Ensign_Crab, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

It doesn’t confirm centrists’ biases, so it doesn’t count.


Seriously, how is this post at 0 points?

TheDeepState, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

You can do it Joe!

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President avatar

The good news is that it’s only gone up from 65%

spujb, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

“oof i disagree with this poll let me downvote”

lennybird, avatar

Yeah I’m chuckling at the anonymous vote manipulation.

You know these cowards have no substantive argument.

Coach, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

Folks. It’s over. I’m a big fan of democracy and fully understand what we’re up against, but it’s time to take Biden out back and put him down with at least some semblance of honor.


And replace him with who?


smash bros voice:


lennybird, avatar

Anyone: (1) young, and (2) not old.

But just curious: are you sincerely asking this as if you haven’t heard the half dozen names floated, some of whom did better in battleground states than Biden?

chakan2, avatar



Someone who can speak. Clearly and effectively, if possible.

I’m deeply understanding and sensitive to people with speech impediments. The debate (and, let’s be honest, any time he speaks without a prompter) was embarrassing and concerning. I’m voting D no matter what and I’m not looking for a great president, but we can’t afford to be nostalgic. Democracy can’t afford it.


I agree, but somehow this post gets downvoted because it’s the reality that c/politics mods don’t want to hear. 🙄

Diplomjodler3, to world in Russian occupation authorities destroy UNESCO World Heritage site, build outdoor theater in its place

Another shitty AI written article. Is there any source that makes sense?


Thanks for the alert that it is ai written. I’ll pass


I mean it’s yahoo; they’ve been getting bots of one form or another to write their shit for a while now, haven’t they?

FlyingSquid, avatar

This appears to be a reprint of an MSN article which was apparently written by a human. Just not very well.…/ar-BB1oXZk7

However, I’m also not finding a really good alternate source. Every other source was an outlet I’ve never heard of.

I wouldn’t be shocked if it were true, but I’d sure like better info.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That would be one of the outlets I’ve never heard of.

Are you familiar with it? Media Bias Fact Check isn’t.


I’ve seen it a few times related to war stuff. Looks like it’s mostly arts coverage though, kind of like Smithsonian magazine or something.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Fair enough. If it’s accurate, they are also taking artifacts back to Russia. This is all part of their attempt to claim Ukraine as their ancestral homeland (true-ish?), giving them the right to invade it.


Media Bias Fact Check is shit lol

FlyingSquid, avatar

Okay, where would you go to find out whether or not that or any other media link is remotely trustworthy?


Common sense

Edit: I see you are American, sorry. Ignore my comment

FlyingSquid, avatar

First of all, incivility is against community rules. Please do not do it again.

Secondly, “common sense” is the thing that made people believe the sun revolved around the Earth for thousands of years. Just because you believe your “common sense” tells you the truth doesn’t mean it does. So that’s a really terrible way to find out whether or not a source, especially one you’ve never heard of before, is trustworthy.

Ask any con man- the easiest people to con are the people who think they’re too smart to be conned.


Is being retarded against rules? Because you are a truly retarded person …

Go ban yourself? Or you just like fake internet power?

FlyingSquid, avatar

Sorry, I would have let another insult slide, but ableist bigotry is not allowed here.


Troll account 35 mins old. Other comments and posts are terrible. Report and block

FlyingSquid, avatar

I see that now, thank you. They’re banned. They have decided to get revenge by sending me silly threats in PM and posting insulting posts in other communities, and they were also presumably the one who went through my history and downvoted all of my posts right after they were banned.

What a pathetic creature.

Big_Boss_77, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries
Treczoks, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

I fail to see where those bricks are “LEGO like” in any way. They are rough bricks, not even sufficiently molded to appear regular.


Good point. Where are the studs? How is the clutch power? Are the tolerances on par with existing Lego bricks?


From the picture I’d say that you won’t need a caliper to see that their tolerances are nearly as large as the bricks themselves…

Etterra, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

The problem isn’t the inability to make something to do the job, but making it something that you can convince people they’ll make a profit from. Nobody wants to clean up pollution unless you either force them to do it or make it profitable.

fckreddit, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

Yeah, I am skeptical. What would be the energy expenditure of actually storing CO2 into those blocks and what about transporting them? I have a feeling this is like carbon capture plants, great for the headlines, but not really a practical solution.

