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Fun note too that theologians have decided it wasn’t betraying Jesus that got him damned to hell for eternity that would have been fine and they could have all enjoyed heaven together but he got depressed and killed himself which damned him to hell

Jesus just watching with a shrug as his friend who helped him carry out his whole destiny of saving us from original sin burns on agony

Also one of Jesus closest friends who’d been there with loads of the proving Jesus is Christ moments still didn’t really believe in him enough to actually think he was the literal son of God who reigns over heaven or surely he’d understand the his earthly death isn’t really a big deal to him - like when I log off a video game and I’m back in my bedroom.


I’m sure most of us here had 1 day blinding stew as kids when we were naughty and it never did us any harm.


No it’s not an actual thing lol, it’s funny because it’s absurd


That’s exactly what someone who doesn’t want me climbing into storm drains would say


Yeah it’s obviously like Pokémon in several key regards but from what I’ve seen of it the actual game has a lot of originality and new concepts. We shouldn’t need to completely reinvent everything all the time, when something has a big cultural impact on people as children they should be allowed to play with and evolve those concepts - I know Pokémon doesn’t understand how evolution works but we as a society should take our cultural property seriously.

If you shove your ideas into kids brains then the adults who grow from those kids should own those ideas, the only reason we don’t is because Disney wanted a monopoly on mouse picture.

Set copyright to something reasonable like twenty years and focus on making a better society with free growth of ideas and expression rather than protecting the profits of the richest few


I’ve never eaten meat in my life and still feel bad about accidentally sucking a little spider into the vacuum a few weeks ago but I much prefer it to Pokémon because it’s saying ‘oh this cute little sheep? You can kill it and it’s horrible and cruel but it’s ok because it’s a game’ where as Pokémon says ‘oh this adorable little guy? Yeah beat him up, capture him and force him to fight for you entertainment, it’s super cool and cute and fun just like in real life!’

(Note the only Pokémon game I played was on a Gameboy emulator in the 90s, I’ve also not played this but it does look more fun than Pokémon)


Interesting, you say you can’t not eat meat but it disgusts you to think of a cartoon animal be being killed, I’ve literally never eaten meat and have a pet chicken which was rescued from being slaughtered after being in a better farm but I see it as silly fun when a game simulates it.

Do you think it’s the fact that it forces you to think of the reality that a really lovely and cute creature that does silly little jumps to get your attention and has a real personality is being killed just for you chicken nuggets?


I guess my brain works differently, I couldn’t just ignore the fact that the animal I’m eating did have the personality of a real living cow or chicken, cows sing and play, they’re curious and friendly and make friends - chickens mostly just recognise me as someone who carries food to them but they have personalities and emotions when you get to know them. I know that about them so if I was going to eat one of them I’d think about that and think about the brutality of their life and death.

Code is just code. It is (so far) just a series of logic choices that determine which pixel to light up or how fast to vibrate the speaker - it might look like personality but when you kill it there is no fear in it or pain, it doesn’t feel anything when you kill it’s children or it’s friends. I guess I just see numbers when I look at a video game, when I look at a chicken nugget I see real suffering and real death


Building up happens brick at a time, pulling down happens at freefall speeds

Award ceremony suspended after writer compares Gaza to Nazi-era Jewish ghettos (

A German foundation has said it will no longer be awarding a prize for political thinking to a leading Russian-American journalist after criticizing as “unacceptable” a recent essay by the writer in which they made a comparison between Gaza and a Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe.


That’s not what any of the worst case scenario in climate studies I’ve seen seem to think, what are you basing it on?


Just posting a whole big pile of stuff and saying ‘the answers probably in there somewhere and you can’t disagree until you’ve been thought it all’ is something conspiracy theorists and idiots do.

The first paper doesn’t agree with your claim so it’s pretty obvious you didn’t even read it yourself.


Oh God now my YouTube is going to be full of weird zoomers talking over Minecraft about oddly Puritanical nonsence and misogynistic bullshit covered in a thin veil of pseudo-woke word salad.

