RecluseRamble, (edited )

That’s just a bit over 3 legislative periods. Hardly enough for anything significant to happen.

Edit: Just two hours passed and Poe’s Law struck again.


How long until Coles Law?

(I am very hungry)


Accompanied by J Law*?

*Either him or her, I don’t mind both.


If they’re trying to convince Republicans to vote against Trump then they’ve chosen the wrong argument.


They probably want non voters to vote.


The problem with the left everywhere is they don’t have the balls to actually take action. They all talk about tolerance and how dialogue should make people change and be the politicians language. No. Certain things shouldn’t be tolerated. Fascism and nazism are two of those. Democracy is above anything else. If a subject is trying to undermine democracy or the institutions protecting it, they should be considered a national threat and dealt with accordingly. The problem is that the left is afraid of being seen as “authoritarian” so when a fascist comes and openly says they want to fuck democracy until it becomes a dictatorship, leftists just say “hey now, let’s sit down and talk”. No, my dude, we don’t “sit down and talk” with a fascist. We punch them in the face and tell them “fuck you, if you want to be a dictator, you’re a threat for our country and will be dealt with as a terrorist”. 80 years ago, we argued with Nazis by shooting them. We forgot and now we’re having them in our governments again.


dont conflate liberals with leftists


Yeah – has the commenter above seen literally any civil war ever? It’s the leftists that show up


The problem with the left everywhere is they don’t have the balls to actually take action

Wait, I thought the problem is that the communists are oppressive tankies. What’s the conclusion then, the left goes too far or it doesn’t go far enough?

They all talk about tolerance and how dialogue should make people change and be the politicians language. No. Certain things shouldn’t be tolerated. Fascism and nazism are two of those

Please tell me, which ideology do the famous and vilified “antifa”, the ones who actually go and punch Nazis, espouse? Are they lukewarm Dems, are they republicans? Or are they actual leftists, both anarchists and communists?

The problem is that the left is afraid of being seen as “authoritarian” so when a fascist comes and openly says they want to fuck democracy until it becomes a dictatorship, leftists just say “hey now, let’s sit down and talk”.

This is true in some cases, not in others. You can argue this is true for Salvador Allende in Chile, you can maybe even argue for pre-spanish civil war Second Republic, but you can’t argue this about Maoists or Marxist-Leninists. Those are as far to the left as it gets, isn’t it?

Maybe the problem isn’t with “the left not being active enough”, but with democrats in the US and socialdemocrats in Europe co-opting the left thanks to the power of mass media? Maybe the problem is the century of anti-communist propaganda that we’ve suffered?

suction, (edited )

So just 14 years, a world war, a holocaust, and an aftermath which still leads to new wars until today?

Yeah I think I’ll just be watching a couple of Netflix documentaries on Nov. 5th. Those are crazy, right?


This implies that people care, which might not be true…


What do you expect, people think Hitler was good for most Germans and restored economy and made trains run on time, and the defeat part oh well. Because that’s what movies show. And that’s because for commies Hitler was just a variation of the west, probably less capricious, while for the west Hitler was bad, but good against commies. So both would show Nazis as being better than their opponent.


Wtf I wrote in the end…


He wasn’t even good for the German economy though, the Nazis produces a large GDP growth through massive military spending, they bankrupted the country well before the war was over, and had they won the war, the German economy would have crashed immediately.


They’ve also ran a few state-level scams and Ponzi schemes to have the funds for that military and other spending.

Their business model was - step 1, cheat to have money, step 2, use money to rearm, step 3, conquer and loot, thus get funds that way, step 4 probably would be to force some peace, then rearm, then rinse and repeat, but they didn’t manage to capture a few strategic areas they needed in time. So they had fuel shortages, food shortages, and ultimately lost.


Their system also only ran as far as it did because of the so called Mefo-bills

rottingleaf, (edited )

These fit under “state-level scams”.

EDIT: Still, while I wasn’t going to compliment them or something, it can be a valid strategy for survival to use anything to accumulate some operational power ; I can see a few nations (not all of them have recognized states) on the map for which it may be necessary to survive in the following decade. But Nazis didn’t have to take such risks, it was ideological for them that theft and robbery are better than honest work.

woelkchen, avatar

There was no way Germany could have “won” anyway, unless it resulted in literally conquering the entire world. They were in a state of constant “mission creep” (to use a modern term). Early it was “retake the land we lost in the first war”, then it was “Lebensraum im Osten”, then Africa, the entire Soviet Union, etc.


