Andrew Tate and brother Tristan can be extradited to UK, Romanian court rules

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan can be extradited to the UK, a Romanian court has ruled.

Andrew Tate, 37, and Tristan, 35, were detained on Monday in Bucharest after Bedfordshire Police said it had obtained an arrest warrant.

The brothers can be extradited only after the conclusion of their separate trial in Romania on human trafficking charges, a judge ruled.

They have been released from custody.

avater, avatar

hope those little ratfaced cunts serve a long time!


As Romanian I really want these fuckers out of my country and never hear about them.

Sanctus, avatar

Its too late. Their hate is out their, propogating.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

Eh. The Romanian charges were for sex trafficking, which their horde of incels don’t actually mind.

The UK charges they fled include rape in addition to human trafficking.

Sanctus, avatar

Thats cool, but it won’t stop the incoming wave of incels these two created. My point wasn’t it is too late for Justice. My point was they’ve already built far too many followers for their ideas to die with them. We’re stuck with these brainwashed people.



Ha ha ha



Collectively, they almost have one whole chin.


And the brother is still (marginally) less ugly.


These two have the weakest chins I’ve ever seen. Slider all the way to 0 on the chin stat in the character creator.


They look like Fable NPCs


I hope the lawyers crawl up in their colon, set up a bonfire and pitch a tent.


Now they can come to the UK and be given 6 year sentences suspended for 15 years because there isn’t enough room in the prisons

frustratedphagocytosis, avatar

Bring them over to the US, we always have money for new prisons and are experimenting with new forms of state murder with horribly insufficient oversight


I hear the renditions are quite extraordinary.


So you can do what? Elect him President?


“Controversial Influencer…” I think you meant, “Alleged rapist, human trafficker, organized-crime participant, and confirmed misogynist Tate…”


Yeah theres no room for the libel law excuse on this one, Tate was literally tried for this stuff.


That wouldn’t be an issue even if they weren’t tried. Alleged is one of those words that you can add to make it factually correct, as long as someone is making the allegations. Repotrting on facts is always fine (in the US at least). Now the person making the allegations could be libeling them, but not the group reporting it.


But if the reporting organization knows that the person making allegations is libelous then they’re also guilty of it. Again, though, none of that matters in the context of Tate.


‘Fucking rat criminal and his fucking rat criminal brother get what’s coming to them’

A much better headline


Get rekt you no-chin having bald beta bitch


I’m bald.


But do you have a chin?


Yes, but many don’t.

RIP_Cheems, avatar

Is it just me or does Andrew look diffrent?

kirbowo808, avatar

If these shitheads actually go to jail, it’s prob be one of best days to come tbh. Less misogyny and stupid indoctrination to young people esp young impressionable teenage boys.


Unfortunately I think it would play into victim complexes, and someone else would take their place quickly enough.


I think so too, Tate has proven how profitable this can be.


Have you ever looked into the “manosphere?” Because there is already a sea of Tate-adjacent unwashed taints already taking up that mantle


I haven’t, but this doesn’t surprise me at all. Tons of money to be made manipulating insecure men.

Kolanaki, avatar

If they’re found guilty in Romania, would they have to serve their sentence there and then be extradited to the UK to have another trial, and possibly serve another sentence?


This is probably Romania looking for some diplomatic back scratching. It really depends on what agreement the UK and Romania come to. Also there are a number of other outcomes that are deep in the negotiations.


Maybe UK wants first crack? I don’t think there’s anything stopping Romania from extraditing them, then once they’ve (hopefully) served their sentences, requesting they be extradited back.


According to the blurb, they’ll be transferred to the UK after the trial in Romania. Even if they’re found guilty in Romania first. They’ll then have a trial in the UK. If they’re also found guilty there, Romania and the UK will come up with an agreement on which prison gets him first.

TheBat, avatar

Split them in half?


Guillotine is not on the cards unfortunately at this stage

avater, avatar

buzzsaw it is then


Does UK have death sentence ?

NOT_RICK, avatar


THE_ANTIHERO, (edited ) avatar

I do think they have commited human trafficking but it just clicked on me that maybe they didn’t so the comment is edited


The only two countries in Europe that are barbaric enough to have capital punishment are Russia and Belarus. No civilized country has it.


Yes and i am against it most of the time but i make exceptions for anything that includes children or trafficking


If you make any exceptions you grant the government a legal loophole for murdering people. That, and court systems are never accurate enough to be able to sentence someone to death.


I guess that is another way of looking at it and that makes sense but they atleast should get a life sentence


The US does lol

Always makes me laugh seeing Americans realize how they look to the rest of the world on the internet.


Yeah the USA isn’t really a modern nation. Just a bunch of corporations and religious nuts in a trenchcoat


With an enormous, technologically-advanced military. And nukes.


I mean, I did specify civilized countries.


And in Europe. Civilizedness is subjective, “in Europe” definitely isn’t.

DarkThoughts, (edited )

Nah. There's nothing civilized about capital punishment. I specified Europe because the UK is in Europe, and there's no European country with capital punishment outside of Russia & Belarus.


1: Most states don’t have it either, and the federal government doesn’t ask for it anymore. You’d have to like, lead an outright rebellion as a filthy poor to get a federal death sentence.

2: Some people deserve to get got, your opinion means nothing regardless.


Lol civilized Europe ! what a joke you guys used to kill everyone who opposed you when you used to colonize don’t forget the past buddy . And US were the ones to stop you


When we used to colonize? The US literally was a European colony too, so that makes you the same bearer of your own "criticism". But why look hundreds of years into the past when we talk about current modern day policies? Especially when the US continues to uphold those archaic practices? You just further prove my point that Europe moved on and left its gruesome past behind, while the US further relishes in it, or even wanders backwards. I heard you're big into banning books and taking away freedoms now too.


People who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it and yes US is going to shit because of some dumb fucks .


Russia doesn’t have the death penalty: They abolished it to get into the Council of Europe and haven’t re-introduced it yet.

…that’s de jure, though. De facto is a completely different matter, both when it comes to falling out of windows and prison conditions so bad serving meatgrinder duty in Ukraine is a preferable option.


It does. It's just suspended. But yeah, the legal status doesn't mean anything when you're just going to illegally murder people anyway.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

That’s definitely a totally natural hairline right there.


I mean, I unfortunately have a similar hairline and it’s natural. Can’t say it doesn’t look weird though

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