It’s even worse when it’s the anti-wokes doing it, pretend to care about the moral cohesion of society just so they can be angry that women are making money.

I think it’s great that tech companies are starting to relax on their puritanism, maybe they’ll stop being so heavy handed in moderating other content too or at least provide a space for it


People listen to music without dancing, it’s the same thing - it activates pleasurable parts of your brain which trigger various biochemical responces. I normally work with video essays on in the background but when things get complex and stressful I switch to hot people dancing or similar, trying to juggle a dozen variables and get all the code loops right can be mentally taxing so when my brain in churning over my options it can be good to have a nice juicy butt to rest my eyes on, watch sway and pop and grind… It’s not going to interrupt my train of thought but it holds it.

Also something that no one seems to consider possible but there are some really interesting and funny women that enjoy showing off their body, the music is often great and the atmosphere fun and light hearted - the notion that because it’s sexy it can only be low tier, base and worthless is just puritan nonsense, it’s good content.

And no you don’t have to jerk off the second you see a sexy butt, I think that way of thinking might be more puritan baggage. You can just feel good about seeing sexy bodies gyrate.


It’s a great platform, the world let’s you watch whatever trash you love so let other people enjoy what they love


It’s funny to be when the moral compass types let their misogyny show so clearly. Like you’re not going to even try to hide that while trying to claim the moral high ground?

Yes there are bad sexy streamers there are also good sexy streamers, but you can’t even imagine that a sexy girl could also be intelligent, funny, and entertaining. Compared to the dudebro react streamers and souless gameplay streams you normally have to wade through they’re a much higher class of entertainment, at least they’re making their own content and showing some personality.



Every single time, anything and everything…

You must realise no one buys it, right? Like you know everyone sees straight through your pearl clutching?


It’s hilarious to me seeing comments like this because in your head there’s no room for doubt, you know exactly what these streams will be like and can firmly declare that in public - it doesn’t even come into you mind at all to consider they’re popular things which mean a lot of people will have done something you haven’t and actually watched them.


I don’t think that’s true really, it’s popular because softcore has always been popular and twitch is a great platform for moderated chat interaction and community.


You can watch in a private session and it won’t affect your front page, I do this if I ever want to watch a video containing an idiot like Joe Rogan or something who’ll get me flooded with right wing junk.


Leasure suit Larry, he had to trial and error the questions to prove your over 18 because he didn’t know enough about taxes


It’s a really interesting one, it’s done much better than most people expected and seems to have a very strong community. It could evolve into something really interesting in the long-term, like it’s entirely possible that twenty years from now it’ll still be going strong with a healthy user base, it might even have the scope to really embed itself and still be popular in fifty years.

I never expected it to get to where it is and I never expected it to get to any of it’s previous milestones, now I’m starting to really wonder how far it could go


I wish more people helped fund the development of open source games, if wesnoth had a real budget then it could be huge


I be you do know plenty of guys that do, it’s easy to assume everyone thinks like you but that’s not how humans work.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


You could always pay for stuff if you don’t want ad

What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

The thought came to mind after reading a recent post about Baldurs Gate 3 here but it reminded me of the Japense only PSX game Mizzurna Falls where if you don’t perform a certain action early in the game you are prevented from getting a true ending. While this might not be a traditional soft lock because you can still progress...


Elder Scrolls Daggerfall was surely the peek of this, you get a letter at the start telling you to meet a woman in a bar on a set date - turn up too early and she won’t be there, but if you mess around on sidequests and don’t have enough time to travel there so are late then she’ll leave and the main quest never really happens.

There were a million other ways to lock your ability to progress but I always remember that, I don’t know if it was possible to get back on track but I don’t think so, I probably played a thousand hours before I did a run where I even started the main quest


I think it comes up with a little note on the screen telling you that it’s no longer possible to compete the game, you’d get that randomly in a dungeon too because two miles away a bad guy randomly died – belive it out not Todd Howard has got much better since 1996


A generation that naturally preferred to grow intoxicating medicinal plants with their parents’ ok effect themselves and was able to stop experimenting.

There’s just so much in this one

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