
Sorry, book broke

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I’m going to run this in a hannah Montana linux vm, boot a live disc, then try and recover.

Linux puzzle edition


Hey man, what if someone steals this guys stolen art

Seriously the AI art people are weird. Some guy prompted an AI mouse which became a meme. He then got very upset that the users of the meme weren’t giving him money while suggesting he could copyright it, like the guy who drew the troll face.

Art thieves afraid their theft will get stolen. Wild world


Manjaro damaging it’s image wouldn’t be a new thing. That’s mostly dust at this point. No though, as others have explained this isn’t an issue, currently

sorrybookbroke, (edited )

absolutely, thank you for asking

Manjaro has been continuously destructivte to the open source ecosystem it utilizes and it’s users through continual incompetence.

Manjaro and it’s staff often suggested to users that they use “pacman -Syyu” by default to update, which ignores caching to get a reloaded database. This puts a heavier load on the volunteers hosting the repos.

Manjaro made a campaign stating that “Manjaro works on the m1 apple macbook!” Shipping a random kernal from asahi linux which did not work at all. The project was nowhere near ready at the time and could never boot. This wasn’t the latest build either, just some random build. This build could have easily broken users macbooks.

Back to the asahi, when it did work they pushed an update to the kernal that broke half the users gui. This by updating a library which was documented to break in this manner. It broke all x11 instances showing they didn’t even run it to ensure it worked. No benefit existed from updating either more was it stated to be the goal of their patch. The reason it wasn’t checked by the devs is due to the fact the patch came from the lead arm dev of manjaro. This man should know better.

On the funding of manjaro, a company, things have been a little funky. After a spat between their treasurer and leader of the project the treasurer either left or was removed. Now, what happened is blurry, but now the sole person in charge of money is that leader who has never appointed a new treasurer as they stated they would. Atleast since last I checked. If the previous treasurer is right this person was utilizing development funds to acquire a powerful gaming laptop. Something which is directly against the stated purposes this company may use money, and the responsibility of a treasurer to deny.

They let their ssl run out 5 times. 5 times. I am a web dev, this shouldn’t happen once. One can automatically renew it. This shows their continual incompetence. The first time, they suggested users set back their clocks so it would stop complaining.

Manjaro ddosed the aur twice using their tool pamac. Both in the same manner showing once it had happened nothing changed to ensure it couldn’t twice. This was not malice of course, just an mistake twice made.

Back to the aur, though many will never have an issue as they only use it for general programs they don’t hold it back that two week period so version mismatches can break that which is installed from the aur.

Still on the aur, the ability to enable it is right next to flat packs and snaps in pamac. Both are relatively safe, unlike the aur. They do not properly warn users about the aur. I’ll admit this to be a lesser thing, but anyone using the aur should know it’s faults. It’s just a list of scripts which your pc will run to install a package that’ll auto update to the next version of a script when updating. This means, basically anything can be put inside there. By design too this is rarely maintained by the devs of a project. One issue which came up, the cemu emulator a very commonly used package had to calls to an IP logger alongside a list of people who can “go fuck themselves”. If you let this update without reading it you can recieve malicious updates. When malware exists and propagates on linux the aur is the first place it’ll go. You need to be able to read the scripts and do so each update . The air is a very useful tool but a dangerous one.

There’s more out there but I’m going to leave it here. Sorry for the rambling nature, but I’ a bit tired right now

sorrybookbroke, (edited )

I would absolutely love it if manjaro was a reasonable choice. It was my first pick too. Their continual incompetence is what makes me wary of the company. I doubt you want a conversation as you’re quick to paint me in this light but I do expand here on my major reasons:

Some of this stuff happened only a few years ago. The same people are still running this company. I have no reason to think they’ve changed.

If you just want “arch made easy” I would suggest endeavorOs (best wallpapers hands down) or arco linux.

I love the idea of manjaro and sincerely hope that either a, they get their shit together (which is preffered), or b, a new manjaro like distro comes into existance.

The two week delay along with the calamari installer, and default plasma desktop give me a half chub already thinking about it. I’d be full send for it if the devs were competent

sorrybookbroke, (edited )

You are misrepresenting my points, and the anger you ascribe to me is odd, as the only person representing this behavior is you. You insult me, you misrepresent my points, you say I’m defined by my aparent hatred. This is strange behavior only suited to getting your “enemy” to shut up and in no way constructive nor condusive to a reasonable conversation.

Firstly, my issue is that they don’t warn about the dangers of the aur properly. Not that they promote it at all. If you read my statement I am clear. The aur is very useful, though dangerous. Also, on manjaro, version mismatch is likely to happen as the aur is built for arch and arch is two weeks ahead. You however pretend my point to be some entirely different thing in order to get you epic own.

Next, on the aur ‘ddosing’, what do I not understand? The first time, ok, that’s reasonable we all make mistakes. They did it again though in the same way. Nothing was done on their end to stop this from happening. Something we will see continually as they just don’t stop making weird, unnecessary mistakes.

