


Getting arrested for rape is gay. /s


Thoughts and prayers


The case had been discussed for months in a process before a preliminary chamber where the accused could challenge the evidence of the prosecutors.

On Friday, the court in Bucharest said the case met the legal criteria and would proceed.

So what’s the difference between this and a conviction?


It’s kinda like a grand jury where they decide if there’s enough evidence to proceed with the trial, but without the jury. It’s what a lot of places have moved to from the grand jury.


This is an indictment I think. It just indicates that the trial can proceed if my understanding is correct.


he’ll try some way to bribe them


Oh no!

Anyway, how’s your weekend been going?


Not too bad we’re attending a beach football tournament of companies. Our friends did not qualify so we’ll be out early. But ! that means lunch at the beach, heheh.


Pretty good. There is a restaurant close to where I live that has got a lot of hype about, took the family there yesterday. It was worth it. Also one of my children has a recital.

reallyzen, avatar

Good, good. The flight was a bit bumpy today, but by 11am I was having breakfast at my favorite little place down in front of the mosque. I love the quiet Sunday mornings here.


I was going to say, “We should go back to killing people,” but then thought better of it. We should start killing shitty people.

“But who will decide who is shitty?”

“That’s the fun! Anyone!”

“But then I won’t know who I can be shitty around!”

“And then?”

“I would have to be a moderately less shitty person.”

“Yeah …”

“But what if someone starts killing random people without cause?”

“Sounds pretty shitty. Kill them.”

“But what about the innocent people who are harmed?”

“Let’s not pretend to start caring, now that your head is on the block.”

“What if someone kills you?”

“I’ll be dead. I won’t have to deal with these shitty people anymore.”

“Why not just kill yourself?”

“Because I believe that my life has meaning and that I am helping people.”

“But what if someone thinks that the meaning you have selected is shitty?”

“Again, I will be dead.”

“So how can we know what is and isn’t shitty behavior?”

“It’ll work itself out if we maintain the system with some degree of fidelity.”

“This would just create a society where literally person would have to agree on what it means to be shitty.”

“Yeah, that would be dope.”

“This is horrifying and short sighted.”

“Yeah. Pretty on-brand for people.”




I was going to say, “We should go back to killing people,” but then thought better of it. We should start killing shitty people.

I disagree. How would killing help? It would only increase the grieving.


this feels very “if you kill a killer then the number of killers in the world stays the same”. the thing is, it’s the number of victims that matters.


Well, I’m not a big fan of violence in general. There has to be some more peaceful solution, or it’s not a solution in my eyes at all.


what would you have done about world war II?


Well I’d argue that we are not in the same situation than WW II anymore.


then lets assume a similar situation pops up, as they do from time to time. someone is hellbent on violence, is already committing a lot of violence, and is escalating rather than stopping. How would you architect a peaceful solution to that, and what would you say to the families of the people who were killed while you were architecting that peaceful solutions. It’s all well and good to say “there has to be some more peaceful solution” but then you have to actually find it and implement it.


the socratic dialogues from a world where plato was strangled 99% of the way to death by his umbilical cord


LOL. Perfect. Thank you.


Get fucked, scumbag.




They went to Romania because of it’s excellent legal system right? No wait, they went there because they thought it was a highly corrupt system in which they could pay their way out of their crimes.

…and now they’re going to get prosecuted because they’re a highly visible case.

sparky, avatar

Definitely wise to pick an EU member state to escape the law. This guy has probably never heard of extradition.


Eu countries are good place to escape if you’re expecting a death sentence or “inhuman” jail conditions (ie. torture, rat cell, etc). Otherwise it’s useless

AutistoMephisto, avatar

It’s only highly visible because he bragged about paying cops hush money. What Tate failed to realize is that hush money applies to both parties. The party accepting the bribe, and the party offering the bribe.


Not just that, but he also publicly bragged about how lax Romania’s laws and how they don’t care about rape during an administration that is attempting, at least on the surface, to change public perception of themselves worldwide from the corrupt governments of the 90s and 2000s.