Ah yes, another fantastic reason to vote for Claudia De la Cruz in this upcoming election.

The Germans in 1932 all voted for the “realistic” liberal candidate, Hindenberg, and he went ahead and appointed Hitler as chancellor anyway. The only option to prevent the Nazis from rising to power was the communists, which is of course why the Nazis killed all the communists the first chance they got (with the help of the social democrats - don’t trust the squad is what I’m saying).


Are you saying Biden will make Trump president?


Since Biden has done nothing to curb the radical conservative takeover of the Supreme Court, he doesn’t have to. The GOP has all the undemocratic institutional power they could ever ask for.


Ah yes, another fantastic reason to vote for Claudia De la Cruz in this upcoming election. The Germans in 1932 all voted for the “realistic” liberal candidate, Hindenberg, and he went ahead and appointed Hitler as chancellor anyway. The only option to prevent the Nazis from rising to power was the communists, which is of course why the Nazis killed all the communists the first chance they got (with the help of the social democrats - don’t trust the squad is what I’m saying).

Since Biden has done nothing to curb the radical conservative takeover of the Supreme Court, he doesn’t have to. The GOP has all the undemocratic institutional power they could ever ask for.


voting for liberals to keep the fascists out doesn’t work

our current system has already shown the tendency for liberals to let fascists into prominent positions of power

in the historical example, the Germans could have saved their country by voting for communists, therefore I advocate voting for communists in the present day

is that simple enough for you to understand?

foreverandaday, avatar

Will also be voting for her, insane how many people think voting for a genocide enabler is a perfectly reasonable thing


A good reminder to vote against genocide Joe.

Zoot, avatar

And vote for Genocidal Convicted Felon Trump?


Don’t forget that he is a certified charlatan and rapist. Also he is a terrible businessman and overall shit person in general. Republican’s favorite person.


Being a charlatan and rapist is very bad. Supporting genocide and mass murder is worse.


They’re poisoning the blood of our country

Trump quoting Hitler on immigrants.


Wow. Reading this comment has lowered the IQ of everyone in this thread…


Hey, have you kissed your Nick Fuentes photo today?


Thanks for the reminder to vote against dementia Don.


Who’s Hitler lol no cap fr fr deadass tho

irreticent, avatar

Jenkins’ brother.


Leroy is my cuzin


Bro, I can’t believe how that happened. They erased Jenkins from the timeline and somehow history was completely unaffected, because his brother became Fuhrer. Like what the shit

abbiistabbii, avatar
UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Candidate: Konrad Adenauer…

When the Nazi Party won several municipal, state and national elections in between 1930 and 1932, Adenauer, a strong opponent of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, still believed that improvements in the national economy would make his strategy work: ignore the Nazis and concentrate on the Communist threat. He thought that based on election returns, the Nazis should become part of the Prussian and Reich governments, even when he was already the target of intense personal attacks. Political maneuverings around the ageing President Hindenburg then brought the Nazis to power on 30 January 1933.

By early February, Adenauer finally realized the futility of all discussions and any attempts at compromise with the Nazis. Cologne’s city council and the Prussian parliament had been dissolved; on 4 April 1933, he was officially dismissed as mayor and his bank accounts were frozen. “He had no money, no home and no job.” After arranging for the safety of his family, he appealed to the abbot of the Benedictine monastery at Maria Laach for a stay of several months. According to Albert Speer in his book Spandau: The Secret Diaries, Hitler expressed admiration for Adenauer, noting his civic projects, the building of a road circling the city as a bypass, and a “green belt” of parks. However, both Hitler and Speer concluded that Adenauer’s political views and principles made it impossible for him to play any role in Nazi Germany.

Adenauer was imprisoned for two days after the Night of the Long Knives on 30 June 1934; however, on 10 August 1934, maneuvering for his pension, he wrote a ten-page letter to Hermann Göring, the Prussian interior minister. He stated that as Mayor he had violated Prussian laws in order to allow Nazi events in public buildings and Nazi flags to be flown from city flagpoles, and that in 1932 he had declared publicly that the Nazis should join the Reich government in a leading role.[24][25] At the end of 1932, Adenauer had indeed demanded a joint government by his Zentrum party and the Nazis for Prussia

What a cool dude. Glad this guy was able to get back in charge of the German government in 1949, because his views were so incredibly normal and good and definitely not what might enable fascism to take root a second time.…

In a speech on 20 September 1949, Adenauer denounced the entire denazification process pursued by the Allied military governments, announcing in the same speech that he was planning to bring in an amnesty law for the Nazi war criminals and he planned to apply to “the High Commissioners for a corresponding amnesty for punishments imposed by the Allied military courts”

Incredible leadership. Fantastic. Awesome. Love it.


