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Well, as a nonsexual person, I've been pretty shocked to see that the allosexuals have been pretty much taking this porn ID stuff lying down.


Eh, plenty of ace people will engage in sexual activity, often for the sake of a romantic partner.

I don't/haven't, so it seems easier to specify the one relevant label. You're right in reading between the lines that I am ace.


The 90's mentality of "Everyone on an Internet is a predator out to rob you or worse" left a mark on me-
I always use a fake name and innocuous, random profile pic if possible.

These daus you're still screwed if someone's that determined, but at least screw the corporations like this.


Xena fan events still happen multiple times a year, btw.
They like new people.

Some of my favorite people are huge fans and I'd go if I could.


Easier to get playing, at least.
Put rectangle in rectangle.
Toggle Power.

Its seriously a bigger hassle to figure out where you were in a show on Netflix if it decided not to save your spot in a show than it is to get into a level in a lot of games back in the day.


I've been trying to set up a space for this split keyboard/Accessability computer stuff, and I have, like, five ~50gb hard drives from yeeears ago. ( I was the designated data backer-upper of the friend/family circle)

I could see how things could get out of hand for the true memelord


I mean, just play Palworld, Princess Maker 2 and Hatoful Boyfriend and you basically got the desired experience.

I mean, I assume.
I think I'm too ace for this.


It was never implemented in PoGo, was it? Because that's where it very clearly should have gotten a spiritual successor.

Not that I'm playing that anymore, with its predatory scheme. Orna all the way, now.


Nah, I just wear what looks cool, no matter what.
Yes, I will wear the Vault Suit through entire Fallout games, because its canon AF. I just got good at ice physics because the Hover Boots looked rad.

And I've gone an entire game with the head slot empty in one game that, for some reason, didn't let you unequip helmets, and the character had cool hair.
Also got a legendary drop with perpetual Dash speed. Probably the most unique individual character for that random iOS game ever.


But you're supposed to ask what its desires are. We gotta know if this is AM "Torture humans for Eternity" or Glitchy GLaDOS "Make cake" kinda stuff


Pathos NetHack (The OG Roguelike's very newbie friendly fork and UI)

Rogue Saga (A simple, bare bones Roguelike, nice for a casual run)

Orna (If old school Final Fantasy were Pokemon Go, and didn't have predatory monetization schemes) Heroes of Aethric is its non-GPS sibling.

Most of my free android games came from when Amazon did its Amazon Underground thing years ago, so you're kinda SoL on that, sorry.


Very robust post, covered most of what I'd say in a far more verbose manner than I have the gumption for right now.


I mean, there is a completely legitimate argument to be made that the Mane Six are legitimate adventurers, worthy of D&D and all...

But even the most surface level interpretation is just too wholesome. Some characters just need a little happy, wholesome comfort in their life


I heard he only hits the speed of sound when he's rollin' around.

But part of the legacy of Desert Bus is that it was a big charity series that kind of set the stage for GDQ later in gaming history. A sort of virtual road trip.
So a lot of people have nostalgia for it.


Well, this a great example for the ESL guy wondering if "Females" is offensive.


Well, here he's clearly using "Females" to be exclusive and offensive, demonstrating that the term does, in fact, have that potential, is my point.

It is kinda nice when trying to figure out other cultures' taboos, that you can get something as cut and dry as "this word or concept can show up in a news article when politicians misuse it."
Kinda intimidating, but also a useful frame of reference, because then there's post like yours which specify that its context-specific.

It can be really frustrating when you spend years tiptoeing around something, only to find out that the person you learned it from just had weird personal hangups or something.


Lol try being a Roguelike fan.

You correctly tell people that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a Roguelike and they look at you like you've grown a second head.

Sometimes this stuff happens, and there's basically nothing you can do about it.

American veganism is like American Christianity. Sometimes fine and wholesome, especially when kept to oneself; but often a toxic, blatantly lying, proselytizing cult when in a group

If you want to be vegan, more power to you. But please talk to your doctor first (and optionally do a bunch of reading from non-specifically-vegan sources about how the food is grown). The nutrition-feasibility, health benefits, and current, real-world environmental impact are frequently and loudly lied about by many vegans.


I joined a local vegan group for some recipes because I have some dietary restrictions.

You know what they post about?

•Foie Gras is bad

•Where the FUCK can I buy a good breakfast

Seriously, these people just have this insane fixation on breakfast foods, and how much better they taste when someone else cooks them for you.

Just stop focusing on the noisy ones and try giving people the benefit of the doubt. You might be surprised at how nice people can be.


Only if the raisins are treated with great care. Otherwise, they're bitter, sour or tough as heck, and the cookie is better just as Oat.

Oat Cookies are underrated, and you 100% know they're home made.

Add a touch of Cinnamon and you blow some people's minds

BirdEnjoyer, (edited )

Or just... these but oreos.

The trick for these cookies is sour cream, and the flavor for oreos comes from black cocoa.

