@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar



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@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah it’s like listening to your mobster neighbours fighting. It’s their business but anyone can catch a stray.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I was about to say I think it’s 250 million years for a full orbit, but then I did basic maths and realised 125 million for half an orbit obviously checks out.

Kinda weird to think that the last time we were here in our orbit, the dinosaurs were first appearing.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I think it’s exactly what you would write into a movie to make it clear to anyone paying even half attention that he was definitely murdered. It’s so unsubtle it makes me think it was almost a message - we can kill people this brazenly and it doesn’t even get investigated. We are untouchable.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

No one should have to use xhamster.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Ah yes, “old”, the only criticism of Biden that does or could ever exist.

You could’ve talked about the genocide, but that would’ve made it sound less frivolous now, wouldn’t it?

Edit: For all the people who don’t like people talking about actual genocide that Biden is supporting, minimising the seriousness of a genocide because you think you have a good reason for it is still genocide denial. You have become genocide deniers for the sake of the dubious shift in votes from whatever population of voters you think will see you doing genocide denial and think “actually they have a point I’ll vote for Biden now”.

Edit 2: Your case isn’t helped by the fact that the only person arguing with me did so with genocide denial. Think about that.

Edit 3: The other person arguing is also doing genocide denial, but the oblique kind where you pretend that the only reason to criticise a sitting US president engaging in genocide is because you want him to lose an election. Almost like they’re denying that we should hold people accountable for genocide on its own merits. That is, and I cannot stress this enough, genocide denial.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It just doesn’t seem like full genocide yet. Genocide light?

Oh dear, oh no, genocide is such a strong word for aerial bombing of civilians, denying them aid, targeting hospitals, sniping children, burying them in mass graves and killing more children than in all global conflicts over the last four years combined, all with the explicit goal of wiping out their people group and displacing them from their homeland. It’s just, oh no, I wouldn’t want to say mean words about the people doing all of that, because that might be unfair to the mass child slaughterers. There isn’t worse than this. This is genocide.

Holocaust deniers don’t call themselves “deniers” either, they start organisations like the “Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust”. That’s a real thing, you can look it up, it’s disgusting.

You just did genocide denial.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I’m assuming “you” in this case is the general “you”, because I absolutely do hate him for that as well. Yeah, Joe is a neoliberal capitalist, but nobody doing genocide denial on his behalf is going to be worried about that charge.

You point out that they’re genocide deniers and you get the person who responded to me fretting about whether we should really call it a genocide. You know, doing genocide denial, because people who have painted themselves into that corner aren’t going to stop doing genocide denial, they’ll keep showing you who they really are. That’s damning to anyone who’s really paying attention.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Actually I’m just pointing out that you’re complaining about something that won’t change.

The only thing you realistically accomplish by complaining about Biden is sowing division.

I don’t know about that, I think political possibility goes beyond who will be convinced to change their vote because you told people to stop complaining about Biden.

Like for instance, you acknowledging that the US is going to do genocide no matter what seems like a pretty damning thing to say, no? Seems like something worth saying. Seems like maybe we should condemn people who do genocide, or are willing to helm a nation that will make them complicit in genocide no matter what, because those are people that are going to do a genocide. Seems like maybe getting people on board with a system change involves pointing out that it is an inexorable genocide machine. And if that’s what it takes to stop the genocides - and you seem to agree with me on this - then maybe we should, I don’t know, talk about it?

Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

As for the “genocide deniers”, well some people are just dumb and we have to accept that.

I’m yet to find a comment section that isn’t full of you fuckers.

I think if you think you need to do this to get someone elected, that’s actually counterproductive. Like maybe people associating Biden with genocide denial is going to make it harder for them to hold their nose and vote strategically like you want. It’s very hard to imagine the voter who would care about the genocide and yet be fooled into voting for Biden because people kept his genocide support on the down-low. Seems like you’re cutting off little pieces of your soul for the sake of a strategy that isn’t going to really work, unless you’ve got an A-to-B for me on how telling people to stop complaining about Biden’s genocide support helps him win election.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Your entire mindset here is “If they don’t agree with me they must be genocide deniers”.

I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only “sowing division”. So that means that we shouldn’t criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is “this genocide didn’t happen”. In fact most of it isn’t. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

And yet you’re convinced it’s Biden you should be complaining about.

Because he is the president and the person in the greatest position of power to do something about it, and yet he refuses.

Why aren’t you complaining about Trump? Why aren’t you complaining about [whatabout whatabout whatabout]

Because none of those people is currently the US president.

