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actually, it is. let me explain.

Let’s simplify and say that there are peak hours and low hours. 100 people call during a peak hour, and 25 during a low hour. The chance of calling during a peak hour is 80%, since you are four times as likely to be one of the 100 rather than one of the 25.

The same effect means that you are almost always on planes and trains that are very full, even though every now and then they ride almost empty. Fewer people get to experience empty train rides by definition.

Of course this effect falls apart when your usage patterns differ from everybody else’s. If everybody takes the train at rush hour, you might ride an empty one at noon. Or, if you call the hotline while everybody else is sleeping, you might have a better chance.

But yeah companies also just lie to make themselves look better lol


After reading the article it seems like she isn’t actually facing 30 years. She is being charged with posession and that can be punished with up to 30 years. I’m sure no judge would actually give her maximum sentence over a tiny amount dissolved in bong water. Still fucked up that she’s being charged at all though.


My partner will drink from her water bottle even if she filled it up a week ago. I don’t drink water that’s older than a day. Why? I DON’T KNOW


this is obviously fake ffs


okay that one looks real :D the one that is posted is doctored or done by AI though


I think so too. The complete lack of a path to this church plus the weird bush placement and weird towers just look wrong :D


this is inadequate labelling of drugs. some kid is gonna die


should say “shareholders” but the point stands


snaps (and if installed, flatpaks) should integrate very well into an ubuntu system. Does ubuntu really not update flatpaks and snaps through the normal update manager or whatever? Fedora definitely does.


Nobody complains about bats, bats are awesome and hard to notice anyway


Interesting. Probably the species around where I live don’t make much noise, nobody else hears them here


don’t anarchists call themselves libertarians?


The other day I was making fun of people for not getting the meme and today here I am, unsure what to make of this. Is it genuine fashion advice?


Okay first things first Jack Dorsey is a tool

The US government / CIA did in fact develop the protocol back in the day, with the goal of helping people in China and other countries message securely, probably with ulterior motives.

But the protocol itself is open source, and you can use it without any affiliation with the US government.

The claim " It looks almost as if big tech in the US is not allowed to build its own encryption protocols that would be independent of government interference 🐕‍🦺" is therefore so stupid it almost invalidates everything else being said because the person writing is either an idiot or purposely misrepresenting the facts.

Not having reproducible builds is definitely weird though. Does anybody have more information on that?


wow people rlly forgot they were on a shitposting community and took you seriously.

Honestly that makes it funnier


Wait, you still don’t get the joke?


yeah I know. hilarious honestly


Usually this format says something like “google joe biden inflation rule 34 to learn more”. So now I have to assume that you actually went and googled that :P


wasn’t this a mac only editor? Or am I confused with another?


Fuck them. Starting a private company and then selling it to some tool doesn’t make these guys great people. They exploited their employees and sold the company to some guy to exploit some more. I’m not sympathizing with capitalists because of other capitalists.


yeah fair enough. that still implies that there’s something great about founding Tesla. Which could be great, if the founders had sold the company to its employees and made it a co-op!


investment into worker owned companies is possible. Buying stocks is not the only way to invest and make profit.


yeah turns out I was misinformed. my bad. But point still stands, they made a private company designed to exploit workers, and some asshole took it over.


You can make contracts that guarantee a certain percentage of revenue for a certain number if years, or you know, just loans with interest.


Yeah people like to save money and that’s what banks invest and offer interest on. They then hand out loans with higher interest than they pay to savers. I’m pretty sure that’s already how banks work.


This is meaningless to me. How big is a district? I can walk one minute and cross a block in my neighborhood. Now what?


How dare people complain about something they don’t like!

That aside, the article is shitty lol


for sure! Just didn’t like the presentation.


I think they had a point, but they didn’t care to make a high quality writing out of it. It’s basically a rant


wait he advocates for dvorak? What year is this? I would surely take him for a colemak kinda guy


Fair enough! My vaguely uninformed impression is that dvorak does a lot of hand alternating which is good for typewriters but not necessarily keyboard typing. Either way I learned Colemak DH mod and I am NOT learning yet another layout that shit took me 3 months


Just realized I’ve never used the flat hub website


As a German I was wondering how the Red Army Faction time-travelled to WW2.

Turns out RAF = Royal Air Force


You just insulted my entire race of people


Can somebody explain this for non-Americans? When I search Tammany Hall it just hits me with walls of text about the democrat party.


what does it mean to space somebody? eject them from a spaceship? I’m onboard with that (not literally). Despite the rocket fuel needed it would probably net negative emissions.

How the xz backdoor highlights a major flaw in Nix (shadeyg56.vercel.app)

The main issue is the handling of security updates within the Nixpkgs ecosystem, which relies on Nix’s CI system, Hydra, to test and build packages. Due to the extensive number of packages in the Nixpkgs repository, the process can be slow, causing delays in the release of updates. As an example, the updated xz 5.4.6 package...


I think the post was more about pointing out how long it takes to put out a security patch. Security patches can also occur on stable.


The other day I learned there is an alcoholic mix drink brand that tastes like lemonade but has 10% alcohol, called 196


Agreed, shitty read. The 30% cut is crazy high though, and IMO the best point the article has. Steam DOES have a monopoly and that’s inherently bad


I’m not saying Steam is the worst thing out there right now. I’m saying monopoly is inherently bad, and 30% is a crazy high cut even including the features you mentioned.


That’s still a monopoly. The article says it too, if you don’t put your game on steam, your sales suffer. It’s similar to how spotify has a monopoly on the music streaming market.


having a market share like that is a form of monopoly. It’s obviously different from absolute monopoly, but they wield too much power as is.

And to be fair, running games on linux without steam is definitely more tricky than without.

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