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So the concept of a space designated for one thing doesn’t make any sense to you? Like at all?


I mean, I generally agree with your assessment, but elite dangerous? I love Elite, but it is not a good game. Best thing to come from Elite Dangerous is the community.


Lol does the horse retreat count as a victory?


Looks weird from my side too, when someone starts frothing at the mouth about monopolies when steam is so much as mentioned.


I feel like too many people sleep on this game. It’s so good


I like Imperium a lot, but I’m so bad at it lol


I thoroughly enjoy it as a game. It’s better with friends though, as some games tend to be.


Those fees are multi-industry standard though.


You know what, I appreciate the call-out. I don’t trust our economy, and shouldn’t reference it in defense of one (in my experience) honorably led company.


Obligatory This show is the best trek we’ve had in decades.


No, buddy, it’s actually you who looks stupid


Negative. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Ubisoft is AAAA now.


I was incredibly stupid and did buy it as a laptop replacement. The thing does what it was sold to do extremely well, but I have little Linux experience, and trying to learn Arch on SteamOS has been hell.


You are absolutely right. My problem was trying to install a hex map-making tool for D&D, which only came as a .deb file. So I needed a tool to install that, and the tools I found needed pacman to install them.

In regards to the decision to purchase a steam deck as opposed to a desktop or laptop, I most likely just wanted an excuse to buy a new toy, justified as a way to replace my aging laptop. I’d love to say it was a younger me making that mistake. No, it was me one year ago. I’m not really a different person now, and would likely do the same thing given the chance.


Did you read his response at all? I’m a third of the way through the current battle pass, which does not have a premium track, and I’ve only played for a couple days. No money spent except for buying the game initially for less than a standard AAA price.


It’s literally just a progression system. The pass never goes away, the paid currency doesn’t even correlate with pass progress. It’s literally just a progression system.


I mean, I Heard that French monks were paid by the letter scribed, rather than the word, so they just put extra letters into everything using made up rules about spelling.


Sirswag is easily the single most underrated creator on that platform.


That’s the kicker. You work out to breathe harder and faster, but as you work out, your heart gets more efficient, meaning at least you exert yourself slower, requiring more work to get the same heavy breathing.


Babe, babe, wake up! New Mandela effect just dropped.


The stick is adamant that it is a stick, so who am I to argue?


“Normalizing” like it hasn’t been the status quo of life forms on earth for millions of years lmao


That’s him. I’ve only ever seen a middle-eastern Jesus displayed in my church building once, but it looked much better than this one. I wish we didn’t use this depiction as much as we do.


“Why did you make me do this?” -Omniman (Israel) to Invincible (Gaza)

Same energy.


Gaza didn’t do that. Hamas did that. And now Gaza is being bombed to smithereens. My comparison sticks. “Why did you make me do this” is such a common thing to hear from narcissists who take no responsibility for their own actions. The IDF do not need to respond to violence with more violence, and nobody is making them. The appropriate and honorable reaction would be to set up the rigorous spy network they should have had from the get-go, and capture and prosecute the actual people of Hamas who assaulted them, not bomb the everloving shit out of Gaza.


You make two pretty bad assertions here bud. First, there’s no incentive. That’s the point. It’s kind of a big part of self-governing. Like when somebody puts a grocery cart away instead of leaving it in the parking lot, except where this example is ultimately of no consequence, not killing innocent people is the baseline.

Second, military tactic my ass. I’m not talking about military tactics, I’m talking about ways to punish Hamas. There’s a lot of ways to do it, and this GENOCIDE is THE wrong way to do it.

Journey before destination, be better. End of.


The answer to someone using a meat shield is never to just shoot through it. That’s my whole point. The IDF is in the wrong.


Brother are you stupid? I’m not defending the use of human hostages, nor human shields. Here, maybe I have to spell this out for you. Just because I think the IDF is doing a bad thing, does not mean I think Hamas is doing a good thing. I think both sides are doing pretty deplorable things, actually. I’m critical of the IDF because they’re funded and operated by a sovereign nation, and therefore should be held to high standards. Is that bite size enough for you, or do I need to cut the sentences into smaller chunks?

