dojan, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears avatar

Gosh, this really just hurts to read. I can’t imagine the thoughts that must be buzzing around in her head right now. I hope her friends and loved ones are safe, but obviously a lot of innocent people are going to suffer due to this bill.

Telorand, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation

I hope those workers can sue John Riccitiello, because he’s directly responsible for fucking up the company and them losing their jobs as a result.


I’m pretty sure that you generally can’t do that, in the US at least.

A C-level officer is required generally to act in the best interest of the company, but as long as the genuinely think that what they were doing was an attempt to improve the company in some way, you’d be hard-pressed to ever prove that they weren’t acting in the best interest. You’d have to find physical proof that they were intentionally sabotaging the company, and (probably) no one who is smart enough to become a CEO is going to do that.


I tend to agree with you, and he probably thought he was acting in the company’s best interests, but I also think there’s an argument to be made that he was negligent in doing his market research to ostensibly prevent what transpired.

Additionally, this wasn’t his first time toying with that “pay to buy, pay to use” model. He’d expressed past desires to implement that model, so it could be argued that this was his pet project that he wanted to see happen, and his hubris blinded him to the dangers.


Again, I don’t necessarily think that he wasn’t overly involved in pursuing this direction, but unless it’s proven in court, no one can sue him for losing their job over it.

pelotron, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation avatar

How tf do you have one of the most successful commercial game engines and still can’t support your own staff?

GammaGames, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation

There will be additional changes coming

Feel bad for anyone still there, round after round of layoffs would send my stress levels to the moon


My stress levels are in fact well beyond the moon, moon was last year stuff that’s all old news


Does anyone know who’s included yet?


I can’t talk on this personally because I do still really need this job’s insurance and am trying my best to not get fired for 6 more months, but also I’m just a grunt all I’ve got are contradictory rumors.


My hunch is that those layoffs are going to come from the more peripheral efforts like that malware startup they acquired

ampersandrew, avatar

The article says that they're from all over but also that Unity is refocusing on "core business", so maybe more cuts from the malware startup.

Carighan, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation avatar

Of course they “reset” the workers.

Not the entire upper and middle management which would save oodles more money if they slim down huge portions of that, nevermind not impact their productivity (much) and actually “reset” the part of the company that is responsible for their current woes.

RenardDesMers, (edited ) avatar

Always the same thing. Upper management screws up, destroys the trust of the customers. The shares drop, shareholders are not happy. How do you restore share value? Layoff the people who did nothing wrong.

This whole system is rotten to the core.

Oh and I forgot: don’t call it layoff, call it reset, pursuit of agility, refocus…

belated_frog_pants, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation

Stupid fucking ceo.

AMillionNames, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

What I want to know is why are the people that hate it so much so obsessed with commenting on it? Aren’t you supposed to be enjoying the better games and contributing to their communities instead?


A lot of people have hate boners for Bethesda and their games, I think it’s partially because of how popular they are, even with each game having many flaws in their design. It’s also likely some are older fans who played Morrowind and dislike the direction toward accessible/mainstream design as that comes at a cost of the more intricate/in-depth systems which means generally less customizability in how you can play the game.

Don’t get me wrong, Bethesda games can and do deserve to be critiqued, but a lot of people just go way overboard.

I put 177 hours into Starfield, and enjoyed it quite a bit, I have my own nitpicks and definitely just wish there was more content/things to do, but I know that because of the modding support, I’ll come back and play it over and over again for years to come. Just like I have with Skyrim (742 hrs on SSE alone, so not including my 360 gameplay way back when it first came out), Fallout 4 (951 hrs) and NV (which I’m currently replaying right now as I haven’t since it first came out).


It’s wrong to criticize a dev that you expect better from?

AMillionNames, (edited )

This is the most BGS game I’ve played.

But more to the point, people have already seen this type of criticism. Time and time again. The problem isn’t the criticism, the problem is the obsession with it.

DoctorButts, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

I was wondering if this quote would look better in context, but nope:

Verified developer Bethesda_FalcoYamaoka jumped into the discussion to defend the mammoth planet-hopper. "Some of Starfield's planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring," the developer says (cheers, Destructoid). FalcoYamaoka continues to say that wandering through the alien landscapes is supposed to evoke feelings of "smallness." The intention is to "make you feel overwhelmed" at the vastness of space.

