rule based international order, where diplomacy and cooperation could be a counterbalance to barbarism and the rule of the jungle.

Now Israel is making it abundantly clear, that all of this is worthless, while dragging the West down morally and ethically and on top of all of this actively attacking those institutions.

Israel wants the world to devolve into barbarism and the US, Germany, UK and other supporters are actively cheering it on with their actions, while providing transparent words of “hmm. we need peace and stuff.” while delivering even more weapons and preventing yet another diplomatic solution.


I don’t think I can agree with everything you are saying; but I do think the new paradigm has something to do with the paradigm of a diverse media landscape these days, but I also believe those in power are so addicted to power they would do anything to bomb us back to place where we only had zero independent media and only the one remaining state media available…… thankfully though we will now have independent media for as long as we have landfills full of e waste


They are provoking the West Banks to attack.

mlg, avatar

You laugh but India arrested a spy pigeon


There’s no way an insane ethonostate doesn’t have the same type of behavior if not worse.

FlyingSquid, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? avatar

I am not in any way going to defend what was done to Julian Assange, because it was abhorrent.

But, based on what he’s done in the past, I’m guessing ‘everything’ will be far more Biden-focused than Trump-focused.


It is fair to remember, however, that his biggest bombshells were from the Iraq war, which was a decidedly Republican endeavor. But I do agree that he looked more and more like a Russian asset as time went on.


Those bombshells didn’t end the war.

His leak during the 2016 election changed the course of American history, and was directly coordinated with Russia. That was far more impactful.


That’s more a comment on how die-hard committed the political class is to perpetual war than anything else.

Also, while I don’t appreciate Trump being elected… the DNC seems committed to running some of the worst candidates they can find - the fact that there was information that damaging to Clinton that didn’t come out in the primaries is the part we should be mad at.


I think we should still be mad at foreign adversary nations colluding with one of our politcal parties and a not at all impartial “whistleblower” to turn the tide of a presidential election.

The emails themselves were barely relevant at all politically. Out of some 30k of them, 3 were found to be inappropriately controlled. Thats hardly an earth shattering discovery.

The spectacle that Assange, the GOP and Russia manufactured was the issue. It was a coordinated and targeted attack on our democracy, and he deserves to be derided for his outsized part in it.


To be clear, I think Assange definitely behaves as a russian asset - but democrats will do anything except admit that their candidates are awful. Leaks as mundane as the 2016 ones were capitalised on by Trump, of course - but it still shouldn’t have made a difference, and the race wasn’t as close as it was due to wikileaks.

Trying to motivate an increasingly disengaged and disappointed electorate by being the lesser of two evils simply isn’t good enough - and ‘useful idiots’ like Assange (although acting recklessly and causing damage) aren’t the reason Hillary lost, or that Trump has support.

demonsword, avatar

The man has every reason to hate the USA. Helping getting Trump to power would surely be some sweet revenge, since another Trump presidency will be undoubtely be divisive and harmful

FlyingSquid, avatar

That really is not an excuse for his relationship with Russia.…/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-o…

It sounds a lot less like it would be revenge a lot more like it would be marching orders he would be happy to comply with.

demonsword, avatar

That really is not an excuse for his relationship with Russia.

The enemy of my enemy is a short-term ally, that might be how he thinks, who knows. I have no side in this fight since I’m not a Assange fanboy and I have nothing but contempt for the USA.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Short-term? That article was from 2016.

demonsword, avatar

In 2016 he had already spent years hiding inside an embassy. It’s not that hard to conceive that hatred tends to build over time.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Okay, but you said it was short-term. That is not short-term. And as far as I know, Wikileaks is still very easy on Russia. So how long is this favoritism of his going to last? Why should that be what Wikileaks is about?

demonsword, avatar

Okay, but you said it was short-term. That is not short-term.

It was just a conjecture of how Assange might have thought about. I never said that there really is any link between him and Russia. And it was long ago, when he was still hiding inside Ecuador’s embassy, when the hypothetical link between him and Russia was new.

And as far as I know, Wikileaks is still very easy on Russia. So how long is this favoritism of his going to last?

I doubt he still runs wikileaks. Assange was in jail for years.

Why should that be what Wikileaks is about?

I don’t know and I don’t really care.

FlyingSquid, avatar

He wasn’t in jail. He was in the Ecuadorian embassy. It sounds like you really don’t know the details here.

demonsword, avatar

He wasn’t in jail. He was in the Ecuadorian embassy. It sounds like you really don’t know the details here.

what? I did acknowledge that:

It was just a conjecture of how Assange might have thought about. I never said that there really is any link between him and Russia. And it was long ago, when he was still hiding inside Ecuador’s embassy, when the hypothetical link between him and Russia was new.


