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You’ve unintentionally stumbled upon one of modern gaming’s most pressing questions. When both free and paid options are a neverending smorgasbord of poor design choices, why purchase anything? Live service game models have shifted the landscape much closer to the free porn model for several game genres. Slightly tangential but… !patientgamers


The firings, more specifically, are meant to keep the appearance of profits high. Short term gains, long term losses. As is tradition.


That would make this version less transient. Can’t sell another version later if the previous one is still chugging along.


“This is more tragic than that time I got mad while playing earthbound.”

“S a t o r u … I w a t a. That’ll teach you not to limit me to 12 inventory spots.”


Anita Sarkeesian. Ja Rule might also have some deep personal insight into the video game bigotry pipeline. He’s a face and personality I respect.


I get the not so vague feeling of contrarianism and I honestly dig it. Lemmy’s inability to keep sticks away from posteriors is exhausting.


I’m not the person you originally responded to so hold your assumptions. The journalist who still actively works in this specific field a decade later, after becoming the subject of its ire is an objectively better choice. Don’t blame me for having the capacity to answer your question.


Wait, what? I was at an event where she spoke about it and she seemed comfortable enough speaking about it in that context. I guess feelings can change over the years, my mistake. Sincerely.


Huh, I always thought the Czech Republic, where their studio sits, was more accepting of non-cis folks. Turns out they’re still not even past debating gay marriage.…/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in…


What would “chrono” refer to if not the combat system? They’d have to title the remake “Trigger.” Abominable.


In that case, people would mistakenly believe the game is about tending fields and rightfully choose Stardew Valley. An insurmountable problem.


A minor plot point. Barely even mentioned.


Like I keep telling you, they’re COUSINS!!

Gullible, (edited )

I have to wonder how much space Mario maker 1 levels occupy on nintendo’s servers. What are the dimensions of a level? How many total levels? It could be surprisingly light. Too bad there’s no way to download what may be less than a terabyte of data.

Edit: I was right, less than a terabyte.…/super_mario_maker_courses_202105

FFvii remake

This game is about to be 4 years old but i finally got around to playing it. I am floored by this game, i couldn’t put it down. I love the new combat style, the cut scenes are great how they just roll straight from the gameplay and back. The music, holy shit, the music. Every track is a banger and makes the fights and story...


Its major issues are anime noises and some odd choices for voice direction. I guess that’s technically one issue. The combat feels fantastic. I have no strong feelings about the story one way or another. I prefer some changes and dislike others enough that my enjoyment is reduced.

Hopefully they’ll use this as the base for kingdom hearts as the combat in KH3 was agonizing.


Japan as a whole is fairly notorious for 24/7 work culture. The way he repeatedly mentions their quick production and pivots feels a bit… crunchy.


Recent hands-on experiments determined human feces cannot be made into frozen knives to dismember dogs” is the absolute most that a single sentence can be. The peak has been crested, literature can only stagnate from here.


There was a game that came out a few years ago that scanned in most of its rocks for photorealism. I can’t recall the name. EA was the publisher, I think?


“If you’re really a rat with disproportionate genitals, prove it!”



The older, significantly more polished Pokémon games come to mind. Every decent platformer of the last 2 decades had one as well, in one way or another. They’re honestly a common feature.


It’s funny seeing those “waiting to see these replies on buzzfeed” comments come true via lemmy.


So I’ve been hanging around all-ages shows, passing out fliers about eating vegetables and getting a good night’s sleep. It’s a horrible business idea and these teens keep kicking my ass.

I can’t stop wheezing


If you’re flipped twice, does it cancel out or do you become double-dysphoric?


All of them for 5 dollars?? I’m taking this fool for a ride, boys.


Oh no, I just linked the photo for a joke. I’m just as envious of their massive collection as you are. The only interesting controller I own is a fighting stick.


I got the vague impression that their collection occupied more space than intended. Between reorganizing shelves upon the ground and limited space, the “this is taking longer than expected” factor kicked in and decided the end.


The only review you can definitively trust is your own. No commentary playthroughs are abundant on YouTube. If you can’t scan through and find a fun mechanic in the first 20 minutes, the game isn’t worth playing, in my opinion.


Palworld really didn’t do anything revolutionary. It’s a pick’n’pack of 4 separate games. All that they did well was get the game as fun and addictive as possible. How they’d incorporate more “fun” elements into a platformer, I’m not sure. Gonna check the demo later.


From what I’ve read, it’s ARK but not terrible. Watched the first 20 minutes and it was more reminiscent of BOTW. When’s it swap to ARK?


Disability income is horrifying in the US. You’re essentially disallowed from owning things. Given that Europe will be waking up in a few hours, I’d like to ask whether the situation is panic-inducingly dystopian over there as well.


Technically possible, sure. Just don’t get caught during a random inspection where someone surreptitiously follows you for multiple days to see whether you’re faking.


It physically hurts to know that the US system is essentially identical to any other. It really offers a 1-2 punch to anyone unlucky enough to become disabled. I sincerely appreciate you writing this out, it was eye-opening.


Ah, I misunderstood the unemployment benefits portion! That’s entirely my mistake. In that case, your system is far and away more reasonable and I apologize. It still physically hurts that disability is horrifically broken in the US but at least it isn’t universal. I hope we’ll eventually achieve something approaching acceptable treatment.


Checked out some threads about it and it seems to have a fair number of bugs. It’s still a ridiculous effort for, what I assume to have been, one person.


I can only ask how much cocaine remained on the table when they finally decided to do this. Not much, I’d wager.


It stems from your character being a blank slate that you act through. They don’t bring much story with them, just your headcanon and whatever you enact. It’s a true RPG in that way. I think that’s part of the reason people end up going the horny route, it’s a means of placing yourself in the story and becoming part of all of these fantastic characters. The main character is only as interesting as you make them.


I’d welcome that. Honestly, something of the sort may eventually end up in the game at the rate updates have been coming out. Feature creep must have been a constant worry given what BG became in the end.


I’m reading “Person of Color” from POC and I’m fairly sure that’s not what you mean.


Does assassin’s creed still have trailing missions?


The art is a fair bit more detailed, but I’m fascinated with whatever might be taking them so long. The original took about two years to finish and is ridiculously polished, so doubling the development time is wild. Is Hornet’s movement system just terrifically prone to breaking? Is the game simply gargantuan? Did they make a game of sneezing into each other’s coffee and lose a few years to the kitchen camping meta? All equally possible.


Their pay really isn’t great. For warehouse work or offices, most cities have an absolute abundance of positions with equal or higher pay.


Why purchase this when emulators and mods exist?


“That’s right, slap that brown pixel with your sharp pink pixel.”


Does any streaming service, besides Disney, have commentary tracks?


You misunderstand, it’s legislated. They have no say in this, and are just as pissed that they can’t email documents as you are.


but the hospital isn’t interested in that

The phrasing implied something else entirely, just clarifying.

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