thantik, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

At the very least, I’m gonna get my family out of this hell-hole that is Florida. I’m trying to stay in order to convince as many republicans to split their vote as I can though.

I know a lot of dumb-shit brain washed people that otherwise mean well, but have become oblivious to the hole they’ve found themselves in. So I have a tendency to befriend them and tell them that the only way we’re gonna get any change is if they vote third party. Convincing them to vote Biden is a step too far for most, so I’m just trying to disrupt the cheeto as much as I can locally. And of course my family is voting blue down the whole ticket.

OldWoodFrame, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

This is never true I remember it back to people saying it about Bush.

agent_flounder, avatar

What isn’t true, specifically? I’m curious to hear what you think is “never true.”

Do you think Bush helped democracy? May I remind you of the Patriot Act? Guantanamo? Black sites and kidnapping?

You seem oblivious to what Trump and crew were up to during the first go round and what the GOP has planned for 2025.


most people out here commenting without reading the article, this madlad not even reading the link first

agent_flounder, avatar

Wait what c am I in?? I thought we were talking about shrubbery.


What isn’t true, specifically? I’m curious to hear what you think is “never true.”

Have you uhhh, looked at the article headline? There’s a pretty obvious and specific claim. That, as OP pointed out, has been claimed for many presidencies including the last time trump won.

agent_flounder, avatar

Uhh, yes, I did. One never knows when someone posts “this” if it refers to the obvious or they had some other bs in mind.

If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

So Americans aren’t planning to flee in droves?

Does OP have some kind of pill or study to back this up?


If you read the article, how were you possibly confused as to what OP was talking about?

Anyway, like OP said, people have said they were going to leave if W won, if trump won in 2016 etc. Guess what? No real surge in migration either of those times. But sure maybe THIS time they mean it.

ThePowerOfGeek, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I could easily move myself and my family back to the UK (easily in the sense that we would have no residency issues; but finances would be a headache). And it’s something my wife and I have discussed.

The problem is that the UK is a fucking mess right now as well.

kescusay, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Sooo… I speak French. I’m pretty rusty (though I’ve been trying to get it all back this year), but I speak it well enough that it would probably help me get accepted into Canada. I’m a software developer, so it’s not like I’d be a drain on society, I could be very productive there.

I have my passport. My wife is renewing hers. We’re getting passports for the kids this year.

For me, it’s not a question of if we move, should Trump somehow win. It’s when, where, and how.

We won’t stay here.

Both my kids are LGBTQ+. Another Trump presidency would be a direct threat to their lives. So yeah, if he wins, we’re probably going to Canada.

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

The problem today is that immigrating to another developed country is usually really difficult unless you or an immediate family member already have citizenship of that country.

You can bypass that requirement if you throw a shitload of money at that country to let you in. And maybe Canada would let you in as a software dev if you settled in Quebec? But from what I’ve read in the past, unlike medical doctors, software developers aren’t usually considered one of the elite professionals that bypass those immigration limitations.

But I wish you the best of luck. And as a software developer myself, I would be interested to hear from you and others on how immigration works for our profession.

kescusay, avatar

One thing in my favor, perhaps… I work for a large multinational company that already has a hefty presence up there. So I could theoretically arrive already employed.

But yeah, if Canada doesn’t work out, we’ll have to figure out something else - heck, maybe France itself. I’ve been there before and loved it.


For a developer is kinda easy to go to the EU. Search for “Blue card”. If you get an offer that pays enough the requirements are less and you get faster roadmaps for permanent settelment.

The biggest problem would be to get the offer from abroad but it is doable if you’re skills are inline with the market.

agent_flounder, avatar

My kid is LGBTQ. Probably a good idea to renew. My wife spoke a european language fluently (but rusty). I could maybe find an infosec job somewhere but I’m in my 50s and monolingual so idk. Not sure what countries would have us. I guess I need to figure it out pretty soon.

khannie, avatar

Ireland’s pretty nice, English speaking, Americans are well liked and there is high demand for infosec people who get paid well. Not sure what our immigration laws are like for Americans though so you’d need to look into that.

Weather is fairly shit though. It’s very rarely below freezing but it’s also rarely above like 23C.