In 2016 he had already spent years hiding inside an embassy. It’s not that hard to conceive that hatred tends to build over time.

FlyingSquid, avatar

You literally just said:

I doubt he still runs wikileaks. Assange was in jail for years.

So which is it? Was he in jail or not?

demonsword, avatar

He was jailed in 2019. Are you telling me he still managed wikileaks from inside a prison in the UK?

FlyingSquid, avatar

And how many years was he in prison in the UK? Because you said he was there for years.

And we were also talking about what happened in 2016, which, last I checked, was before 2019.

So I take back what I said about you being unfamiliar. You’re familiar, just dishonest about it.

Linkerbaan, avatar

You’re rationalizing a 2010 case with a 2016 argument. Your timeline doesn’t check out.

Also blaming Assange for exposing American war-crimes instead of Bush and Obama for committing them and covering them up is ridiculous.


If I had dirt on someone that speculated about drone killing me, I would have no problem releasing that dirt. WikiLeaks has never had to retract a story or cables because of bad information, even the DNC couldn’t refute the authenticity of the DNC cables.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Except, as you would see in the link I pasted, Wikileaks turned down leaks on the Russian government but smeared Hillary.

“America treated Assange badly” is not an excuse there. You can’t claim it was just hating the U.S. and do you really think that’s how Wikileaks should operate?


Clinton shouldn’t have gone after the people that exposed their corruption.

FlyingSquid, avatar

How does that justify not exposing Russia’s corruption?

FlyingSquid, avatar

You clearly didn’t read the article I pasted.

Maybe read it and come back to me.

PugJesus, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

Ah, celebrating the freedom of a rapist who escaped charges by playing on his fame.

Fucking wild.


I don’t believe he was convicted of anything as the accusers recanted….…/response-to-open-letter-of-1-july-20…


He wasn’t convicted of anything because he fled the fucking country before a trial could be held, and one of the women involved explicitly contradicts and condemns Melzer’s attempt at exonerating Assange

The charges were eventually dropped due to the time passed, not because the victims ‘recanted’.


Fake rape charges dropped by the person claiming it happened.

PugJesus, (edited )

It’s insane the lies people will tell to defend a rapist. I don’t know why so many people are just fucking alright with rape if it’s ‘their guy’ doing it.

The rape charges literally were not dropped by the person claiming it happened, but any lie is acceptable to defend a rapist, it would seem.


Point out where he was charged with rape. Because if we’re basing an accusation of rape as actual rate then Biden is guilty of the exact same thing. Don’t assume that just because someone is critical of one white old senile piece of shit that they support the other white old senile piece of shit.


Point out where he was charged with rape.

When he fled Sweden, Jesus fucking Christ

It’s not even particularly believable rape apologetics you’re indulging it. Absolutely vile.

I don’t play games with rape apologists, so you’re on your own from here on out.


Can you not even read? Preliminary investigation is not the same thing as charged. If that’s how we are defining charged, then again Biden has been charged with rape


I don’t play games with rape apologists, so you’re on your own from here on out.


Tara Reid has entered the chat.

you’re on your own from here on out.

After saying it two times I doubt you are serious.


Fact: there was only ever one rape allegation and it was brought by the cops. The alleged victim refused to sign the statement to police and never signed a version which was edited later. All names were then leaked illegally to the tabloid press before JA was questioned. Read Prof Nils Melzer’s well-researched book.


A proud moment for the leftwing everywhere. Downplaying rape to defend a russian spy.


He was accused of rape never charged with it. Kind of like Biden was. So if we’re holding that same standard up for assange you need to hold that same standard of rape for Biden


Yeah yeah OJ and Rittenhouse are innocent.

Stop pretending the justice system is infallible.


Don’t pull a muscle reaching to defend a Russian asset accused of rape. But I’m curious what your next phase of rape apologia will be.

“It didn’t happen”, “it was only investigated and not charged (because he fled the country)”, and now “well your guy was accused too” are all amazing choices lol, too bad they’re paper thin excuses.

Dkarma, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

I expect this ass to go to prison soon

dlatch, to world in ICC decision on Netanyahu arrest warrant may be delayed by UK

How can the Oslo accords be used as an argument against Israeli prosecution if Israel has done exactly nothing to uphold them? What in the dystopian fuck is this?

njm1314, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

I just expect he’ll do whatever Papa Putin tells him to do. That or rape someone again.

muse, avatar

Careful, some tankies are going to wail about torturous prison experience he went through while having to simultaneously ignore the emaciated Ukrainian POWs


They’ve already started up the rape apologetics.

theacharnian, to world in Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence avatar

“Why are the Palestinians violent?”

theacharnian, to world in ICC decision on Netanyahu arrest warrant may be delayed by UK avatar

The ICC arrest warrants were never going to deter anyone from doing anything, so the UKs stalling tactic is therefore irrelevant to saving lives. In fact, it gives the court a chance to strengthen its jurisdiction. Not worried about this.

