bl_r, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt?

I wouldn’t say trigger a witch hunt since one has been ongoing, albeit with some breaks (such as the all hands on deck for insurrectionaries after Jan 6th).

Even the most pacifist vegan-anarchist orgs that simply feed the needy and unhoused get surveilled under suspicion of ecoterrorism.…/fbi-files-food-not-bombs/

Hopefully other mutual aid organizations don’t catch the extremist label for being made by and composed of anarchists, but that might be too optimistic

Linkerbaan, avatar

Whereas right wing nutjobs just shoot up schools and pizza huts, lefties tend to blockade the correct institutions which cause harm. For example Occupy Wall Street. Which is a big no-no.

hex_m_hell, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt?

As a reminder, the FBI was built to kill anarchists and they’ve been doing unconditional shit to hunt anarchists since before they were the FBI.

The FBI will do anything to avoid fighting actual terrorism like the Klan and all the Nazi groups that have infiltrated the police and military. Nazis infiltrating the military literally tried to build s dirty bomb and the FBI is still more interesting in people protesting against police brutality.

gAlienLifeform, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt? avatar

Since 2019, the FBI has used five “threat categories” to describe domestic terrorism: Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism, Anti-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremism (AGAAVE), Animal Rights or Environmental Violent Extremism, Abortion-Related Violent Extremism, and “All Other Domestic Terrorism Threats,” which is defined as “furtherance of political and/or social agendas which are not otherwise exclusively defined under one of the other threat categories.”

“Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” used to just be “Black Identity Extremism” until somebody told them they were making their racism a little too obvious.

Behind the scenes though, according to congressional testimony reported here for the first time, the FBI maintains a program specifically for combatting anarchists, called the Anarchist Extremism Program. In Senate testimony, the FBI says that it had increased its targeting of anarchist “violent extremists” across the country by using both human and technical sources to spy on them. Since the nationwide protests after the death of George Floyd in 2020, the bureau has tasked field offices to tap confidential informants to develop better intelligence about anarchists.

]Bolding added]

CIs who will make shit up just to keep getting paid and are usually getting a plea deal on real crimes for their work. Here’s a podcast episode about a rapist piece of shit the FBI paid to spy on BLM activists around Denver a few years ago.

In 2021, the FBI more than doubled its domestic terrorism caseload; and Wray told Congress that arrests of what the bureau calls “anarchist violent extremists” were more numerous in 2020-2021 (the months around January 6) than in the three previous years combined.

An internal FBI threat advisory obtained by The Intercept defines Anarchist Violent Extremists as individuals “who consider capitalism and centralized government to be unnecessary and oppressive,” and “oppose economic globalization; political, economic, and social hierarchies based on class, religion, race, gender, or private ownership of capital; and external forms of authority represented by centralized government, the military, and law enforcement.”

This is what they’re doing instead of going after Republican political corruption, Libs of TikTok and other right wing extremists, police brutality, etc.

Linkerbaan, avatar

“There’s more leftists extremists, the existential threat to the 1%.”

Pat_Riot, avatar

That’s a pretty good acronym. I guess I know what I’m naming my next band.

snooggums, avatar

Although we have massive amounts of example of police extremism, including shooting people in cold blood with no consequences, the FBI goes after the people responding to the police violence.

The while AGAAVE acronym even existing to label people who don’t like being treated like shit by authority is depressing.


There is some statistical sleight of hand happening here, I think. This category includes both fascists and similar ideologies, along with anarchists. They then use this stat to imply that there have been many cases relating to anarchism, when most of the incidents I know of were right-wing in nature.

spider, to politics in Columbia’s New “Antisemitism Task Force” Won’t Say What It Thinks Antisemitism Is

During a closed-door meeting last week, Professor Ester Fuchs, who is one of the chairs of the task force, invoked a Supreme Court justice’s famous line about pornography: “I know it when I see it.”

The problem is, people like Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) think they do, too, when they accuse university presidents of it who then lose their jobs…and yet, turn a blind eye to it when it involves their own.

In this f**ked-up political environment “I know it when I see it” is highly subjective. And it’s bullshit.

Rivalarrival, to privacy in Signal’s New Usernames Help Keep the Cops Out of Your Data

Not-a-paywall paywall.

xor, (edited ) to privacy in Signal’s New Usernames Help Keep the Cops Out of Your Data

still waiting for this to roll out on ios…
edit: nevermind, it updated

James_Ryan, avatar

I have this for some time now on iOS


you have the beta?
the beta is closed now…

James_Ryan, (edited ) avatar

I dont. I got it via normal update. The 7.1 has been installed recently on my iPhone


hmm… well shit, i swear i tried to update it before…
but i did just update it to 7 just now… thanks

ShortN0te, to privacy in Signal’s New Usernames Help Keep the Cops Out of Your Data

just two pieces of data: the date the target Signal account was created, and the date that it last connected to the service.