Obvious political persecution.


In what way?

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Did you drop a /s?




Good. Fuck these scumbags. Maybe some of his shit for brains followers will snap out of it after this. One can only hope.


That isn’t how cults work. They generally visit the leaders in jail and fight to get them freed.


How followers can’t stand up and walk for long periods of time.

Thann, avatar

Nope, fake news! The matrix faked all the evidence!!


Hope he suffers for all the negative influence he’s had.


False accusations not the way to do it.


The asshole has literally (not figuratively) admitted to this on many streams


Citation needed.

n3m37h, (edited )

The not-shitheads of the world really need to start organizing these things, instead of relying on kind strangers keeping their notes.


Meh. See how they didn’t reply back? They are arguing in bad faith, they don’t want/care about citations

they just want you to either waste your time (so they can ignore you) or say something like “you can google it yourself” so they can say “see, you got nothing”


It’s not for them, it’s for all the other people who read this thread.


Took me all of 30 seconds to prove they’re idiots. Time well spent


Hey, no updates since the links were posted?

You wouldn’t be the kind of person to not admit to being wrong would you? Not very “manly” of you.


I only saw admissions about what is already publicly known. Yes he hired women and did pornography. This is morally wrong and destructive to society.

The rape and trafficking charges are hoaxes because Tate is a prominent figure against the establishment.

Bill Gates is on the Epstein list and his wife left him over the issue yet… No investigation.

To quote George Carlin, “Its a big club, and you ain’t in it.” Not only am I completely confident he did nothing wrong. They would have buried him under the prison if they had any real dirt. I also know it is political persecution.


damn, we get a twofer!

  1. he diden’t do it
  2. it was fine because other people do bad stuff

sounds like every other denier of stuff they know to be true

  1. Obvious political persecution. I don’t have to like him or agree with what he says.
  2. He admitted to doing porn with women and making money. Never admitted to “rape” or “trafficking” because it didn’t happen.

They put him under a microscope, had to bribe women to turn on him, and even then couldn’t get anything.


Obvious political persecution.

what political stances is he being persecuted for? Then again, WW2 was “Obvious political persecution.” and I don’t see anyone having issues with offing the Nazis, I mean it was literally targeted at a political party!

He admitted to doing porn with women and making money. Never admitted to “rape” or “trafficking” because it didn’t happen

look, I get it, English wasn’t part of your Hustlers’ university degree, but the man said it himself

quite frankly, the man is evil, and it isn’t inherently wrong to get rid of shit stains like him


The narcissist prayer


The literal first link that other persons shared opens with Tate saying:

“I’ve committed federal crimes, can you get me no jail time”

This is paraphrased of him discussing looking for lawyers.

You can’t get a better source than the horse my guy.

So what are your thoughts now?

I’m not trying to shame you here. Just help you find a better role model.


role model

One can recognize an obvious political persecution regardless whether or not they like a person.

dependencyinjection, (edited )

No. If someone is guilty of these crimes. Then charge them. Whether you’re my idol or not.

I don’t have double standards for people of my tribe or people I like more.

Edit: to be abundantly clear. The vast majority of the world isn’t aware of his existence. Therefore there isn’t much reason to silence him. I know at times it can seem like the things we are into are bigger than they are, but they really are at times. Take Lemmy, not many people I know irl has heard of it, but it’s a large part of my life. As someone with ADHD this becomes abundantly clear when you unload all you’ve learned about something to someone and you’re met with ah nice.


The vast majority of the world isn’t aware of his existence.

Andrew Tate topped Google’s 2022 ‘Who is’ search list


That doesn’t mean he is the well known. It means for a period he trended. Plenty of things trend and are forgotten.

I don’t know what more I can say dude, but if you ever need to chat. Reach out. I’ll listen always and not judge.


You’re either a troll (a bad one), a really shitty bot, or worse, a fanboy of chinless whistledick.


It’s not a bot. I’ve seen them comment on image based posts and can get the context correct.

I don’t feel it’s a troll, I feel they’re really just in deep.