Don’t forget helping manufacture the Clean Wehrmacht mythology. Sanitized fucking Heinz Guderian.


Are we really going with the trump is hitler thing again?


no, he himself is doing that.


Please tell me exact things he has done that have been like hitler? I need direct examples of things he has actually done directly.



i don’t have time for bad faith bullshit but here’s a list that doesn’t even get into his hitler-like tendencies but noting only direct invocations of hitler:…/donald-trump-hitler-nazi-references…


Holy conspiracy theory dude… “In a picture trump tweeted, if you turn it sideways and raise the light levels you will see a ghost image of hitler in the picture behind his head!”


yeah dude, none of it is intended, just whoopsie daisy, accidentally nazi’d again… yeah it wasn’t convincing for pewdiepie, not gonna be convincing with the actual fascist who says he wants to be a dictator.


When you see someone on the right claiming a thing that sounds crazy, that is literally you with that website you linked. Its so weird that stuff works on you guys.


as i said I don’t have time for bad faith bullshit. come back when you get one comment with positive karma.


So you have time to get into conspiracy theories but not respond to someone with a different opinion… Sounds great!


He’s more of a Gaddafi, but you won’t like that much either.

Countries that go for these types of guys never end up doing well, but the fans never seem to notice.


Trump is a Gaddafi? Trump wants to nationalize the main sources of wealth of the country, to redirect the profits towards the majority of the population, towards education and healthcare and infrastructure? Trump is a weird form of socialist who believes in something analogous in America to the Pana-Africanism and Pan-Arabism that Gaddafi promoted?

What the hell is that comparison?


They’re both conniving, self-serving authoritarian dummies. It’s true that Gaddafi had some virtues and Donny doesn’t seem to have any.


Gaddafi actively turned his country from a backwards, exploited, standard north-african country, into the country in Africa with the highest living standards… I’m sorry but you can’t compare him with Trump.

While you can say Gaddafi had some authoritarian tendencies, Libya had a democratic parliament in no way less functional than the one in the US.

chemicalwonka, (edited ) avatar

There is no escape because Bourgeois representative “democracy” is a lie


The Democratic platform if they actually acted to stop the rise of fascism and codified basic human rights:

the page is blank

Linkerbaan, avatar

Something about a Genocide and never again…

Do you mean the Germans should have voted for Hitler harder OP?


They had better turn out in that electron than the US did in 2020, by 20%, and the Nazi party won a decisive victory. This meme doesn’t check out.


Any look at Germany now….


Currently still dealing with Nazis organizing into a major political party.


Shitshow again, and extremely dangerous. Three eastern states are voting this year and the new Nazis are all on top in the polls.

Historical fact: Thüringen was the first state voting for the Nazis, 100 years ago. And they consider to do it again.


tf do you mean?


The more they push us to vote, the less our votes actually mean. Voting is a placebo.

Trump won 2020 and they’ll cheat again in 2024.

YeetPics, avatar

So just go give up. You don’t need to comment about how hopeless it is, if you aren’t fighting the good fight then sit down.


Nobody’s fighting the good fight on Lemmy. What do you think this place is? We’re not even on the cutting edge of Star Trek memes.

knightly, avatar

You’re so close~

Voting is a placebo, but every election is stolen before it’s even held. Party members decide who gets to run in the primaries and draw the congressional districts to ensure no third parties could ever hope to win. Actual competition between the parties is limited to battleground states, electors elsewhere have no influence on the outcome.

So, you’re right, but not in the way you think. The political establishment pushes an illusion of choice to keep the population from exercising its power.

chaonaut, avatar

If you vote with the hope that it will fixes problem by itself, you won’t get very far. Voting is sort of the end of a political process, the other end starting in people building political movements. For your vote to mean something, you have to be voting with a political project. So, focus on the political projects: start building the structures that protect people first, without relying on the government’s approval. Support your communities of care and build your mutual aid networks. Don’t wait for it to be delivered from on high, get with people who also care about the things you care about and start using what you have to build what you can.


I thought Trump won 2016, and Joe won 2020… But I am not from the U.S., so I could be mistaken.

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