jaschen, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

I already left because of Trump the first time around. I couldn’t be happier. I welcome you to Taiwan if anyone is interested in coming.


I left the first time for Trump… but moved to the UK just in time for Brexit. Should’ve picked Taiwan I guess


Well, Taiwan is a very young democracy (1997). So, we still have a lot of the good thing that early democracies have. We are very foreigner friendly.

Homelessness is rare compared to the USA. While there are homeless people here, the % is much lower.

Universal Health care, social security, publicized medicine, an amazing social program for parents and pensioners.

It’s quite simple to immigrate here. If you make over 65k(USD) a year or in the renewable energy field, you’re already approved.

yarr, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Most people are full of shit. Where are they going to go? Getting citizenship in another country isn’t easy. “I’ll leave the country if Bush gets elected” was a thing back in the day. Guess how many people actually left? It wasn’t the majority…

Nightwingdragon, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

And this time, they may actually follow through.

Fucking lol no they won’t.

Moving abroad is insanely expensive, getting citizenship in another country is insanely difficult, and most people don’t have the skills that other countries would want, nor the resources necessary to make the move. The amount of people who have the resources to do it and the willingness to follow through wouldn’t qualify as so much as a rounding error, let alone enough to get anyone to take notice.

Regardless of what your opinion is on our immigration laws (legal or otherwise), our laws are basically an open-borders policy when compared to every other country on the planet with similar economic prosperity. People act like you can just pack up and move to Canada or something on a whim over the weekend. Not gonna happen.


We have a housing shortage in Australia, but besides that, we’d love to welcome a lot of you here. Its slightly more sane at least.


i feel like housing shortage is probably the most generous phrase you can use for what is really a real estate crisis at this point.

Also you have weird animals. I’m good, i’ll stay over here.


My Aunt said she’d leave if Trump was elected. Within the year she had sold her working farm and bed and breakfast and moved to Costa Rica with her husband.

Most people can’t afford to do that,or still have kids at home or whatever. And I honestly don’t like her or my uncle that much, but I was so proud of them that they did that. They had the resources, so they just did it.

Most people don’t have that freedom. But those who do should put their money where their mouth is.


Maybe we can take more of them in Canada instead of from places that commit international assassinations


Yes, America.

Famously not prone to the assassination of political enemies.

Definitely no racial component to your complaint either.


Yeah, totally racist to be upset when other countries carry out assassinations here.


Ah, so you just blame all immigrants for the actions of the government they’re moving away from for non-racial reasons, I see.

That’s why you want more Americans fleeing a fascist takeover, makes sense.

Hey, quick mental exercise, what does an American emigrant look like when you picture them?


Careful with those mental exercises bud, you might give yourselves a nosebleed.

Actually, a lot of the ex-Americans I’ve worked with are a pretty mixed bag, race-wise, and it’s not really surprising that non-white portion might have extra reasons to not be comfortable with the potential government of the future (that said, they might not be too impressed with the potential future government in Canada either).

I’ve also had the pleasure of working and socializing with a good number of intelligent, well-educated immigrants from India etc, but there’s a difference between bringing in educated members of a foreign country and opening the floodgates for McJobs so that corporations can keep on a cheap and easily-controllable workforce.

I’d welcome Americans looking to get away from fascism, but I’m not terribly impressed by bringing in large numbers of people from any country who bring their conflicts and hatreds from the motherland to here.


The interesting assumptions and continued willful ignorance continues, I see.

Some might take this chance to reflect on their thoughts and perhaps address their biases, but that’s apparently off the menu today.

Hey bud, who was being assassinated by Modi’s regime and why?


Shall I interestingly assume you’re totally ok with international assassinations being on the menu then? Where would you like them to serve it up next? And how?

How about Russian style with a little polonium tea?




I can’t help but notice that all the rich conservative shits all want to move to Costa Rica. It’s like a trend started by Rush Limbaugh. Your aunt moved to the one place where there would be more trumpism, not less.


