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That’s as far as I got too before quitting due to boredom, but for different reasons.

Character building and combat are the main draws for me to D&D, but D&D 5E character building is a step backwards from 3&3.5E and micromanaging an entire party through turn based combat feels like a chore. I’d like to see a Borderlands or Diablo II mod that takes those gameplay styles into the Forgotten Realms setting - a fast paced, skill based game that focuses on action, where you control a single character who’s design and progression increase the skill ceiling by providing more options to make split-second decisions about what tactics to use during each encounter.


Seems complimentary with the other 10. Boil them down and you get from the 10, “be honest”, and from the 7, “be kind”.

If any are displayed, then both is better than one.

Really though, the book club from a 2,000 year old fantasy novel has no place in education other than its historic significance to the art of literature.


that would threaten Monsanto’s patents

Its the other cancer peddling shitheel this time. Syngenta owns the patent, making it completely justified for Greenpeace to prevent them from gaining control of the food supply, even if they have to use BS arguments about food safety to do so.

Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds (

Israel will not transfer much-needed funds to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the decision by three European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, the country’s finance minister said on Wednesday, as its foreign minister denounced the European moves as giving “a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.”...


As far as I can tell, Israel does not actually collect money from people living in Gaza or the West Bank. The local governments of those places collect taxes themselves.

Israel taxes imports into Israel, and made a deal with PLO in 1994 to gift them some of that revenue. That deal expired in 1999, but until now Israel kept giving them free money anyway.


Those customs and import taxes referenced in the article are on goods that get imported into Israel, and they get paid by people in Israel. Until now, a portion of that revenue was gifted to the governments in Gaza and the West Bank.


the sources I’m finding frame the issue

Yep. Reasoning out why its getting framed that way is an exercise I’ll leave up to the readers, but those same sources have confirmed the facts even if they are getting framed differently - the goods are taxed when they get imported into Israel, and the tax is paid by people in Israel. If those good are then exported from Israel to Gaza or the West Bank, then the governments of those places would be within their rights to tax it again. However, the 1994 deal kept that tax burden off the Palestinians while maintaining their access to Israeli logistics and infrastructure as opposed to importing goods from Egypt or Jordan, or shipping them into Gaza directly from the Mediterranean. The governments of Gaza and the West Bank became dependent on the free money, and that gave Israel leverage which it is now choosing to use.


You don’t need to take my word for it. Its spelled out in the agreement that you’ve provided a link to, in Annex V.1.a.

One month after the signing of this Agreement - 50% of the revenues collected during this month from import taxes on goods, the final destination of which is the West Bank, and from excise on petroleum purchased by the Palestinian side for the West Bank.

The companies importing the goods into Israel pay the tax - that’s how excise taxes work. Israel agreed to give an amount of that tax revenue to the governments of Gaza and the West Bank, and that amount was calculated based on how much of those goods would later be exported from Israel to Gaza and the West Bank. Without the agreement, the governments of Gaza and the West Bank would be underfunded unless they levied their own import and excise taxes, which would have the effect of increasing prices for Palestinians.

Israel agreed to the deal that kept prices low for Palestinians and provided funding for the governments of Gaza and the West Bank at Israel’s expense. A cynic might believe they did so, at least in part, to cause dependency and to gain leverage rather than exclusively out of a spirit of humanitarianism, nevertheless they did agree to the deal and it did materially help the Palestinians and the governments of Gaza and the West Bank.


working as intended - won’t fix - ticket closed


so circumcision is banned now, right?


There are no left wing political groups in the US. Closest thing we’ve got is a centrist named Bernie who has no political party supporting him, and a ‘squad’ of Democrats pretending to be progressive while they support culturally conservative politics, virulent ethno-nationalism, and violently ignorant theocracy in other countries.


isn’t that the code that lets you both play as the same character in Street Fighter?


Wouldn’t branding the Iranian military a “terrorist organization” be equivalent to saying the Iranian government is illegitimate and a terrorist organization? And how would that differ from simply declaring war on Iran or deciding to engage in war with Iran without a formal declaration?


