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Gorilladrums21, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

I forgot how cancerous this site was. This place is such an echo chamber that the users are actually defending crimes

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@Gorilladrums21 @return2ozma legality does not define morality.


Where is the morality in damaging people’s property that they worked to get with their hard earned money?

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@Gorilladrums21 They weren't delivered yet, they are Tesla property.

Protests are only effective if they are disruptive.


Protesting what exactly? Protesting for the sake of protesting is just meaningless. I still fail to see the morality here. What exactly is moral about vandalizing these cars?

Also this notion that protests are only effective if they’re disruptive is a myth. If that was the case then the George Floyd Riots would’ve led somewhere or the pro Palestinian encampments would’ve led somewhere or all those climate protesters damaging historical monuments and art would’ve led somewhere or all those animal rights activists blocking streets would’ve led somewhere… but they haven’t. All they’ve done is lead people to resent them.


Protesting what exactly?

Protesting monster trucks becoming the default go-to vehicle to go run an errand or drive to work. You don’t need a “child-destroyer-3000: now Electric!” taking 3 lanes of width, weighing 20 tonnes, and occupying 4 parking spots, to go to your bakery or pick up the kids from school.

What exactly is moral about vandalizing these cars?

If certain vehicles end up costing more to manufacture/protect/repaint than the revenue upon sale, the company will stop manufacturing them. Same idea as deflating SUV wheels which are parked on the street: make lives for SUV drivers inconvenient so people won’t want an SUV.

Also this notion that protests are only effective if they’re disruptive is a myth. If that was the case then the George Floyd Riots would’ve led somewhere or the pro Palestinian encampments would’ve led somewhere or all those climate protesters damaging historical monuments and art would’ve led somewhere or all those animal rights activists blocking streets would’ve led somewhere… but they haven’t. All they’ve done is lead people to resent them.

“What did the resistance to Nazi occupation by the Polish people lead to? It didn’t work, genocide happened anyway, and all they did is making Nazis resent them”.

I’m sure you’re aware that people engage in challenges they don’t know for certain they can achieve, right?


“In an unjust society the only place for a just man is prison.”


Where exactly is the justice here?


In prison.


the real crime here is this death trap being allowed on the road in the first place.


Just the other day I threw a brick into a car window that had a Z sticker on it. Sue me.


It must be, you keep making comments on it.

hperrin, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

Made them more valuable.

ultratiem, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

“Yes Mr. Crowler we hear what you’re saying, but unfortunately spray paint voids your warranty.”


Don’t worry, for others they say turning it on voids warranty

Wxnzxn, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
@Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml avatar

Without justifying this really dumb act, because there’s no justifying it, […]
How about we just don’t vandalize private property. That’s a good standpoint to build on.

Wow, how unbased can an article get?


Why bother trying to make something uglier that is already maximum ugly?

lauha, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

F_Elon is probably is future username


That’s an idea 🤔

Graz, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

Ironically making them more corrosion resistant, by doing so…

VirtualOdour, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

This is why the planet is fucked, you all whine that climate change is scary but then you cheer on people attacking electric cars just because Twitter man bad. You’re all desperate for tesla to fail because Elon upset you, someone doing something petty that’ll have zero effect on Elon but will negatively affect a regular person fills you with joy because it’s a way of hitting back at the bad man. Totally childish and pathetic.

Spend that energy learning about and praising positive things, don’t win by tearing your opponent down win by building yourself up.


All of the vehicles in the article were pre-delivery. As they were still owned by Tesla, it falls on the company to repair them.

I’m not justifying vandalism, but the impact to the buyer is a delayed delivery vs a monetary and PR impact to Tesla.


Ok… I’ll take the bait, can you please share links that show how the Cybertruck is actually good the planet? I didn’t actually read technical review about it. I mostly see silly (and sometimes fun) memes. I also recently read that EV in generals don’t have the same impact as electrical bikes, e.g theguardian.com/…/evs-are-booming-but-electric-bi… , but maybe I’m misinformed and this vehicle by Tesla, despite its size, it’s actually helping. Can you please share a link to such review and/or studies with e.g Life cycle assessment (LCA) / ISO 14040?

PS: to clarify I don’t mean articles about how it’s “changing mind”, I mean numerical estimations then comparison between one mean of transport, e.g non EV vs EV, or this EV vs other or this EV vs random electric bike.

