AVincentInSpace, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

Huzzah! A Linux phone with specs that wouldn’t have looked pathetic five years ago!

Actually, those specs are comparable to the Pixel 7a I’m writing this on at a slightly cheaper price! Has the era of the Linux phone begun?

pastermil, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

Is it better than PinePhone?

sabreW4K3, avatar

I don’t think so

bigmclargehuge, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register avatar

These specs actually seem really solid for the price point, I’m glad to see decent alternative smartphones popping up that actually have some power.

What’s bugging me is the lack of information about the software. Apparently this is Android with a layer like Hallium to run a Debian userspace on top? And yet they don’t advertise that fact. It’s just a little off putting that this product seems to be aimed at Linux/general tech enthusiasts, yet the company seemed to miss the fact that those customers tend to really like knowing what they’re running under the hood.


I thought $500 for only 6GB of ram is really disappointing.

bigmclargehuge, avatar

I mean, I use maybe 3-4gb at any given time, without limiting myself. I personally don’t need heaps of RAM, 6gb is enough to have some overhead for me.

I haven’t looked at too many prices recently, I’ve had the same phone for a while, but this doesn’t seem to unreasonable imo, especially considering this is the first product from a small, new company.


Oh wow 3-4 is great. My current android phone is using 9Gb out of 12. It’s insane. I have no idea what’s using it all.

I hope that since this phone isn’t running android, 6gb will be enough.


It should be. With zram, I can use similar software even on a 2 GB RAM device somewhat comfortably, unless I open too many tabs in Firefox.

SplashJackson, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

Furry Phone? Is this going to make me want to fuck a gazelle? Again?

SeekPie, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

Headphone jack 3.5mm waterproof

It has a fucking headphone jack?!? I might actually consider this as my next device.

Violet_McQuasional, avatar

Just use a $5 USB-C to 3.5mm DAC?


I have the Samsung one right now, but the problem with it is that I can’t charge while listening to music and I ain’t gonna sacrifice sound quality with a 2 in 1 dongle.

fiercekitten, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

I really want phones like this to actually work and to succeed, but there are so many things these companies have to get just right – it’s a huge undertaking.

Releasing a phone that’s admittedly unfinished seems really risky. People are getting sick of unfinished products being tossed at them for full price, with the empty promises from the company that those missing features will be added in later.

Sinfaen, to linux in Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register

recently got asahi running on an m1 macbook pro. loving the battery life that I get out of it

bitwolf, to linux in Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts • The Register

Tough choice. Personally I wouldve taken display out over a macro camera.

GolfNovemberUniform, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register avatar

As one person on Mastodon said, “AI is a toxic industry created by toxic people with toxic ideals”.


I wouldn’t go that far. As it turns out AI is a buzz word and buzz words have little meaning

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Yea I thought about that too. But apparently some people find “AI” useful.


I find LLMs very useful

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Too much of an environmental impact for the usefulness imo.


I don’t care. They are really helpful for a many different tasks. It doesn’t pull that much power to run locally on my machine.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Mister/miss, LLMs that can run locally are fine. It’s the infrastructure and the large scale of commercial cloud LLMs that create some issues. You have to read some researches on this topic.


“See I like AI because I’m selfish. Also those bad things are in the past, I’m using an ethical AI system now! But also, who gives a fuck because I only care about myself!”

Yeah you get it guy! Maybe you can be Trumps secretary of technology!


If an LLM can save me 30 minutes writing nice emails and responses and help me brainstorm, debug, or elucidate my thoughts then it is very useful.


You really put 30 minutes of your own time above all of downsides this has for the rest of us who don’t have a use for it (most of the world)?


What downsides are there?


All of the resources and energy spent to get you this product you like. You can’t discount what it took to create something just because the final product is small and efficient. Take a look at the manufacturing footprint of nearly all complex hardware.

I’m not saying you created the AI but you are one of its supporters, without which there would be no AI.

If this was all just pitched as developing a new plain English coding language, I think the hype following it would be far more appropriate, but then the funding wouldn’t follow to support the massive development costs of AI.

