
Feels like this would fit well in Lower Decks, but I don’t believe they have any more seasons planned for that unfortunately


Ive been known to do that. Takes work to be social


Sooo an accurate representation of my life with Adult Autism?


Damn. Too real. Cheers whoever you are.


Kind of, but in this case he would actually be good at it.

Kedly, (edited )

Most people think I’m quirky and would never guess I was Autistic until I told them. Thanks for the slight though… kinda weirdly judgy for a Star Trek sub


It was meant as a joke (that could apply to myself as well). I did not mean genuine offense.


Thats fair I guess. Its IS kind of risky to make a joke at another persons expense though if you arent meaning to offend, especially when tone cant be applied


Well that’s the internet for ya



FlatFootFox, avatar

Human Diplomat: Laughs at joke.

Vulcan Diplomat (To Himself): This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in Party, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.


samus12345, avatar

It is logical to behave illogically when doing so will accomplish your goals.


They explored this concept a little with Data in Starship Mine (TNG). But a recurring Vulcan character would be pretty great.


I was writing about how you can brothen the scope and it would keep making sense, however

Data wants to be human

while his does try out human emotions, he actually wants them, and Vulcans actively suppress strong, aggressive, emotions


So kind of like high functioning autistics IRL. Cool.


“Your joke runs deep… share it with me.”


SPOCK: Captain, I believe you have made the right decision. If I can be of assistance, I would be happy to accompany you on the away team.

KIRK: You? Happy?

SPOCK: I was simply attempting to use your vernacular to convey an idea.

KIRK: Thank you, Mister Spock.

-Star Trek Into Darkness


It’s called masking. Rbf mode is real. A lifetime of neurodivergence can make you pretty good at parties.

Conclusion, Vulcans are just autistic.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

People often ask me if I’m pissed off or if everything is okay if they catch me unawares.

Like no I just didn’t see you there and couldn’t get my face ready in time.

My wife has several immediate and extended family members on the spectrum and she still tells me things like “I don’t know why you say you don’t like parties, you did great and looked like you had a fantastic time”

Apparently “you were all SUPPOSED to think that” is not the correct response.


I tried to explain this AT a party once to people I didn’t know at all. They thought I was pulling their leg. And I somehow doubt they even noticed when I left due to spoon depletion.

db0, (edited ) avatar

It’s not a big secret that a lot of such characters Vulcans, Data, etc are just autistically coded


Yeah i always figured a lot of sci fi has autistic writers. Makes sense for them to include autistic coding


The superior AI is a trope not explored enough in pop sci-fi.


spitballing with the fellas on discord

And his name shall be M’Reesu

Neato, avatar

Do most Vulcans not do this due to a feeling of superiority?

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

No they just see emotions as useless/illogical iirc. They don’t see any logic in emotional reactions so they reject them.

Though the more I think about it the more sense it would make for more Vulcans to do this as it would end a lot of the typical misunderstandings and awkward situations.


No they just see emotions as useless/illogical iirc.

I’d say they see them as outright dangerous. The reason they avoid them that strongly is not because they are indifferent.


I think its worth remembering that most vulcans allow some emotion in interpersonal relationships, especially older vulcans. Spock is just trying to be super duper logical to prove he’s vulcany enough even with his half human heritage (which is ironically an extreme emotional reaction)

samus12345, avatar

Like Worf trying to be super duper honorable, to the point that many Klingons he meets fall short in his eyes.


Like his son.

samus12345, avatar

You know, I’m starting to think that Worf is a bad father.


Actually they are hyper emotional by nature, which has given them a lot of grief (in the form of brutal violence and wars against each other) over the millennia until one guy came up with their philosophy of pragmatic rationality, which as its core element asks vulcans to learn to ritually suppress their emotions.

It isnt so much them considering emotions as useless, more them being very wary of them due to their past, and their philosophy/belief system teaching and emphasizing rational thought as paramount and the highest ideal, and (their) emotions being fundamentally irrational. So they are often a bit miffed when humans for example make obviously emotional decisions.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Are those the wars that created the split between Vulcans and Romulans?

I’ll be honest my star trek knowledge is lacking I just know bits and pieces.


IIRC the cause for the split isnt completely fleshed out, but supposedly it happened around that time with the romulans rejecting the new philosophy. I am not sure if they simply left or were exiled though.

What I also find interesting in this regard is that the vulcans are slightly telepathic, and the romulans are not. Perhaps it is an ability that developed from generations of mental discipline the vulcans went through.

Another fun (and not very likely) take I once read is that the vulcans we know are actually augments, similar to the ones earth made and banned after they became tyrannical.

The theory here being the original vulcans (physically romulans) tinkered with genetic engineering, creating the modern form of the vulcans with increased mental capacity and psionic potential, also losing the romulan forehead in the process. Then they would go the same route as the human augments, paired with their violent emotions, and start a civil war with their regular brethren who then eventually lose this war and leave or are exiled.

The new vulcans then start warring with each other until eventually surak shows up with their modern philosophy.


Trouble of course is if they feign emotion but are not convincing to their hosts they’ll alienate people even more than if they just act in their natural Vulcan way


As someone who’s leaning more towards the introverted side of the specturm this is just what I do at house parties when my social energy for the day has left me, but it’s not socially acceptable to go home yet. The longer the night goes on, the more I’ll be in the bathroom. Not because I drink so much, but because it’s the place where I’ll be guaranteed a few minutes to myself where I don’t have to keep pretending that I’m enjoying this.


I’m pretty sure my relatives think I have some sort of horrible digestive issue. I spend like 25% of holiday gatherings in the bathroom. I just need a few minutes of dark, quiet, not having to think about what to say or what expression I should be making.

Lemming421, avatar

I’m pretty sure my relatives think I have some sort of horrible digestive issue

Is that where your username came from?



FlyingSquid, avatar

My dad thought he was very funny and he absolutely wasn’t, but he expected you to laugh at his jokes, so I learned how to do this a long time ago.

samus12345, avatar
FlyingSquid, avatar

Pretty much. Although eventually we discovered that as long as we said, “that’s very funny,” he was satisfied. We didn’t have to fake laugh anymore.

samus12345, avatar

Well, that makes it a bit easier!

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