
i do find it slightly horrifying that in romania they can just decide to put you in prison indefinitely without having to prove you did anything


They did release him because they can’t do that. However, he then told his buddy that he’s going to flee the country, who then talked about that on his livestream. That’s a new offense that lead to him being arrested again.


What? Why did I put known idiots to such high standards I need to reread it a couple of times to believe it. For fuck’s sake, it’s a ready winner for some award.

breadsmasher, avatar

Its very common for people to be arrested and jailed pending a trial. All over the world.


Especially when they talk about fleeing the country.


And are a menace to society


when tate was initially arrested he was held for months without being charged


Is your username in reference to your treatment of Tate’s member? You realize if you’re willing he don’t enjoy it right?

FlyingSquid, (edited ) avatar

I, too, find it “slightly horrifying” when countries don’t allow serial rapists to walk around free.

Edit: I’m happy to spend today banning and deleting your multiple accounts troll accounts defending Tate, whoever you are.


I too, find it “slightly horrifying” when countries allow serial rapists to be president (Biden)


They’re innocent as of now. So stop spreading missinformation


Thank you for all your hard work


i'm not defending tate he deserves to rot in prison

i'm saying that a government shouldn't have the power to just dump you in prison without having a reason for it

when tate was initially arrested he was held for months without being charged

being absolutely fine with a system that allows that because in this instance it happened to fall onto a guy you don't like is brain rot

you think the osu protestors that were just released without being charged would've been released at all without a law requiring them to be charged within 24 hours?

banning and deleting your multiple accounts troll accounts defending Tate

i have literally no idea what you're talking about and it makes you sound unhinged

FlyingSquid, avatar

i have literally no idea what you’re talking about and it makes you sound unhinged

Then you should take a look at both what is left of the two comments I deleted from the troll accounts and the modlog of their deleted comments. But maybe I’m just unhinged and none of that exists.


The US has the same ability under the patriot act laws.


Only that’s not at all what is happening 🙄


when tate was initially arrested he was held for months without being charged


That is absolutely legal, in practically all countries.


if you're arrested in the us, you have to be charged or released within a specific timeframe

they can't just detain you indefinitely for fun

suction, (edited )

Right, and that’s exactly how it went with Tate. And I have a feeling you know that? Either you’re playing dumb or you are dumb, and either prompt me to hang up on this time waste of a thread.


I mean this happens all the time in the US. A teenager killed himself after being locked in solitary without a trial for aaaages.

They even have laws about when you are not entitled to a legal represtative and when you can be held idefinitely.

They also have an illegal detention centre on foreign communist soil to subvert their own laws.

The UK has similar over reaching laws.

Besides Tate was a flight risk so was held pending investigation.


That other countries do it doesn’t make it not horrifying. Almost all your examples are horrifying.

Only the last one isn’t. Being held pending trial if you threaten to flee the country? That makes sense.


My last point why was why it wasnt horrifying.

But I would argue being held pending trial and being held pending investigation are two dfferent beasts but in this case I am happy.


Don’t act like Guantanamo is related to it being on communist soil. We started renting it from Batista, the guy the Cuban revolution was against. The Cuban communists have never cashed a check for it and insist we’re illegally occupying it


If you don’t like that, don’t look up rikers island.


Maybe don’t go to a country with a corrupt justice system to comit crimes in if you want a fair trial? Just a thought.


And if you do, don’t brag about it on YouTube.


He’s innocent.


Funny how you know that.


Funny how … You don’t know what you’re on about.


in the us, if you're arrested you need to be charged or released within a fixed period, usually up to 72 hours

tate was arrested in december, held for 3 months without being charged, was moved to house arrest, then was charged in june


in the us



i do find it slightly horrifying that in romania they can just decide to put you in prison indefinitely without having to prove you did anything

can you just not read


Can you prove what you’ve said without referring to countries like the US? It has no relevance.


what are you asking me to prove? that tate was held without being charged?


Can you just not read?


buddy if your replies get any dumber i'm going to have to assume you're an andrew tate fan


It’s literally what you said to me. Your response speaks volumes.




The judge who approves it has to have some serious reasons. He’s a foreigner, wealthy, and accused of serious crimes. You don’t get held for months for stealing a loaf of bread. You can also only be held while evidence is being collected pending a trial.

It does suck that law enforcement worldwide can pick you up off the street, fuck up your afternoon/day/week/month/life and then just say ‘oops, you’re alright’. If you have a better way, you’d be a revolutionary mind.


Pre-trial detention is common all over the world


He went there thinking he can pay himself out of the charges so my empathy is limited

breadsmasher, avatar

Wheres all his defenders now? I thought tate was absolutely innocent and would not be charged blahnlahblah

Riccosuave, avatar

Wheres all his defenders now?

Screaming the n-word into the voice chat of their Call of Duty lobbies, while eating pizza rolls, and watching Adin Ross on Kick.


I take offense to you trying to vilify pizza rolls like that.

monsterlynn, avatar

Especially when it was regular, flat pizza that did him in the first time.


Fucking lol’d


Have you ever watched monster factory?


You mean the gateway drug that sucked me into their media empire?


lol monster factory I think is their finest work…although ep. 50 through roughly 400 are peak podcasting. When I was first listening to mbmbam I was on the subway and in airports crying with laughter. The newer ones I’ve put on haven’t really grabbed me that way. Back in like 2016, I could NOT stop listening.

It’s like the early to mid mbmbam, early to mid Harmontown, and the first two seasons of My dad wrote a porno. The most amazing podcasts ever invented.

Riccosuave, avatar

I’m sorry m8. I like pizza rolls from time to time too. I share in your pain and shame. We must revitalize their image!


Who dat? Wait, never mind; I don’t want to know…


You mean the prepubescent little internet shits that love him?


Oh, I thought we were talking about my ex husband


Happy for your loss!


Haven’t seen many tate defenders on the fediverse. Am I misunderstanding you?

Edit: lemmy -> fediverse


Oh man I’ll never forget the plane trip I took where I was sitting next to a young couple and the girl was showing the guy Andrew Tate videos and telling him to be more like Tate. “You know how you’re always complaining like a bitch? Well watch this…” and then she played a video of Andrew Tate talking about how real men are stoic because no one wants to hear about their damn feelings. I was really hurting for this guy but he calmly told her she was an idiot and said Andrew Tate could fuck off.


Good on him!

Sanctus, avatar

Oh they think they’re cleared and this isn’t happening. Not joking. People at my work say this shit

avater, avatar


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