@arxdat@lemmy.ml avatar

Tesla is synonymous with climate destruction and if you believe otherwise demonstrates that you have grossly bought into their propaganda.


Its paint. They can still drive them. Stop being a little baby.

Also, i don’t know about a single nice person that bought this low poly piece of shit.


No matter what cars will be shit for the environment in some way, things like pubic transport, bike infrastructure and more walkable cities are things that actually help

@figstick@mas.to avatar

@VirtualOdour @return2ozma @fuck_cars

The tyre extinguishers are more worth your while to support:


You … are aware Tesla isn’t the only EV car company, and is also one of the more expensive ones … right?

Rozauhtuno, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
@Rozauhtuno@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Vandalised? More like improved.

Sam_Bass, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

Thats actually a better name for them than cybertruck. The Fuckelon

@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar


SpaceCowboy, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This is dumb. Sure Elon Musk is a dickhead. And sure Cybertruck is a dumb vehicle that only dickheads would want to have.

But I’d rather the dickheads be driving a Cybertruck than some other massive vehicle that runs on fossil fuels.


All car companies are run by evil dickheads. Most of them just make less noise than Elon.


I bet a lot have worse opinions too, they literally conspired with oil companies to avoid fixing climate change and certain companies like vw actively put in measures to cheat emissions tests.


If you think spacex and starlink are making the environment a better place, I think you might be in for a surprise.

@kim_harding@mastodon.scot avatar

@Peppycito @VirtualOdour OK, so you either haven't heard about how Starlink Could Pose New Threat to the Ozone Layer https://www.sciencealert.com/satellites-like-starlink-could-pose-new-threat-to-our-healing-ozone-layer or you believe that Unicorns are real. Which is it? Nothing the Mellon Husk does is making the "environment a better place"


You misinterpreted my comment


big fucking cap


Tesla is synonymous with climate destruction and if you believe otherwise demonstrates that you have grossly bought into their propaganda.


All private cars, regardless of the fuel source, are climate disasters.


Giant metal boxes with 1.2 people on average

@kim_harding@mastodon.scot avatar

@SpaceCowboy @return2ozma ~60% of Tesla's profits come from the sale of carbon credits, which enable other massive vehicles that run on fossil fuels to be built. E-cars are not about "saving the planet" they are pure Greenwash which is saving the motor industry.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s more of a problem with how carbon credits are being regulated. Sure Tesla are being assholes for doing this, but it’s a corporation, I don’t expect them to be good guys.

But none of that changes the fact that some meathead buying a Cybertruck instead of the equivalent fossil fuel monstrosity is reducing CO2 emissions in a direct way. Spray paint the sign a Tesla corporate HQ, don’t damage a vehicle which will only have the result of someone driving a fossil fuel vehicle a little longer while the damage is being fixed.


Literally the state of California would have lower CO2 emissions today if Tesla didn’t exist.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re assuming unscrupulous companies wouldn’t find another loophole or just pay a fine for going over the limit.

Don’t get me wrong, Tesla is shit for helping with the loophole, but it’s a degrees of bad kind of thing. Getting fossil fuel vehicles off the road does reduce carbon emissions, but Tesla was exaggerating their numbers. They should be punished for doing this, but doubling up their numbers only works if the number isn’t zero.

But this is all getting away from the fact that damaging these vehicles has the net effect of people driving fossil fuel vehicles longer. It’s a net harm to everyone.


If somehow murder became not illegal, it wouldn’t make all the corpses not murderer’s problem.


No way, that is positively enormous.

Even carbon credit companies that do their best aren’t always (are often?) not great. e.g. trees may be planted, but:

  • locals’ may have been misappropriated for the purpose
  • you might go back five years later and find all the trees were cut down

It seems like there is some progress with that technology that… throws gravel onto beaches or something, to be broken down by waves. Really hope it’s not total BS.

LovesTha, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@return2ozma Older Tesla's one can give the owner the benefit of the doubt that they purchased it before Elon showed his true colours. No Cybertruck owner has that defence.

They are lucky it's just paint.

I'm sure paint comes off 'stainless' steel real easy....

