Starb3an, to politics in Lindsey Graham warns ‘accountability coming to Biden’ if Trump wins

I honestly feel like I should start buying guns to protect myself in the near future


Yes, you should. And train with them. Find nearby like-minded people you can train with. You don’t need many, but you really need to know how to use them.


I’m competent with guns, I just don’t own many. I have a single pistol I got for free. Hooray for the fall…


As bad of a rep as they get, having an AR-15 is a really good idea. Readily available parts and ammo. Very easy to use. Easy to clean. Overall a good choice.


Do it. You’d be amazed at how many people on the left have done so.

My husband and I did. We’ve trained extensively. I can guarantee you the other side knows how to use their weapons. It feels ridiculous, but I really think bad things are coming and we’d better be prepared.

I hope y’all laugh at me and call me ridiculous, but I’m truly concerned.


Buy bolt cutters and an angle grinder too

Wahots, to world in Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’ avatar

Recently, some solid gold asshole tried to close one of the two nude beaches in our city by getting a playground installed on it (the nude beach is in the wealthy part of town, nestled between $6.2m dollar homes in a neighborhood that only recently become staggeringly wealthy. The beach itself is tiny, but heavily used.

Luckily, hundreds and hundreds of people showed up at the tiny community center, all in favor of protecting the nude beach. People were packed in, and a line stretched out deep into the lobby and out the main doors. They keep trying to close it, but people love it too much. Realistically, the city needs more nude beaches, not less. Beach goer cars line the neighborhood for blocks, and the park and bike racks are always completely full.


I hope the recent attention brings it back to its former dykekiki glory this summer, it’s really fallen into grody hempfest crowd over the last several years. I pick up so much trash when I go there now, it’s kinda depressing.

Wahots, avatar

Yeah, I agree. The other nude beach down the road feels a bit cleaner.

samus12345, to politics in Lindsey Graham warns ‘accountability coming to Biden’ if Trump wins avatar

“I think the criminality of the Biden border policy should be looked at.”

Sorry, Lindsey, but the SCOTUS just ruled that literally anything the president does officially cannot be “looked at.”


Well, King Trump I will just look at it anyway, and have Biden prosecuted anyway. It’ll be HIS official act, and that will (forgive me) trump any of Biden’s official acts. We all know the protection of immunity is for them, not us.

This SCOTUS is so corrupt.

TropicalDingdong, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

I mean that was the point of Macron’s gambit. Don’t let it wait. Strike while you’ve still got a chance instead of dragging out a loss. Its going to be interesting to find out if this works.


Macron destroyed the traditional two parties by doing exactly this. Scaring voters away from the two extremes by monopolising the moderate voices. Only opposition becomes extreme idiots


Thats wrong. Macron could not do any of this even if he wanted. Polarization is related to the instability of a regime. Capitalism is in deep crisis and the extreme positions start growing, while center positions become weaker until they cease to have any meaningfull existence. Its also naive to think that you can go back to when centrism was viable. Its not a matter of liking it or not, its how it works. Macron isnt dictating how history progress, its history that will do a driveby over Macron

Pancito, avatar

Capitalism IS the crises

Akasazh, avatar

Macron was the centrist alternative last time around. He eroded his support by the way he conducted the country, foremost by how he unilaterally pushed retirement legislation through against the will of the parliament.

So he had a hand in undermining the centrist position so in a way he did dictate historical progress.


And he did it for personal reasons or because french capitalism needed it?

Akasazh, avatar

That’s besides the point. I do personally think that reform was necessary, but his action opened up a can of worms if the RN ever gets to deliver a presidency.

CanadaPlus, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

Is there a chance Macron would lean towards the FN? My impression was that even the conservatives are slightly reluctant to be associated with racists like that.

Squirrel, to politics in America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump avatar

Well that’s certainly true, but Biden is a problem that really shouldn’t exist. He is by far the lesser of two evils, but we still deserve better.


Biden and Trump are symptoms of the same problem, which is the political system. Without getting rid of the framework that effectively supports only 2 parties you’re never going to get better candidates. The parties have too much power over the pick because what are the voters going to do, give their vote to the candidate they believe to be an even worse president?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Without getting rid of the framework

The framework has a lot of fat on it. Tens of thousands of bureaucrats and lobbyists and party cronies exist to facilitate the corporate-financed bipartisan system. To change the framework, you’ve got to fight with all the folks who profit off their positions in that framework.