As for me being Inigo Montoya, I actually am for your information. Manjaro killed my daddy-dom while I was sucking him off and for that I cannot forgive the company.

This hatred you fantasize about does not come from me. Calm down and maybe try actually talking to people instead of trying to “own” them, or to simply “destroy the anti-manjarites”

Edit: I see in the other post you did the same. Ignore what people kindly talking about their issues with manjaro say responding with hateful comments pretending they were the real issue. This is a continual issue with you


Sorry I’m a bit late, and it seems you’ve chosen endeavor (good choice), but I’ll still give you some suggestions.

First off on endeavor, it’s essentially just a graphical, easier arch installer so if you’re having issues and can’t find anything endeavour specific anything arch linux will work the same. The arch wiki os a great resource for anything.

Secondarily, I can suggest opensuse tumbleweed, or fedora. Both are more stable while being very up to date. Arch, and endeavor, will usually be the first distro to see an issue that misses testing. These two distros are just a bit behind arch but still very quick to update. Tumbleweed is also pretty bare bones too, after I installed everything I needed for a normal work instal it was about 6.7gb. Great distro, terrible logo.

To finish off I am sorry about manjaro. It does look great, it’s got a nice color scheme, and plasma by default is wonderful to see. That can be gotten pretty easily on any distro though. When you install endeavour you can select kde plasma. It’s also default on tumbleweed, and you can get a plasma spin for fedora.

Wish you the best in your journey, I’m sorry it’s off to a bit of a rough start

sorrybookbroke, (edited )

I play a girl in dark souls because dark souls 2 stole my gender

That coffin changed it all boys gals


That’s actually a really interesting idea. Windows even does something, or at a point did something, similar with system updates.

Peer to peer packages would have some privacy, and potential security issues of course but I like the thought


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  • sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    You don’t hurt the people who’ve made tipping a necessity by not tipping. You only hurt the worker. The worker is blamed for not being good enough for the basic amount of money to survive.

    If you want to kill tipping, stop funding the scum who make it needed. Stop eating out. If you must eat out, you accept that doing so has a greater cost than making your own food. Don’t hurt workers while funding, and rewarding, those who exploit them.

    Edit: To clarify my opinion, if you eat out you should tip. If you object morally to the idea of tipping then you shouldn’t fund those who make it a necessity. No moral consumption and all that jazz still applies. You can eat out, but if you’re paying the exploiter, don’t take out your anger on the fellow exploited. Leave a tip


    That’s a very good point. Supermarkets also tend to have full meals served hot or stuff you can nuke for a decent price no tipping needed.


    Atleast around where I live, this is not the case. Fast food joints often commit wage theft, and minimum wage isn’t near $20+. The highest is just under 17 with most being under 15.

    Again, people also tend not to get paid for opening/closing over time certain types of work. Also, sometimes their paycheck is just lower than agreed. It’s common

    We get news anchors, papers, journalists, and social media figures fear mongering about sky high minimum wages which convinces people progress is being made quick. It is not. You are not immune to propaganda so I understand why you’d think this but, broadly, this is not the case

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    If you participate in the system without paying the tip you only hurt the employee.

    They’re not just acting like the rest of the world, the rest of the world has better wage laws. They have a different system.

    Yes, not participating in the system will hurt the same employees, as not tipping does, but not buying fast food also hurts the employers. Unlike buying without tipping which, again, only hurts the workers.

    Once more, if you don’t agree with tipping, not tipping won’t do anything to the system. The only way forward is to not participate. If you think non participation will do nothing, why harm the worker?

    This is alot of moralizing to justify a selfish behavior. Just be honest, you don’t care what what happens to the worker as long as you can get your luxary of fast food slightly cheaper


    This does not force them to pay more. They will simply not pay the employee a greater wage. The employer loses nothing by the employee getting less money here. They only lose if they pay more.

    If everyone just stopped tipping all that would happen is that the workers now have a lower pay. The employers have lost no money, and have no reason to change anything.

    Yes, not paying the fast food joint at all does hurt the worker, but if you’re already ok with doing that why not hurt the employer? They’ll lose money by not paying a reasonable price this way. Unlike with not tipping where nothing is lost.

    Your method hurts only the worker. My method hurts the buisness as well. Only one gives the buisness a reason to change. The buisness does not care about the living situation of an employee

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Leave to where? What other job? We’re in a job deficit and non fast food places can only hold so many. Currently, when a fast food joint loses workers, they just pile the new work on employees who can’t just leave.

    This idea of “just leave 5-head lol :P” is rather short sighted. They need to eat, they need to pay rent, they can’t just leave.

    Why haven’t they left already with already abysmal wages even including tips? We have a shortage of jobs right now If they all left, or a large enough portion left, then they’ll need new jobs. No other industry has those jobs available currently. They’d lose wages, and have to go back.

    Again, not tipping only hurts the worker, not the employer. Even in your situation the end goal is to hurt the employee so much they leave. Why not hurt the employer instead of only the employee? The only benefit is not paying that 10-15% on your mushroom parmesean chickenburger meal with deluxe fries.

