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You’re suppose to use gasoline or kerosene to clean stainless steel cars. At least the Deloreans came with instructions on how to do it. Not sure if Tesla saw fit to mention that.


Yes. I hate consumerism and our corporate overlords. I hate any World Super Power™, real or imaginary.

It’s a team sport, but we’re all the disposable pawns.


Hmm. I wonder why the media is more heavily reporting one type of vandalism over another?


I still have my megatokyo sticker, “Live in your world. Die in ours.” Probably couldn’t be that edgy anymore, but I still like it.


This shit was a problem in 2020 when Kareem Abdul Jabbar felt the need to comment on it.


We’re not the ones who are going to mimic him. His audience will use his words to rationalize their own bigotry. We need to pay attention to him because his audience will make themselves a problem.


People want to believe their lie.

Duamerthrax, (edited )

Terminator: Future Shock was also a janky mess. They’ve always released broken games and have some how survived this long.


“People say he fried his brain one day from going into a drug induced coma. Course, couldn’t have been too smart to do that in the first place”.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine (kyivindependent.com)

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....


I thought he was a bot for Scientology? Is there a connection to Scientology and Moscow?


Such a good game. I haven’t finished the review yet as I don’t want to spoil the story of the game.

Duamerthrax, (edited )

Fuck Tim Sweeney and fuck Epic. Apparently selling a game that already works with Linux and even Windows is too much him.


That’s all we really need.


Honestly, I pity artists working on AAA games these days. Imagine working on something for months, it hitting shelves and people enjoying it, only for it to be delisted in a few years because some suit doesn’t want it associated with their brand anymore. That’s not what’s suppose happen with “Art”, but god help you if you want to try American McGee’s Alice or the single player Unreal games through official means.


I’m having way more fun with the solo and microteam indie titles. Cultic is immersive not because of the graphic fidelity, but because of the fluid gameplay. Turbo Overkill’s story is carried by the voice acting, not because I can see the pores on the characters faces, and Dusk is the first game in years that immersed me so much, I was leaning in the chair to dodge enemy shoots.


? No they aren’t. Not outside twitter at least. Those incels are only relevant because people are outraged at them. It feeds the Engagement Algorithm. They don’t have nearly the effect that their opponents give them credit for.

Also, the white knights were using the exact same arguments that the incels were using to criticize Stellar Blade. It’s actually amazing how little self awareness “both sides” have. It’s almost like the leaders of both sides don’t really care about their “issues” and are only Algomaxxing.

No, executive suits delisting game titles and shutting down game servers isn’t anything like twitter whine. Think of all the modern games built on the original Doom engine and how none of that would have happened without ID Software releasing their engine’s source code. Never made them any money, but it secured Doom’s legacy as art. Hell, we can only play Bungie’s Marathon game because they did the same before getting bought by Microsoft. Gaming went “Mainstream” and something was lost because of that. At least some indie devs still get it.

Personally, I would change the law to only grant Copyright protections to game titles that had Public Domain plan. Game studios should have to submit source code and assets to their respective government and it be placed in lock down for when the rights expire. I would change copyright length back to 14 + 14 years.


Retail CDs should be fine. It’s CD-Rs and DVD-Rs that degrade over time.


They probably don’t care, but are dealing with a lot of publishers they want to keep happy. If they’re forced to transfer the titles by a court, they can wipe their hands of any of their publishers being angry at them.


Jar jar’s clumsiness could have been explained by a Jedi equivalent to drunk kung fu. His clumsiness always worked out in the end.


Children and groomers. That’s who roblox is for.


Big talk coming from a mediocre country.


Suddenly the whole thing with him owning a spy satellite makes more sense.


Depends on where they’re hypocritical or not. In real life, queer culture is entirely about making less restrictive laws regarding morality. The “small government” types should absolutely be locking arms at Pride Parades, but the Pride Gadsden is a rarity.


Duamerthrax, (edited )

Trans issues weren’t forefront, but they weren’t completely accepted either. It wasn’t a wedge issue, but most people didn’t see trans people in their day to day life(I know invisible isn’t non existent), so it was a far off issue. They felt free to make jokes about them and never got push back.

Now we have a greater cultural movement for blanket tolerance AND an “engagement” based onmaking people angry.

