nutsack, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

this is the stupidest thing i keep hearing. everyone who says they’re going to leave is absolutely full of shit. they don’t know anything about where they will go and they have no plan to do anything like this. they’re just being pussies.

leave. do it.


It’s not stupid. It has happened before. That it hasn’t happened “in droves” is one thing, but it has happened.

Source: I have spoken to a few of them.

Where? Europe, South East Asia and, believe it or not, South America.

Do you know who would be full of shit about leaving? Those who say they’d do it if Trump didn’t win. I haven’t met any Republican expats (or immigrants) just yet.


I’m currently in the process of immigrating to another country from America because of this.

The immigration group I worked with has hard statistics showing a rapid increase in Americans applying for bias with Trump presidency, and his now potential reelection.

Out of a group of ten friends, two of us are getting visas due to trump politics, and two others are going down their family ancestry route for visas into Germany. So that’s 40% of the people I know, including myself.

It’s not cheap to do this either. It’s a real commitment in money, time, energy, and risk. But that’s what it takes to have a plan B for if the shit show lands again, because it’s a full on dictator ship next round.


Sad is that I knew a guy that said this with Obama and he OD shortly after. So I try to take it seriously.

Deceptichum, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

The last thing the rest of the world needs is American right wingers moving over. And if you think Biden is actually good, I’ve got news for you about your political leanings.

circuitfarmer, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Far easier said than done.

Potatos_are_not_friends, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Lol no we are not.

I’m not clicking on the garbage yahoo link. But what random ass tweet did they source this BS from?

JaymesRS, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

My hope is that we can get Canada to adopt Minnesota.

xtr0n, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

PSA if you have one grandparent who was born in Ireland then you may qualify for Irish citizenship. Getting all the needed documentation together and going through the whole process can easily take the better part of a year, so don’t delay.

Even with citizenship, moving abroad is a lot of work and expense. I no longer have any illusions that “cooler heads will prevail” or that “the adults in the room will maintain the status quo”, so having an out, even an extremely expensive one, is very comforting.

AnarchoSnowPlow, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Moving closer to Canada was not unintentional for me. We got our whole family passports after Biden won, I knew it was only a reprieve. All that said, we can’t afford to move again, if it happens we’ll be fleeing as refugees.

thantik, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

At the very least, I’m gonna get my family out of this hell-hole that is Florida. I’m trying to stay in order to convince as many republicans to split their vote as I can though.

I know a lot of dumb-shit brain washed people that otherwise mean well, but have become oblivious to the hole they’ve found themselves in. So I have a tendency to befriend them and tell them that the only way we’re gonna get any change is if they vote third party. Convincing them to vote Biden is a step too far for most, so I’m just trying to disrupt the cheeto as much as I can locally. And of course my family is voting blue down the whole ticket.

ThePowerOfGeek, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I could easily move myself and my family back to the UK (easily in the sense that we would have no residency issues; but finances would be a headache). And it’s something my wife and I have discussed.

The problem is that the UK is a fucking mess right now as well.

jordanlund, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I noticed an increase in advertising on CNN around the whole “Mind you, have you considered a house in Italy?”

TransplantedSconie, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech

It would be horrible for the country, but hilarious in a hit in the balls way if this jackass gets a republican elected because he ran attack ads featuring him and resurrected Garveys’ dead campaign.

return2ozma, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Direct video:

blackfire, to world in Armed gangs attack main prison in Haiti, releasing inmates

Is Haiti a dead state yet? Im surprised it hasn’t spilled over the border yet but im sure its going to eventually.


The Dominican Republic has a long history of killing Haitians that spill over.

captainlezbian, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

Western countries need to provide increased amnesty to victims of homophobic legislation the world over. Western organizations contributed to this problem and refugees from these laws need somewhere safe to go.

It’s not a permanent solution, queer people will continue to be born in Ghana, but it is an important step and a way for our countries to save lives protecting people who will contribute to our economy and society.

Burn_The_Right, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

Conservatism is a global cancer. It is an ever-spreading plague of death.

There is no such thing as a “good conservative”. Each one is a cancer cell working to oppress, harm and kill the vulnerable. Coworkers, family, friends, neighbors… Every conservative in our lives is cancerous to humanity.

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