They seem happy. They have a new bed and breakfast there (like a real one, where they host people, not air bnb) and my mom mentions they post on Facebook all the birds and sunsets and stuff. Shrug


While I agree with your overall point, if you think the US is “easy” to move to, you’re deluded. It’s far easier to move to the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and many other countries.

As a software engineer that works for a US company, with 15 years of experience, I can work pretty much wherever I want, except America.

The reason your immigration is so lop-sided is because your visa system is a joke. Many of your visas are taken by chop-shops that exploit foreign labour through low wages and threat of deportation. A sane president would make a more granular system that allows easy movement for people from “welcome” countries, while denying visas to specific sectors/countries that manipulate the system.

ColeSloth, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Heard that over the past like 8 elections.


Same, not going to happen…

mellowheat, (edited ) to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

And then they actually do some research and notice that for almost everyone of them, in almost every country on this planet their quality of living would deteriorate.

edit: Trump getting 2nd term might actually for reals change this though

edit2: Although like the previous time perhaps not ;)


trump getting elected would certainly change things.

I’m not sure how, and im not sure that it would be good, but a candidate using facist-esque rhetoric in their campaign is not exactly my favorite thing ever.

muntedcrocodile, to world in U.S. embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists' avatar

Why warn let it happen u had one job and that was shut the fuck up while ur enemy gets bombed.


Because the US and Russia still have a mutual war on terrorism.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

The war on terror existed to surveil citizens any war on a concept is both a misdirection of purpose and doomed to fail.


So, it has nothing to do with people murdering children in Russian schools or running planes into NYC buildings…



muntedcrocodile, avatar

Nope russian kids getting killed has to do with putin wanted to russify its citizens and kill any sub ethnicity and 911 was the smartest target for a terror attack history will probably ever see (hitting the financhial center was sending a message about the us dollars global domination through the federal reserve) this resulted in the war on terror which was an excuse to implement the patriot act (if ive ever heard a bill with a name designed so u cant campaign against it the patriot act is probably the best one yet) which was used to take away the citizens privacy in the name of think of the terrorists.

Terror attacks are exactly that attacks of terror designed to induce terror nothing less nothing more the deaths are pretty negligable in the scheme of things. Terror attacks often end up being very usfull politically to quickly move a bill through to oppress people in the name of security (hence the 911 was planned conspiracy theoryies, i wouldnt be suprised if it was tbh). This is why terror attacks in russia are good cos putin will overreact tightening the noose on the russian populus people will suffer (thats the plan at least) and it will drive civil unrest reducing their war effort.


So, during a state of lukewarm war, hotter than cold but not quite hot, America should just let a Jewish community get massacred by ISIS because it would leave egg on the face of our rival?

The world is pretty fucked up right now, I’m sorry for what it’s turned you into. Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any.

SteefLem, avatar

_ Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any. _

Thats because for most ppl its all very far away. Moment its gets close or closer it becomes different. Everyone (including me) is a Rambo on his/her couch on the other side of the planet.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Sacrifices must be made. Worse case senario its killing possible recruits for the war machine. Its just cold hard math and numbers dont give a fuck about humanity. In this cruel world we are forced to use the tools of our enemies so we can destroy them. I wish it didnt have to be this way but sadly dead people seem to be the only effective way to send a message.

Ohh and btw do u still buy cheap chinese crap build by slaves that have been forcfully sterilised or do u enjoy ur cushy life behind a keyboard consuming chinese crap powered by genocide without a care in the world.

We all make sacrifices to our morality every day but i guess as long as u dont have to think about it its not your problem. Everything is bathed in blood from the oil in ur car to the computer ur reading this on the only question is how much of that blood are you willing to accept is on your hands and how much more will you accept in the name of furthering ur goals.


Innocent people should not be sacrificed because of your personal mental afflictions

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Wow reverting to basless insults how mature. Innocent people will always be sacrificed its a sad reality if we dont do the same we are playing at a significant disadvantage.


