crazyminner, to world in Palestinian town of Jericho names street after US soldier who set himself on fire

Loop of

anachronist, to canada in Bald eagles seen nesting in Toronto for first time in city’s recorded history, proof of improving health of city’s green spaces

Don’t mind us Canada, just keeping an eye on things.

harderian729, to world in Five killed and 10 injured in Gaza aid airdrop when parachute fails to open

So crazy like, the aid is literally helping israel with their genocide…

FiniteBanjo, to world in Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery

I’ve been asking for this. It feels kind of good, in a “it could be worse” sort of way, I guess. I hope the Israelis accidentally shell a jeep and cuss us out for parking there so that we can all agree to remove Netanyahu by force.

rdri, to world in Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery

In some parallel world, hamas would have such a port already built, because they didn’t spend all their resources on building missiles.


Yeah, but the hot dog fingers tho…

harderian729, to world in Haiti gang boss tells absent prime minister to quit or face civil war

What’s sad is these are the guys future generations will learn about as great heroes.


Like Baby Doc?

rayyy, to politics in Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech: grim visions of an American apocalypse

Evangelicals are all for the apocalypse but isn’t the anti-Christ the one who ushers it in?


And Trump is the antichrist. They know what horse they’re backing, and they’d all go to hell with their false prophet if any of those fairytales were reality… But, in reality, we’re greedy, selfish, talking chimps who are parasitically destroying our host, while killing each other over dumb shit.

mellowheat, to politics in Trump confuses Obama for Biden again at Virginia rally speech

USA continuously confuses Trump and Biden for good candidates though, which seems like a worse mistake.


Please stop with the false equivalence

NoneOfUrBusiness, to world in Israel reportedly close to accepting six-week Gaza ceasefire, US official says

The official added that a second phase “to build something more enduring” would be worked out during the initial ceasefire.

This is not the first time they spouted nonsense like this. Hamas would be right to refuse.

roastedDeflator, (edited ) to world in Israel reportedly close to accepting six-week Gaza ceasefire, US official says avatar

Hope it's true.
Still, I'll wait and see what the US-backed state of Israel has to say about it. US has lied so many times so far on that, that I don't trust their claims.

PoliticallyIncorrect, (edited ) to world in South Korea’s fertility rate sinks to record low despite $270bn in incentives avatar


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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, rule 4. 24 hour ban.

    “Rule 4: Posts or comments that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, anti-religious, or ableist will be removed. “Ironic” prejudice is just prejudiced.”

    Akasazh, avatar

    Post is still up for me

    sugarfree, to politics in Hamas and Israel pour cold water on Biden’s hopes of imminent ceasefire avatar

    Hamas is losing badly, they need to do what is customary of the losing side in a war and surrender. They are in no position to make demands of Israel.

    FenrirIII, avatar

    But Hamas isn’t really suffering. Many of their leaders live outside Gaza and really don’t care about what happens to the Palestinians. The more people Israel murders in their ethnic cleansing, the easier Hamas’s recruitment will go.

    Gigate, to politics in Alabama is using the notion that embryos are people to surveil and harass women


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  • BetaBlake,

    Not all

    3volver, to politics in ‘It will be the end of democracy’: Bernie Sanders on what happens if Trump wins – and how to stop him

    Bernie is right about why people vote for Trump, he’s wrong that it will be the end of democracy. America has never had a democracy, it’s had an electoral college with gerrymandering and 2 senators per state.


    You know perfectly well why he means. US democracy is shitty as it is, but it can become a lot LOT worse, and Trump will make sure that happens


    How horrible is your life bro?


    It’s quite nice, actually, thanks! How about yours?

    shalafi, to politics in ‘It will be the end of democracy’: Bernie Sanders on what happens if Trump wins – and how to stop him

    Funny how many comments just went poof! Gone! So this place is basically /r/politics now? Mods smoking out every opinion they don’t like?

    Funny thing is, the deleted comments were from liberals, not raging conservatives spewing bile and lies. Must not have passed the purity test.


    My thoughts exactly. Why is it that these “politics” sites just end up going completely Left? Is this “politics” or “Democrat Politics?” I get confused… apparently, the Right isn’t allowed to have an opinion any where anymore…


    Does the right still have anything left to say that isn’t hate speech? The entire conservative economic schtick has failed the reality test so badly that most conservatives don’t even want to talk about it anymore. It’s all border wall nonsense, election denial, and reactionary isolationism now, and that’s the saner half of conservatism.


    Yes. I’m Mexican American, family came here from Mexico, legally in the 50’s. Worked hard, and established a great life. We were raised in a strict Catholic household, so, ideally, my family always votes Republican. This doesn’t make us horrible people. We simply believe in different things than Liberals/Democrats. However, I’m also a firm believer in Gay Rights, Abortion, and social programs. But, I think there needs to be limits, rules, and restrictions on a lot of that stuff. That’s where most of my political beliefs start to lean more Right. Sounds like you’re just profiling based on what you read on Reddit and Lemmy. That’s like me saying all Democrats and Liberals are anti-gun, anti-religion, and hate white people We know that’s not true.


    We were raised in a strict Catholic household, so, ideally, my family always votes Republican.

    Political parties are not like sports teams and you aren’t required to vote for a particular party just because you were born into it. Anyways, there is no correlation between being Catholic and voting for Republicans. Also, Biden is Catholic, and Trump is not - just in case you think that’s relevant.

    This doesn’t make us horrible people.

    I never said anything about you being horrible. My comments were directed at the current state of Republican policy and rhetoric, not the personal character of Republican voters.

    I’m also a firm believer in Gay Rights, Abortion, and social programs.

    Your Pope is also a firm believer in social programs. He doesn’t support Gay Rights and Abortion, but he takes a very different stance on them than Republicans.

    But, I think there needs to be limits, rules, and restrictions on a lot of that stuff.

    So do Democrats. I’ve noticed this tendency for people on the right to make these kinds of sweeping statements that sound like fundamental policy positions but are really so meaningless that anybody could say they support them. “I believe in small government.” “I am against excessive regulation.” etc. No real point there, I just find it interesting.

    The biggest curtailment of the welfare state in the least 100 years came from the Clinton administration. Obama’s biggest safety net accomplishment was Obamacare, which was originally a plan from the extremely right wing Heritage Foundation.

    You’re just profiling based on what you read on Reddit and Lemmy.

    No, I’m really not. Again, my comments were on the current state of Republican policy and rhetoric, so “profiling” doesn’t come into it. This goes back to my point about sports teams. My observations are also based on what I see coming out of Republican politicians and media figures. Conservatives on Lemmy, and especially Reddit tend to keep largely to their own insulated communities, and I don’t often visit.

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