
Why not give credit to the artist?

Soren Iverson…


Credit where it’s due indeed. This also reminds me of Black Mirror, I think it was season 1 with the talent show auditions.


15 Million Merits


They may have had it past on through a billion people before they posted it here… Is the most likely answer.

Thanks for sourcing it though!


Maybe, Soren only posted it for the first time 13 hours ago tho…


I found this on Twitter and didn’t know who made it, but thanks! They’re credited now :)


User experience approaching something like the Clockwork Orange - Movie Theatre Scene, with eyes forced open to watch horror with Beethoven music in the back ground.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Just cranking up the volume so loud you can’t hear yourself think.


“Let’s work together and put an end to attention theft.”


The term “attention theft” is some dystopian shit, and just probable enough to make me vomit in my mouth.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

Attention theft is an existing term, though it’s used to describe bad practices by marketers. I suppose it’s bad that the term has had to come into existence, but it is good that it exists as a way to talk about bad practices more easily.


(not) fun fact: In game design there exists analogical term for “making player addicted” called “dark patterns”. Mostly used by live service and mobile games

nexguy, avatar

There are no victimless crimes

Frost752, avatar



Privately peeing on a grave.


What about baby eating ? I’m saving the planet kilotons of co2 emissions each one I gulp down. I should get a medal.


Some insurance group put up a billboard on the route I use to go to work telling us how we all suffer from insurance fraud.

Each and every time I went past it I would try to imagine how much I would have to hate a person in order to side with the enemy against them. No saint and I never pretended to be one but I still wouldn’t do that.


This will be the death of YouTube for me. I pay for YouTube premium so this day may never come for me.


You never know, they might produce a YouTube Premium Plus plan or something.


Again it would be dead to me if it happened. I wouldn’t pay more for what I get now.


You never know, streaming happened like that


And that’s why I don’t pay for steaming services, I buy DVDs and put them on my server. Don’t ask me what happens when I can’t buy a DVD/blueray.


Empty words, you would pay them whatever they demand of you, and you know it.


Nah, I have my limits. I have a movie server and most of my favorite shows, I’m gonna be fine.


What about 1 BILLION DOLLARS ?


Like how Disneyworld did.


That didn’t keep Amazon from adding ads to the paid version of Prime and making a higher paid tier. How much easier is it for Google to implement the same?

ninekeysdown, avatar

And when that happened I stoped watching prime and just put on my eye patch & tricorn 🏴‍☠️…

Though I’m still paying for the content I just watch it differently than intended 🤷‍♂️


Seeks like a bunch of us chose to do the same. These companies actually believe there is no end to what they think they’re entitled .


How much easier is it for Google to implement the same?

The correct question is actually “when will Google implement the same?” Because this is a “when will it happen” question, not a “will it happen” question.


I stand corrected.


There’s dozens of us. Dozens!

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I pay for YouTube premium

Not as bad as paying for Twitter, but close.


The biggest reason I pay for it is supposedly creators I watch get paid significantly more than someone who sits through ads without skipping. I also don’t really watch regular TV.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

supposedly creators I watch get paid

I mean, that’s why I’m on Patreon. But fuck YouTube.


Yeah, I know it’s not an excuse but I’m lazy and this guarantees even the individuals I watch irregularly gets their share. I’ve heard it even pays out if it’s demonetized (don’t take my word on that one though.)

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I know it’s not an excuse

Your heart is in the right place. YouTube’s just isn’t.

abbiistabbii, avatar

Here’s how this is going to happen:

  1. Someone rolls out this technology, everyone of course, fucking hates it, especially since a lot of people have Youtube videos on for background noise.
  2. Someone else uses this tech for shock value, perhaps a company putting something horrific that people can’t look away from as a misguided way to get the ad in people’s heads.
  3. These incidents lead to either the US, EU or China getting up in arms and banning the tech.

While we are on the subject of using yourube for background noise… why the fuck are they serving me ads for mobile games with an obnoxious narrative? If you know I am just listening, why not just serve a normal radio type ad. I am never going to download a mobile game while using YouTube for music.


These incidents lead to either the US, EU or China getting up in arms and banning the tech.

You were doing good then you completely lost any sense of realism.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

These incidents lead to either the US, EU or China

Excited to read the “China won’t let you look at this picture of a puppy because their country lacks freedom” Op-Eds when the technology is released.

  1. Won’t happen.

Good plan, I wonder how expensive it is to insert an horrible ad, that doesn’t advertise anything, just be the most horrible thing you can watch like war suicides, gore and the grossest porn. I suspect google never imagined their advertising content as an hostile vector. Probably has not even content ID running on it.

abbiistabbii, avatar

I mean if you’re going to force people to watch your ads, literally replaying it if they look away, then some sick cunt with money to burn is going to be like “I can use this to force people to watch my sick shit”.


They won’t do this. They can’t even force you to watch every ad. Reloading the video after the first ad plays will skip the rest of the ads.


This is what I thought too and it makes me anxious.




Please drink a confirmation sip.


The image won’t load, but based on the replies, I think it’s a weeping angel, and now I don’t want the image to load.