Dkarma, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

“It makes no sense to vandalize Tesla’s property because you dislike Elon”

Bahhahaahha. Bet.


It also makes no sense that Elon isn’t in prison but here we are.


For what?


Stock Market manipulation


He is in line. Very long line. Veeeeery looooong. Longer than longcat.

ch00f, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

They should have aimed at the non-stainless steel portion. Pretty sure you could wipe this up easy with some acetone or gasoline as a solvent.

InternetUser2012, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

Elon sucks, but vandalizing someone else’s property because of him isn’t cool.


True. Although the value likely went up, so maybe not actual vandalization…


They’re worth a lot at the moment, but very soon the value will tank and all these founders editions are going to be worth at least 30k less.


A substantial number are turning into paperweights within hours of delivery so their value has already tanked


They haven’t though, try and buy one.


Tesla sales are down & stocks are piling up: sherwood.news/…/elon-musk-tesla-extra-inventory-s…

Cybertruck issues piling up: fastcompany.com/…/a-timeline-of-tesla-cybertruck-…


And you can find endless videos on all SM about how they bricked within hours of delivery


Doesn’t matter, if you want a cyber truck right now, you’re going to pay more than sticker for a used one.


Anybody who buys one of those vehicles is someone who sucks also. Fuck em all.


Leave other people’s personal property alone, even if they suck.


no personal property was involved.


“There’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism so fuck everyone.”


There’s a difference between buying something because you need it, and buying something to signal you are part of a fascist cult - and let’s be honest, no one buys a cybertruck because it’s a good vehicle for any purpose.


and buying something to signal you are part of a fascist cult

There is difference between rich not knowing where to spend the money while signaling that you are rich who doesn’t know where to spend the money and signaling being part of fascist cult.


I’m not sure why people seem to think that sentence says “purchases are beyond reproach,” but it doesn’t. Two things can be unethical with one being much more obviously worse.


I’m not going to judge a human by the vehicle he drives. BUT, if I was to, it does seem the BMW drivers traded in their cars and bought Tesla’s.

@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t know. Vandalizing luxury cars finds me morally indifferent. I’m not going to argue for vandalizing them but I simply can’t get myself to care enough for the poor souls whose “cybetrucks” need a new paint job.

InternetUser2012, (edited )

I don’t care either, but still, it’s arcargitz to fuck with someones shit. If you’re trying to make a statement, damaging property isn’t the way.

Edit: Fixed a phrase that offended someone.

@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

Don’t care. Also, please don’t use “low class” as a slur.

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@InternetUser2012 @theacharnian and it's not 'someone's' it is a corporations, one with $44B to gift someone.


All the current cyber trucks have been pre ordered for a long time.

@LovesTha@floss.social avatar

@InternetUser2012 still isn't yours till it's delivered


Yup, but you now have to wait longer because some asshat spray painted your truck. Again, I probably hate Elon more than you, I was going to buy a Model 3 until he showed his true colors.


Oh, no! Not the rich dickheads!


the stainless (but not rustless) paint job?

@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

Elon Musk haters have vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks being held ahead of delivery at a parking lot in Florida.

Literally the first sentence of the article. The owner isn’t going to take this loss. Tesla will.


Those owners are only going to have them for about 4 hours after delivery when the truck will die for a multitude of reasons anyway!


No shit the owner isn’t taking a loss, the owner now has to wait even longer because some clown wanted to make a statement that Elon sucks. Want to hurt Elon, talk shit about him, he doesn’t give a shit about vandalizing shit.

@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

Causing financial harm to corporations that are harming society is a valid form of protest that had been used as a tactic for over a century.


Yeah ok, what are we protesting?


your momma’s emissions.


Fitting name.


Vandalizing cybertrucks before delivery is cool. Laws are not the arbitor of coolness.


It’s really not, they’ve all been pre ordered so far. Someone has been waiting on delivery of the ones that have been vandalized.

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

vandalizing cybertrucks is cool and good loser


The problem is having a clown as a CEO for a brand that keeps making people hate him in a very PR visible way. Other car brands don’t get graffiti’d.

fuzzy_feeling, in Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them

how many?

@Psaldorn@lemmy.world avatar



Sure, that’s how many cybertrucks were vandalized, but how many were spray painted on?


All 14 Cybertrucks that were purchased.


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