It’s not baseless, it’s true. You sound like a crazy person. The rest is on you.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

I dont really care how it sounds all i ask is for you to find a statisticly significant reason for why i am objectivly wrong.


You’re not worth the effort

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Interesting way to say despite me being a cunt im right.


You’re fantasizing about the necessity of sacrificing innocent people. Seek mental health care.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Im not fantasising about it im stating it as what happens and whats nessasary to acheive parity of capabilities with russia something we need to be capable of doing to counter them effectivly.


lmao, fuck off. All it would take is funding the defense of Ukraine. Go on. Fuck right the fuck off.

3 fucking days dealing with your bullshit


I totally, wholeheartedly agree that there is NO ethical consumption in the modern day. Every first world pleasure I enjoy is taken at the barrel of a gun. As a union worker I buy American, or buy from places less likely to have sweatshop conditions, when it makes sense to do so.

But none of that has anything to do with what we’re talking about. You’re a deranged misanthropic accelerationist, please seek therapy.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

How is it different whos blood it is being spilled. Misantropic no accelerationist for our enemies thats the friggin point what do u think sanctions are for its to cause suffering and pain in the general populus and drive unrest to tie up resources solving that problem it sure as hell aint gonna effect the top of the line big rich fuckers it exists to cause suffering of the masses.

bignate31, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

“…Americans are planning to flee in droves, and then will realise they don’t have a passport, don’t know any foreign languages, and don’t know how to get around without a car and will ultimately just stay put.”

skeezix, (edited )

An example of latent american exceptionalism is that Americans (and articles like this written by them) seem to insinuate that Americans have leave to just enter and live in any country they wish, at any time, and live there for nothing more than booking a flight; that the receiving country will roll out the red carpet upon arrival and wipe their ass with silk, simply because they’re American.

Immigrating to a desirable country is usually a tedious and long process. Their acceptance of you for a long term visa will depend on many aspects of yourself and what you have to offer, not simply because there is a big splayed eagle on the cover of your passport.

MapleEngineer, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Go south. Canada can’t house or feed you and you will freeze to death in the first winter.

  • a Candian
rab, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

I’d trade my Canadian passport for an American one if anyone is interested


i wont trade mine for yours but perhaps we can conglomerate into one person with both canadian and american citizenship?

rab, avatar

No thanks I don’t need the Canada one anymore, dead country


ok, i’ll just take the canada one then.


DONE! No takesie-backsies!

I’ve tried to move to Canada for years now, but I’m not young enough or tech-sector enough to qualify.

rab, avatar

Ha Canada tech sector? I’ve just been laid off from that shit for the third time and I’m not even 30 yet

DarkSpectrum, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

With what money? That country keeps all it’s people poor.

peopleproblems, to world in U.S. embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists'

Are they saying “imminent terrorist attack” or “imminent false flag attack?”

Because I would wager a guess Putin is really trying to distract from Navaly now


Putin is really trying to distract from Navaly now

I don’t put much stock in the ru populace but - it was inspiring - seeing how many turned out to honor his passing, when faced with the security services. That takes bravery and anger; I sincerely hope they can apply those emotions to other avenues and topple Putin.

nac82, to politics in Father of Marine killed in 2021 suicide bomb attack at Afghanistan's Kabul airport arrested at SOTU

I dont understand what his protest was for. I’m sure there is extreme emotional duress from losing a child that recently, but what was the goal or message here?


Make Biden look bad.


Made himself look like a fool who cares more about politics than the death of his son to me.

I’d give him a break due to his grieving, but honestly, it’s pathetic that he would let his love for his son be manipulated for political points.

He was literally trying to use his son’s death to help the man who gave the orders that got his son killed.


Conservatism seems, in my estimation, to be invariably vague in its ideology. Nothing is truly valued beyond the narrative.