And how does Usernames help here? Should be the same 2 data Points and not more?


Iirc from the last time this article or similar was posted, it’s about how warrants are issued. It’s the username versus phone number not username versus or and/or other data points. Anything more than that I am still unclear about.


My phone number is registered to my phone carrier under my real name. My username is not. Unless I’ve misunderstood the question.


They don’t track username history and don’t have a server side list of plaintext usernames, and others can’t find your phone number from the username alone. That makes it harder to confirm which account is yours.


The idea is that you change or remove your username after someone else starts a conversation with you, so the username can no longer be used to subpoena your account details.

Put another way, signal is able to provide those 2 pieces of information to law enforcement based on a phone number. This helps you to prevent law enforcement having a phone number to ask signal to look up in the first place, assuming you change your username every time you hand it out.

They also hash the usernames that they store on your account which means law enforcement can’t ask what usernames are being used, only being able to ask for specific usernames which are currently in use.


I understand that right now LEA can serve up a subpoena and give Signal a username and get a phone number, but they can’t give them a phone number and get a username.

Is it also possible for Signal to keep track of past usernames/associated hashes for a particular phone number?

(For comparison, Signal could record IP addresses, but we trust they don’t due to unsealed cases. Could they keep a username history?)


Yes it entirely depends on whether they store previously used usernames along with the date range it was in use (to tell apart multiple people who used the same username at different times)

We’ll have to see if any unsealed cases in the future support that they don’t keep those records like how they don’t keep IP logs, but personally their track record is enough for me to have confidence in the feature, especially since my “threat model” is primarily opportunistic hackers or spearphishers at most, not police or state / nation state level actors.

electricprism, to privacy in Signal’s New Usernames Help Keep the Cops Out of Your Data

It would be better if it was randomly generated, I’m looking at you CoralApples216


Why would it be better?

rdyoung, (edited )

Probably because some people tend to pick user names that identify them in some way. Take me for example, I have a few names I go by but this username is definitely helpful in identifying me. I use it on the other place, a couple of emails, discord, telegram, etc. I don’t feel the need to be as anon as possible (no shade on those who do) so I main this one. I have a few others that I have been known to use and those are mainly for things that I don’t want easily connected back to me.


You shouldn’t be forced to be anonymous. If you want to pick the same username, you should be able to. But even so, there’s still a required number at the end. So unless your username elsewhere ends in 2 digits and isn’t already taken, then you can’t pick it anyway

rdyoung, (edited )

It’s not about forcing anyone to be anonymous. I’m not OP here but I kind of agree. Maybe signal should default to a randomized one with a blurb about safety, anonymity, etc but let you create your own if you want.

Again. My personal view isn’t to force random usernames on people but to maybe educate them on this stuff. Also, there are legit reasons why you should have non identifying usernames even if it’s not how the world should work. There are enough nutters out there who may recognize something in someones name that links them to someone they know offline and people are nucking futz. I can tell you stories I’ve heard from my clients that you would believe but don’t want to.

Oh and for the numbers, that can be even more identifying because people tend to use numbers that mean something to them. I have a variation on this name that includes my birth year in 2 digits. If I was posting things online that close family might have a problem with, it wouldn’t be hard to do to the math and identify me that way.


The best compromise might be similar to how it works currently

Right now you enter your username, and then a number is randomly generated but you can change it manually.

Randomly generate both, and allow the user to change both

olicvb, avatar

guessing it would mean that people wont be using the same username as they do on every other account. So if doodlebop69 can’t be traced from signal they could go to google and find the same doodlebop69 to grab their information from


But doodlebug69 needs to accept a message from you before you can see their profile info.


They have the username already, they don’t need to see their profile info to search for a username


Doesn’t really matter with them being non unique. Multiple people can have the same username, there’s a randomly generated number that goes with it


Let’s make a compact to all use “guillotinetherich”


A pact maybe?


maybe Wogi wants to check his makeup in the mirror while he’s out at guillotine-the-rich rallies.


It generated a suffix of two digits when I tried (you can set it explicitely but it is mandatory).


I kept having to randomly scramble it until it gave me a number I liked.


I can be your Guest1234 anytime you want ;)

theinspectorst, to world in Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused” avatar

I mean I suppose there are a few ways you could read this.

One is that the NYT article was inaccurate - it wouldn't be the first time that fake news around this conflict has travelled halfway around the world before the truth has had its breakfast.