The parties have too much power over the pick because what are the voters going to do

Parties have enormous amounts of money and manpower at their disposal. The money comes from business interests exchanging cash for political favors (a thing which SCOTUS now recognizes as perfectly legal). The labor comes from armies of paid workers, complemented by even larger seasonally sourced pools of local volunteers, who have been whipped up into a panic by mass media.

That’s what gives party leadership the influence it commands. There are huge carrots for folks who play ball with the sitting administration and huge sticks waved over the heads of party-splitters and indie candidates.

vividspecter, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

Weimar Republic vibes. Will conservatives think they can control fascists and that they “won’t be that bad”? Hopefully they come to their senses, but I’m not holding my breath.

maxinstuff, to world in Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’ avatar

Admit it, you zoomed.

dactylotheca, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right? avatar

So everything now hinges on centrists and “moderate” conservatives not supporting fascists?

Terrific! It’s not like that has ever happened before


Not left, not right but center somehow ever farther right.

Zaktor, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

Truly a Sophie’s Choice for centrists. On the one hand fascism, but on the other what they believe is somewhat inefficient economics and unnecessary social rights. It must be agonizing for them.


Should I watch Sophie’s Choice?


I don’t know, I’ve never seen it.

Beetschnapps, (edited )

Yes it’s great film about moral issues forced upon us through life. It’s about facing shit that wasn’t up to you. Shit that has no “good” resolution. Shit that represents all the hardship and problems that go unspoken until there isn’t another option.

It’s not a causal, easy watch. But yea watch it and be better off. We are all better off if more people watch it.

Pringles, (edited )

I know it as a book. I think I saw the movie once, but wasn’t impressed. The book is a very good introduction to philosophy.

Edit: I just realized that I was talking about “Sophie’s world”, not “Sophie’s choice” so ignore my comment.

TheBigBrother, to world in Ukraine war briefing: Thousands of Ukrainian convicts join fight against Russian forces

Let me guess: ok when Ukraine do it, bad when Russia do it.

Lemmy echo chamber…


Morally I don’t think it’s wrong to use convicts to protect against an invading enemy.

Morally I DO think it’s wrong to use convicts as bullet absorbers in an effort to BE the invaders.

In any case, I’d say regardless of morality, it’s not a good sign that Ukraine has to resort to this.


I think it depends on whether the inmates actually want to or not. If they think fighting in a defensive war to gain their freedom is a good deal more power to them


Regardless of the side, if the convicts have proper training, supplies and aren’t used as pure cannon fodder I don’t have any issues with it personally.

Honestly, I am surprised that Ukraine wasn’t doing it sooner. Unfortunately, the front has been somewhat slow for the last year or so (with an exception or two) and that means both sides are dug in fairly deep.

If Ukraine decides to push back harder and start retaking large portions of land, their losses are going to skyrocket. Regardless is you agree or not, using convicts to push the lines makes sense and doesn’t risk better trained troops.

That is just how wars of this type work and the offensive side will need to absorb more damage.

Personally, if I had the option of fighting or rotting in prison, I would fight and would probably volunteer for some of the hardest work. The thing is, it would need to be my choice and I hope that any convicts, Russian or Ukrainian, get a choice in that.


Ukrainian convicts are probably going to get decent training first. It’s also likely they are going to go into some of the worst spots. Ukraine is outnumbered and they can’t afford to lose anyone, criminal or not, but it doesn’t mean they are going to have it easy.

Russia/Wagner hardly gave their convicts any training, maybe gave them guns and supplies and sent them to the front blind to find artillery locations. They were cannon fodder, pure and simple. Bakhmut was a slaughter.

There are some major differences here.

gigachad, (edited )

User comment history definitively checks out lol


Gee, it’s almost as if there’s a fundamental difference between an aggressor invading another country for conquest and a defender trying to survive. The latter deserves a lot more moral latitude.

blazeknave, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

In the words of Childish Gambino, This Is America.


In the words of Smash Mouth, “I need to get myself away from this place.”


In the words of Shrek and to the far right: “Get out of my Swamp France!”


I’d have gone with Eric Burdon

m88youngling, to world in Ukraine war briefing: Thousands of Ukrainian convicts join fight against Russian forces

Ah yes, the 444 Spare Squadron

riodoro1, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?

Repressions for the people or slight inconveniences for the rich.

They’re gonna choose the people, aren’t they?

umbrella, avatar

… aren’t they? 😐

Mothra, to world in French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right? avatar

I would love to hear what’s going on from the perspective of centrist living in France right now (as opposed to what the media says).

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