The narrative isn’t even valued. How many times does Trump say something and then pretend he never said it. Or other members of the GOP say “I don’t think he really means that”. All that’s valued is pissing off the liberals by being arrogant, loud jerks.


None of the people on the right seem to know that Trump negotiated that deal.


Turns out the moderators of this forum are in this group. Read the other comment chains here.


Was his goal necessarily to help Trump?


True, I’ve assumed too much. It just falls right in that Fox news narrative from 2 years back they were doing a lot.


Guess he’s a Russian now too.

jordanlund, avatar

Biden bungled the evacuation of Afghanistan leading to deaths.

nac82, (edited )

Biden wasn’t involved in the Afghanistan pullout, actually. That was definitively Trump.

They let Mods use mod profiles to spread misinformation in this sub?



Moving the relevant bits from Wikipedia above the debate so people will have a frame of reference.


The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban’s counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8

jordanlund, avatar

Trump signed us up for it, and Biden was right that it needed to be done, but the execution of it was a travesty and that was absolutely on Biden.

I know, I know, it’s not like Biden planned every last detail of it, but when you say something idiotic like:

“There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”


Then this happens:

And this:

Followed by this:…/kabul-falls-to-taliban-us-withdrawa…

and this:…/taliban-afghanistan-arms-deal…

Yeahhh… not a good look.


Opinion pieces and YouTube videos. Nice sources. It’s some real irony at work as you scrub other peoples content on the sub for including video links. The last one is literally directly a result of Trumps orders, and that is the most credible link you shared. You are spreading misinformation.

What changes to Trumps Afghanistan retreat did Biden implement?

jordanlund, avatar

All Trump did was agree to the removal and set the timeline. The actual EXECUTION of the removal was on Biden because, by the time it actually came to get out, Biden was the commander in chief.

He SHOULD have evacuated all civilians and Afghani assets first, he failed to do that, even when Guam stepped up and offered to assist going “Hey, you know we’ve done this before, right?”…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

Biden was told, ahead of time, “this is what needs to happen”, he ignored it.…/index.html

Once you evacuate all the civilian assets, you remove all the gear and equipment you can, then you burn the rest.

THEN you bring the troops home.

Point for point, Biden screwed it up, and when he gets called out on it, his argument is “Well, hey, we had to leave…” and while he’s not wrong in that, the priority and methodology was fucked from the ground up.


So Trump gave shitty orders during a time he couldn’t provide oversight, and that is Bidens fault.

Sure, dude.

When asked what changes to Trumps orders Biden made, you change the topic.

Bad faith bullshit.

jordanlund, avatar

Trump gave NO orders for the evacuation. He agreed to evacuate and to the timeline.

The actual ORDERS were left to Biden, because when the time came, Trump was out and Biden was in.



The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban’s counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]

Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

How are you allowed to moderate this community? I’ve already taken screenshots of the thread. I’ve seen how you operate.

jordanlund, avatar

Read your own sources before reporting my well sourced and factual comments:

“The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]”


Again, which part of trump’s plan, that Biden merely followed through on to maintain our treatise and agreements trump made with the taliban, during a presidential transition, were Biden’s changes or influence?

The man followed through with an agreement the previous administration made to try and signal unity and consistency that the US always honors their agreements, even if we don’t like it, and that’s Biden’s fault somehow?

jordanlund, avatar

Again, Trump had NO PLAN. All he agreed to was to exit and the date.

Everything else was on Biden.


You know that’s not true, right? The other guy replying to you cited sources and references proving that what you said is straight up not true.

jordanlund, avatar

And, unfortunately for them, their source directly says the opposite of what they think it does.


You’re 100 wrong here.

jordanlund, avatar

Trump literally could not plan the Afghanistan exit because, now follow me on this, he specifically arranged for it to happen in the next Presidential term.

When it came time to leave, Trump wasn’t the commander in chief passing the orders. Biden WAS.


