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8ender, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

This is comparing a 3 series sedan with an SUV though. The closest modern analog to the E30 would be the 1 series, and while it’s larger and heavier it’s also more fuel efficient, faster, and safer.


The closest equivalent to the 3 series would be a 3 series since it showcases how much bigger got.

Though a lot of that size increase is due to better safety tech, better crumple zones, so OP isnt very intelligent with this critique, the ford F150 comparisons are more apt.


Yes but the image is of an X3 I think so certainly not an apple to apple comparison.


This is what I would expect to see. This graphic is a crap comparison.

morrowind, avatar

It’s a perfectly fine comparison, because people are buying them for the exact same thing. Just because they’ve been sorted into different categories for other reasons doesn’t change that.


Lol any method of transportation is just a different category with this logic

morrowind, avatar

No, because all methods of transportation are not used for “the exact same thing”. If it was a 7 seater SUV, it would be a bad comparison, because that’s for carrying more people and must be larger. Same for a motorcycle. But it’s not, it’s a five seater car with a moderate trunk that people are buying for the exact same use case.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

You’re right, they’re not all used for transportation.

Yes I’m trolling a bit, one could argue a modern smart phone and the first cell phones are a bad comparison because they “aren’t used for the same thing” but that’s just needlessly pedantic.

In this case, I do think it’s fair to point out a crossover/suv being compared to a sedan is different enough to be a bad comparison, it’s not “Apples to Oranges” (why can’t fruit be compared?) but it is intentionally misleading for comparing cars of the same type when they’re not the same type and pointing at the size difference.

morrowind, avatar

Yes it is very intentional, because the point is not to say, “look at this sedan and this suv”, the point is, “look at cars and how they are becoming bigger”, a major part of which is people unnecessarily buying bigger cars. It’s comparing the “average” car of the past to the “average” car today. In fact, if you were to compare sedans to sedans while trying to make that point, I say that would be disingenuous.

By example, if I was comparing computer storage though the ages, I wouldn’t compare magnetic tape to magnetic tape today, I’d compare it to ssds. And it wouldn’t be disingenuous because they’re different types of storage, because the point I’m making is about storage as a whole.

If SUVs are replacing sedans, I think it’s entirely fair to compare them.


I just had to tow a U-Haul trailer with all of my furniture packed inside. A five seater car would not be able to do this.

morrowind, avatar

You represent a minority


Especially a minority of their own time. Moving houses doesn’t happen every day.


You decided to do that, you didn’t have to. Since the trailer was rented out, you could have just as well rented out a U-Haul truck.

Snowpix, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless avatar

Not only are modern cars huge, they’re fuckin’ ugly as well. I can’t stand the “aggressive” look every car, truck, and SUV has nowadays. Sorry, but Mom’s minivan does not need to look “aggressive”. That thing is lucky to even reach a high speed to warrant such a look. The shapes of cars nowadays look like hideous blobs, especially most SUVs. Taillights taking up the whole rear end, weird headlight placement (who the fuck designed the Nissan Juke?) and other design choices that make the car look uglier every generation.

I know it’s because of studies showing people like “aggressive” cars (because people are fucking stupid, it isn’t aggressive if every car is aggressive) and aerodynamics are why cars look like blobs, but I sure miss when cars actually looked like cars. That died out in the late 90s/early 2000s.


Hyundai Ioniq 5, Hyundai Vision 74 (just a concept for now)

These 2 look really nice.

The i20 looks nice 2 in my opinion and my Hyundai i40CW is probably the best looking car of it’s generation in its category


Have you seen the engines they put in minivans? They’re pulling upwards of 300 horsepower. When Mom wants to go she’s going to beat your crossover.


I was going to say, you can option almost any model minivan with 300 these days


Aggressive is definitely the current trend. Rivian is an interesting exception, imo. The front end has a lot of rounded features even though they are on trucks and SUVs. I hated the headlights at first but they are growing on me. They are a tiny player of course, but they have a lot of buzz at the moment.

blackstampede, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

Man, I want that chunky laptop.

Kyatto, avatar

not only does it have a larger battery… it also uses up that battery 10 times faster while doing 100 times less work :')

I would really like to have modern laptops at like double/triple the size for more battery space though, why can’t we have a normal laptop that lasts like a week on a charge?


I would really like to have modern laptops at like double/triple the size for more battery space though

Mainly because that would violate airplane regulations. You aren’t meant to go over 100 Wh because of what most Li-Ion cells do when damaged, overheated, and ruptured.

why can’t we have a normal laptop that lasts like a week on a charge?

Maybe because that’s impossible without using some really low power parts. Do you like having a black and white screen running at maybe 30 FPS with no brightness to speak off? That’s what you would end up with. Okay actually with modern eInk and transreflective LCDs we can do limited colour, but it will cost a fortune.

