mellowheat, (edited ) to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

And then they actually do some research and notice that for almost everyone of them, in almost every country on this planet their quality of living would deteriorate.

edit: Trump getting 2nd term might actually for reals change this though

edit2: Although like the previous time perhaps not ;)


trump getting elected would certainly change things.

I’m not sure how, and im not sure that it would be good, but a candidate using facist-esque rhetoric in their campaign is not exactly my favorite thing ever.

Potatos_are_not_friends, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Lol no we are not.

I’m not clicking on the garbage yahoo link. But what random ass tweet did they source this BS from?

ThePowerOfGeek, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I could easily move myself and my family back to the UK (easily in the sense that we would have no residency issues; but finances would be a headache). And it’s something my wife and I have discussed.

The problem is that the UK is a fucking mess right now as well.

nkat2112, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Thank you for posting this.

return2ozma, avatar

You’re welcome

TransplantedSconie, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech

It would be horrible for the country, but hilarious in a hit in the balls way if this jackass gets a republican elected because he ran attack ads featuring him and resurrected Garveys’ dead campaign.

return2ozma, to politics in Protests erupt during Adam Schiff's California Senate primary victory speech avatar

Direct video:

blackfire, to world in Armed gangs attack main prison in Haiti, releasing inmates

Is Haiti a dead state yet? Im surprised it hasn’t spilled over the border yet but im sure its going to eventually.


The Dominican Republic has a long history of killing Haitians that spill over.

AMillionNames, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

What I want to know is why are the people that hate it so much so obsessed with commenting on it? Aren’t you supposed to be enjoying the better games and contributing to their communities instead?


A lot of people have hate boners for Bethesda and their games, I think it’s partially because of how popular they are, even with each game having many flaws in their design. It’s also likely some are older fans who played Morrowind and dislike the direction toward accessible/mainstream design as that comes at a cost of the more intricate/in-depth systems which means generally less customizability in how you can play the game.

Don’t get me wrong, Bethesda games can and do deserve to be critiqued, but a lot of people just go way overboard.

I put 177 hours into Starfield, and enjoyed it quite a bit, I have my own nitpicks and definitely just wish there was more content/things to do, but I know that because of the modding support, I’ll come back and play it over and over again for years to come. Just like I have with Skyrim (742 hrs on SSE alone, so not including my 360 gameplay way back when it first came out), Fallout 4 (951 hrs) and NV (which I’m currently replaying right now as I haven’t since it first came out).


It’s wrong to criticize a dev that you expect better from?

AMillionNames, (edited )

This is the most BGS game I’ve played.

But more to the point, people have already seen this type of criticism. Time and time again. The problem isn’t the criticism, the problem is the obsession with it.

otter, to world in Mother is arrested in Bangladesh after son in the U.S. criticizes government online

This is specific to journalists, but it’s relevant:…/Freedom_of_the_press_in_Bangla…

Pulled one example:

In March, 2023, Awami League’s armed cadres, loyal to Sheikh Hasina beaten the brother of Al-Jazeera I-Unit journalist Zulkarnain Saer Khan in front of his home in Dhaka. The attacker, while attacking, said, “Your brother writes against the prime minister, against the government? He’s a journalist? Now you’ll see.”[19] Zulkarnain Saer Khan exposed the corruption of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the Al-Jazeera documentary All the Prime Minister’s Men in 2022 and led an investigation against Sheikh Hasina’s close aide Abdus Sobhan Golap’s corruption who secretly bought nine properties of 4 million USD in the New York.

I remember this from when I was looking up a few places that surprised me when going through the Press Freedom Index. It might just be because I’m not familiar with these places, and it speaks to the assumptions we might make, but I was surprised to see a few countries so far down the list / below other ones.

TheDeepState, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

You can do it Joe!

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President avatar

The good news is that it’s only gone up from 65%

XM34, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

In world first

I thought Germany has had this for over a decade now. Or am I being mistaken?

itsonlygeorge, to world in Ukraine says Russia in less than a week hit it with 700 glide bombs, weapons that can really only be beaten by killing the planes

If only there existed some kind of missile you could fire from the ground surface. Hmm

R3t7rdssshahahqh, to world in Israel ‘yet to give any evidence’ UN staff were linked to Hamas massacre


moon, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Lol no they aren’t

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