@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



Sometimes I make video games


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@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I suppose if you’re going to die of the beetus it might as well be in your sleep

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Queer person checking in. I too dislike the F-slur because like you say, it takes me back to the worst periods of my life when that was the worst thing you could call a person.

When I was a kid, the common way to express that you didn’t like something was to call it gay. And usually it had nothing to do with gayness either, it’d be like “You signed up for soccer instead of hockey? That’s pretty gay.” “Math class is gay.” “Homework is gay.”

Even before I knew I was queer that bothered me. And the funny thing was if you called someone out for it, they’d weasel out of it by saying they didn’t have anything against gay people, you just call things gay if you don’t like them. They just didn’t see how that was wrong which made it even more frustrating to me. Like, they admit that gay = bad but then say they have nothing against gays? Well, what more can you expect from children?

Nowadays it doesn’t seem like things being gay is so bad. I’ve definitely proudly called things gay, and it feels like the word ‘gay’ is being taken back. So with time maybe that can happen with the F-slur, but for me now it’s still a super triggering thing.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think I remember that bit, Martin was trying to convince us that “apes together strong” but the boys weren’t having it. He used the two-syllable pronunciation too, which I’d relate to using the N-word with a hard R.

I don’t really relate that bit to “taking the word back” though because I guess I don’t think of Martin as being gay. I mean, he’s 10 years old so he probably isn’t really anything yet. Then again, he is often shown to be effete and I’m sure some of the kids have called him gay before.

To me that joke was all about shock factor. It was like saying “Hey, look at this dirty word we just got away with saying on television! It’s not dirty because we used it correctly, instead of the way you expect to hear it!”

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I just shared this with my wife because she’s an artist and hates AI as much as I do.

Apparently she made an account last night.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Bob Loblaw lobbed law bomb: logged on Bob’s law blog

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“Red tape” is a pretty common idiom here. It’s similar to bureaucracy, but it’s more like the useless stuff you have to deal with in order to do something.

Say you want to update your driver’s license and you need to bring in some ID and fill out a form. That’s regular bureaucracy.

If you want to feed the homeless so you have to get a permit for an event, prove your volunteers have food-handling training, fill out forms for your volunteers, notify the police that there will be a public gathering, schedule an inspection of the facility, etc, that’s red tape.

Another way to look at it might be that Bureaucracy describes the system in which offices communicate with each other, and Red Tape are the tasks/forms/whatever you have to complete in order to get what you want approved.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

What do you call the face in the third panel? I was trying to find a copypasta for it the other day and didn’t know what to search for.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That’s a nice set of hooters

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@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I highly recommend Godot for a new developer. I made the switch from Unity and it’s just been a pleasure to work with. I’m actually unlearned a bunch of patterns I had to use with Unity because Godot makes things even easier to access .

I don’t know if it’s got any kind of support for retro systems though

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Ah, well you can definitely build for Android with it then. I haven’t personally, but so far every other platform I’ve built for has just been a few clicks and away you go

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think nostalgia plays a pretty big factor in retro games. Like, yes, I agree that enshittification marches onwards and the state of the industry today is pretty lame.

Every time I’ve gone back to a retro game I find myself vaguely disappointed. Quality of life has come a long way, and development is iterative so it makes sense that games made twenty years ago are lacking some features that make life easier for the player. Things like fast travel in metroidvanias, or inventory and quest management, or just trying to remember what it was I was supposed to do next in an RPG are often quite lacking. Or at the least, they’re not up to today’s standards.

Survivorship bias plays a pretty big role here too. We remember the good games that stand out from the rest of them, and we forget about the crap. There was shovelware back then too, maybe not to the degree of the modern app stores with F2P games loaded with microtransactions and dark patterns, but they were there too.

Anyway, long story long, the trick in whatever generation you play seems to be to find games that respect your time as a player. I’d also recommend checking out indie games, they’re made with love, and you can find all kinds of retro-styled where you can tell the devs were passionate about games of the era.

Here’s a short list of games I’ve enjoyed that give me that retro SNES feeling:

  • Bzzzzzt - Just delightful
  • Gravity Circuit - Megaman, but the platforming actually feels good and fast
  • Nuclear Blaze - This one has a unique offering where have to put out fires while platforming
  • Skull Girls - okay, this one’s a bit older too, but in another comment you said you like Street Fighter so this might be up your alley
@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That much bread will just sit in my stomach like a rock

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@ChihuahuaOfDoom I completely agree with this take. You don’t need to get the secret ending or unlock everything or anything like that, but the sequel builds on mechanics from the first one. You can do more stuff in the second game, and I’d also say that it’s a bit more difficult too.