Also, the idea that we live in a Monoculture is junk. You might have lived in a retentively tolerant part of the world, but doesn’t mean the next city or even neighbor over is the same. The internet is also responsible for ripping away the idea of nonoculture.

New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters (kotaku.com)

Things aren’t looking good for me. I’m a few levels into Selaco, a new FPS out now on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hiding spot. I’m also low on health. So yeah, a bad spot to be in. I take a deep breath and try something....


What exactly is your pc specs? The game has really low system requirements. It’s high compared to OG Doom, but low compared to what AAA means today.

edit: there’s a free demo, so you can just download that to try it out.


Love me Serious Sam. Really wish Croteam wouldn’t try to be a AAA studio. SS4 only real issue was it was an optimized mess. Great game mechanics, great levels, great music, great writing and VA work, but uglier and more stuttery then their previous games. They switched to using Unreal Engine for Talos 2, so I’m guessing they prioritized on just making the game rather then trying to make their own game engine, which had previously been a point of pride for them. Really looking for to their future games. Expecting a Talos 2 expansion before a new Sam game, but looking forward regardless.


If anyone wants a complete GZDoom game (or 2 or 3 depending on how your counting) right now to try, Hedon is really great. Also, made by a solo dev(music and VA work was outsourced), so absolute flex on AAA game companies.


I guess I also missed the part about being a phone peasant. Not having a gaming PC and not having ANY PC are different. Personally, I’d rather have a bargain bin PC to play indie titles then a console.


The Odroid Go line is nice. Not raspberry pi, but a different ARM SoC.


If you can get a clue as to what’s going on, message the dev on steam. It’s one guy, so they probably don’t know about the issue. For a for a little while, if you had Heretic loaded in GZDoom, it would load that instead of the Hedon.


Those look like they have potential. Hopefully the publishers let the devs cook long enough. I don’t want another Graven.

And some real brain damage on the Supplice comments section.


Because if it’s not, it could be made of fiberglass. There were and maybe still are bootleg plushies sold at carnivals made of fiberglass and we’re causing kids mouths to bleed when they chewed on them. You could also get bootleg makeup kits with toxic chemicals and be SOL when you want to use someone.


My mother plays a lot of solitaire. Are they including that?


Helps that they have a lot of earthquakes that tear buildings down in their own. New construction takes an evolving, anti earthquake designs into consideration.


Ah man, it was after that, but you just reminded me of people who would raid their HDD so maps would load faster for ut2k4.


Or oil companies selling gas.


Compared to? Cars? Yes, absolutely.

To e-bikes? Hard to tell, but it’s easier to roll out e-bikes and repaint traffic lines then it is to install new track and e-bikes aren’t tied to a schedule.


How many charging stations will be available? At what cost?

The fuck are those questions? You want a detailed roll out plan for a hypothetical city? No know I can’t answer that question with any useful details. It’s going to be different for every city, but as many as necessary.

And if they are fought against by cities fully invested in.mass transit

Why would a city that already has mass transit plans need a full on e-bike plan? But even with busses and trains, limited e-bikes can still be useful for people who can’t work on a schedule, the mass transit path is inconvenient, or live far enough away from the bus/train stations and want to e-bike to them.

who covers the costs to clear that up?

The fuck is this? E-bikes aren’t forever. The bikes and charging stations require maintenance and repair. If you want to discontinue them, just come up with a sunsetting plan. Who pays for them? Either the state via taxes or a private entity. Citibike is already planning e-bike rollout. Just follow that model.


I grew up in a farm and hearing city people complaining about farm smells just makes me role my eyes. I go to NYC and everything just smells like piss, car exhaust and micro plastic from all the tires.


I’m I the only one who thinks it’s odd that it’s easy enough to pair devices that this shit happens by accident?


I know. I don’t buy new BT often and don’t live close enough to anyone for this to be an issue, but I thought everything had a pairing button that you had to hold for a few seconds at the very least. Even the M3 noise damping headphone I use had a default password of 0000 that you can’t accidentally input. They really made everything for the lowest common denominator.


I remember windows making fun of the Aqua interface in macs for the same reason, but I liked it then and hate that they’ve been removing colors from the OS over time. One of the reasons I switched to linux was to be able to easily customize the various icons to make them more visible.


I always preferred Arena style fps games because the varied weapon set means having far greater variety in possible encounters with opponents. Military style shooters feel shallow to me. Skill just means placing shots to the head. There’s no real movement techniques with them

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