Up to around level 50 or so, mobs are squishy enough that you don’t need weapons perks at all. Eventually, some super mutants become bullet sponges, and you’ll want some kind of damage boost, either weapon perks or just taking lots of combat drugs as needed.

I like to start new games with a focus on Science and Barter. With one point of Science, you can build Industrial Water Purifiers in your settlements. The excess water they produce can be sold to vendors.

Unique leg armor that increases your movement speed can be purchased in Goodneighbor and Vault 81. The Vault 81 vendor also sells the last gun you’ll ever need. I like to trade water for those ASAP.

Next, there’s a quest from The Railroad that gives a HUGE defensive boost.

The Nukaworld expansion introduced a new kind of knife, the Disciples Blade, and it is by far the best melee weapon in the game. A sneaky ninja melee build wielding a Disciples Blade can beat every encounter. The build doesn’t really blossom until the late-late game, but once it does, you’ll never need to use a gun again.


enemy spy does enemy spy things and ends up in enemy mafia-owned gas station

oh no!


But only during the brief moments between feature-film-length loading screens.


Why does the working class, the larger of the two classes, not simply eat the smaller one?


step 1: it puts the lotion on its skin


. . . but it will give you up. what a let down. i feel deserted.


It depends on your frame of reference.

From inside the ship, light speed is faster. You travel arbitrary distance in an instant.
Outside the ship, everyone else sees you moving 1 light year per year, but for passengers, the voyage is essentially a forward-only time machine.

From outside the ship, warp speed is faster. Observers will see the warp bubble with a ship inside it moving >1 light year per year, and because it will arrive at its destination before light from the ships own past will arrive there, it acts like a view-only backwards time machine.


lol, nazi purists getting mad this guy is considered one of them

I love Market Efficiency UwU. Isn't the Rule-ing class just so responsible with their power? 🥰 (

When society falls, the great femboy regime will rise from its ashes. All children will take puberty blockers. We will teach you to love your neighbor through the shared trauma of forced feminization. We will know peace in our time 😌...


and a system of wealth inheritance that ensures whichever family was rich when the system first started is the de facto monarch in perpetuity


“You’ll pay for that!”

Yes, I know how stores work.


I stopped buying their shit after they started hiring Pinkerton mercenaries to clean up their mistakes.

from the wiki:

Following the Civil War, the Pinkertons began conducting operations against organized labor.[5] During the labor strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, businesses hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers.[6] During the Homestead Strike of 1892, Pinkerton agents were called in to reinforce the strikebreaking measures of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, who was acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie, the head of Carnegie Steel.[7]


They each have their charms.

IMO, Street Fighter has a lower skill floor and is easier to get into, and MK has a higher skill ceiling so its more rewarding and fun for players who master it.


They could be right for all I know, haven’t played either since SNES, lol.


i wonder if that has anything to do with GoG having been down for a couple days - did they run into problems during the data migration?


in a lucky loophole for insects, mollusks, and other spineless creatures falling under the umbrella term “invertebrate,” the act itself defines a “fish” as “a wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or part, spawn, or ovum of any of those animals.”

According to the law’s specific definition of “fish”, spiders and earthworms are also ‘fish’.


IDK what games are actually compatible with your device, but I do have opinions about cool older games.

turn based:
Master of Magic
Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn, and Dark Queen of Krynn
Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, and Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura

Dead Cells

Gran Turismo 4


ditto rdr2 - its less a video game than it is a graphic novel read by a semi-literate slow talker

the entire dark souls series is also ruined by clunky controls. give me a Doom, Quake, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, Skyrim, etc . . . fps controls pls.

X4 fails because of its controls too. Imagine making a flight sim where you can’t invert the Y axis, or an FPS where the shift key can’t be bound to sprint.


that and any other single player game with a multi player option, where the single player part is clearly balanced around having multiple teammates.

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