
Heads up that there was a massive leak of Patriot Front (nazi) info that can be downloaded as a torrent. I’m perma-sharing the download because I have no data cap by my ISP. Out these fuckers.

This dude was part of a different group, but Unicorn Riot was mentioned as publishing leaked material outing him in this article and it reminded me to promote the old fash doxing torrent. Go get your copy today and find out if someone you know is a fucking secret traitor. And then tell everyone they know.…/patriot-front-fascist-leak-ex…


Judd Blevins sounds like a name made up by Japanese game developers in the 80s trying to come up with English sounding names.


Thank god. I was a little bit nervous he was going to pull it off. His signs have been all over town for over a month and only in the last week did I see any signs against him, there weren’t that many.


“I think it’ll rally us, and I think we’ll be better voters because of this,” he said. “It’s easy for me to say we accidentally did this, we didn’t fully understand and, and we’d never do that again. We vote him in a second time? It probably says a lot about who we are.”

Agreed. Now apply this same thinking to trump.


dragontangram88, avatar

How can he be a white supremacist when his eyes are brown? He should spit into a 23 and Me tube.


I’m thinking you weren’t burdened with an over-abundance of schooling.

dragontangram88, avatar

I happen to be very well educated. I don’t want to be accused of bragging again, so I won’t list all of my academic achievements, but one of them was a federal college scholarship in a STEM field. People with brown eyes tend to have ancestral ties to non-white countries of origin. I’m just stating that this man shouldn’t keep company with white supremacists.


This is what we mean by “well rounded” in academia. Whiteness is a sociopolitical construct not a genetic thing.

dragontangram88, avatar

No, white is a race. Race has a genetic factor. I think if this man were 100% African, and tried to march with the Nazis, people would address the fact that he was not white. I think even news reporters would touch upon the fact that he was not white.

A person can strap on a pair of fake wings and wear a tutu, running around screaming that he, or she, is a fairy princess, but it does not indeed make that person a fairy princess.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

No, white is a race.

in so far as all race is a social construct, and whiteness is one of those constructs, this is true.

diplodocus, avatar

And it’s an ever-shifting construct to serve the ends of the powerful. The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

I think if this man were 100% African

i don’t know what this means, but everyone originated in africa iirc

dragontangram88, avatar

That’s not true. A lot of people may have origin ties to Africa, but there are some dna lines that didn’t start in Africa.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

can you cite this?

dragontangram88, avatar

There is always Neanderthal dna lies:…/ancient-dna-and-neanderthal…

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

The Neanderthal and modern human lineages diverged about 550,000 years ago

… where? where did the neanderthal dna originate?


Ooh oooh ooh! I know, I know!


federatingIsTooHard, avatar

So far, we have no evidence of Neanderthal mtDNA lineages in modern humans


federatingIsTooHard, avatar

i just looked into it. ±230,000 years ago the first anatomical homosapiens emerged in ethiopia, and subsequently migrated in waves called the “northern” migration and the “southern” migration. no earlier evidence of homosapiens exists than this.…/Recent_African_origin_of_moder…

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

A person can strap on a pair of fake wings and wear a tutu, running around screaming that he, or she, is a fairy princess, but it does not indeed make that person a fairy princess.

of course not. that is, unless as a society we construct an identity “fairy princess” that is defined as strapped on fake wings, a tutu, and proclaiming oneself to be one.


I’m fairly certain the parent commenter is either a troll and/or heavily on the spectrum and is extremely literal while armed with bad information. I’m leaning towards the former.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

me or dragontangram


Ol’ Mr. 88 up above our comments.


lol, nazi purists getting mad this guy is considered one of them

dragontangram88, avatar

I’m actually female, a “guy” as you incorrectly described me. I’m also not German. That’s an insult to my family that served in WW2 for America.


Ah yes, the brown-eyed Hitler was very famous for not being a white supremacist

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

All republicans are white nationalists at this point. They would have left the party by now if they weren’t. Ironically their nationalism is against the interest of the nation.

Neato, avatar

I had some hope like 8 years ago that Republicans would split and oust the smaller white nationalist, fascist section to let it wither. But no. They did what they did with the Tea Party and absorbed them, letting the fringe take them over.


It’s the lack of ranked choice voting. It forces center-right neoliberals to share a party with fascists and progressives to share a party with slightly less psychopathic neoliberals.