Your post is deliciously dangerous.

And also detrimental to my search history because autocorrect decided to "help" when I was looking up black "cocoa" and I am decidedly nonsexual asexual.

I just had to reset my phone. And now I remember ehy I had that feature turned off.


You can freeze the dough. It was a very economical way of satisfying a sweet tooth, especially if you have an air fryer.


Can we instead encourage people to post receipts with real game boxes and cartridges to enforce the idea that there are absolutely legitimate reasons to use emulators?

Pokemon in particular is the most emulatable series out there, between romhacks, randomizers, and upscalers on the 3D games.

There are definitely pirates, of course, but I feel like the public at large isn't aware enough of the fact that emulation is often a good thing.


Why is this so difficult? I have a friend who loves Cheetahs, and its so hard to buy for them. Everything is mislabeled

BirdEnjoyer, (edited )

A game about the hover boots from OoT if they were the shit instead of just involuntary ice skates.

Like, everyone loves your kicks. The bad guy loves your kicks. They're fun to use, so the player loves your kicks


Well, I got a phishing call from Ohio so that's not a problem anymore...


I actually paid someone to rip my WiiU BotW for me years ago because I like being legit legit, but most people either feel like its morally 100% fine to download a copy if they bought one, or don't even know that its technically not legal.

Ripping your own ROMs tends to put your system at risk of bricking or being banned from online play. Its just not a desirable thing to do, so fans who care enough about the game to see it run at q higher quality or with lovingly crafted mods are very likely the ones who already purchased the game and are downloading a new copy.

I would love to see Yuzu run a poll to see how many people already purchased the game. Even if its anecdotal, maybe it would prove a point that people are crying out for more content and will go to illegal means to get it


Depends, really. Some just feel squicky about breaking copyright law.

NGL I kinda feel a bit obligated to be extra careful out of deference to a relative's relationship to a lawyer, haha.

But in general, I try to conduct myself in the model of the ideal world I want to live in, if I can.

In the best world, there's no piracy because everyone gets their fair dues, and users get fair access to their purchased goods. But I also ain't judging others who do pirate or do other stuff with their own things, because we definitely don't live in that world, and corporations do not deserve to have a monopoly on access to media like that.

And, really, its just not right. As a fan of classic, old games, I can't respect not technically pirating entirely, when it means the loss of amazing games. Like the amazing 3DS Virtual Boy emulation projects! Or just soooo many classic, otherwise lost adventure games.

I'm probably not going to wind up playing those, but the world is worse if not for people technically pirating.


I choose to try not to pirate, and thus this kinda thing absolutely pisses me off because this is so disingenuous, because I dig into the nitty gritty of how to do all this stuff legit.

Randomizers alone make Nintendo games in particular so much more alive, and all but require the use of ripping software and quite often emulators.
These emulators can make even current titles look even more beautiful and play more smoothly than their native platform, too.

Yeah, people are going to pirate using this stuff, but its wrong to treating the tools themselves as being inherently bad. They are quite often used by people who care very much about these games, and do give fair financial support to Nintendo.


"Keep Circulating the Tapes" of the current era


And filter your water.
And your dog's water.
And your Car's water.
And give your cat a big ass water dish. (cats can get kidney issues because they stop drinking due to whisker damage from small bowl rims)

You're absolutely right! You don't want to fuck around with your kidneys! I'm not going to post the details here, but you should request an AMA from someone who works in Dialysis if you enjoy NSFL content.


I never got to play this character very long, but I had this idiot rich draconic bloodline Sorcerer whose parents had hidden the fact that they were a Tiefling from them.

As far as they knew, they were a half-orc with a skin condition, born when their father was shamed and banished, and their mother was swept off their feet by a gallant orc of the hinterlands. (lol, no, the parents are evil AF demon worshippers spawning teiflings into the bloodline, and they're too dumb to realize it. No hot orc babydaddy to speak of)

They cut off the tail and cauterized the horn buds really early, and basically the plan was to see if they discovered the Draconic Bloodline before or after getting hit by a strong enough healing spell to restore their demonic features.

They probably wouldn't be able to understand the idea that they could be both part demon and part dragon, and part Good aligned and part Evil aligned creature, to boot. Comedy gold in the right party.


They're delightful creatures, and make strange noises, if you are unaware.
The mating songs may remind you of what you might expect, but some of the sounds sound quite primeval or even scifi.

What adventure games do you recommend?

pretty much the title. i have played most of sierra, lucasarts and telltale catalogues so if you are suggesting one of their games i’ve probably already played it. it doesn’t have to be a copycat, homage or in the same style as these companies’ games either, just that it must satisfy the vague definition of being an...


The Frog Detective series is pleasant, light, and overall delightful. Feels like a slightly more grownup Humongous Games kinda title.

And I do have to check- Did you play the Manhunter games?
They're super overlooked for Sierra titles, (and some lists don't seem to mention them) but they're still authentic old school adventure game.
Super cheezy though.

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