FalcoYamaoka really just chose to die on that hill, a hill that is most likely on a completely empty planet. It's possible for them to have 100% achieved their design goal of smallness and making a player feel overwhelmed and for it to still be boring.


Yep. It’s a pretty weak excuse


I don’t disagree that a true space exploration game should have barren planets (I’d imagine most planets in the universe are barren), but they should be more like set pieces (like how a tree is a set piece in a normal exploration game). And they shouldn’t be included in metrics used to quantify the size of the world.

DarkMetatron, (edited ) to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

Starfield is a game about a humanity in the early stages of interstellar travel and colonization, a game without living alien civilizationals. A hard science fiction game with deep roots in realistic science (with the exception of the grav drive and the temples/powers/unity).

It would be utterly unrealistic and unimmersive to have all planets full of interesting landmarks, structures or the like. Sure it could host relics/remains of other civilisations or stuff like that, but that would change the game on a fundamental level and would break the story of the game.

I love that space and most planets are utterly boring in Starfield, because that is the truth about space, it is huge, boring and mostly dead.

But I can understand everyone who thinks that this makes Starfield a boring game, there are lots of games out there that I think are boring (GTA 5 for example) which are loved by huge crowds of people.

Dirk_Darkly, (edited )

In this same vein I actually want Starfield to be even more immersive. When I take off in search of a new planet, I want to leave my computer on for 700 years while my ship travels through space.

What do you mean that’s stupid and boring? It’s real.


200 years, at least that’s what it took for the generation ship without GravDrive in the game.

WarmSoda, (edited )

Having planets with nothing on them isn’t a problem.
It’s having planets that all have the same exact things on them that’s the problem. There’s building that have the same exact clutter in the same exact place everywhere, in the same exact layouts, and even the same exact dead bodies in the same exact place and positions.


To be honest this is nothing I really have seen so far but that could be because I don’t jump from planet location to planet location in rapid succession. I have hours or even days of real time between visits to those places, so I normally don’t remember the layouts of the places or the position of dead body’s (especially with all the dead spacers or pirates added).

And that lots of those places have nearly identical layouts is something that I expect, those are often old military facilities, build with layouts defined by military bureaucracy.

And the civilian facilities are all build from the same limited set of easy and cheap available outpost modules, that those are hugely identical is not that far fetched.

Globulart, (edited ) to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

Having lots of empty planets is realistic to be fair, but realism is unfortunately boring a lot of the time.

Personally I’m a big fan of the game but I’ve been pining for a Bethesda game for a long time and I will always enjoy a fetch quest where I have to kill bandits. I totally understand the criticism (although I do think it’s slightly blown out of proportion because it’s Bethesda).

Overall, the game is good. It’s not great (yet, anyway) but I’m 30ish hours in and I feel like I’m 10hrs in. The quest line I focused on after getting my bearings seems to be one of the better ones and while I prefer exploring in a skyrim/fallout way I have had plenty of fun just dropping by random planets to see what I can find. It’s at least very obvious which planets are boring before you even land on them. Ultimately in real life I think we can be pretty confident that the vast majority of planets and solar systems would be boring as fuck. Starfield needs some aspect of realism so having one or 2 planets or moons/stations per system that are actually worth visiting is a good call in my opinion.


Starfield felt much bigger for me when I didn’t use fast travel. I used to play Elite extensively so needing to walk back to my ship and take off and then needing to plot a course to my destination makes it feel larger. I agree with you on the you’ve felt that you’re only 10 hours in and then when you checked your playtime you’re already 30 hours in.

In my case I just played a couple of faction quests and I’m already 60 hours in. Coming from Armored Core 6 I just basically spent most of my time building ships.

Grass, (edited ) to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

If starfield was firefly but a game I would already have as many hours as exist between it’s release date and now. Instead it was a slog beginning that made me lose interest. People keep saying mods will save it like previous beth games, but fallout and elder scrolls at least hooked early 2000s me (edit: without mods) within the amount of time that present me considers a return window.

RememberTheApollo_, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

Elite:Dangerous players have been telling ourselves this for a while.

Blamemeta, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

Problem is that theyre not empty. Every single one has colonized by identical groups

WarmSoda, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

Are the barren quests and factions by design too?

Amaltheamannen, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

The main problems with the game is the extremely bland and boring factions and cultures. And the fact that it seems like most fights are against the same spacers in the same modular tunnels.

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