Its become a circle of hype chasing money chasing hype.

Its not you that is the problem so to speak though, its the collective “you’s” who think the same way.


I’m not discounting it. Improving productivity for office workers by 1% across the world is a massive amount

The power used to train the AI is alot, but after that using the AI uses a lot less electricity, if an AI spikes my gpu by 10 seconds to type something that would have taken me 30 minutes, I’ve saved on electricity:

SuckMyWang, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register

Cool so we can just make up our own rules now. Well, all Microsoft products are freeware now because the same reason this guy


Windows XP code was leaked 2 years ago, so it’s freeware according to this idi… stable genius .

electro1, avatar

Ok… so from now on … when I see a “repackaged” Microsoft product that for some reason… which I don’t care to know… doesn’t ask for a payment… I can use it without restrictions ?!! that’s really nice of you Microsoft … thank you.

Annoyed_Crabby, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register

It’s freeware until someone else take m$ content without paying them, then it’s copyright infringement.

themurphy, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register

Fair, then everything I can find on the Internet must be freeware too. Set the sails, matey!


No officer, this is not a pirated movie. It’s generated by an AI model I created and trained with data from the internet and the fact that it’s 99% identical to an existing movie is irrelevant.

Agathon, avatar

my AI is so good, it generated one that’s 100% identical

plus my AI uses less than 99% of the electricity of Microsoft’s


Can I just call lossy compression AI and use this as a defense?


It is an algorithm… So yes.


Also, this ground breaking AI model I made to do this was umm accidentally erased and I also forgot how to do make it.

Jury: “seems reasonable”

t3rmit3, to technology in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register

There is leaked Windows source code online… Is that also freeware for me to train an OS-building model on?

RootBeerGuy, avatar

Sorry, you need high quality data for training.


The Linux source code is also online…


Seems like we’re all in agreement that all information should be free, I look forward to them open-sourcing every proprietary bit of code they have

underisk, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register avatar

Wow the head of AI for MS doesn’t know what the word freeware means.


The definition is being changed by Microsoft

EnderMB, to privacy in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register

I’m fine with that, but let’s put some rules against this.

  • Any AI models should be able to determine the source of their data to a defined level of accuracy.
  • There should be a well-defined way to block data from being used by AI. If one of these ways (e.g. robots.txt) has been breached, the model has to be rebuilt without the data, and reparations made to the content owners.
ayaya, avatar

What you’re asking for is literally impossible.

A neural network is basically nothing more than a set of weights. If one word makes a weight go up by 0.0001 and then another word makes it go down by 0.0001, and you do that billions of times for billions of weights, how do you determine what in the data created those weights? Every single thing that’s in the training data had some kind of effect on everything else.

It’s like combining billions of buckets of water together in a pool and then taking out 1 cup from that and trying to figure out which buckets contributed to that cup. It doesn’t make any sense.


Respectfully, I worked for Alexa AI on compositional ML, and we were largely able to do exactly this with customer utterances, so to say it is impossible is simply not true. Many companies have to have some degree of ability to remove troublesome data, and while tracing data inside a model is rather difficult (historically it would be done during the building of datasets or measured at evaluation time) it’s definitely something that most big tech companies will do.

ayaya, avatar

Sorry, I misinterpreted what you meant. You said “any AI models” so I thought you were talking about the model itself should somehow know where the data came from. Obviously the companies training the models can catalog their data sources.

But besides that, if you work on AI you should know better than anyone that removing training data is counter to the goal of fixing overfitting. You need more data to make the model more generalized. All you’d be doing is making it more likely to reproduce existing material because it has less to work off of. That’s worse for everyone.


It’s not impossible lol. All a company would need to do is keep track of where they were getting content. If I use a script to download as much of the internet as possible and end up with a bunch of copyrighted content I could still get in trouble, hell there was even a guy arrested for downloading jstor without authorization.. Stop letting these guys get away with crimes just because you like the idea of the end product


Sounds like homeopathy lol

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