Israel issuing a warning that they’re going to bomb a location does not mean that they aren’t going to hit Innocents. That’s not careful.

I’m going to use a hypothetical here, let me know if that’s too advanced for you.

Say Hamas takes a hostage, right, and hides in a hospital. Israel says they’re going to bomb the hospital, so all Innocents should leave. Do you actually think Hamas would just let the hostage go? If the IDF then bombs that hospital, then the hostage dies, right?


LMAO I’ve been living in your head rent free all week huh? I’ve already made my point, you are not worth my time any longer. Goodbye.


I’m appalled that you actually expect me to do research on memes and not accept them at face value. Leave my propaganda addled mind in peace dammit.


Uncritical American Leftists (and Europeans when they want to look down on America) say that all the time, holding up Europe as the epitome of what America should be. There’s no straw man there. It’s especially bad when you’re talking to somebody spouting that nonsense, and ask them how the Europeans feel about Romanis. Suddenly it’s not racism, it’s realism.

For the record, I lean left on most issues.

Edit: Wow, there’s already someone saying it elsewhere in this very comment section!


I’m struggling to understand, are you suggesting you just keep thinking about it until you get a specific belief about it? How does that sound good?


That’s supremely condescending. You could help me understand but instead you’re literally just doing what you say others do, assuming anyone who doesn’t believe the same way you do isn’t thinking about it long enough.


Then it sounds like I also misjudged you. I probably saw a subtext that you were wanting the earlier commenter to believe the way you did and that they just hadn’t tried hard enough. Probably just a disconnect at the “if at first you don’t succeed” part.


Life before death friend. Life is too short to die on a hill where I’m shown to be wrong.


I mean no offense here, but I think your take reflects how few relatively ground-shattering innovations have really happened over the last twenty years or so. I mean truly life-changing. Maybe the internet was last, I’m unsure.

I’m probably too young to have an accurate idea of how often an innovation is supposed to change the world, but it really feels like we’ve become used to seeing new tech that only changes life incrementally at best. How many people, if such an innovation was created, would fail to recognize it or reject it altogether? Entire generations to this day refuse to learn computer literacy, which actively detriments them on a daily or weekly basis.

Won’t update their insurance because they don’t want to use a computer. Don’t know how to reboot a router/modem. Don’t know how to change their password. Congressmen asking if Facebook/TikTok requires Internet access. Some small companies operating exclusively on fax and printed paper, copying said paper, sorting said paper, and then re-faxing it instead of automating or even just using one PC (I worked at a place like this).


Just because people did fine in the past doesn’t mean we can’t try new things to improve the experience for our players.


I find myself caught between two forces on this issue. My dad is one of those tech dads, who watches David Shapiro and builds his own GPTs in his free time. He is convinced that AI has (or will imminently have) the ability to replace us as workers entirely. Economically, we are not ready for that. People who don’t work just don’t get to have anything. Food and housing aren’t even universal human rights.

The urge for me to stick my head in the sand, despite my father pushing me to learn to use AI, is very real. I don’t have faith that we as a society will be able to make a good future with AI. So my only option feels like learning to build, manipulate, and wield the tool that I believe could cause enormous societal upheaval, because the alternative is to be upheaved like a modern boomer dropped in the middle of Cyberpunk’s Night City.


Unrelated: Please tell me your username is a reference to the Stormlight Archives

Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades

I finished Control last week, likely the best game to marry a creepy funhouse with a sprawling government office that you’ll ever play. I was up and down on this one for a few months. There’s a fun narrative and plenty of atmosphere, but I wasn’t always enjoying the gameplay....


Honestly, if you didn’t enjoy the first hour of RDR2, it might not be the game for you. I’m a strong believer that not every game should appeal to every player, and RDR2 really knows who it tries to sell itself to.

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