But another interpretation is that tight-knit communities don't want the full horror of the final moments of these girls and women to be so publicly exposed to the world. The article points out that the NYT article effectively identified the individuals and that can't have been a helpful experience for their surviving families and friends.

streetfestival, to world in Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused” avatar

Lies, more lies, and genocide

Ilovethebomb, to world in Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused”

Oh good, they weren’t raped and murdered, they were just murdered.

That’s a relief.


It’s awful, but it’s still important to report accurately on such terrible events.


Fair point, but it’s not the win some people here seem to think it is.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Well yes supposedly Hamas was using rape as a weapon of war. Which is factally not true.

Hamas did do some war crimes such as shooting non-combatants. It’s important that our newspapers don’t just completely make up facts about mass-rapes.


According to the UN

In the context of the coordinated attack by Hamas and others of 7 October, the UN mission team found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred in multiple locations, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in southern Israel.

The team also found a pattern of victims - mostly women - found fully or partially naked, bound and shot across multiple locations which “may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence”.

In some locations the mission said it could not verify reported incidents of rape.

Or is the UN an Israeli propaganda machine, now?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Since that UN report is citing Zaka (40 beheaded babies) as a “credible source,” it is indeed complete propaganda.

New breaking points video debunking this report with an important takeaway:

The UN is not a monolith. There are certain employees fully willing to spread certain narratives, and this is one of them.


You are disgusting human being.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The truth must hurt you a lot. I’m sorry.


Truth what? Faking rape is not good, denying true rape case is even worse. Fucking moron.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Tell the IDF to stop faking rape claims then. They told us back in November they had mountains of forensic evidence and thousands of witnesses. And now they can’t find a single CCTV recording and they lost the forensic evidence? They can’t even find two “witnesses” which corroborate a story.

Until you find evidence it’s rather obvious these are nothing but lies to manufacture consent for the Genocide of Gaza.


That does not invalidate the real case. Long winded answer for shit.

Idiotic far left.

Linkerbaan, avatar

A thousand false rape claims doesn’t make israel trustworthy.

Back in october the IDF claimed they had forensic evidence of rape. Did they drop the evidence?

A reserve warrant officer known by her first name, Avigayil, recounted finding maimed bodies, per Reuters. Multiple cases of rape were also discovered during forensic examinations.

You think israel maybe uhhhh lied?


Who said about thousand? Know your place.

This garbage far left keeps spouting nonsense.

‘Hamas never raped anyone. Yes I believe that.’

There now satisfied?

Linkerbaan, avatar

If people say you raped someone would you like them to present evidence?

Especially if their claims keep getting proven false showing that actually no rape happened. Stooping so low to use Zaka as a source for their claims.

Would you accept it if people just randomly started calling you a rapist too?


There we go again, rape did not happen. Hamas so clear.


Linkerbaan, avatar

You can keep screaming it over and over. Consider coming with evidence. People tend to take you more seriously when you do that.

What’s that, there’s no evidence?


There is eyewitness evidence, which you ignore as usual.

But it’s interesting to see that you think the UN is not a credible source. No doubt you’ll still keep quoting them when it serves your needs

Linkerbaan, avatar

No it’s literally Zaka and the discredited paramedic.

The UN employee got questioned by Journalists today and it’s just the same stuff from this NYT article.

A complete embaressment


The UN team did way more than that. It “conducted 33 meetings with Israeli representatives, examining more than 5,000 photographic images and 50 hours of video footage. It conducted 34 confidential interviews including with survivors and witnesses of the 7 October attacks, released hostages, first responders and others.”

Linkerbaan, avatar

Yes you just mentioned Zaka in there.

And after reviewing the footage the UN found zero evidence of rape.


Wrong, they “found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred in multiple locations, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in southern Israel.”

Just repeating “Zaka” over and over won’t make evidence disappear, as much as you wish it would.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Can you cite those locations?


They are in the UN report, so obviously you didn’t even bother reading it before dismissing it.

Linkerbaan, avatar

I did read it. It did not contain evidence. Did you read it?


Yes, I read it. If you think multiple eyewitnesses and photos don’t count as evidence, then you must think rape is not a real problem.

Do you also think there is no evidence that E Jean Carroll was raped by Donald Trump?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Jean E carrol personally said she was raped and it seems credible from the evidence. why would I not believe her?

Are there any israelis personally saying they were raped?


What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

There are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape/murder on 10/7. Furthermore, released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity.

But you only accept eyewitness accounts when they fit your narrative. That’s why nobody should believe Hamas’ denials.

Linkerbaan, avatar

What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

Carroll herself claims being victim not an eyewitness. Did anyone claim being a victim of Hamas rape?

released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity

You clearly have not read the UN report as that is absolutely not what it says. No released hostage has claimed to have witnessed any rape.



Based on the first-hand accounts of released hostages, the mission team received clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment occurred

Linkerbaan, avatar

What information can you read it for me?