As a moderate Republican that lives in Enid, statements like this are exactly how people like him get elected. When you call all of us Nazis, calling an actual Nazi what he is means nothing.

I moved here after he had already been elected and first saw ESJC gathering recall signatures while I was out shopping. When they said they were campaigning against a white supremacist I shrugged them off and kept shopping assuming it was standard hyperbole. A few days later I got around to googling him and realized he was an actual Nazi and was super surprised.

When you cry wolf, no one believes you when there is a wolf. I’m sure as fuck not a white supremacist, but you just called me one. That’s how you make me ignore you when you call the next guy one.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Republicans have a fascist as their presidential nominee.

A bar that serves out-and-proud Nazis is a Nazi bar.


I haven’t voted in my primary yet. But keep it up, you’re the exact reason actual nazis are able to hide in the open. No one that isn’t already in your group think actually listens to or believes you.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Republicans are the ones giving cover to Nazis. Stop trying to blame other people for the fact that the white nationalists have a home in the GOP.


And yet you elected a president who gave a eulogy at a KKK exalted cyclops’s funeral as a personal friend. Having people we don’t like in our party is a bit different from glorifying them. I moved from the Seattle area to Enid and there was far more legitimate hate in the blue area.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Although he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and supported the Vietnam War earlier in his career, Byrd’s views changed considerably over the course of his life; by the early 2000s, he had completely renounced racism and segregation. Byrd was outspoken in his opposition to the Iraq War.

Fuck off with your false equivalency.

The leader of the Republican party is on record as wanting to ban Muslims from entering the country, said Obama wasn’t born in the US (because he’s black), tried to organize a putsch to overthrow a democratically elected government, diverted COVID supplies from areas who didn’t support him politically, and is calling refugees “animals.”

Compared to Biden who gave a speech at the funeral of a very flawed, but reformed, man.

If you can’t see the difference, it’s because you don’t want to.


As a moderate Republican

No such thing. If you still identify as a Republican, you’re either a fascist or a fascist-enabler. Neither is a moderate.

statements like this are exactly how people like him get elected. When you call all of us Nazis, calling an actual Nazi what he is means nothing.

This is what you sound like:

When you cry wolf, no one believes you when there is a wolf

Works the other way around too: if you keep calling wolves lambs, people are going to stop believing you too.

I’m sure as fuck not a white supremacist

You just vote for white supremacists and/or people who actively defend white supremacists and then act like that’s a thing psychologically healthy people do.


Cool. So you’re calling me a nazi because of association with people I neither support nor associate with. Wanna know what that does? It convinces me to never associate with you. It also means that when you call anyone else a nazi, I will straight up ignore you. Way to be part of the problem, you are actively enabling nazis by harboring and covering them. Just what I would expect from a standard bigot.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Imagine if you cared half as much about the Nazis in your party as you do about them being called Nazis.


Oh, I absolutely do care which is why I’m ecstatic that this guy got successfully recalled. It’s just bullshit that he got that far and people crying wolf nazi is how he did.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Ah yes, the radical left are the ones keeping you from cleaning your party out.

Tell me: how many Confederate flags is too many for a political rally?

Hominine, avatar

The worst parts of Lemmy show up when one doesn’t fall lockstep into whatever flavor of far-left naviete is being pushed down-thread.

I don’t agree with everything you posted above but the name calling you were handed in response to an attempt at earnest conversation is an excellent window into the grade school maturity of those very elements.


I used to be more centrist but the left has actively forced me to the right. I grew up in MA and my conservative friends all think I’m liberal. I just personally realize in not left because of people like this. I prefer the party that is kind to me on the street. Being a liberal in Enid is far easier and more comfortable than being a centrist in Seattle. Fascism is a hell of a drug and Seattle loves its drugs.

Hominine, avatar

I grew up in a conservative stronghold and still live adjacent to several of them. Separating ideas from people is a maturing point and one that I hope you and your detractors aspire to.

The attribution in this space is off the charts.


So you’re calling me a nazi

Nope. I specifically said “white supremacist or enabler of white supremacists”, which is accurate for every Republican.

While all nazis are white supremacists, not all white supremacists are nazis. Nazism is a specific kind of white supremacist ideology that isn’t identical to the brand of white supremacist fascism currently ruling the GOP.

people I neither support nor associate with

Calling yourself a Republican is as textbook “supporting or associating with” the Republican Party as it gets and the Republican Party is a white supremacist fascist party. Ergo, you’re either lying or don’t know what the words you’re using mean. Probably a bit of both, as is standard for the Trump cult.