Also, the original comment I replied to was about how people are just complaining that Biden is “old”. I was pointing out that this person was clearly deliberately avoiding the main criticism, which is of course the genocide.

It’s not about getting Biden elected, it’s about making sure Trump does not get elected.

That’s just the same thing said two ways. Most people who vote for Trump don’t like him much either, they just think they have to get Biden out. This is how the two-party system captures your political imagination and makes you police other people to tell them not to criticise your candidate. You’ve fallen for its trap.

And the idea that nothing can be changed without system change is actually false. Popular opposition has won basically all the victories worth noting in liberal democracies. They weren’t handed down from the legislature, they were fought for from the bottom up. But if people won’t stand up and full-throated condemn the one person most responsible for the current iteration of this genocide, then he won’t feel any pressure to do anything about it.

And if he doesn’t stop his genocide support - for real, not just a token “hey now jack stop that” - then I won’t be surprised when he loses to Trump, because he chose to support fascism overseas and thus willingly lost to fascism at home.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It’s fascinating how you’ll continually blame the people calling out genocide support from the white house for them losing, but you won’t blame their genocide support for them losing.

Almost like you’re not that interested in opposing the genocide.

Almost like you’re doing… genocide denial.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I told you multiple times how it was genocide denial. I explained the how of it. You have failed to even acknowledge that let alone respond to it.

I guess it’s hard to face the fact that you’re doing genocide denial, so the only thing you can do is pretend I’m being disingenuous. Funny thing is, even if I’m being disingenuous that doesn’t make you not a genocide denier.

If you want to explain how that’s wrong you need to respond to the argument, but you’re not doing that.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I honestly have no idea what you’re saying here. Is this what 'retell my point back to me" was about? You want me to explain how you’re doing genocide denial, again? A fourth time? I’ll copy-paste the three different ways I’ve tried to explain it and which you have ignored, and then we’re done here if you keep ignoring it.

I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only “sowing division”. So that means that we shouldn’t criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is “this genocide didn’t happen”. In fact most of it isn’t. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

Edit 3: The other person arguing is also doing genocide denial, but the oblique kind where you pretend that the only reason to criticise a sitting US president engaging in genocide is because you want him to lose an election. Almost like they’re denying that we should hold people accountable for genocide on its own merits. That is, and I cannot stress this enough, genocide denial.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Ofmg it’s lemmy microcelebrity Asafum!

Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription

I’m currently paying a moderate amount to atlassian to host jira for me, and I’m looking for a FOSS way to replace it. I don’t use it every month and I’ve decided it’s not worth continuing to pay, plus I want to transition to FOSS wherever I can. I just feel trapped. I’m sure people here know the feeling when using...

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh good question. I’m using it for personal software development, tracking new features, bugs and documenting my research.

I mostly use the kanban board view. I’ve wanted to add Confluence documentation pages but didn’t want to pay.

I’ll also be developing hardware soon.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, I’m looking into that, thanks. The closed-core model is a little concerning for me - one of the things I hate about the proprietary stuff is all the gatekeeping you have to deal with, but if the other possibilities don’t pan out I’ll consider it.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, I wasn’t able to review your links before so I just focussed on answering your question.

Trac looks the most promising of everything I’ve seen so far, I like that it’s minimal and also does basically everything I’m looking for in one place. I’ll give it a try first.

Thanks so much!

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, thanks for the heads up.

A quick search found this: trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracKanbanBoardMacro

Looks like there are others too, I’ll play around and see what works for me.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, maybe it won’t be my first port of call then.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Are you talking about exoplanets, or the “just admit that every round solid object in space is a planet and there are a lot more than nine in the solar system” planets?

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

That comment is basically a whole Bill Wurtz song.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yup, in another thread about the planes there’s nothing but assholes griping about stonehenge.

Almost like defacing art is actually the more effective type of protest.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Downvotes being visible is possible throughout lemmy because the voting is federated and therefore public. Whether downvotes show depends on whatever frontend you’re using, so your mobile app or your instance’s web view. There has recently been an update that changed how votes are displayed, so it’s possible your instance has updated to that.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Isildur, push up the icecream!



@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

And if you bought in alpha, it is for “every future version” of Minecraft. I made it into that group by like a week.

If Microsoft wants to keep profiting off of Minecraft’s name, then they are making “future versions” and they need to honour that. They don’t want to do that? Okay, call it “shitty block building game rip-off ,084,831”. But they won’t, because that name is valuable for good reason.