Its a part of first episode of black mirror s1


Definitely black mirror, but pretty sure it is not episode one.


Yeah the first episode was the pig one, this is one of the first few though


Yeah. Just warning for those that didn’t watch it, starting off on the pig one thinking you’re gonna see the advertisement one could be a rude switch.


It’s episode 2. “Fifteen Million Merits.”


vr goggles have entered the chat

for those that don’t know, in vr most apps to avoid motion sickness keeps player in it’s own “space”. Users can look away from virtual screen displaying content or text, just by turning their heads around. But, for example in games, when content is important (ex. story dialogue subtitles) the content is programmed to try to move in front of player’s view at all times, even if it’s obstructing rest of the virtual world


Sadly it will, and I’ll ahve to stop using it since I mostly use it to listen to stuff while I’m at work


this is why we have to invest in things like pipeline now


What is Pipeline?


It’s NewPipe.


Ah, newpipe. I already knew that one, but didn’t knew the term pipeline.


Just stick a photo of yourself on the camera


Our machine learning model found out that you were not actually listening to the ad. The ad will now repeat until you click it and buy the product.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

Please drink Verification Can.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

It tastes like grape Kool aid




They just use face ID tech


Wouldnt they have to support most cameras so people can use youtube? Is there any way to detect a face in a good way on a bad camera?


Well, Face ID uses not only the face but the eyes. I think Microsoft Hello uses Iris also.


How many people would be unable to use youtube because they have a broken camera or dont want youtube to access their camera


They can always buy Premium for 299.95 per month.

Swedneck, avatar

it would just completely fail to recognize certain facial features, and there’d be jack shit people could do about it.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Finally, all those years of under investing in the ability to detect darker skin tone pays off


YouTube requires these permissions, please enable them to continue


People with broken cameras have no money and their data isn’t worth selling.


To the tech ghetto you go.

Lennnny, avatar

I love otamatones.


I can’t be arsed to modify a gravestone with youtube logo on it, but that’s what it would look like to me if they pulled that off.

Just bye, good luck.

I’m already surprised how people fell into the short content trap/addiction loop. That in itself was a eye opener for me to take a step back.


That’s why I use Revanced. I can hide the shorts and news shelves. The former is disgustingly addictive and a massive waste of time, while the latter is plain Nazi propaganda at times.


Yeah it’s a bit confronting to look at the alternative front ends like invidious or something and realise that there’s much less dopamine produced while looking for your stuff.


uBlock Origin has spoiled me by allowing me to erase the shorts listings. So I don’t even know how bad it is for shorts.

Asudox, avatar

I like how much the design resembles YouTube’s design. I would believe it if I didn’t know about the state of mobile phones.


I remember a time before YouTube…it sounds like I will be living that time again


Oh youtube was great. It went downhill super fast when people made money on youtube.


That’s why I watch YouTube with NewPipe on my phone and Firefox + uBlock origin on my laptop.

Btw NewPipe recently got an update that fixed all bugs I’ve ever noticed


Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning NewPipe, I’d never heard of it and I’ve been dying for an app like that.

Appreciate ya 💜


Tubular is a fork of Newpipe that adds sponsorblock which is really nice.


Tubular is my absolute YT client. Love it.


When Vanced went down, and before ReVanced came out, I had stopped using YT. The ads are unbearable.
So I know what I’d do.

NutWrench, avatar

Yup. What YouTube doesn’t understand is that we’ve got ** other stuff to do.** I’ve got books to read, games to play, music to listen to. None of which requires YouTube.


I’ve found myself repatronizing half priced books lately. I’ve gone through five books since mid May.

I was a voracious reader before mobile devices existed.

I’d forgotten just how much more satisfying it is to let yourself go in a good story rather than bicker about minutiae with countless strangers all day every day.

(Sidenote: I’ve been looking up reviews for the books I’ve read and am surprised to find indignation at sexual scenes in novels. Like, if you’ve ever read a John Irving novel in your life, and you’re surprised and offended that the next one has sex in it, you should maybe reconsider your chosen career path)

rwhitisissle, (edited )

surprised to find indignation at sexual scenes in novels

To quote Ryan Letourneau, “Gen Z is Puritanpilled.” Seriously, I’ve found post-millennial generations to be extremely prudish. I think part of it has to do with the fact that as the internet evolved and became mainstream (and more profitable by catering to general audiences), the edgy or adult content became more ghetoized and quarantined over time. Used to be you’d go to reddit and there’d be porn on the front page. There’s like a 0% change of finding something NSFW on the front page there now. As such, younger people who grew up with the modern incarnation of the internet have a very different perspective on sexual content than those of us who grew up with a more “wild west” style internet where porn was just something that lived alongside the more mundane content. The side-effect of this is also that content like the John Irving novels you’re talking about are treated as if they’re grotesque for presenting sex as just another part of people’s lives - something that you’re not supposed to be shy about or ashamed of. Which is, uh…concerning, for a number of reasons. Other theories are that the world in which we live has eroded platonic relationships among young people and that they want to only see platonic friendships among characters, as that’s the vicarious experience they most desire.


Mouse utopia is here.

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