Even with triple the energy you are going to struggle powering a modern fast machine with a modern display for that long. Higher resolutions, better colours, brightness, and frame rate all demand more power.


My MacBook lasts a week or more already. I’ve had it for almost 3 years and put less than 100 cycles on it.


Is that actually on and working for an entire week or in sleep mode? Obviously sleep mode uses less power. No one is disputing the fact that you can have long stand by times, even if modern laptops have actually gotten worse in this regard.

If it can manage 8 hours of screen on time everyday for a week that would be closer to what I mean and probably what the original commenter meant.


Definitely not 40 hours use, but I get about 20 out of it, unless I’m doing something particularly heavy. Like, I tested BG3 on it for shits and giggles, and got better performance than my 2070 machine, but it drained my battery by over 50% in Les than an hour

Kyatto, avatar

I don’t know where they found that laptop, but a 1999 powerbook was really like this:


Build a cyberdeck.

RampantParanoia2365, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

How is an SUV more meaningless than the sedan?


I can cram into my ancient 80s civic hatch almost the same stuff my friend’s dad can put in whatever model giant suv he has. my friend has a small pickup that can carry more. The bigger vehicle is not any more comfortable, smells like plastic and fake leather, and it’s a mystery how that man makes the jump in and out of the vehicle with knees worse than mine because I have a hell of a hard time when I help them move stuff. Its also so damn high so getting heavy stuff in sucks big time. Not everyone wants a forklift to load their car.

Asidonhopo, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless US has to fix the fuel efficiency laws so that small trucks don’t have huge environmental fees associated with them. So many contractors and others who need a truck but don’t want a modern behemoth would benefit.


YES PLEASE. You can even make it electric. I just want a small truck with a full size bed. I don’t need all the other shit these overpriced monstrosities come with.


But they’re essentially illegal. CAFE standards are based on vehicle footprint since the late 2000s (you know - when they suddenly quit making small trucks). As the standards get stricter they just make trucks bigger to keep from failing to meet CAFE.


Yes, that’s why I replied to a comment about the laws needing to change.


Though the benefit of the law is that the standard engine on the Ford Maverick is the hybrid, since having the ICE as the standard wouldn’t meet CAFE.

If the Maverick had been possible to obtain when my Colorado died last summer it’s definitely what I would have bought.

Instead I got an NV200 mini cargo van, and I’m pretty happy with it. Though the smash cargo vans just all got discontinued by all the manufacturers too because of CAFE.


You mean like a Kei Truck?

I think they’re so cute. Like they are out of a Lightning McQueen manga.


Those are great. Just an engine, wheels, a seat and a truck bed - yet somehow they don’t pass California’s emissions laws, while (insert massive truck here) does?

JasonDJ, (edited )

Is it emissions or is it safety? B/c a lot of them don’t have the power for highway roads and lack basic safety (like seatbelts).

If it is emissions, it’s probably because it’s category-wrecking. They probably get pitted against other cars in a similar weight or wheelbase, and it’s designed to be far more utilitarian than most vehicles in that class.


I’d totally drive a Kei truck, I bet the fuel economy is great too. The big appeal for a light truck for me though is putting a cap on the back and keeping tools equipment back there, or going camping in it. Would make a decent van life experience in a pinch too. I used to have a Mazda B2000 like in the picture back in the 90s, easy to keep running and decent with gas, nothing but happy memories with it.


I bet the fuel economy is great too.

IIRC they can get like 40mpg. Which isn’t great in comparison to some cars, but for a truck it’s pretty fuckin good.

Anticorp, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

Those are completely different models. Dumb post is dumb.


Wow, what an excellent point.

Fun fact: all of those phones lined up in a row are actually Nokia’s.

Yes yes, that’s why this is a false equivalence.


Also, do we not want crumple zones? We want to go back to death machines on the road?


Stupid Ugly Vehicles ARE death machines

prosp3kt, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

The answer is a lot simpler: Small penis compensation.


SUVs don’t move people, they move fragile egoes

cosmicrookie, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless avatar

Exactly the image I thought of.

Bless you, and all your generations to come, oh wide and sagacious one!


I’ve got big hands. Phones are great the size they’re at now.


Agreed. Even now the keyboard is about the size of my thumb. I hate typing on mobile.


Eh, speak for yourself please

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I love how this comment serves no purpose but to announce that you’re kind of a difficult person. Can we be friends?


Can’t rn, too busy jacking off on my Nexus 6. Stereo front-facing speakers, baby.

deathbysnusnu, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

Now do people.

3volver, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

Pretty stupid to compare a sedan and an SUV. Not a good way to get people to see your point.

Evehn, avatar

Many normal car models are now SUVs though, at least in Europe.