Skua, to world in ICC decision on Netanyahu arrest warrant may be delayed by UK

I suspect that this might be a tactic intended for the domestic audience. The current government is extremely unlikely to be in power a week from now, and might be doing this just to force the next government to either follow through or retract it

sandbox, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

I don’t understand why Julian Assange gets any credit for Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, because that should clearly go towards the mainstream media.

So much ink was wasted by the press over Hillary’s nothingburger email scandal. I think it’s something like 50 headlines in the New York Times over a single month?

Not to mention James Coney’s part to play, basically he hates Hillary Clinton so just took any opportunity to sink her election chances. He holds much more blame for Trump’s election than Julian Assange.

I wonder why, out of all the journalists who could be blamed for Trump, Assange gets so much more hate? I suspect a lot of it is because there’s already so much anti Assange propaganda because he damaged the hegemonic interests of the US.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Liberals are unable to cope with their awfulness so their only retort is to blame anyone to the left of them.

kerrypacker, to world in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

He’s an Australian hero and all of you salty yanks can get fucked, you persecuted him for exposing your government and he’s finally free.

hark, avatar

It takes surprisingly little for people who claim to support journalists to turn around and hate on a journalist for exposing corruption. The “national security” angle never seems to fail.


Might have to do with him interfering with an election because Russia told him to.

hark, avatar

“Domestic” billionaires interfere with our elections far more to the point where it makes what Russia does look like nothing, but you decide to focus on a journalist who exposed information, a fraction of which is information that you think might have helped Russia. I wonder if it’s because of the billionaire-backed media machine telling you to care about this particular instance.


Whataboutism + claim of motivated reasoning.

You buddy need a basic class on logic. It will prevent sad displays such as your last post. Maybe it will make you less likely to support a Russian spy in the future.

hark, avatar

Logically we should care more about the ones who have more influence on our elections. If you actually cared about election interference, you’d want to address the primary source of it, i.e. billionaires. Just because Assange revealed information which might have damaged Hillary’s already garbage campaign, doesn’t mean he’s a Russian spy.


That’s nice. Now did he tease more data dumps against Clinton a month before the election yes or no?

Little honesty test. Can you tell the truth?

hark, avatar

Assange’s hatred of Hillary existed long before the election. He’s not a Russian spy. Just because goals overlap, doesn’t mean they’re allies. It also doesn’t invalidate all the other insightful leaks he helped publish. You speak of honesty yet ironically frame a question in a dishonest manner.


Can you tell the truth?

hark, avatar

I just did. Can you ask a non-loaded question?


You did not.

hark, avatar

Simple yes or no question: Have you stopped eating poop off the sidewalk?


False analogy is false

hark, avatar

You couldn’t even answer a simple question? Wow, I guess you’re dishonest!


False analogy is false

hark, avatar

Repeating yourself doesn’t make you any less dishonest.


And refusing to answer basic questions in an attempt to be infinity-meta doesn’t make you profound. Get your last word in, and enjoy the block list.

hark, avatar

I’m not trying to be profound, I was making a simple point. Just because you refuse to recognize it, doesn’t mean you didn’t ask a loaded question. Sorry to hear that you couldn’t handle this and had to run to your block list to shield yourself from minimal pushback.


Enjoy your shitstain. He is your problem now.

psvrh, to world in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right avatar

Gee, maybe you should have spent more time improving the lot of everyday people and less time playing footsie with billionaires?

A lot of neoliberal erstwhile-progressives are about to find out the consequences of selling out their principles for a seat at the rich kids’ table.

Most of Europe’s already found this out, Biden and Trudeau are looking at the same thing, and I expect Starmer will be out on his ass after four years of failing to help the poor and middle class, as he’s so busy right now assuring everyone that he’s not a socialist like Corbyn.

JoMiran, to world in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right avatar

Smells just like the Brexit gamble.


And of course they would never tell voters to vote for the centre left coalition, that would be worse than the actual fascists.

Solumbran, to world in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right

Macron? Centrist? Ahah, nice one.

Aqarius, to world in Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence

“Amid violence”


How unfortunate. Whenever the Israelis want to go on a field trip the weather forecast predicts storms of bullets and pilars of smoke blocking the sun out. Those guys are really unlucky.

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