JayObey711, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

I want to eat them. Capture all the pollution in the blocks and I’ll eat them. Call me jesus or whatever but really I’m just doing it to prove a point


If you metabolize all the plant matter into carbon dioxide, that would kind of defeat the purpose…


I don’t think I will metabolize anything after eating tons of co2. Just put me in a big glass jar and let me celebrate my victory until I’m inevitably taken down.

Bishma, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries avatar

taking plant waste from timber companies and farmers, drying it, compressing it, and wrapping it “into Lego-like bricks,” and storing it 10 feet underground.

So it’s effectively the astronaut ice cream version permafrost?

Immediately I wonder how much the process of transport -> drying -> compressing, wrapping, transporting, and storing + storage site prep and maintenance eats into savings.


the astronaut ice cream version permafrost?

Yeah, that’s what it sounds like. I do wonder if 10 feet is deep enough to prevent decomposition in the long term. I seems like converting the plant material to biochar would be a more stable form to trap the carbon in.

transport -> drying -> compressing, wrapping, transporting, and storing + storage site prep and maintenance

I think the key aspect here is that all of these steps are easier to decarbonize than the aviation (difficult) and cement production (almost impossible) processes these bricks are intended to offset.

Mango, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

How do you get it in there?


How do you get the pollution into the brick? That’s what the brick is. Plants capture the CO2 and store it as sugar, and then the plant matter is compressed into a brick and buried instead of burning it for energy or letting it rot.

reddig33, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

Is this like nuclear waste that has to be stored in caves? Or can you actually do something constructive with these bricks?

pezmaker, avatar

According to the article, this isn’t even recapturing CO2. It’s grabbing plant/decomposable waste before it rots, turning it into these dense bricks, and burying it under ground. Like, collecting corn husks from farmers. This feels stupid to me and like a big gimmick.


I guess it is preventing methane generation from the hungry microbes but yeah this seems useless. Add on carbon used to make and bury them too


That would be very dumb because methane leaves the atmosphere on its own much more quickly than CO2. Roughly 12 years compared to carbon dioxide being closer to 500 years.

Of course it’s kind of a half life so putting a single number on it isn’t perfect but that’s the difference in scale at least.


Yep, that sounds dumb. Organic waste should be used for fertilizer.


this isn’t even recapturing CO2. It’s grabbing plant/decomposable waste before it rots

Does this not amount to the same thing? The plants capture the CO2 and store it in sugar, which is then buried instead of burning it for energy or letting it rot.


I agree. The concept is simple, and it’s not perfect, but it isn’t dumb either. This is basically recreating how coal and oil got in the ground in the first place. Plants absorbed carbon from the air as they grew, then they got buried in a way that prevented them from decomposing and re-releasing it into the atmosphere. My main question here would be whether burying it only 10 feet under ground is really enough for long term storage. The other big elephant in the room with carbon capture is that it can be a convenient excuse for companies to avoid doing work towards actually decarbonizing their operations. If, as the article suggests, this is used primarily by industries like cement making that don’t currently have a way to become carbon neutral then it’s a good thing. If it’s just used as cynical green washing by companies who could be doing better, then it’s at best a wash, and arguably a net negative.


We’re in the golden age of greenwashing. Corporations are horny to show like they are “doing something” for the environment without doing a fucking thing. But it can’t be too expensive and have it eat into their bottom line.

Just environmentally conscious enough to win over people who feel guilty for flying (bonus if you can get them to pay) but not so much that your shareholders wonder if you aren’t putting their short term interests first.

umbrella, avatar

i imagined that would be the case when i read that its a bill gates thing

RacoonVegetable, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

AKA a tree

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited )

Yes but it’s wood that you are not allowed to burn or let rot, or the CO₂ gets released again. Basically, cut down trees and store them in oxygen-free water, salt mines, deserts or permafrost areas (or peat bogs, as nature did it over millions of years) where no bacteria/insects will feed on the wood and no humans come to scalp it. There is no way this can be economical, even with today’s carbon credits. Trees are “free” solar carbon capture devices but slow and inefficient, and need to be logged-and-stored continuously to work at all, as there is only a very limited space that we can cover in new forests in the next few decades.

I know they just want to find the best use for waste wood but I think there is too little of it in the first place.

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