OP could just compare the E30 3-series and the G20 3-series and there would already be a size difference. Of course, much of it stems from safety features taking up extra space (hello crumple zones, airbags, etc) and there’s also simply a little bit of more space in a modern car.

To truly make a point here, you might want to compare a pickup truck from the 80s or 90s vs the 2010s or 2020s. Those have gotten unnecessarily big with no excuse.


They ahould have uaed the original Mini and the BMW Mini as a comparison


But SUVs and trucks are increasingly the cars that most people own.


Dumb phone vs. smartphone.

SpiceDealer, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless avatar

What I’m about to type might come as a nitpick and missing the point so let me say this upfront: This post is very much true. Cars have gotten way too big and the loopholes in government laws and environmental regulations that allow this shit to happen need to be closed. Consumers should also be smarter and more diligent with their purchases.

With that said, there’s a small disparity with the car example. The car on the left (BMW 3 Series E30, I think) would be classified as a sedan. The car on the right (BMW X series, don’t know which specifically) would classified as an SUV, more specifically the (abysmal) crossover category.


They are the typical cat that sells in the time it’s build. The phones are technically a dumb phone Vs a smart phone and no-one said anything


Because there are still a lot of cars being made and sold. They’re a big part of every manufacturer’s product line. How many new dumb phones were released in the past 2 years?

itsnotits, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless
  • 25-year* difference
  • 40-year* difference
umbraroze, in Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

I vaguely remember some quote from the 1990s along the lines of “if cars had had the same technological growth rate as computers, by now, they’d go bazillion kilometers with a drop of gasoline, had engines the size of sugar cubes, and would cost a penny and a half.”

schwim, in SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023

Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding this but weren’t the SUVs already calculated in the countries’ bars? Of course something globally combined that burns fuel is going to be significant. I imagine sedans and coupes wouldn’t be very far behind. This smacks of a “Statistically, everyone has one testicle” type of thing.

Are we just picking out things that we can add to the graph? Like, can I choose farts or barbques?

Oneser, (edited )

Agreed. I’d love to also see how this was calculated, but the graph doesn’t make me want to click on the link tbh.

My (and hopefully most other’s too) hatred for SUV’s is already maxxed out anyway.

*Edit: ok, my curiosity won and I clicked it and saw that it was done by IEA… Literally one of my favourite organisations that don’t tend to come up with junk data or conclusions. It’s a good read.


Can we show the emissions from industries like plastics?



Not for the sake of being green… but for the fact that plastic is a endocrine disruptor, we’re phasing out all things plastic for glass as best we can.

Fk plastic.


This is such a difficult thing to do. Replaced baggies with reusable silicone. Use only glass or ceramic dishes. Use reusable bags at the grocery store. Got little reusable fruit and vegetable bags so I’m not using the disposable bags at the grocery.

But at the end of the day, goddamn every food or product I buy comes wrapped in plastic one way or the other, and there’s little I can do about that.

problematicPanther, avatar

i recently learned something fun, there’s a way of polymerizing blood to turn it into plastic. I’m not sure if that fits in with the overall theme of this comment thread, or if it’s relevant in any way. I just have to share that knowledge.


Good point. I wonder how big of a bar “meat production” would be. If you include shipping and all other ways it contributes to emissions I wouldn’t be surprised if it outweighs consumer vehicles.


That would be my uneducated guess as well. Taking everything like processing, shipping, storing, growing the feed and all it requires into account for meat production, I would be shocked if it weren’t higher than passenger vehicles combined.


Say you remove SUVs from the other countries’ calculations. That would make SUVs look even worse.


Or perhaps you begin arbitrarily counting other things twice in your calculations. Then they look better.

My point isn’t that item X doesn’t pollute, just that the graph in question is less useful in it’s nature and aimed at being alarmist.




Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding this but weren’t the SUVs already calculated in the countries’ bars?

I was responding to this comment. If you remove the SUVs’ calculations from other bars then the others get smaller relative to SUVs and make SUVs look worse.

Or perhaps you begin arbitrarily counting other things twice in your calculations. Then they look better.

They either kept SUVs in or they didn’t. If they kept them in (counted twice) It makes SUVs look less polluting (see above). If they didn’t count them twice then it would be more accurate and make SUVs look more polluting.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether they counted SUVs twice or not because it doesnt make their calculations “look better”.

I don’t see it as alarmist at all. Rather, it’s demonstrating how much emissions come from SUVs. As seen by other comments on this post, it sparks dialogue about less carbon intensive alternatives to SUVs which are exceedingly common.


That’s kind of the point. People naturally imagine that there are much greater contributions and that there’s no way a minor choice like an SUV over a compact has major consequences. But this graph does demonstrate that such a decision matters.

nowwhatnapster, in SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023

Now do it with container ships

SpeakinTelnet, avatar

Bunker fuel burns clean I swear!

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