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I’ve never understood why players can’t demand a refund when a fundamental aspect of a game changes.


Visibility bias. Bad news makes headlines faster then good news or “everything’s fine” news. New Blood hasn’t done anything fucked and everyone seems fine with them for instance.


I don’t know when you grew up, but game publishers have a long history of fucking things up. Rushing development, buying studios and firing the core staff were and are frequent stories.


Not having a system up to spec, I didn’t look at the Eula. That’s bizarre.


I would expect to be able to return a sandwich if halfway through eating it, the owner came up to my table and put cheese on it after specifically asking for no cheese because I’m lactose intolerant.

Or in the case of discontinued online games, it would like eating half the sandwich and having it taken away.


More like bots and bad faith commentators.


Have you met any irl?


Those are what the Bad Faith addition is for.


I don’t think enough Bernie voters flipped their votes to cause the Trump win. I do believe that many of them stayed home though, but I blame that on the DNC running Hillary Clinton on the most deenergizing platform. I did vote for her, but I didn’t consider her a real progressive. She was just the status quo option when Trump was dementia flavored fascism.


No one who makes decisions so far has cared about future generations.


I’m actually pushing for degrowth. It’s the simplest path to ending oil use


Cause it embarrasses them. They didn’t create the virus in a lab, but their wet markets were always a risk and Covid put the international spot light on it.

That and they were suppressing their infection rates and death rates, but just about every nation was doing that. Did you see the numbers in Japan spike after they formally announced their Olympics would be postponed?


What China thinks will get them global respect and what will actually get them respect are very different things.


Cold fusion doesn’t work. It’s self contradicting once you learn the very basics of fusion. It was billed as a solution to dealing with the difficulties of material science and the heat generated by hot fusion.

Also, the simplest solution dealing with energy demands is to reduce our demand, but the people in the media demand perpetual growth.


Maybe don’t go to a country with a corrupt justice system to comit crimes in if you want a fair trial? Just a thought.


How bad is your reading comprehension? Reread just the first sentence.


Well, this should be incredibly useful for Dosbox and improving playability of retro games, right?


Peak Male Life Style. You wouldn’t get it.


Pretty sure that still works. A few tech streamers like Vedal rely on that for their stuff to work.


They likely have a larger portion of Linux users then other companies though.


I don’t think you have the insider information to really make that call.


Ask Ukraine how they feel about the need for the spending. The spending isn’t the disease, it’s the symptom.


Which plastic? High-density polyethylene or HDPE(Number 2) plastic is rated for most common chemical storage. It’s used for milk and sulfuric acid. It’s also rated for up to water’s boiling temperature.


Unless the kid is even slightly above average and finds the idea that pi equaling 5 confusing.


You can be a smart kid and not realize that adults are lying.

I remember the Peas and the Punnett Square. Sure, mendelian genetics explains pea plant colors, but doesn’t explain dog fur colors. Just providing a footnote that more completed genetics exists would have been nice.


If it did, it would have been forgotten like the dozens of other military shooters.


Shatner is just a full on boomer. These are the sorts of answers you can expect from him.


Ffs, that comment was for a different thread. Somehow my reply went here.



I was wondering what the black-gray-white-green was and found this database.


“Colonists” might be a good term for them as well.

Duamerthrax, (edited )

Sure, but Colonists brings up a lot of negative history nowadays. Without a doubt, “Settlers” was their chosen term in an effort to control the language used to describe them.

Original Fallout lead Tim Cain loves the new show, but remains baffled by how 'destructive' fans can act toward 'people who are trying to create things' (www.pcgamer.com)

Cain appreciated the performances and storytelling, but singled out how the show nailed the Fallout “vibe” as its biggest achievement. “I was just looking at all the props,” he said of one scene. “I realized after a few minutes went by that I had not followed the dialogue at all, because I was so engrossed by it...


I’d like to see those Fallout players sit down and try Arcanum if they think the show is “woke”.


I thought they were suppose to open Taco stands. I WAS PROMISED TACOS!


My only solace in the Halo TV series is that it’s its own universe. 343 is shitting up their own story just fine on their own.

And before I get grouped in with “the haters”.

Halo 4 introduces new villain, gets killed in a comic.

Halo Spartan Ops introduces new villain, fleshed out in comic, killed off in a cut scene at the beginning of next game.

Halo 5 introduces new villain, gets killed off screen.

Halo Wars 2 introduces new villain, “killed” off screen. Returns post credits anyway.

Halo 6(Infinite) Introduces TWO new villains, killed in back to back boss fights. Promises more to come though.

Can you see why I’m not hyped anymore?


Yeah, regardless of Musk’s issues, it’s generally considered good practice to censor the plate numbers.


Trees have a life span and they were getting old already.

Duamerthrax, (edited )

Words have meaning as defined by people. They are subject to change.


Guy thinks there are Shi Pei Pu walking around everywhere.


I was going to say it might be junk solder, but the brand looks well reviewed. Maybe counterfeit? I just had to deal with a kid’s first soldering kit containing “solder” with no listed alloy percentages. Couldn’t solder worth a damn.

Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some (www.forbes.com)

There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp)...


Professional reviewers missed the satire of the movie. Or pretended to as fake outrage sells papers better and being the loudest to scream offense means you’re the most right.

Honestly, I can’t tell anymore what’s an act, what’s shitposting being misread and what’s genuine. There’s no way to tell what’s a widely held belief and what’s a hand full of idiots in the corner being put on blast. Take Forbidden West and Stellar Blade. How many of the people making hours long rants about either actually play games? How can they? They’re spending all their time just chasing the outrage algorithm.


I recently had the opportunity to go to a lan party, but the only arena shooter they had listed was UT3. Why even bother having any if that’s what you pick?


I mean, the master server that lists everyone else’s games is down. Epic maintained a server that was just a list of other servers. A casual player opening up UT or UT2k4 will see nothing. You can play against bots, at LAN Parties, or direct connect to server you already know about, but you wont find new servers through the game without changing where the game looks for the master server. More technician info on the process is here.


oh, you mean at the lan party. There were more reasons not to go, but if the game isn’t listed, I doubt I would be able to get anyone else to play it. Even back in the day, I could never get anyone to play Quake 3. The crew I use to game with moved on to RPing in Battlefield and CoD games.

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