Housing is also very expensive and you would likely take a pay cut but get more holidays and have better employment protection.

kescusay, avatar

I’m from Oregon, the Ireland of the United States as far as weather is concerned. It’s on my list.

khannie, avatar

Ah sure you’d be right at home so :) Let’s hope it doesn’t come to it, eh? If it does and you’re seriously considering it feel free to hit me up with any questions.

Zorsith, avatar

Rarely above 23c (73f) sounds delightful, I spent roughly 6 years of my childhood on RAF Feltwell in the UK so I’m already somewhat familiar to the rain

khannie, avatar

Ah sure you’ll fit right in. :)


If you aren’t hired by an Irish company, moving to Ireland is extremely difficult.


I emigrated to Canada, it’s pretty sweet up here… just be aware that housing is extremely expensive and you will take a significant paycut.

Not having to worry about medical bankruptcy though… fucking priceless.


French people can’t pass the French test to get into Quebec lol.

kescusay, avatar

How different is France French from Canada French? Are we talking British and American English? Or is it more drastic?


From what I understand it’s much different, you can almost certainly get by conversationally but might not academically. I only know this because I work with Quebec a decent amount and it’s anecdotal so I guess vet it properly, apparently the test is extremely hard


I would say it’s more like American English compared to Scottish English.

On paper there is few idioms that are different but in practice the accent difference range from “few interesting intonation there and there” to “barely intelligible for someone who is not used to it”


I would say it’s more like American English compared to Scottish English.

On paper there is few idioms that are different but in practice the accent difference range from “few interesting intonation there and there” to “barely intelligible for someone who is not used to it”

fireweed, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

The article: “a bunch of us are worried about the potential rise of fascism in the United States, so we’re moving to Italy

Tell me that you are oblivious to international politics without literally telling me that you are oblivious to international politics.

More to the point, if Americans were the type to “flee in droves,” left-wingers would have left states like Texas and Florida en-masse for bluer pastures. Moving within the United States is a million times easier than moving overseas, and if they’re not doing the former in the face of fascism/degradation of human rights in red states, why on earth would they engage in the much more difficult latter? Definitely sounds like a case of taking anecdote and non-committal musings online too seriously.


I dunno, something feels different this time. One of my co workers just asked for advice on what country to move to if Trump is re elected.

The reason I think it’s different this time is because this is the same co worker that used to make fun of me for thinking that Trump’s second term will usher in America’s first dictatorship. It ain’t funny now.


Stay in the US. Honestly. The threat isn’t the rising tide of hateful rhetoric from right-wing extremists. The threat is that a bunch of christo-fascist doomsday worshippers get sole access to 50% of the nuclear weapons on the planet.

agent_flounder, avatar

Glad somebody is waking up and paying attention.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Many people are doing that. And republicans are migrating in the opposite direction, too.

The problem is most people can’t just up and leave.its expensive, we have to line up jobs, housing, etc; and many people don’t want to leave family and friends.


I would love to leave but america falling to fascism is just the beginning. I’ve said it before. Give my life purpose. I dare you.


I agree with you. This is a non story


I’m in Texas. I know less than a dozen Republicans and maybe 3 of them are Trumpsters. I voted in the Republican primary and, while researching candidates and propositions, i was shocked at how horrible they all are!!! I was trying to choose the least crazy candidates and they’re weren’t any!


Yeah we didn’t bother voting in the R primary for the same reason, no least worst candidate. We need to turn more states blue badly.


As someone who spent 20 years living in foreign countries, there is a political distance when you’re somewhere else. US politics are happening on a different part of the globe, and it takes a long time to really understand local politics. I’m leaving soon, but that’s happening whatever the outcome of the election as it was already planned.


Moving to a different state within the US would do fuck-all to mitigate the kind of threats we’re worried about.

baronvonj, avatar

Depends on how they’re moving to Italy. They have generous repatriation laws if you are descended from an Italian who emigrated. So by following that repatriation process to reclaim Italian citizenship opens up the whole EU.


the republicans i know think that people are fleeing blue states to red states because of politics. the reality is that nobody is going anywhere.


The overwhelming majority of people die within like 20 miles of their birthplace.


Even traveling. I forget the stat I heard years ago but iirc it was a majority of people hadn’t even travelled outside of that. Which I get to some extent since most people live in cities, but having been raised in the middle of nowhere misery it’s necessary to travel more than 20 miles just to get to a damn grocery store. Once I had a car myself I was road tripping constantly


Ehh. People are moving to places that are cheaper. Look at Texas. Low taxes and cheap real estate compared to any blue state big city.

