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I always thought it was about shattering windows. Bad place to be, overwhelmed emergency services and covered in deep cuts


Yeah, but what about among US Voters?


Its mentioned in the article, but it bears repeating.

They force give you the first quest of a questline for free, and then charge you seven bucks for the second 15 minute quest.

Its also not complete, its an early access paid mod where they clearly cut content out of the game just to give you the first hit of a faction questline, end that first quest on a cliff hanger, and then charge 7 bucks per quest. And before this, the faction was just a series of kiosks giving radiant quests.


Honestly, every one who has talked to an owner operator can tell how much it sucks.


So they should just be made responsible for tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment because they worked there for a week.


Finally an honest politician, one that stabs you in the front instead of stabbing you in the back


You want some overlap, that way if theres something going on, you can swap easier. And its not a big deal if someone is five minutes late.


Yeah, and the benefits of switching does not out weigh the costs, like redoing all the signage and re-educating everyone and inevitable higher accident rate.


I am not water.


Literally the government doing it. How is that capitalism?


Does the govt hold a monopoly on violence? Then its not capitalism


So communism by another name?


If every time comminism is tried, it turns into one specific bad thing, then wouldnt that mean that communism is inherently flawed?


Did you really just a “not true communism”?

I swear tankies are a meme.


Russia and China are plenty big.


If you cant survive with the support of china behind you, your system is shit


And I stated that state capitalism is communism by another name.


I think a lot of lgbtq dont realize just progressive first world countries are, and how dangerous third world countries are.


Juneteenth doesnt even mark the end of slavery in the US. Houston was not the last city to hear about the slavery ban. New Jersey had slaves six months after Juneteenth.


Its revisionism.


Whites are projected to be less than 50% of the population in a generation and that will make immigration issue even more challenging to solve.

A leftist believes the white replacement theory?


Letting in so many migrants is completely on purpose. We can literally just say no to legals and kick out illegals. How is it not on purpose?


Not nearly to the same rate as immigrants.


They sure moved quick to ban bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting. They can move quick if they want to.

Hell, Biden is signing an executive order to limit immigration, so this exact thing was totally preventable.


And the reason is cheap, abusable labor.


And then they let them go after they get detained. Thats the “letting in” part.


No, we didnt make so they had to cross the border to claim asylum, theyre supposed to go to a port of entry.

Illegally immigrating is a seperate action from claiming asylum, and they set it up so that committing crimes doesnt mean deportation.


Remember when they said they werent coming for our kids? I remember. Ill remember for next time too.


Because you cant just block puberty for a few years and expect it to jump start perfectly after that. Theres little to no long term studies on the effects of puberty blockers. Potentially, puberty blockers can cause sterilization and weaken your bones.

Minors cant get tattoo, why let them make this sort of decision?


Is your dad an adult who can consent?


Only elective surgeries that have extreme side effects that simply cant be undone.


Yes, I do. The side effects include everything puberty does, it affects your height, your bone density, brain development, energy levels, heart problems, the list goes on and on.

They need therapy, and puberty blockers have to be done as puberty starts, and that deadline causes steps to be skipped, things rushed, corners skipped, and once its done, its done. You cant undo it.

Imo, the therapy phase shouldnt stop until they are 18.


Just so long as you guys dont care that soy milk has five times less calcium per cup. Aint like kids arent known for breaking bones. Oh wait.


Soy milk does not promote strong bones like regular milk does.


Thank you, I will go bleach my brain now.


Is not knowing about rule 34 a bad thing? I kinda feel like only internet addicts really know about it.


For every country they expand to, they need a legal expert for that country. It gets expensive quick, and sometimes you just dont expect enough return for the investment.


Its the same shit as satanists


Its the same sort of trolling. The oppression totem pole shit doesnt really apply here, they dont have nearly the power that the likes of Disney and Apple.


Dont even pretend “punching down” and “punching down” arent things.


Theyre simply demanding the same rights for ex-gay people as gay people get, in the same way that the satanic temple demands rights for satanists.


What rights dont gay people get?


A right to pride


People did experiment, in the first scene with the wp. That experiment told them that the game would force you to make evil decisions to continue playing. I saw that narratively there was a good option, but the game told me that that option wasnt available in the WP scene.


Where under this post? Cuz I dont see it.


If the player doesnt know the choice exists, and has reason to think the choice doesnt exist, then the choice is kinda moot, isnt it? In any case, my original point was a lot of complaints were really about bad writing.


Tbh, I can see that. I hop in CS and its political, but I play it for escapism.

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