Veraxus, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Reminder: Trump, being an insurrectionist, is barred from office by the Constitution. Any attempt to install him needs to be dealt with harshly and immediately, in no uncertain terms. Such violations of our most sacred foundational law cannot be tolerated. Then again, the GOP knows this, which is why we need to pay double attention to their VP candidate.

FreakinSteve, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Everyone needs yo keep in kind that all of the US’s problems are caused by 1-Capitalism, and 2-Christianity.

If you are moving to a place that celebrates those things then you are just moving sideways

FreakinSteve, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

No they’re not

DarkSpectrum, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

With what money? That country keeps all it’s people poor.

MapleEngineer, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Go south. Canada can’t house or feed you and you will freeze to death in the first winter.

  • a Candian
ColeSloth, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Heard that over the past like 8 elections.


Same, not going to happen…

YaksDC, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I am at a good point in my life where I could fuck off to Portugal. It is a real consideration.


Down voting because I don’t want anyone to know where I’m headed. Hoping I never have to meet you there, internet friend.

spirinolas, (edited )

Yeah, fuck the Portuguese people being priced out of their own country. Just enjoy the nice sun and the free healthcare (that we pay for). Just as long as you enjoy it. Keep them coming, who cares about the millions of Portuguese who are being forced to leave the country every day so guys like you can have our houses and enjoy our country.

Or…you could fix your own damn country instead of ruinning ours. Just a thought.

corsicanguppy, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Come on up, but bring your resumes.


Bring your hammers and start building houses.


I hear Ukraine has a booming housing market.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

How would a lifelong cook fair in that regard?


Depends on the country. At least around 2020 I’d heard from my sister in Australia that they were trying to incentivize people in the industry to get work visas. It’s hard to get citizenship there though iirc

frickineh, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

I’m not leaving. It’s tempting, but at this point, I’m committed to staying and fighting for all of the people who don’t have the privilege to move. And the kids who are too young to vote but deserve to know there are adults on their side who won’t abandon it. I don’t begrudge anyone who moves, especially if it’s a safety issue, but I just can’t.


good luck to the ones leaving, even the rich. climate change and a world order of rewarded greed are just pushing every country into pockets of extremism. the chips have fallen, where we are is where we end.

nkat2112, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Thank you for posting this.

return2ozma, avatar

You’re welcome

jordanlund, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Idiots. What does Schiff have to do with funding Israel?

As a minority member of the House, he has zero say over the House agenda.

return2ozma, avatar

One of the most glaring splits among Lee, Porter and Schiff is their stance on the Gaza War — Schiff is the only one who still refuses to call for a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.…/adam-schiff-us-senate-california…

Chainweasel, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

If I had the means to leave I’d already be gone.
It seriously makes me wonder though, if Trump starts executing minorities and Democratic party members en masse, what are the odds that any country would give asylum to Americans?
Probably pretty slim


You legitimately believe Trump is going to preform targeted executions?


Yes, absolutely.


Hope you can find help

shadowSprite, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

I’d love to leave. I desperately want to. But I have no marketable skills (too broke to attend college out of high school, am trying now but still have 2 1/2 years to go, so too long), I’m terrifyingly broke, have a weird-ass employment history from years of undiagnosed mental illness and just recently diagnosed ADHD, and I never learned a second language because shitty education and I don’t pick up languages well from those programs that claim to teach you. If I could go, I’ve have gone already, but nowhere worth going wants me and I get it. I know I’m a loser. I’m stuck on this ship while the cool kids are leaving in the life boats. And yes, I vote, but what does it matter?

return2ozma, avatar

You’re on the ship with a lot of us buddy. We get through this together.


Imagine your situation, but 10 times worse. Now you see why people try to cross the border.

shadowSprite, (edited )

Amen. You’ll never hear me whining about that. Anyone desperate enough to risk their life to cross the border has to be escaping hell. I used to live in an area with a lot of immigrants and some refugees and my job put me in contact with them frequently and I never saw any reason to have a problem with any of them. Despite what the media says, they were no worse than any other person, and a lot of them were good people who were clearly doing their best.


Sorry to hear of your situation. That kinda sucks.
Vote anyway.

There are people trying to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter. if it didn’t matter they wouldn’t bother trying to convince you.


Exactly this. Gonna use this argument more often.

OldWoodFrame, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

This is never true I remember it back to people saying it about Bush.

agent_flounder, avatar

What isn’t true, specifically? I’m curious to hear what you think is “never true.”

Do you think Bush helped democracy? May I remind you of the Patriot Act? Guantanamo? Black sites and kidnapping?

You seem oblivious to what Trump and crew were up to during the first go round and what the GOP has planned for 2025.


most people out here commenting without reading the article, this madlad not even reading the link first

agent_flounder, avatar

Wait what c am I in?? I thought we were talking about shrubbery.


What isn’t true, specifically? I’m curious to hear what you think is “never true.”

Have you uhhh, looked at the article headline? There’s a pretty obvious and specific claim. That, as OP pointed out, has been claimed for many presidencies including the last time trump won.

agent_flounder, avatar

Uhh, yes, I did. One never knows when someone posts “this” if it refers to the obvious or they had some other bs in mind.

If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

So Americans aren’t planning to flee in droves?

Does OP have some kind of pill or study to back this up?


If you read the article, how were you possibly confused as to what OP was talking about?

Anyway, like OP said, people have said they were going to leave if W won, if trump won in 2016 etc. Guess what? No real surge in migration either of those times. But sure maybe THIS time they mean it.

yarr, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Most people are full of shit. Where are they going to go? Getting citizenship in another country isn’t easy. “I’ll leave the country if Bush gets elected” was a thing back in the day. Guess how many people actually left? It wasn’t the majority…

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