I find it fascinating, and I like to think in self-aware enough to know I could be in deep in other things. I took the approach here to be understanding and try to point out some fallacies.

In hindsight I should have picked up on there against the establishment line and pointed out some more suitable figures that are fighting the status quo who aren’t also predators.

I don’t believe we can’t help people rethink something they’re so invested in without being kind to an extent. It can be difficult to admit you’re wrong at times, imagine admitting everything you have pinned your identity on is wrong or your idol or person you looked up to was a scumbag. The duality of people I guess.


chinless whistledick.

Fantastic! Can i have this?


Hey armchair warrior, take it from a lawyer




Citation needed.

I’ll take your silence after the citations were posted to be an admission that you were 100% wrong about this


I replied. You must not have seen it.


Lo! And he did simp for the arch-incel. And it was gross

Assholes 3:16


Shitheads everywhere in shambles


What bribes does he need to pay to get out of this one?


He doesn’t have that amount of money. He publicly humiliated the government and law enforcement of Romania.


What’s the punishment over there for rape and trafficking? Life? A rope?


A rope?

They’re in the EU, they aren‘t some backwards country you imagine them to be


Then answer the question.


Don’t you have google? I kinda wish the other user hadn’t answered you.


I don’t use google. I also think rapists should die in prison. I get it though, a lot of “alphas” want to suck this guys dick.


Rape is 3-18 years trafficking is 3-15. Literally the top Google results.


Goo? Gul? What’s that?!? /s


Sounds like a bad version of DuckDuckGo!

/Lying, unfortunately


Yeah, never announce that you’re committing a crime and that a government won’t stop you unless they can’t stop you. Corruption is built on a foundation of plausible deniability. Take it away and they start risking their power and paydays

monsterlynn, avatar

But I thought Romania was the perfectly corrupt place for a genius alpha like Tate to operate his "business" without any hassel.


I know you’re being sarcastic, but I just find it so hilarious that while Romania may in fact be corrupt, this small-dick-energy idiot somehow managed to make himself the whipping boy with whom Romania will demonstrate to the world how not corrupt they are.

I will giddily await him having his front teeth extracted in make-me-your-bitch prison.


Extracted with fists?


Nah that tends to leave broken stumps which might undermine the objective.


He can even record a career-starting single, like Big in Japan, but Charged in Romania.


Your last bit has me chuckling. Build-a-bitch workshop with these numbskulls.


I hope he’s treated well in prison. Especially if courts determine it’s best for society if he spends a lifetime there.

Just realized a part of that is for the workers there. If I were a guard I’d feel best about my job knowing it’s the most ethical prison it can be. If prison rape (if that’s what you were getting at) isn’t the sentence, then it shouldn’t happen. (If it’s the sentence, oh my.)


You’re absolutely right, and deep down I do agree that the civility with which we treat prisoners is the measure of society. Some countries more than others tend to engage in “revenge based” justice and its just yuck.

I got a bit carried away with my comment because lately my justice boner just keeps getting deferred or held over. It’s been a long time.


Fantastic reply. I’m glad to see civility with internet strangers.


Since the Reddit exodus barring Hexbear and which I blocked the moment I was able to, all I’ve seen on here is genuine discussion and healthy disagreement


Justice blue balls. I had to.


We all benefit from a society with a higher floor for suffering. We all benefit from a society that doesn’t see hurting people unnecessarily as justice.

I am not a prisoner, I hope to never be one, but if I find myself forced to violate laws to sate my conscience I hope I am treated as kindly as possible, so for that to happen I must demand we treat even the absolute dregs of society as fellow human beings who can reform and don’t deserve unnecessary suffering.


Yeah, I support humane punishment even for him. I oppose prisons, even for him. But I also will be pissed if he’s treated especially well or cruelly.


Imagine being a corrupt system trying to project legitimacy, and that shit stain of a human comes in and admit federal crimes and being a dick all around.

This is a slam dunk to use Tate as a way to project a working system even though it is probably not.


Dear Romania,

Let him rot.

Truly Yours,


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