It would cost them literally nothing and gain massive goodwill to give that out to like the tiny minority of early players, many of whom won’t even use it, but something about being a corporation makes it impossible for them to do literally anything good. It’s frankly baffling.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, but breach of contract isn’t okay just because you announced you were going to do it well in advance. It just makes their culpability easier to prove because they announced their unlawful intentions extremely clearly.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Well then read into it if you want to make pronouncements about it. It is the revocation of a license that was sold in perpetuity. That is quite different to no longer providing a service in general. It is selectively denying service to a certain group without legal cause. There were no terms in the contract with Mojang that they could unilaterally remove the license if you didn’t do a specific digital dance on their terms. If it is unlawful, the lawsuit will determine that.

And my point is that if it is indeed unlawful, then telling people years in advance makes no difference, especially if, in some cases mentioned in this very thread, people tried to transfer and couldn’t and were given no way to fix it.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

A close friend of mine is making a playable-spider-girl-based game.

I’m in the process of programming a procedural spider walk for it: youtu.be/oeBFCxbtwXM

The spider body is placeholder, it will become a drider. The plan is to make the legs able to seek and grip on arbitrary 3d geometry, including flailing when no good purchase is available, and allow the spider to traverse on any surface.

Edit: I am also chronically ill but slowly finding stability, don’t hold your breath for this to come out.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Thanks! I think that’s a good sign :)

I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong about me being a weirdo with questionable taste.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Spider tank game does sound cool. I actually have a scifi concept about cyborg-vehicles that people ride inside of. They’re genetically-engineered living tissue with cybernetic components, a cockpit and possibly a neural interface, and they would be walkers.

The walking controller is generic, so it really should accommodate any number of limbs. And you could quite easily make it lumber more slowly like a mech.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Huh, I never made the connection with Eva, but I watched that as a kid so the influence would’ve been there.

And yeah, MW4’s feet blew me away when I first saw them. The way they tilted to match the ground and rotated to turn the mech.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Isn’t it weird that the country being invaded has a lot of older soldiers joining the fight to defend their homes and children? Almost like invading a country and being invaded are two entirely different things that can’t be easily compared.

Are you actually a tankie for modern day Russia? Are you actually trying to defend them? You know they’re just capitalists, right? Like they don’t even pretend to be socialist anymore.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh yeah, just out of context statistics that don’t actually relate to what was being said but just so happen to imply that Russia is better in this regard. No agenda here. Anyone not a tankie would’ve immediately denied it because tankies suck. Also a non-tankie probably wouldn’t be named fidel on the .ml instance.

If Russia is running out of young men, that’s Russia’s fault.

If Ukraine is running out of young men, that’s Russia’s fault.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay what?

Okay you agree?

Okay you’re being dismissive?

What was the meaning of your statistics? Explain yourself.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I’ll take this as an admission that you have absolutely nothing to say, or at least nothing you care to say openly.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar


@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Of course they wouldn’t. They’d be making six figures overnight.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

If workers were the owners they would also have decision-making power.

This isn’t just about stock options, ownership in a holistic sense involves control.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Don’t forget paperbacks. This trashy pulp fiction is corrupting our youth. Socrates was right.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

We know about ancient Greece because the youth ignored the moral panicking of their elders and used the technological abomination of writing things down.

Presumably society was a paragon of moral virtue prior to that, not that we’d know since history was written by the people who invented writing.

I blame it on cave paintings, it filled young people’s minds with fantasy images so real they could no longer tell the difference between reality and cave paintings. We never should’ve invented fire shadow plays, it was a slippery slope ever since.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Couldn’t possibly be due to the rising threat of climate change, fascism and economic precarity. It couldn’t be a society that has utterly failed its children and abandoned them to the harsh future it created. It must be those dang tiktoks. Better ban them.

(you’re being lied to to distract you from the real problems that we actually need to fix)

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I just want to ask if you know what it’s like out here. Like are you sure you want this?

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yup, see the person below you saying almost exactly that in more clinical - but clearly sincere - terms.

Edit: When I say they are “sincere” that is not to say there is any merit to what they are saying. I’m pointing out that they actually believe this garbage is justification for the mass slaughter of children.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Cool, so glad you’re happy to erase the existence of the poor and desperate for the sake of what, exactly?

See, in this context, we were literally talking about people doing that, and they literally do that, so to say “nobody” does it is just a false claim.

If you weren’t trying to minimise the struggle of poor people, you fucked up, because that’s what your comment did.

Nice work trying to find an angle where you were only literally wrong and not in the privacy of your own head.

What about the rest of your claims, were they hyperbole as well, or something else? You’ve just dropped them.

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