It convinces me to never associate with you

Don’t threaten me with the lack of an awful time 😄

it also means that when you call anyone else a nazi, I will straight up ignore you

Well it’s not like you paid that close attention the first time around, what with changing what words I used 🙄

you are actively enabling nazis by harboring and covering them

Nope, that would be you and the rest of your buddies in the fascist party pretending that you’re just “moderate conservatives” that in no way associate with fascists by voting for a fascist party and identifying as being part of a fascist party.

Just what I would expect from a standard bigot.

More standard GOP projection 🙄


So you’re an intolerant extremist that lumps any and everyone that doesn’t agree 100% with you into a broad category that you dehumanize and violently oppose by all means necessary to publicly shame them into compliance. Got it, you’re literally a textbook fascist. Add in your deliberate harboring of white supremacists by purposefully giving them cover to hide.

I don’t associate with radical fascists. Have a good life.

Zombiepirate, avatar

“No u” is always the way Republicans end this conversation, because they can’t be bothered to confront the white supremicists in their party.

They exclusively punch left.


So you’re an intolerant extremist

Nope, that’s the people of theparty you’re defending

lumps any and everyone that doesn’t agree 100% with you into a broad category that you dehumanize and violently oppose by all means necessary to publicly shame them into compliance

Still the Republican party.

you’re literally a textbook fascist

Nope, that’s still the Republican party, who embody ALL of the 14 common features of fascism

Add in your deliberate harboring of white supremacists by purposefully giving them cover to hide.

Again, still you. Doesn’t it hurt your brain to project that much?

I don’t associate with radical fascists

Yeah you do. Or were you lying about being a Republican?

ickplant, avatar

I just want to say I’m loving your comments ITT. Very well-written and a pleasure to read!


Thanks, I appreciate it! 🫶

Hominine, avatar
Zombiepirate, avatar

Ah yes. It’s other people’s fault that a person is a Nazi.

What a smart comic!

Hominine, avatar

It’s almost as if my point was the laziness of a broad brush and the inability to have a conversation without falling back to antics deserving of the playground.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Well that’s not the point of the comic, so that was a massive failure.

Hominine, avatar

Subtext is hard, but I do believe you can learn to find it.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Unfortunately, I have little doubt that you’ll continue giving cover to fascists in the name of enlightened centrism.

Hominine, avatar

Oh no, please don’t hit me with your broad brush of righteousness and name calling… Whatever will I do?

Zombiepirate, avatar

Continue to push your false equivalency, obviously.

Hominine, avatar

Every accusation is a confession, no?

Zombiepirate, avatar

So when you said I was self-righteous and calling you names…

Hominine, avatar

…I replied below the name-calling. Clever, right?

Now you only need to identify the purported false equivalency to match suit.

Zombiepirate, avatar

I’m not going to do a little dance for you.

Oh no, how many Nazis did I just make there?!

Hominine, avatar

Exactly, who needs evidence or to actually grapple with the beliefs of others when you can just blithely throw labels about?

diplodocus, avatar

The problem is it’s so much easier to just paint all Republicans with a broad brush rather than actually try to fix the party. Democrats like myself are just as likely to tend toward tribalism and the “us versus them” mentality. Good luck routing out the fascists and bigots. I hope the remaining reasonable Republicans can regain some control.


Im pretty well done with the established GOP, it just sucks because for anyone that isn’t very solidly left there is literally nothing that matches your views at all anymore. My wife is way further left than me but is still right of center by the current standards and is really struggling with not having any choices that she can actually support.


You think people who are “solidly left” have a party that matches their views?


I think the alt left violently bullying anyone and assuming control of the DNC, the same way the Trump assholes did to the GOP. But that’s most of Lemmy so they see it as a good thing.


I really, really wish the “alt left” was in control of the DNC, instead of the “middle, bordering on rightwing” that is in control.


something something, the two party system has had disastrous consequences to the human race, something something.


Politics definitely isn’t a single axis scale.


you’re right about that. It’s not a single axis scale. It’s a binary.

