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Somehow Pal… Ah fuck it, buy this robot plushie!


Lucas capitalized on his success… anyone who grew up with 80s cartoons specifically designed to sell toys to kids can tell the difference between the two.

Well at least until Return of the Jedi…


He’s also a raging drug addict. Among other tremendous personality flaws. So this kind of shit doesn’t surprise me.

I’m pretty sure he has a Russian handler as well.


They may have had it past on through a billion people before they posted it here… Is the most likely answer.

Thanks for sourcing it though!


Almost as hyped as the live action Avatar movie!


Who cares? The point is, it’s NOT YOUR CONCERN.

No matter what to the rhetoric says, it will never ever impact you in any way.

Let people be. The world is a fucking disaster. Make it better by treating people respectfully and working to dismantle the horrible system that got us here.


If you’re really feeling based… you can help them out too. I’m not saying you are required or should feel obligated… but hey, helping people eat is a pretty decent thing to do.


It could also really mean “Non-white for racist audiences”


This that thing where if you want the right answer you just post the wrong answer on the Internet.

It’s called Ohms Law


I use Arch, btw


Matter is energy. You’d turn energy into matter.


The problem is we’re taking about something that’s physically impossible in our universe. So at some point it breaks down…

That’s why they have a magical device called a Heisenberg compensator. To remove quantum effects from the universe…which is obviously impossible.


I think they do.

Edit:nope, and there are many much worse than Canada with Japan being the worst by a mile

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' (kyivindependent.com)

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine’s partners “are afraid of Russia losing the war” and would like Kyiv “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose,” Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....


That’s a nice way of calling people helping you cowards for doing it half hearted cuz they’re also afraid of your opponent. I think the message was sent.

He MUST know how much influence Russia has in the halls of power and media of his allies as well.

Ukraine fights a war on MANY fronts. Not all of them with bullets.


How about this argument. Just a quality ratio.

2 large delivery pizzas, to the door: $50 all in. $25per

2 good quality frozen pizzas: $12. $6 per

So we could say that delivery is four TIMES better… and based on price/quality alone… they’re equal to frozen.

(I think we all know I’m not proposing an actual serious argument. But the cost difference is wild)


It’s like inviting a bunch of drunk frat boys to a house party. They’re just gonna show up break shit and rape people


I imagine because there’s thousands of date rapes reported (a small fraction of the total number since most are unreported) in universities connected with frat houses.

Sexual assault, abuse and deaths being the primary reasons a lot of fraternity houses are shutdown on campuses.

But that’s just off the top of my head…


Pretty sure they’d be fine with it if trillions and trillions didn’t disappear into military and black budgets (ie transferring money to their friends)


Reality number 1: He avoids all responsibility. Avoids all punishment.

He has so far had a 100% success rate in avoiding jail time or any consequences. I hate the guy and wish that hell was real (I’ll even go there too if it meant these kinds of people would) but I would never in a billion years bet against him avoiding punishment.


I don’t think anyone has as long a track record of committing obvious jailable offenses and staying out of jail though. At least not that we have record of


My original point, that he won’t spend a second in jail or ever be punished for any of his crimes still stands…

With the way he’s organized his fundraising and his Trump Co stuff. He stands to make billions by losing the election. Winning will just make him emperor.

He will die fat and rich and orange in Florida ranting on truth social while taking a shit and snorting Adderall


More like paying to prevent someone from assaulting you and taking all your stuff. Literally all of society is built from this foundation. Monkeys will just fuck each other up.


Yeah more like Trump plus MORE genocides


I’m pretty sure wikipedia knows before the person who died


I got that reference. I hear the tombstones


I dunno man. I agree and I don’t . There’s a million things that SHOULD have all Americans fucking slaughtering there entire corrupt leadership on the fucking daily… but no one rises up… the closest we got was BLM and that shit got shut down so hard and all non black america abandoned them… MAGA aren’t the only cowards


Well they elected him when he was a Putin owned stooge. And his family is owned by the Saudis.

So what the hell are a bunch of rubes fleeced for a few hundred million gonna do?


I’d give it a zero out of ten just for being an RPG with a single save slot. They failed at the starting line. The got the core of RPGs completely wrong. Taking a shit on it with MTX seems like this was deliberate self sabotage


Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions

If only there was a way to make things better today…

Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions


Sounds like a real honest to goodness hacker in the original (digital) sense. A+


Yes. Every other thing is rage bait to distract you.

I worry that at this point if people haven’t figured that out they’re never going to


All tech workers should join a union first … but yes, agreed.


We’re not. We’re blaming them for being fucking idiots who will vote in a literal dictator because they’re mad at Biden. Someone who will do far more damage to and destroy hundreds of millions of lives in the US and the rest of the world.

30,000 deaths in another country is nothing compared to US deaths little orange is responsible for when you only consider his one choice to fuck over pandemic response at the beginning of the pandemic. Dude has the deaths of millions on his hands already.

Anyone, any human being alive, that would vote for him is a fucking idiot that needs to give their head a bashing

I love that you used the phrase democratic choice to describe it too. A+


And children without a lot of life experiences to understand. Imagine coming of age in the last decade. This is their “normal”. Its awful and terrifying… exactly what all the people working to divide and and destroy democracy around the world have been working for.

As much as I’m angry at their ignorance, it’s also really fucking sad.


No. It is not, this is a scary and extremist perspective and I’m sorry you feel like that. The media in America and the propagandist dismantling democracy have done so much damage.

So many bots, so many promoters of disjunction. It’s overwhelming.

You’re being asked to make a choice between eating a gross vegetable and a the barrel of a shotgun and you’re arguing for the shotgun.


Unions. Unions. Unions. Unions.

I wonder what people could do about this…

Unions. Unions. Unions. Unions.


Oh I thought you were referring to the developers pretending they didn’t know this would annoy customers.


I enjoy copyright infringement because I hate late stage capitalism.


North Koreans in China showing the world how it’s done. Who had THAT on their bingo card ?

Americans forget their middle class existed for the short time it did exactly because of actions like this.

You don’t fight the enemy sitting on your toilet reading Lemmy posts. (It’s still fun though)


Raises Fist … not to get too deep into it… but at this point we’re closer to the Transnational Capitalist class vs Everyone else .



The best way to make it easy to commit crimes against other humans is to turn them into non people.

I however see no problem in this instance. Carry on.


Read: We’re just a clueless corporation but we intend to bleed this thing dry to pay for our yatchs.


Nearly all social animals would be punished in some way for hoarding resources from the group. Between loss of social status all the way to being killed. Our closest relatives like apes straight up murder individuals that do this.

It’s a mental illness. We’ll probably find out it was caused by lead or micro plastics if our species survives this time.

For now. I believe the correct call to action involves guillotines. We can dial it back if things get better.

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