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I imagined they never left, only got quieter for a while


he goes on stage and makes a fool of himself.

That’s a bit redundant


It also depends on the accuracy of the emulator. Cycle accurate emulators demand horsepower (or an FPGA). Less accurate (but still perfectly playable) emulators can run on potatoes, but I can feel the difference on games I grew up playing. I’m almost as good as I was as a kid when I play on an accurate emulator or FPGA, but on a Raspberry Pi I tend to be noticeably worse.

That may not matter to everyone, but it matters to me.


“Do you get paid more if they do things to your butt?”

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street (

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...

NFS OST remade for kids

One of the weird realization for me as I learnt English and listened to authors who contributed to these games, is that many remastered their tracks to exclude swear words and obvious mentions of drugs, or was it EA specialists? NFS Underground and Most Wanted games were filled with rap and metal, but still got rated for teens...


He could just claim he couldn’t see it well enough to identify it, given his allergy and all


That’s the historical definition of the word, but colloquially it just means a large part.

It’s like how historically retro meant something new inspired by something or a style from the past, but now people are using it as a substitute for “classic” (in particular with respect to video games). I dislike that too, but I’m not the arbiter of language. Not yet anyway, but soon. Soon…


No, they have no such agency to go against their god emperor.


Nor do I. The judge has already stated prior to the conviction that jail is not a required sentence for these crimes. I doubt he wants to start a holy war even though he should.


That’s only because she never ran for office


🎶 You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave set the high score.

Guitar solo 🎶


How’s your issue that you went to the clinic about?


I won the genetic lottery for sure.

You and me both, brother. My doctors have conferences about me because I’ve got some rare conditions that make me an interesting case.

Do you think we can speak with someone in charge of this whole existence thing? We didn’t even buy any genetic lotto tickets! How did we win so much?


PlasticExistence, (edited )

“0.1% of our ship’s systems are using more than half of all newly-generated power. The greed of Stellar Cartography knows no bounds.”


Well you have to account for Riker’s “dating” programs running on the Holodeck at all times due to his excessive privilege as an unelected official of the Enterprise. He gets away with it because he deemed it a critical life support system. That alone counts for half of the energy usage of life support.


Worf: “Who?”


You can look for specific games on to get a good idea of how they run.

I don’t chase high-end PC gaming anywhere near enough to name a single game that is known for realism.


Dreaming of the reality where we got at least four years of Larry David playing Bernie on SNL…


Salamander speed? Sir, we’ve never gone that fast before. I don’t know if this ship can take it.

Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut

I typically don’t care about things like hairstyle, makeup or clothes. But my wife has started giving herself a buzz cut and I simply hate it. I told her and she grew it out for a while, but she said longer hair was making her depressed and it needed to be a buzz cut. She said it just looks like her when she sees it. Part of...

PlasticExistence, (edited )

It’s time for therapy because I would bet money you’ve got other issues that you need to dig into for the sake of your kids. The haircut is just the visible manifestation of some other problems you have with her, namely that you’ve already stated that you would end the marriage if she were to simply admit she’s trans.

I’m not judging you at all. Relationships are complicated and constantly evolving. It’s possible you’ve both grown in different directions that are incompatible. It’s also possible you just need to talk some things out.

I wish you the best either way.


No sooner than Greene triggered the vote on her motion to vacate the speaker from his office, the Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise countered by calling first for a vote to table it.

An overwhelming majority, 359-43, kept Johnson in his job, for now.

The House voted nearly immediately to resolve something. How often does that happen? That is a resounding rejection.

There are mechanisms for Congress to expell members, but that’s unlikely to come up Santos for her.


Weird Al Yankovic’s first movie released in 1989. That clearly explains it.


It was so traumatic that it left many of us with a very sexy learning disorder.

What do I call it again, Kiff?


Just one more year until Pornhub is 18!


Ah, you were educated in the Southeastern US too, huh? I don’t math good neither.



I hate these elected shit stains that dare to call themselves humans


Because you’re inhumane and brainwashed. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.


She might be considering the raving, armed lunatics who staged an insurrection against our democracy and how often they like to make death threats whenever they hear something they dislike.


She received threats for doing so


It’s mediocre at best. I owned it at one point, and regretted spending money on it. There are definitely better N64 games.


There’s nothing wrong with that. I like some mediocre games a lot too. Quest 64 just isn’t one of them.


Whatever you decide, make sure you’ve got a backup of any important data before you start making any partition changes. Things go wrong occasionally even when they shouldn’t.


I think it’s interesting that Capcom developed that one for Nintendo. They certainly did a great job!

I like, but don’t love, Link’s Awakening. I get that they had the limitations of the Game Boy to work around, so the idea that the map is confounding to navigate - just like a dream can be - was a creative choice that fit well. It just doesn’t resonate with me.

The GBA was definitely a better platform for a Zelda game than the OG Game Boy.


I’ve played it. Since the basic game design is unchanged, I still don’t love it.

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