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I’ve seen some stuff like this being set up in pedestrianization efforts, IIRC it’s basically hostile architecture but for assholes who drive too fast in pedestrian dense areas.


The premise of it is basically to have an easier way to prosecute organized crime since those folks rarely are keeping honest books.


“What do you mean war crimes don’t suddenly become “based” when my favorite dictator does it‽”


FTR, don’t pee on a Jellyfish sting, you’re basically dumping sewer water onto an open wound by doing that




After what hulk did to her, good for her even being able to feel that!


She’d probably try to argue that regular updates effectively on what folks will assume is her general position endangers her and the guests she loans her jet to given the crazy fans and even crazier haters.

People have been getting violent over media popular with women and girls since Elvis.


The hate itself, no, the sheer deluge of memes about it coincidentally right after the Rs spooked she would use her status to give Joe Biden an official endorsement? Hardly unreasonable to suspect it given what we know they’ll stoop to.


Not technically aside from population limits,

What’s weirder is that the dynamics it creates means FLDS colonies effectively behave like Lion Prides

Men will actually be kicked out if they come of age without finding wives outside the community because the older men will have hoovered up all the eligible women already and see the young men as rivals for those womens’ attention, and on the extreme end as a lethal threat to those womens’ children since yes, FLDS men will occasionally form gangs that kill older men divvy up the “breeding age” wives, and kill most of the children both to wipe out the old groom and to prevent any children from taking revenge on bio-dad’s behalf over remembering the man being killed by new dad.

There’s actually occasional shootouts in northern mexico related to this wife taking behavior because the local authorities are less well equipped to go after the lunatics and also often take bribes from the ones who don’t feel like the effort of keeping it under wraps.


They’re too busy at war with each other, although they’re apparently beginning to develop pre-WWI era chains of alliances spanning across continents now, so maybe be on the lookout for ant sized landmines and mustard gas munitions.


As long as it’s being worked on I’m inclined to not worry about them not rushing it


it’s been 7 years!

Stayed Gone begins blasting


What the heck are they planning to package into this that isn’t on the original?

Like they’ve already fused their portable and console brands, what else are they going to be able to gimick onto it? 3D?


A VR/AR console would deffo be interesting if they could make it happen in a way that addresses the current issues with the hardware.


Especially when the speaker isn’t a trained orator who knows to avoid that as much as possible during an argument


Is there an alternative software for designing cities?


So apparently this is because she basically uses her jet as an uber for folks who are rich enough to fly on a private jet but not enough to own one. So her jet is polluting a bunch but she’s not on it for a lot of it.


No actually, apparently miss Tay Tay is actually weird for making hers so available for friends and payers.


“Joel can’t stop me now so Imma go do the brain surgery thimgy because fuck it if it works that’d be good shit.”


Looks like his finger’s off the trigger, plus it’s Jason Todd so that suit is about 90% spare ammunition by mass, decent odds the gun’s not even loaded yet.


Best see a doctor if that’s the case, could be a sign of an internal bleed,

Source, get to kick off valentine’s day with a bunch of jokes about practicing my deepthroating because the hospital disregarded me saying I was dehydrated, finger blasted me for science, then referred me for an endoscopy


Is anyone else actually kinda surprised that Red Hood doesn’t get the same “I haven’t read the comics at all” treatment from the thin blue skin crowd as The Punisher?


We should really have a spelunking agency go around closing off these “no room to turn around” passageways because as fun as these caver types are personally, they’re also the kind of morons who see a very obviously dangerous hole off the recommended path and think “LEZZDOIIIIIIIIT!” Basically most of the cast of “As Above So Below”, “What’s that, this supposed passageway to hell is shifting in ways to reveal passages that are unknown even to this expert catacomb guide despite his tag being on the walls? LET’S KEEP GOING!”


See facts like this make me wonder if a Norway style sovereign wealth fund could be developed to close the gaps in people’s quality of life and what they’ve put into working.

It’s not like the US is short on natural resource wealth to invest as the principle, and put together with a restructured tax regime it could significantly reduce the net burden for most americans, and especially the most misfortuned americans.


I think that has more to do with the economics than the availablity in most cases


It’s literally based on a stereotype of black people being food preppers for rich white folks but sure buddy.


This edition of vogue fashion, supermaning it!


Snow flake is when people are allowed to make their own health decisions without you needing to be a cunt to them to make you feel better about your pine needle dick.


I think Palworld including their “activist” faction attacking the animals in the wild might be an intentional dig at PETA.