IMO I prefer the basic ending to the true ending of Hotline Miami 1.

spoilerIt feels like it’s targeted at the player instead of the character, and I eat up those meta storylines.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don’t want to sound ableist, but I think you need to put more skin in the game

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

After watching Harley Quinn, this is what I imagine Sy Borgman looked like in his prime

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Is a shitposting license just a license to thrill?

Why are keyboards getting smaller?

I’m not a true mechanical keyboard enthusiast. I mean I like a good keyboard for typing code, so I rolled with model-Ms in the 80s and 90s, then some expensive Cherry keyboard I only recently retired because it was utterly spent (and it was PS/2), and now I happily use a Wooting Two HE....

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I was team numpad all the way, but then I received a 60% as a gift and I have to say, I’m quite impressed with it.

It’s pretty decent for gaming, you get more desktop real-estate for your mouse which is a huge plus. I’d also hazard a guess and say that the smaller size is more attractive for the average computer user.

Now that everything seems to take USB-C it’s really easy to swap out your board for something more suitable for your task. So if you really need a numpad, you can just swap your full size board back in.

Depending on your use case, you might be surprised how far you can get with a 60%. I thought the lack of arrow keys and F1-12 was really going to bite me, but I can use them easily enough for most cases - but not always. For instance, I wish I could still select text with Ctrl + Shift + arrow/home/end, but that’s out of reach now. But for 99% of my usage, it gets the job done.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, there’s probably some way to fix it if you have the motivation to dig into it. But it’s also not just a matter of reach, it seems the key combination doesn’t get interpreted the way I expect it to, probably because it’s using the Fn key.

But if I really need arrow keys, it only takes about thirty seconds to plug in a new board, so it works for me for now.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you let the radius be Z, then you can find the area of a pizza with a simple formula:

Pi * Z * Z = A

Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous" (www.pcgamer.com)

While Elon’s then-partner Grimes was recording her part in the game as cyborg popstar Lizzy Wizzy, the erratic tech billionaire turned up with an antique firearm to “insist” on being included in the game. “The studio guys were like sweating,” Grimes is quoted as saying. Musk adds “I told them that I was armed but not...

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Taking a photo of a man threatening you at gunpoint seems like a good way to get shot

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I feel you, it’s tough knowing that there’s great games out there and feeling like you can’t play them. It’s even tougher when the people around you are playing them too, especially when they’re telling you how great they are.

I think your partner has the right idea with supporting indie developers, generally speaking the money stays closer to the creator, so it feels like you’re more directly supporting them. But you’ve also got to be careful because individuals can be just as vile as organizations, there’s been times that I bought a game, thought it was great, and then found out after the fact that the creator is outspokenly transphobic or something like that.

I want to mention Hogwarts Legacy as a specific example. It’s a game I don’t want to support because JK will profit from it, and she supports the erasure of people like me. I have a friend who played the game, and from his account the game itself is pretty hip. The character creator is supposedly pretty inclusive. He raised the point that JK had very little to do with the development of the game, and the development team seems to really care. Does that mean we shouldn’t support them because an evil individual profits from it? It certainly added some nuance to the situation that I hadn’t considered.

I think the best way to stay hopeful is to play games that you really enjoy. For me, it helped to educate myself on this list of dark patterns in gaming, and to find games that don’t include these features. To me that says that the creators want you to enjoy their experience to the utmost, because generally speaking the more dark patterns are in the game, the more the game is designed to profit off of you. You should be the one to profit from the game IMO.

@Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That’s a good point, I never really considered that. The argument does hold some weight for the live-service model, but to my knowledge that’s not really how that game operates.

But there’s plenty of support besides financial too. I’d agree that as a developer I do care most about being paid for my work, especially if I’m going to work on a AAA game. But for my own projects, I mostly care that people play my games and enjoy them, even if that means piracy or streaming.

I dunno, sometimes “supporting the devs” these days just means not sending them death threats. But I also think that if we look at financial support as the only way to support a game then we risk dehumanizing the people who work on our toys.

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