But this is not true and relies on knowing what he was thinking and making assumptions. Everyone else is playing by the rules of what is provably true. You’re just… well…. Assuming things.

jordanlund, avatar

It IS true, because all Trump did was agree to leave by what timeline and nothing else. He wasn’t the one saying “Yeah, so if Guam offers to help, make sure you ghost all their phone calls” because that hadn’t happened yet. BIDEN did that.…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

“Among those willing to help was Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero of Guam, a US territory in the Western Pacific. On June 12, she sent a letter to Biden. “Guam has stood ready to serve as a safe and secure route for this type of humanitarian effort throughout our history,” she wrote. “And today, it is no different. I assure you that my administration is prepared to assist” should Biden call on Guam to provide safe haven to refugees. She was echoing a plan advocates had been calling for since the spring: the “Guam option,” which would work around immigration bureaucracy by having the military airlift refugees to the island while they waited for their US visas or for another country to take them in. But the White House ghosted Leon Guerrero, too. After sending the June letter, the governor received “no formal written response,” according to a spokesperson.”

Trump had fuck all to do with this because it all happened AFTER he was out of office.


Again, you’re 100% wrong:…/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-a…

I appreciate your feeling the need to dig in and entrench yourself in your own defense- but you’re just wrong.

jordanlund, avatar

Your link is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying!

“The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.”

Trump made the agreement and set the date.

Biden issued the actual orders.

“Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited. But ultimately his administration pushed ahead with a plan to withdraw by Aug. 31, despite obvious signs that the Taliban wasn’t complying with the agreement and had a stated goal to create an “Islamic government” in Afghanistan after the U.S. left, even if it meant it had to “continue our war to achieve our goal.””

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

please check dms/reports



jordanlund, avatar

He inherited the commitment, and the timeline, the actual order of events, the actual military decisions, the choice to ignore the offer of help from the Governor of Guam, that’s ALL on the commander in chief, which, at the time, was Biden.


I think it’s pretty evident that you don’t understand how any of this works. It’s probably best to end this here before I start getting comments removed.

jordanlund, avatar

I’m telling you exactly how it works, Trump committed to it, factually proven, with links. Biden executed it, factually proven, with links.

The failure was in the execution, as I’ve already noted.

Did Trump set Biden up for failure?

100% yes.

Could Biden have done things differently so as to avoid the clusterfuck?

100% yes.

Biden CHOSE to start drawing down troops while civilians and equipment were still there. That is all on Biden.

From June, 2021:…/index.html

“It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days,” they noted. US Central Command said this week that the US withdrawal from the country was 30% to 44% complete."

Biden CHOSE to ignore the Governor of Guam when they offered assistance evacuating the civilians who helped us.…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

“Among those willing to help was Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero of Guam, a US territory in the Western Pacific. On June 12, she sent a letter to Biden. “Guam has stood ready to serve as a safe and secure route for this type of humanitarian effort throughout our history,” she wrote. “And today, it is no different. I assure you that my administration is prepared to assist” should Biden call on Guam to provide safe haven to refugees. She was echoing a plan advocates had been calling for since the spring: the “Guam option,” which would work around immigration bureaucracy by having the military airlift refugees to the island while they waited for their US visas or for another country to take them in. But the White House ghosted Leon Guerrero, too. After sending the June letter, the governor received “no formal written response,” according to a spokesperson.”

Trump had NOTHING to do with either of those events because he had already been out of office for MONTHS when they happened.

You don’t believe me? Believe, I dunno, the STATE DEPARTMENT?…/story?id=100553006

“While the White House previously said that Biden directed government agencies to prepare for “all contingencies,” the State Department inquiry found disorganization in the highest level of government, saying it was “unclear who in the department had the lead” on evacuation efforts.

The review also claims that senior officials failed to make critical decisions about which at-risk Afghan nationals would be airlifted before Afghanistan fell into turmoil.

Cited, quoted, proven.



nac82, (edited )

You failed to read it the first time so I will paste it here.

Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

It’s funny that I directly talked about that bit. And of course, you decide to start attacking me with an uncivil slap fight response instead of addressing my statements.

You need to revisit the comment and the bit of Wikipedia that you cut out of the quote below.

bigMouthCommie, avatar

they seem confident about things they are wrong about factually, and have certainly moderated based on opinion or accusing others of misinformation where they are the one who is misinformed. but I don't see it changing.

also your comment and mine are in violation of the rules about discussing moderation. we can whine on !modabuse


If moderation is being used as a tool to manipulate conversation on the thread, I don’t see how people can be expected not to talk about it.

What instance is that group on? I might have it blocked.

zettajon, avatar

Let’s say you work at a very busy fast food place that has a night shift, complete with its own night manager. While you sleep, the night manager puts in an order: at 1pm, all remaining potatoes must be dumped, and you must go buy new crates of potatoes. 10am comes and the daytime manager comes in, and is stunned to see the order. At noon, the lunch rush starts. At 1pm, the day manager follows through on the simple order of throwing out the remaining potatoes, and now the fast food joint can’t make more fries.

Who is at fault in this situation? The night manager agreed to dump the potatoes and gave an order on the exact time to do it. There was no plan given on how to do it. The day manager received the order and was the one who actually dumped the potatoes, costing the restaurant a ton of money by essentially shutting down fry production.


Is there evidence the time line was feasible, or that the outcome under Biden could have been avoided. My understanding of the events is that everything was setup in a way where either the time line had to change or things would get messy.

jordanlund, avatar

Oh, no, in fact Biden was told an evacuation like that could NOT be done in the timeframe and they went with it anyway.…/index.html

“The bipartisan lawmakers contended that the existing process for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants will not work.

“It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days,””

That’s where Guam stepped up and said “hey, we’ll take them, let us help!” and were ignored.

If the process takes more than 800 days, you either expedite that process, or remove them to a location where they can safely wait out the process.

The Biden administration chose “none of the above”.


So doesn’t that mean Trump set him up to fail. Sounds like the prior administration messed up and left Biden to clean up. No matter what Biden did, he’d be in the wrong (extend the evacuation or push forward with the set timeline).

If that’s the case what are you arguing should have happened, and how is the previous admin not responsible for creating the circumstances.

zettajon, avatar

Trump gave NO orders for the evacuation…/milley-paper-order-withd…

jordanlund, avatar

Read your link much?

“Despite their advice, Biden ordered the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan in April 2021. They ultimately withdrew at the end of August 2021, with the Taliban back in power and Afghans who had spent two decades working with U.S. forces concerned for their safety.”



jordanlund, avatar

Sorry cited facts don’t matter to you.

Insulting another user gets your comment removed.

Insulting a mod gets you a 24 hour ban.

Touch grass.

FreakinSteve, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

No they’re not

kava, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

America under Trump is still better than most of the world. Take it from someone born in a 3rd world country.

And if you have the qualifications and/or skills necessary to migrate to 1st world countries like in Europe… you’re making a good wage here and have little reason to leave here anyways.


What a clueless take on a complex situation! To top it all off your argument is “b-but some countries are worse!!”



You can try actually saying something instead of the mild attempt at being disparaging

I’ll repeat it

a) the countries that most working class Americans can escape to aren’t any better and functionally worse. you ever live in a country that doesn’t have hot water or A/C?

b) the countries they want to go to won’t accept them. have you ever tried to immigrate anywhere? it’s not simple and there are requirements that most Americans simply will not meet


The argument of the submission is that people would leave because things would be worse here. It makes perfect sense to point out that it you leave, it’s likely going to be worse, maybe in a few way or maybe in many.


america under trump is better than uh, iran, probably. any place that actively seeks out it’s citizens to silence them. Yeah.

For now.

FreakinSteve, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Everyone needs yo keep in kind that all of the US’s problems are caused by 1-Capitalism, and 2-Christianity.

If you are moving to a place that celebrates those things then you are just moving sideways

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