Maybe their crazy as fuck leader is ideologically consistent in her own beliefs, to the point of believing that dogs humping your leg means they can consent to sex and that there’s nothing weird about a girl riding horses because rocking on the saddle gets her off, but PETA’s member shelters are some of the most active practicers of animal euthanasia, and literally kidnap animals from their families and euthanize them before the families can take legal action to get them back.


One night of fun is rarely worth the 18 years minimum she’s planning to saddle you up for.


You could probably get relatively close to this by using some baguette for your bun

It’d come out more like a double dog sub, but hey, you’d get the two hotdogs in there!


The horses have discovered exhibitionism, we are surely doomed now


Are the front curls really such a zoomer thing? I’ve been dealin’ with’em for decades now because Arabic and Irish heritage means my hair is constantly in rebellion against british beauty standards


I’m fine with that, wanna keep it out of public hands, nut up and sell your stuff


Not Stardew Valley 2 but CA is making a new game about a chocolateer who has ghost friends


I’m planning to try and build an offset hex grid city

Basically there’s one hex pattern for car traffic, and an offset hex pattern that’s for pedestrians and cyclists, and where there’s any intersections between the two, the car traffic gets raised to give pedestrian traffic an underpass.

Also every car intersection is a roundabout, and I’m considering doing alternating one way lanes with every pair being bracketed by transit only lanes.


Way I see it the addresses would be kinda like how NYC is organized, one parallel has roads, one has lanes, one has boulevards, and then on the pedestrian side you have street, alley, and row.

Doesn’t just save number space, it’ll also give you an idea of the best way to get to that address since street/alley/and row addresses won’t have curbside parking, because pedestrian route.


Remember the bug that made Gale instantly want to marry you because you fed him?

Honestly I’m surprised they patched it, seems like a pretty realistic relationship dynamic to me!

John Riccitiello is stepping down as CEO and president of Unity (

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Unity (NYSE: U) (the “Company”), the world’s leading platform for creating and growing real-time 3D (RT3D) content, today announced that John Riccitiello will retire as President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, effective immediately....


There’s also Bevy, which can infect them with the Rust mind controlling slime that makes them swear up and down that it’s an amazing game engine because it runs on Rust.

It is actually pretty good though the folks developing it are putting their A Game into it even if it’s still technically in the development phase.


That’s a lot of words for refusing to just agree that murdering and raping civilians at a concert is indeed bad, even when the oh so oppressed Hamas raider thugs do it.

They aren’t the oppressed indigenous folks, they’re the corrupt rez bosses that suction off all the jobs and projects to benefit their clique, brutally disappear anyone who speaks out against them or even just says something they decide they don’t like, and then claim any outside judgement is targeted harassment.

No, a terrorist pillaging, mass raping and murdering of civlians is not “if you create the conditions for war and terrorism…” despite the whinging of Hamasaboos insisting otherwise these monsters actively chose to murder civlians, actively chose to rape civilians, and kept actively choosing to do it when at no point was there any juncture where choosing to do so could be in any way construed as justified or necessary.

People trying to claim this is retaliatory violence make me fucking sick to my stomach as a Palestinian American. You fucking Bougeyevik fetishizers try to sweep this under some victim blaming rug as if us le oppressed global southis are unjustly oppressed when held to the lofty standards of “don’t rape and murder civilians.”

I don’t want excuses for their behaviour, I don’t want westsplainers telling me that it’s fine and dandy for my kin to commit such heinous and vile acts. I don’t want le revolutionaries leading global liberation from their $3,500 gaming rig bought by their upper middle class mittelpolitik parents to fetishize my people’s struggle to the point where any sin committed painted in that struggle’s colors is to be defended and qualified and whataboutismed like a vital supply route that will end the struggle overnight if the mere point is conceded that yes, Hamas raping and Murdering civilians is indeed bad and without excuse, justification, or proportionately causal context.

I want these thugs rounded up and put to Nuremberg Part II, I want Israel to drop the colonialist pretenses and join with the PLO to found a new democratic state with strict human rights protections, and I want any supremacist or separatist who’d challenge that necessity for any hope of a lasting peace to be dragged to the sea they wanted to push the other side into, and forced to go in and never come out again.

Because everyone who lives there has a fucking right to keep living there, because freedom of movement is a human right, and the land doesn’t belong to anyone, and acting like it can belong to someone is literally the batshit insane nonsense that got us here to begin with!

dammī falasTēnī, 'annā beitla7mī, wa’anna sayim kitīr la’enton!


Hamas are not the oppressed, they are the oppressors.


It’s gonna be 2020 every damn year until the last of those damned redcaps drops dead wondering why they can’t taste the horse paste.

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