Jaysyn, avatar

Die in a fire, fash.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Hell yeah, get fucked Nazi chud!

dragontangram88, avatar

I sincerely doubt he is related to any Nazis at all. He doesn’t look German, Austrian, or Norwegian. Nothing about this man looks like he would be placed into the same groups as Neo Nazis. I think this poor fool needs to spit into a 23 and Me tube

Zombiepirate, avatar

He was certainly marching with Nazis.

That puts him squarely in that camp. IDGAF about his genetics; I care about his ideology, DragonTangram88.


Oh, you think that ideology is transmitted genetically?

How very fascist of you. Yeah, I see that 88.

dragontangram88, avatar

That’s actually my birth year. I’m also a democrat. I don’t have any dna ties to countries that had facism. You’re taking out your anger on the wrong person.


Sure. And yet what you said is the exact same dogwhistle we’ve all heard so many times, directly from neo-nazis, in order to downplay the actions and ideology of another neo-nazi.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Doncha know Hitler wasn’t a Nazi since he had brown eyes?


dragontangram88, avatar

Nobody cares about the color of Hitlers eyes. Why do you?

dragontangram88, avatar

Zombiepirate brought it up.


And why did you care at all to correct them?

dragontangram88, avatar

I think misinformation should be corrected.


And why did you have that little nugget so close to the top of your mind?

dragontangram88, avatar

I paid attention in history class. It goes along with correcting other misconceptions. For example, Nazi’s never shaved their heads, like many people might lead you to believe. The Jewish people and prisoners of war were forced to shave their heads in concentration camps. Also, Hitler was not German. Hitler was Austrian, and many of his Nazi’s were of Norse descent, having blond hair and blue eyes. Many people have also speculated that Hitler was part Jewish himself, on his father’s side; harboring a deep resentment towards his own father. I don’t know if that last part was ever proven through dna, but it would be interesting to investigate.

I know a lot about World War 2 because my grandfathers served in the Army and Navy. My grandmother was also a nurse for the Navy during the war. My family didn’t like Hitler.


Nobody gives a shit. Fuck off.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Wow, you sure know a lot about the genetics of Nazis.

dragontangram88, avatar

I’m not related to any Nazis. I’m mostly Scottish, British, and Irish by blood. The last bit of my dna is a mix of Norwegian and Icelandic, or so Sorry to derail your hate train there.

Zombiepirate, avatar

Nobody asked, and nobody cares.

And yeah, I fuckin’ HATE Nazis. And I’m proud of that.

dragontangram88, avatar

You sound very emotional. You have a lot of hate, and you’re expressing that. Perhaps you live in an area where you deal with hate groups and it’s causing you to have some unresolved anger towards them. If your current environment is causing you that much anger, you should probably look to relocate. I don’t encounter any white supremacists around me. I live in an area where people are mostly Latino. If your area isn’t causing you to experience all this hate, you should probably seek therapy to talk about it with someone.

Zombiepirate, avatar

I don’t encounter any white supremacists around me.

That is clearly not true.

dragontangram88, avatar

I actually worked at a job site in California where I was the only one who would stand for the flag salute. I asked others around me why they wouldn’t stand. They told me they would only stand for the flag of Mexico. I live around supremacists, but they aren’t white supremacists.

Zombiepirate, avatar


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  • dragontangram88, avatar


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  • Zombiepirate, avatar


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  • dragontangram88, avatar

    Well, I hope you’re not in support of Palestine in the Gaza conflict then. One word against Israel, and you’ll have people calling you a Nazi.

    Zombiepirate, avatar


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  • Olhonestjim,


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  • dragontangram88, avatar

    I’m not related to anyone in Germany, or from Germany. I don’t deserve to be called Nazi.

    I reported your comment as abusive. You can’t call people Nazi.



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  • diplodocus, avatar

    Prioritizing tone policing over fascism policing is a bold move, mods.


    Rules don’t exist if they’re only enforced on those we disagree with.


    Yep, you’re definitely a nazi.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I have no dna ties to Germany and most Germans I have met are not even my blood type. I’m not a Nazi and I don’t make Nazi babies. It just isn’t in my blood.


    Exactly, precisely what a nazi would say.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I don’t think so, dude. My family fought against the Nazis in WW2. You’re being so disrespectful to everything my family, and other American families have sacrificed by serving for America.



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  • bibliotectress,

    Wait, why was there a flag at your job site that you needed to stand and salute? That doesn’t add up. Maybe we work in different Californias.


