RagingRobot, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

The world’s oldest profession and they are just getting benefits? Unfair

ChaoticNeutralCzech, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

The signs held in the pic have terrible kerning and uninspired font choices. And guess what, I like it that way – a banner displaying corporate professionalism would indicate astroturfing.


Using comic sans would indicate a Fortune 100 company



Comic sans should be automatically swapped for OpenDyslexic

gimpchrist, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first avatar

Cool but if sexwork isn’t ultimately decriminalized, this is technically just pimps with perks

DacoTaco, (edited ) avatar

Except thats not how it works here. Legal sexwork exists here, and pimps is are illegal.

gimpchrist, avatar

In your legalized sex brothels, do you legally have to pay a portion of your paycheck to the house? If you’re working for yourself, do you have to purchase a license from the government, and do your own taxes and all that on your income?


It depends on the contract between the brothel and the sex worker, a normal employment where you get paid by the brothel and your taxes are deducted automatically is possible, but it will probably mostly be freelance, with the worker paying the brothel for services rendered; in some establishments, you pay 5-30€ flat-tax per day (with receipt), which the brothel paying that to the state and you do your taxes at the end of the year and then get a tax return (or have to pay more). posted this, which gives a good overview:

gimpchrist, avatar

Yeah that’s fucking pimping with extra steps.


Are not is

Pimping is illegal would work



gimpchrist, avatar

I’m a fucking sex worker I know what I’m talking about, rude cunt

applepie, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

Conservative cucks in shambles.

originalucifer, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first avatar

yay! humans caring for humans who care for humans!

woelkchen, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first avatar
sazey, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Burn it down Pookie, burn the motherfucker down.

CharlesDarwin, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes. avatar

Good grief, this is such a stupid take. If donnie gets his way, he’ll be deporting them, most likely.

HelixDab2, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Man, dumb shit like this makes me want to let the leopards they want to vote for eat their faces.

I’m white, male, solidly middle-aged. I can look like a neo-con magat if I need to. Shit, as long as the only thing I’m talking about is guns, most people will probably think I am a neo-con. Most people aren’t going to recognize my tattoos, so they’ll be able to believe that I’m some kind of christian fucko, esp. since I know the bible far better than most evangelicals.

I survived Trump’s first term without too many direct negative effects. I’m old enough that I’m not the one that’s going to be well and truly fucked when climate change slams into the US like a derailed freight train. I haven’t had to worry about accidentally getting someone pregnant in 30 years, so rights to choose and access to birth control have zero direct affect on me. I can let dumb fucks burn their own house down around them, and it’s not going to directly harm me.

…But goddamn, I still want to save those idiots from themselves, because I don’t want to live in the country that Trump and Republicans want this to be.

orcrist, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

This is just a terribly written headline. The problem is, if you changed the headline, there wouldn’t even be a story.

There’s a fairly large group of Arabs in that area, and some of them might vote for Trump. This is not surprising. If you live in the area, it might even be worth reading more about why they would support Trump. One could try to discuss their positions and see if they really think that Trump would do better or worse than Biden.

It is often mentioned but needs to be repeated here, because the same mistake was made yet again… Any time you try to blame one small group for the outcome of an election, you’re just wrong. Everyone who votes, or doesn’t vote, everyone who campaigns, who supports people campaigning, everyone who creates or runs the systems that assemble and count votes, they all play a role in determining the outcome.


No you’re wrong, a few thousand edgy lunatics totally decided the 2016 general election, the one where Trump literally lost the popular vote while corporate Dems ignored historic battlegrounds and popular policies, instead assuming it was their turn to win.

Liberals seriously can’t see how much they are embarrassing themselves and revealing their true nature.

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

Completely chilling while Zionists kick you out of university for peaceful protest, making kids homeless thousands of miles from home with no money and ruining their education. Think of the economy!

The same people that feel so bad for the homeless but have no problem with NIMBYism and never actually help or vote for helpers.

The slow realization that liberals will welcome fascism if it means they can step over your dead body to get Starbucks tomorrow is absolutely fucking chilling.

Zaktor, (edited )

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

The kicker on their hippy-punching cheerleading is that there’s perfect examples of kumbaya liberalism in the universities that negotiated. They didn’t even necessarily commit to divestment, just all came together and talked with empathy to resolve an issue with people that even in the liberal manufactured consent framing are at worst being misled. But liberalism isn’t actually their driving ethos, it’s maintaining power for themselves and for existing structures, and for that, hippy punching is exactly the result they want. The protesters’ greatest sin isn’t some trumped up charge of antisemitism, it’s challenging their superiors.

Grass, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Should have very strictly regulated the forever chemicals and micro plastics multiple decades ago. People are so inexplicably stupid and deranged that it has to be the chemicals.

DessertStorms, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own avatar

New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience

Also, cinema

apis, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own

Forgot to ramble earlier, so have this scant link instead.

Track_Shovel, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own

This is actually a really cool article. I did my MSC on a pile of dirt, so maybe it’s just me. Anyway, I like how he gets at how these walls act as a geomorphological feature on the landscape and from there, influence biota. The bit about mammals using the walls is cool, because in restoration and land reclamation we use artificial refuges (rock piles, bat boxes) to encourage animals back to the reclaimed landscape


Not just you, I thought it was engaging and interesting as well. The comment about artificial refuges really strikes a chord as well, and I would add man made brush piles to the list of reclamation structures for encouraging animal resurgence.

Also, I’m excited that I might be able to describe the various rock structures on our parcel with greater scientific rigor.


Yes, that’s right - brush piles and windrows of waste wood (from logging) are used to recreate habitat. Cowan et al 2011 (and 2012?; maybe they’re 2021/2022 respectively, I forget) has some great papers on how artificial refuges need to be constructed properly, otherwise they’re unused, or can serve as predator traps. I have the papers somewhere, though I had to request one from him.

If you’re interested, DM me and I’ll send them to you; it will require some digging, and I’m busy today, so I warn you turnaround might be slower than I’d like.

Zaktor, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Are Establishment Democrats Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump Rather Than Listen to Their Constituents? In a Word: Yes.

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