No need, because the UN summarized it for me. Just as I believe there are 30,000 dead Gazans, even though I don’t have a list of names and proof they are dead.

No doubt you too believe there are 30,000 dead Gazans, based on someone else’s summary. Which as usual means you only believe facts that fit your narrative.

Linkerbaan, avatar

No you said firsthand witness what you just read wasn’t that. It was someone that said they “heard a rumor while in captivity.” They never witnessed it.

Reading is truly difficult.


The UN literally said they had firsthand accounts.

Reading truly is difficult.

Linkerbaan, avatar

First hand accounts of rumors they heard. Not of rape which what you claimed.

Which in layman’s terms means “we spoke a hostage that said they heard someone say that there was rape but they never saw any rape nor were they sexually violated themselves”.


I don’t think you understand what “firsthand account” means.

Linkerbaan, avatar

What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

There are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape/murder on 10/7. Furthermore, released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity.

But you only accept eyewitness accounts when they fit your narrative. That’s why nobody should believe Hamas’ denials.


Yes, the UN report says there are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape, on 10/7 as well as from freed captives.

If you didn’t know, a “firsthand” account is a synonym for an eyewitness account.

Linkerbaan, avatar

No released hostage has claimed to have witnesss any rape so far. Only heard stories. If I’m wrong you are welcome to link it to me so I can chance my mind


Your cognitive dissonance is so overwhelming that you can’t even accept that words have meanings.

You can spin imaginary tales if it helps you sleep. But everyone else who reads the UN report understands what they wrote. Those hostages saw rapes firsthand.

Linkerbaan, avatar






Long story short, there’s no new substantive evidence beyond what the NYT already said? And considering how badly the NYT fucked up with their recent poll, I’m even more inclined than before to doubt their story.


In this one specific instance it wasn’t true, sure.

Linkerbaan, avatar

More like all specific instances. this current article is now even debunking the “anonymous” claims.

Mammal, (edited ) avatar

Thing is: There’s plenty Hamas & related groups did on Oct 7th to enrage a population - no exaggeration is necessary.

However, there ISN’T enough to justify a genocide … especially since Israelis have been torturing Palestinians for decades.

Israel needs to de-humanize the locals to the point where the population can justify an ethnic cleansing. Hence: Ridiculous accusations of using breasts as foot-balls and mass rape.

Linkerbaan, to world in Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused” avatar

Aw shucks “anonymous israeli witnesses” lied again?


I’ve given up trying to convince people here otherwise. at least gives sane discussion on this issue.

Linkerbaan, avatar

People have drastically changed their minds in the last few months. I used to farm downvotes here for debunking IDF fake rape claims. is based, but also not really the people that need to be educated on this.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

Can you read this article for me? There were a lot of people asking israel to collect forensic evidence of those rapes four months ago when (if any rapes happened) there would be evidence. Why did that not happen?

Israel women’s groups warn of failure to keep evidence of sexual violence in Hamas attacks


Are you asking me to guess? Rampant, patriarchal misogyny, same answer as always because very few countries do do their due diligence when prosecuting rape. But that’s speculation, which is what it sounds like you’re asking for.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Your articles just reference the NYT article if you haven’t noticed.

Do you have anything else? You can try the newly released and already debunked UN article from today if you like.


Your articles just reference the NYT article if you haven’t noticed.

I only linked one article, singular, and it claims sources aside from the NYT article. Do you mean the videos I linked?

Here is a second article claiming its own sources.

The BBC has seen and heard evidence of rape, sexual violence and mutilation of women during the 7 October Hamas attacks.

Gonna hit the gym now, hope that satisfies you.

Linkerbaan, avatar

You linked three articles. How can you even quote the second article if you only posted one?

Your BBC link says “hears witness”. No evidence was observed. Same shit as from the debunked NYT article.

You are not presenting anything new. In fact your links were from when the IDF still claimed they had forensic and video evidence. Something which we now know is a lie.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) to world in The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé avatar

I remember the “mature adults” told me that I needed to learn journalism skills and critics reading when the NYT article full of holes came out and I said it looked super fake since there’s zero evidence and the witnesses were “anonymous”

They said that NYT is a premium newspaper and referenced Gettleman’s Pullitzer prize a lot. Thus you need to believe anything they say.

Then my posts from The Grayzone fully debunking it got removed cause MBFC gives them a bad rating.

Where you guys at. Admit I was right. I was down at - 9999 downvotes back then with an army of “mature adults” trying to gaslight me into supporting israel’s Genocide.

bartolomeo, to world in The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé avatar
Cosmonauticus, to world in The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé

Seems the NYT wanted a propaganda piece more than actual news.

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