    Blood relations have no bearing on the character of a person. It is completely irrelevant. Nobody is attacking you for that.

    Nazis on the other hand, DO believe that blood relation matters, and you keep protesting that you’re not related to any. The problem is that you keep promoting their ideology.

    We don’t care about your ancestry. Good, normal, healthy people don’t care about your blood.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I’m not promoting their ideology. I think you owe me an apology for accusing me of that.


    You owe the world an apology for promoting nazi ideology.


    This guy actually has a picture of Hitler so close at hand, he can post it within the same minute as the comment he’s responding to.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    No. It’s an online link. You can find it through Google. I don’t like Hitler. I think he was a poor leader and very anti-Semitic. I have no dna ties to his native home of Austria, nor do I have any dna ties to Nazi’s, or Germany. I realize people want to make me the villain for stating historical facts, but it doesn’t suddenly change my nationality, or dna. It also doesn’t change my ideology to align with facists.


    The only people who judge others for their DNA and nationality ARE nazis. You are the ONLY one who keeps bringing that irrelevant trash to the discussion. You repeatedly parrot nazi talking points. You instantly try to correct the tiniest fact about Hitler. And you keep an 88 in your username.


    The only people who judge others for their DNA and nationality ARE nazis.

    If only. Unfortunately essentially every government enforces who can easily live in the plots of land they control based on DNA.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I’ve had so much hate directed towards me with regard to Nazis. I’m not even German. Both sides of my family fought in WW2 against the Germans, and I applied for the army in 2020. Please stop trying to associate me to Nazis.

    Zombiepirate, avatar

    Then maybe stop using their talking points & rhetoric and denying that Nazis are Nazis if you don’t want to be associated with them.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I’m not. I’m just saying that it hurts my feelings to have this guy be called white. There are so many mixed race white supremacists out there, and they make white people look bad. Why are we calling this guy white?

    Zombiepirate, avatar

    Fuck all the way off.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    No. I think this guy needs counseling. I think he is mixed race and having some kind of identity crisis because of it. He obviously aligned himself with a white supremacy group because he feels the need to label himself as white to everyone around him. He should take a 23 and Me, or ancestry dna test. Maybe it will help him discover the rest of his family tree and help him find a healthy social environment that is supportive of his entire racial background.

    Zombiepirate, avatar

    Fuck all the way off.

    diplodocus, avatar

    Thank you, DragonTangram88, very cool.

    Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I was born in 1988. You’re seeing an association where there is none. Nazi’s wouldn’t like my blood type. I’m O-. They also wouldn’t like my faith; I’m Catholic. I can’t change the year I was born. You can change how hurtful you are being towards me.

    diplodocus, avatar
    dragontangram88, avatar

    I get it. You like Germans. I’m not German. Thanks for the picture of people who have German dna.

    diplodocus, avatar

    They’re only called Nazi if they come from the Nationalsozialismus region of Germany, otherwise they’re a sparkling fascist.

    Neato, avatar

    Yeah ok. That’s possible but if you’ve been on the internet for a second, you’ve already seen this shit and would avoid it.

    Or you don’t care if you look a little like a Nazi supporter. Which is fine for most white people since their privilege can protect them.

    But then you come in here defending Nazi’s so fuck off with that noise.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    I’m not defending Nazis. Where in my comment did I defend Nazis?

    jordanlund, avatar

    Nazi is an ideology, not a phenotype. Anyone can be a Nazi.

    dragontangram88, avatar

    No. I don’t think Jewish people can be Nazis. It is possible that anyone, of any background can become a racist, but the term Nazi specifically denotes a person that served under Hitler in World War 2. I think it’s politically incorrect and abusive to call someone a Nazi. I think it’s hate speech.

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    the third reich had jewish collaborators

    jordanlund, avatar

    That is not the entire definition of “Nazi”. You have lots to learn.

    a: one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : FASCIST

    b: one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person

    So, yes, Jews can be Nazis. It’s an ideology.…/ellen-feldman-nazi-germany…/holocaust-jewish-courts.html



    I guess I wonder if any fascist is a Nazi- would that include Peron for example? Or even modern Peronists?



    And he wasn’t an outlier.



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  • ptz, avatar

    May this be the start of a wonderful trend.

    diplodocus, avatar

    😂 This kind of thing should be posted regularly as a neonazi honeypot sting operation.

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