rhacer, to politics in Morehouse Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out of Graduation as Joe Biden Gives Speech

I can’t stand President Biden. I wouldn’t vote for him if he were the last candidate on earth. But, really? This man is the President, and you couldn’t do him the courtesy of sitting quietly and listening to what he has to say?

That behavior is beyond my comprehension.



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  • PseudorandomNoise, avatar

    Except no because the fact that he’s President while campaigning still matters. It absolutely affects how he behaves.

    ganksy, avatar

    Titles don’t demand respect. Character does.

    mozz, avatar

    I'm legitimately surprised that so few of the trolls have hit on the idea of coming in being fake pro-establishment. Like if there were more people here being super pro-Israel and doing the "Hamas is lying about casualties" "what on earth is Israel supposed to do, not defend themselves" talking points, to provide some justification for all the other trolls claiming that Lemmy is filled with pro-genocide-ers and they're just doing their part sticking up for the unrepresented Palestinian viewpoint -- I think if I were running an influence campaign I would probably sprinkle in some of those people, too.

    I think "of course Joe Biden is dogshit, we all agree on that of course, but by God you better sit up and salute when he's around, signed, your friendly Lemmy authoritarian person, fuck the protestors" is a likely candidate for one of those. If this is genuinely how you look at it though, have you considered reaching out to some of the shills and seeing if maybe you can get paid for posting this stuff? I think this would be a good tactical addition to what they're doing.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Oh look Mozz, Biden lied again…

    The president of Morehouse College claimed that Biden’s commencement address would not be used by his campaign.

    mozz, avatar

    I can't open X links; I'm on Firefox and it's fucked on Firefox now and I don't really feel like hopping around on browsers just to keep Elon Musk happy. I'm happy to look at it if you can find it somewhere else. I did search for the quote and I didn't find anything.

    You wanna address the thing with the second part of the headline, though? Because I'm not real sure I trust "freedomrideblog" on Twitter and I would want to know more details about how Biden's campaign is using the speech, and all that, but it definitely looks like part of the headline you posted was objectively a lie. No?

    return2ozma, avatar
    mozz, avatar

    You wanna address the thing with the second part of the headline, though?

    return2ozma, avatar

    Among those issues, according to people familiar with the discussions, was student worry that their achievements would be overshadowed by a stump speech. They have expressed frustration that the format of the event and the level of security required for such a high-profile visit resulted in limited tickets for family members, many of whom would be required to watch from an overflow room.

    Stephen Benjamin, the president’s director of public engagement who conducted the meeting, says Biden is intent on keeping the focus on the graduates.


    mozz, avatar

    So we're moving goalposts and just straight-up refusing to answer a simple question about why it seems like the thing you posted was not just misleadingingly framed, but actually false. Sounds good.

    I do understand that I haven't been real polite to you and it creates a certain pressure to "get a win" by making some kind of counterpoint. Mission accomplished, I guess. Biden did actually give the speech he was invited to give, even though he's also campaigning and that makes things more complicated in some ways. It's true. You caught him.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Biden’s losing black support, of course he’s going to pander. Did you watch the speech? I honestly have no idea how he’s expected to make it another 4 years. It’s elder abuse at this point.

    RagingRobot, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

    The world’s oldest profession and they are just getting benefits? Unfair

    gimpchrist, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first avatar

    Cool but if sexwork isn’t ultimately decriminalized, this is technically just pimps with perks

    DacoTaco, (edited ) avatar

    Except thats not how it works here. Legal sexwork exists here, and pimps is are illegal.

    gimpchrist, avatar

    In your legalized sex brothels, do you legally have to pay a portion of your paycheck to the house? If you’re working for yourself, do you have to purchase a license from the government, and do your own taxes and all that on your income?


    It depends on the contract between the brothel and the sex worker, a normal employment where you get paid by the brothel and your taxes are deducted automatically is possible, but it will probably mostly be freelance, with the worker paying the brothel for services rendered; in some establishments, you pay 5-30€ flat-tax per day (with receipt), which the brothel paying that to the state and you do your taxes at the end of the year and then get a tax return (or have to pay more). posted this, which gives a good overview:

    gimpchrist, avatar

    Yeah that’s fucking pimping with extra steps.


