
I could probably hold my own against a tardigrade.

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

Took him 3 minutes to make that decision. Only hour was hers…


Dog, a Chihuahua to be specific.


How has nobody linked what might be the best chart of all time


Wow, that is the best chart of all time!


I’m seriously questioning the people who said they couldn’t beat a goose in a fight. Geese are terrifying, but they’re still pretty frail. It would hurt, but if it’s to the death it’s pretty clear basically any able adult human would live.


This question always trips me up because life is random. A human would probably win against a rat 99.9% of the time. But there is that scenario where the rat happens to bite in just the right spot and you bleed out. Same thing would happen in the inverse. Would a human beat a wolf, improbable. But there is that scenario where the wolf gets its neck too close to a human who goes primal and bites down and rips out as much as possible.

Myself? Maybe a dog if it was never trained to fight or defend.


Hand to hand, with no weapons and just my bare hands & teeth? I could maybe take a mouse… and I’d still probably come away with some wounds. Probably a small, non-venomous snake as well.


A horse?! that guy is delusional… most men won’t have the ability to defeat (unarmed) anything bigger than a medium size dog…

Anything bigger will likely overpower a regular human, most smaller would just be too fast or have different, naturally occurring weaponry to defeat us


I’ve heard in a fight against dog you should go for their snout

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Horses are skittish and will run from you, maybe an athletic human who knows how to track could chase it down until it’s exhausted caveman style

What about those miniature horses?


Lol does the horse retreat count as a victory?


I think horses have quite a lot of stamina, the only animals actually comparable to humans. Which is why we ride them.


We’re still a lot better over distance, iirc, which is why we are able to ride them


Yeah horse messengers were only really a thing when you could change horses at stations. That’s the whole point of the marathon. It’s based on the history of a foot messenger (at a time when we very much had domesticated horses).


If you get prep time you could set up some traps.

Assuming both sides see it as a fight to the death, the horse will also engage so you could just run away into a bunch of traps. All you need is for the horse to injure a leg in one trap and it’s done for. I think even just some holes with a couple spikes would be enough to injure and maybe even sprain an ankle.

Without prep time you’re pretty doomed, I think your best bet is either climbing up a tree to buy you some prep time to make a spear out of the branches or worst case diving in, aiming to do damage to its legs (unlikely) and hope you are able to get out without being trampled (unlikely)


What if you’re on a superflat world and there are no trees


You cry


I imagined this question as in a boxing ring/cage style fight… if planning is involved, I can say I have killed thousands of cattle and even more large hogs just by participating in buying their meat at the grocery store


Travis Kauffman and C. Dale Petersen have entered the chat. Outside of rutting season, you can intimidate most large herbivores smaller then rhinos/hippos/elephant sizes by just posturing aggressively. Some breeds of cattle are just assholes and shouldn’t be messed with regardless.

@gandalf_der_12te@feddit.de avatar

Well, if somebody poses aggressively in front of you randomly on the street, the wise thing to do for you would be to run away. You could probably overpower them, but it just isn’t worth the risk most of the time.

Just run away and you’ll probably be fine.


A panda wouldn’t be too difficult, they basically kill themselves.


Yeah an adult horse can bash a human skull pretty easily. Definitely wouldn’t be my first pick


Yup. Humans aren’t large animals. If you want to compare bodysize, check the weights of the animals and the heights of everyone on all fours. Humans are mid.


Some of the larger dog breeds even weigh more than the average human


We are pack hunters for a reason


What’s the women’s version of this?

Which of your friends do you think is cheating?


I don’t understand this comment. What does the gender of the cheater have to do with it? Also, how is this a fun speculation? Trying to figure out how long you last against 1 goose seems more entertaining than guessing which of your friends is secretly a disgusting cheater.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m pretty weak so I don’t know… a vole?

@robocall@lemmy.world avatar

It’s better than the people saying they can only take a fish out of water


If I could turn off my empathy and love for animals I think I could defeat a Husky, maybe a German Shepard or similar with a kick to the head.

A single sheep? Maybe, if it’s not a mother. Goat? Fuck no. Anything larger than that and I have no fucking chance. Perhaps I could scare a deer, but that’s it.

robocall, (edited )
@robocall@lemmy.world avatar

One time I was hiking, and I saw some deer so I started yelling at them to get away from me. I swear one of the deer looked at me annoyed and like “I could take you”


They use those dogs for police dogs. Pretty sure they’ll take you.


I didn’t say that I could take on a trained police dog with its handler. That would be a different fight altogether.


Eh those dogs have that fight capability within them. If you’re fighting a dog, that’s what they’re bringing. Training is just about targeting, waiting, commands, not fighting.


Police dogs get you when you’re running, facing head on is different.


I have successfully defeated several small fish and rodents over the years, and numerous insects.


I accidentally killed a mouse, sorry little guy I understand my shoe smelled like cheese…


I murdered a bat by grabbing him with my toes and throwing him across the room while I was half asleep. I thought he was a sock. The rabies prophylaxis was a small measure of revenge for him.

@robocall@lemmy.world avatar

I bet those fish were bad dudes looking for trouble


I pick a duck: Nobody said it had to be a challenging fight plus duck is delicious.

Bring it on you rapey bastard!

@robocall@lemmy.world avatar



Yeah, man. Ducks are rapey.



With their corkscrew dicks


Humans have no real advantages in a 1:1 fight agains most larger mammals. A lot have horns, tusks, claws…

Humans got their points in STA, AGI, and INT. We don’t defeat large mammals in unarmed combat. We can barely handle anything much larger than a boar with close arms like a spear.

No, we defeat large animals by outsmarting and outlasting them. And usually that only works when we are on the offense and have an advantage by stalking. In a fair fight that gets a lot more challenging. Horses are fucking fast. Persistence hunting may have worked, but that’s by us chasing the prey.

So, assuming we are facing head to head, at the start of the fight, I would probably fake to the right, then run past the horse on my left. It’ll take him a while to turn around. That’ll buy me a few seconds to hopefully run somewhere where there are some obstacles or corners on the way to higher ground. If I can climb and get above the horse, all bets are off. Only Nirn horses are decent climbers.


Outsmarting and outlasting is a real advantage: We are the apex predator (to our own detriment of course, but don’t sell humans short we’re some scary-ass apes when you get down to it).


not in the context of the question… sure our outsmating/outlasting certainly offsets and overwhelms any talon, claws, fangs, venom nature can throw at us… but the context here is a mano a mano fight


Which includes our cunning and endurance: How would that not apply?


I would assume that, the term “fight” implies a more direct combat… Not a scenario where we can plan for traps and such

If I ask you in person if you’d beat me in a fight? You wouldn’t think of a scenario where we both come home and make a master plan to ruin each other… It would be more like “let’s go or the parking lot and beat each other like monkeys”

It’s just the scenario I imagined from the question


You say that like people don’t improvise on the spot; many are very, very good at it.

…or maybe I have some pocket sand!


roguetrick, (edited )

Some pre human carnivorous hominids had diets dependent on hippos. Hunting hippos with stone tools and pre true language is some serious shit

In the end, if you’ve got enough spears and people to throw them, there ain’t much else to do.


Huge difference between a group hunting an animal and a fair 1:1 fight.


Exactly, what are people having such a hard time understanding the context of the scenario in play?


Long limbs are definitely an advantage


I like my odds against most things the size of a large raccoon or smaller. Most things larger than that would probably smoke me.


House centipede. In fact, I could probably take on two of them!

Not three though.

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