canis_majoris, to games in Palworld boss says a Switch version ‘might be hard for technical reasons’ avatar

It definitely is not an optimized game. It doesn’t run really well on my ROG Ally, so I can’t imagine trying to do it on a Switch.

Zehzin, avatar

To be fair to the ROG, it doesn’t run really well on anything

tacosanonymous, to games in Palworld boss says a Switch version ‘might be hard for technical reasons’

It does seem like it would be an amount of work.

boatsnhos931, to games in Nintendo won’t reveal Mario & Luigi’s new developer, but says ‘original staff’ are invovled

I get invovled in lots of things

Mora, to games in Nintendo won’t reveal Mario & Luigi’s new developer, but says ‘original staff’ are invovled

That is just scummy. Either they don’t want players to know because it is a shit studio… or they don’t want the studio to get a reputation, so they can offer them less money in future projects.

pkmkdz, to games in Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”

"narrative link” to the long-in-development sequel.

“at E3 2017, when the publisher revealed it would take the form of a prequel.”

So… prequel or sequel? Mfs don’t even know what they write about

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar


RightHandOfIkaros, to games in Prominent Nintendo leaker locks account, after source ‘revealed as employee’

What a dingus. This person yapped to a journo and really thought it wasn’t going to be in an article? Thats what they get for yapping I guess.

Cadeillac, avatar

In the article it states that a DM revealed he had in fact told the leaker he was writing an article


Whether a journo tells you they’re doing an article or not, they’re always going to put what you say in an article. It’s why you don’t talk to journos like you don’t talk to police without a lawyer. Even if you want to be helpful, you still need a lawyer to protect you.


When journalists had integrity, they protected the identity of their sources. Not just for the sake of their own reputation and that of the source, but also because once you fuck up that trust, no-one will talk to you anymore (or only do it anonymously, and there's a lot of opportunity to get fucked with when you don't know who your source is, which means you need to spend a lot more time vetting).

Cadeillac, avatar

I’m not disagreeing at all, just saying that he is even more stupid, and tried to cover it up

YourPrivatHater, to games in Prominent Nintendo leaker locks account, after source ‘revealed as employee’

Hope he gets out alive. Knowing Nintendo they would definitely hire a hitman.


Oh, are the Gunpei Yokoi conspiracies circulating again?


No just that Nintendo is pretty dam toxic to most people.


Virtual Boy fails? Yokoi dies.

WiiU fails? Iwata dies.

Don’t fail Nintendo…


Hey, Nintendo may be Nintendo, but they’re not WoTC. Even if they did send a hitman, it would only be the cloud version.

nanoUFO, to games in Nintendo won’t reveal Mario & Luigi’s new developer, but says ‘original staff’ are invovled avatar

I care more about the developers than the IP’s. But most people don’t care seeing how hot IP’s are even if the games themselves are garbage.

Tarogar, to games in Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”

Enduring commitment… To whom? Certainly not the franchise, otherwise it wouldn’t take that long, absolutely not the players since they keep ignoring what they actually want out of a prequel or sequel for that franchise. The shareholders? Doesn’t that kind of require to you know… Release a product? Which more or less only leaves one option. Enduring commitment to not knowing what the heck they are doing.


At that point I have absolutely no idea what they’re trying to do with that series.

They clearly don’t care about the dozens of us (dozens!) that just wanted the end of that quirky little game from the 00’s. So they’d want a new market for it, as was clear from that now old E3 shitshow… But why would those new players care about that IP at all?

A direct sequel, as good as it is, would have a tiny reception, and anything else would disappoint anyone who still cares about the first one. And I expect those to be vocal if not many.


Well. All I want is more of that thing the first game did. Not some bog standard Ubisoft formula that they have been too afraid to deviate from for so long now.

Sure apparently IIRC Michel ancel was not easy to work with. Not that I would know since I didn’t work with that guy. But who knows what is true when said dev left ubi stating that the company sucked now… I suppose the truth is somewhere in between, he didn’t want to conform that much to the safe Ubisoft formula and Ubisoft inausted that he did.

Man I remember when they took risks and put out actual good games instead of the same old safe and non risky rehashes that they do now.


Child of Light was a successful attempt at making a good indie-like game. I liked it. It was different and creative. I wonder what became of the announced sequel…

Plourde expressed that he was unsure if it was still in development but said that he was not involved and that it was unlikely, with most of the core team responsible for the original game having departed the company.
With a focus on games as a service, Plourde expressed doubt over the prequel, believing games such as Child of Light to be no longer something that Ubisoft would want to make.

Fuck Ubisoft.

HackerJoe, to games in Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”

Fuck Ubisoft.

Wait. What’s the article about? Ahh yes, very iconic. Fuck Ubisoft.

RightHandOfIkaros, to games in Miyazaki ‘spends 95% of his time directing games’, despite FromSoftware president title

I love this man’s games but I also hope he is able to spend plenty of time with his family. If his games have to take a little longer because of it then that’s fine, I am happy to wait. His efforts have landed him a lifetime customer with me.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

Japanese work culture is no joke. Though it can be hoped

No_Change_Just_Money, to games in Hands-on: Dragon Quest 3 2D-HD Remake is a perfect entry point for newcomers

But can you explain why they did not start with one+two

In the direct, they said 3 1 2 is a good order to play

O have only played 11, so I am not familiar with it ,but that seemed very weird to me


Apparently 3 is a prequel to 1 and 2, though you can obviously play it 312 or 123, whichever you prefer.


I like 213 to travel back in time as I go.

brsrklf, (edited )

It’s supposed to be the chronological order, and I imagine the games are separate enough, with only loose connections, that it doesn’t really matter in this case.

Because really, chronological is not the best order for many stories.

One of the best known examples is Star Wars, where episodes 4-5 lose a lot of their power if you’ve seen the prequels first.

A video game example would be Beaten Kaitos Origins, which is IMO one of the best attempt at a prequel ever. It completely turns the interpretation of the first game on its head, and makes both better because of it. It would ruin the effect to play BKO first.

kamenlady, to games in Miyazaki ‘spends 95% of his time directing games’, despite FromSoftware president title avatar

This really is the way

Godort, to games in Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”

Uh oh. What did Unisoft do this time?

They only talk about BG&E2 when they are about to be raked over the coals for some heinous shit they did.

lordnikon, to games in Miyazaki ‘spends 95% of his time directing games’, despite FromSoftware president title

aa it should be

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