    Are not is

    Pimping is illegal would work



    gimpchrist, avatar

    I’m a fucking sex worker I know what I’m talking about, rude cunt

    rayyy, to world in Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: 'We are not in a good position'

    Might be wise for individuals to learn how to grow stuff.


    Family of four needs about ~44 acres to be self sufficient. That includes needing chickens and draft animals.

    slurpeesoforion, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    Where are they going that won’t tell them to go back where they came from?

    kux, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    for any foreign powers (i know you’re reading this) preparing to nuke the usa

    my wife and I closed on a deal for an apartment in a hilltop town in Umbria

    Yes, it’s true! I bought a hilltop village home

    wild-boar ragù, anyone?

    please spare a bomb for this hilltop

    kava, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    America under Trump is still better than most of the world. Take it from someone born in a 3rd world country.

    And if you have the qualifications and/or skills necessary to migrate to 1st world countries like in Europe… you’re making a good wage here and have little reason to leave here anyways.


    What a clueless take on a complex situation! To top it all off your argument is “b-but some countries are worse!!”



    You can try actually saying something instead of the mild attempt at being disparaging

    I’ll repeat it

    a) the countries that most working class Americans can escape to aren’t any better and functionally worse. you ever live in a country that doesn’t have hot water or A/C?

    b) the countries they want to go to won’t accept them. have you ever tried to immigrate anywhere? it’s not simple and there are requirements that most Americans simply will not meet


    The argument of the submission is that people would leave because things would be worse here. It makes perfect sense to point out that it you leave, it’s likely going to be worse, maybe in a few way or maybe in many.


    america under trump is better than uh, iran, probably. any place that actively seeks out it’s citizens to silence them. Yeah.

    For now.

    rab, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

    I’d trade my Canadian passport for an American one if anyone is interested


    i wont trade mine for yours but perhaps we can conglomerate into one person with both canadian and american citizenship?

    rab, avatar

    No thanks I don’t need the Canada one anymore, dead country


    ok, i’ll just take the canada one then.


    DONE! No takesie-backsies!

    I’ve tried to move to Canada for years now, but I’m not young enough or tech-sector enough to qualify.

    rab, avatar

    Ha Canada tech sector? I’ve just been laid off from that shit for the third time and I’m not even 30 yet

    nutsack, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    this is the stupidest thing i keep hearing. everyone who says they’re going to leave is absolutely full of shit. they don’t know anything about where they will go and they have no plan to do anything like this. they’re just being pussies.

    leave. do it.


    It’s not stupid. It has happened before. That it hasn’t happened “in droves” is one thing, but it has happened.

    Source: I have spoken to a few of them.

    Where? Europe, South East Asia and, believe it or not, South America.

    Do you know who would be full of shit about leaving? Those who say they’d do it if Trump didn’t win. I haven’t met any Republican expats (or immigrants) just yet.


    I’m currently in the process of immigrating to another country from America because of this.

    The immigration group I worked with has hard statistics showing a rapid increase in Americans applying for bias with Trump presidency, and his now potential reelection.

    Out of a group of ten friends, two of us are getting visas due to trump politics, and two others are going down their family ancestry route for visas into Germany. So that’s 40% of the people I know, including myself.

    It’s not cheap to do this either. It’s a real commitment in money, time, energy, and risk. But that’s what it takes to have a plan B for if the shit show lands again, because it’s a full on dictator ship next round.


    Sad is that I knew a guy that said this with Obama and he OD shortly after. So I try to take it seriously.

    circuitfarmer, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

    Far easier said than done.

    JaymesRS, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    My hope is that we can get Canada to adopt Minnesota.

    AnarchoSnowPlow, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    Moving closer to Canada was not unintentional for me. We got our whole family passports after Biden won, I knew it was only a reprieve. All that said, we can’t afford to move again, if it happens we’ll be fleeing as refugees.

    jordanlund, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

    I noticed an increase in advertising on CNN around the whole “Mind you, have you considered a house in Italy?”

    captainlezbian, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

    Western countries need to provide increased amnesty to victims of homophobic legislation the world over. Western organizations contributed to this problem and refugees from these laws need somewhere safe to go.

    It’s not a permanent solution, queer people will continue to be born in Ghana, but it is an important step and a way for our countries to save lives protecting people who will contribute to our economy and society.

    Ensign_Crab, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

    It doesn’t confirm centrists’ biases, so it doesn’t count.


    Seriously, how is this post at 0 points?

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