Climate comparable to Cali or CO. So if u sold a Cali house Texas is your best bet to replicate that u had or better for less money.

Those cheap states are cheaper cuz they’re corrupt shitholes.


Uh, no.

No state income tax, but those morons tax you for home ownership far more than some states. Electricity is more exp, even housing isn’t as cheap as it was 5 years ago. I paid more in property taxes in Texas than I pay here for property and state income on a house worth 3x what I had in Texass.

And where the hell in Texass are you saying has comparable weather with Colorado? Maybe south Colorado, or close to Kansas. But as a whole, texass weather has no match to anything as nice as Colorado weather.

Now the, that place is run by a corrupt bunch of fucktards.


My friend and I moved to Germany last year. We met some Americans from st. Louis who moved the year before.

It’s anecdotal but not unreasonable to imagine some amount of brain drain is happening because of the instability in the US driven by late stage capitalism.


At one point my German husband was looking into becoming a US citizen, but just never got around to it. I stopped encouraging it years ago, because Germany has weird laws about dual citizenship and he would likely have to give his up to become a US citizen. As a result, we have a European exit plan. While I’d really like the US to get it’s shit together, knowing we have options is nice.


You no longer have to give up citizenship to be a German citizen, and the US doesn’t require that either. A new law passed this year and comes into effect sometime around April I believe (still new to the exact legislation process in this country).

But yes, I would not encourage anyone to move to the US at this time. They are the largest proponent of late stage capitalism and those policies bring instability to the worker classes which begets authoritarianism. That’s rarely a good thing for anyone.


Ohhh that’s good to know! We already live in the US though. I’ll have to look at the new legislation. Thanks for the info!


forget brain drain because of leaving the US, it’s brain drain from the lack of local industry. Nobody here knows how to do anything in regards to manufacturing lol.

YaksDC, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I am at a good point in my life where I could fuck off to Portugal. It is a real consideration.


Down voting because I don’t want anyone to know where I’m headed. Hoping I never have to meet you there, internet friend.

spirinolas, (edited )

Yeah, fuck the Portuguese people being priced out of their own country. Just enjoy the nice sun and the free healthcare (that we pay for). Just as long as you enjoy it. Keep them coming, who cares about the millions of Portuguese who are being forced to leave the country every day so guys like you can have our houses and enjoy our country.

Or…you could fix your own damn country instead of ruinning ours. Just a thought.

jordanlund, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I noticed an increase in advertising on CNN around the whole “Mind you, have you considered a house in Italy?”

nkat2112, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Thank you for posting this.

return2ozma, avatar

You’re welcome

jordanlund, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Idiots. What does Schiff have to do with funding Israel?

As a minority member of the House, he has zero say over the House agenda.

return2ozma, avatar

One of the most glaring splits among Lee, Porter and Schiff is their stance on the Gaza War — Schiff is the only one who still refuses to call for a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.…/adam-schiff-us-senate-california…

TransplantedSconie, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech

It would be horrible for the country, but hilarious in a hit in the balls way if this jackass gets a republican elected because he ran attack ads featuring him and resurrected Garveys’ dead campaign.

return2ozma, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Direct video:

captainlezbian, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

Western countries need to provide increased amnesty to victims of homophobic legislation the world over. Western organizations contributed to this problem and refugees from these laws need somewhere safe to go.

It’s not a permanent solution, queer people will continue to be born in Ghana, but it is an important step and a way for our countries to save lives protecting people who will contribute to our economy and society.

Burn_The_Right, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

Conservatism is a global cancer. It is an ever-spreading plague of death.

There is no such thing as a “good conservative”. Each one is a cancer cell working to oppress, harm and kill the vulnerable. Coworkers, family, friends, neighbors… Every conservative in our lives is cancerous to humanity.

blackfire, to world in Armed gangs attack main prison in Haiti, releasing inmates

Is Haiti a dead state yet? Im surprised it hasn’t spilled over the border yet but im sure its going to eventually.


The Dominican Republic has a long history of killing Haitians that spill over.

dojan, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears avatar

Gosh, this really just hurts to read. I can’t imagine the thoughts that must be buzzing around in her head right now. I hope her friends and loved ones are safe, but obviously a lot of innocent people are going to suffer due to this bill.

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