    If the end goal is the same, less workers in the industry which hurts the employer forcing better conditions, you not tipping does little to help while only hurting the employee

    All you accomplish is a cheaper price on your luxary meal. A discount taken solely from the worker with no negative to the employer save for this idea that one day, the employee will walk out to another job that treats them better. A job that, sadly, does not exist

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Edit: I’d like to thank you for the kind conversation none-the-less. Even if we disagree, you seem like a chill person

    Right, but other businesses will have gotten the money you would have spent, thus the greater capacity. They will have more business and require more workers.

    Even if they didn’t have this capacity or didn’t increase it, the difference is clear. In both situations the worker is hurt, but in one the employer is hurt too. Why only hurt the employee? Why continue to support the employer by giving them the same amount of money if your objection is moral?

    If you’re still going to support the system, the only benefit to not tipping is a discount taken only from the employee, not the employer.

    Lastly, I call for nothing like that. What I’ve been saying is clear. If you’re going to support fast food, you should be tipping. No moral consumption and all that, I understand we can’t be perfect and support every cause, but my argument is that one should still tip to use this luxery good. Not tipping only hurts the worker. If you don’t tip though, you should understand what you’re doing.

    If you’re reason for not tipping is moral objection to the system, you shouldn’t think you’re doing good by not tipping or that you’re not supporting the system of tipping. You are, the employer who has caused this system to exist is not hurt, you’re just taking money from a worker. That’s all.

    Lastly boycotts rarely work. If we want this to change the best way is through local politics. Get involved, get informed, get things changed. Why do you think all the politicians are dissociative weirdos who do no good for the populace? They have to get a start somewhere, replace them.

    You should still tip though, or minimize/cut out entirely your fast food consumption.


    Yeah I think we both want the same thing with a pretty minor disagreement on a supplementary topic.

    I doubt we’ll see everyone stop either thing, and i’d argue if everyone stopped one thing, It should be giving money to these companies as a whole.

    I’m glad to hear you tip though. My major issue has always been that individuals do very little by not tipping save for taking money from that employee.

    We can at least agree the real solution is in legislation however. This will likely hurt no workers while ending the situation.

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    That’s not entirely accurate. Not entirely inaccurate either.

    Firstly to clarify, as for the dismissal, it’s due to forum inconvienience. They had to file in Washington though due to the terms of steam that state any conflict must first be brought up in a Washington court.

    Secondly, the suit was for much more than than. The assets weren’t stolen and this was never an accusation. The accusation is that d.a.d used research and development created by Nexon to bypass large amount of work in order to create the game. This included the decision on what assets to use, and how to modify them to fit the game. The evidence on this is strong. This on top of abilities, classes used, weapons and fighting mechanics, magic items, animation style, etc. were one to one matches to their former employers.

    We must acknowledge the founders worked for nexon previous to starting dark and darker and they worked on a game with the exact premise. This is not disputed.

    Thirdly, the guy admitted to stealing company information, agreed to destroy it, and failed to do so while lying about it. They had also, in company emails, messaged other employees about quitting to start a game with the same premise while still working at nexon.

    There’s alot more there and honestly I don’t see a world in which they’re in the right. Still though, fuck nexon, trash company, trash employers. What the d.a.d devs did was wrong, but gladly they did it to a company that deserves it.


    Never a problem, always a good thing to ask for sources. I’ll admit, I’ve been having a fairly difficult time re-finding all the origional sources however I did get the majority of my information from a guy called Kira on youtube. He goes through the actual documents but, sadly, doesn’t directly link to the docs. I’ll post those links at the end

    Firstly, their admittion to keeping nexons server after being told to shut it down

    Taken from their post here:…/dmca_discord_update/

    Due to a mandatory remote work policy implemented by Nexon in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the accused member received multiple written authorizations from executive members at Nexon from 2020 to 2021, allowing him to utilize an external personal server to improve the performance of his team (e.g., version control, build machine, and dedicated server). After utilizing the personal servers for almost a year, the accused member asked the leadership if it was ok to continue using his personal servers. The leaders told him to refrain from using the personal servers. The accused member agreed to takedown the servers as long as he could maintain the performance of his team by having his programming team come to the office bypassing the companywide remote work policy.

    The accused member initiated the takedown of the personal servers but, due to the uncertainty of sporadic Covid waves, taking down the server in a quick and exhaustive manner was not a high priority. As a result, some automated scripts related to the build machine were left running on his personal server at this time. When the buildings next to his office were shut down due to confirmed covid cases he took a risk and fully set up his personal servers to aid in development. Since all company machines were monitored using a companywide endpoint solution, the existence and usage of his personal servers, ones that were subject of approvals and re-approvals, must be reasonably known to Nexon over this multi-month period of development. Not a single warning was received from that security team so it was easy to construe it as acknowledgement that his actions were acceptable, otherwise it would mean that Nexon would be failing at taking reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of their assets.

    Shortly after Nexon’s leadership became aware of the accused member’s plans to leave the company, instead of trying to resolve it a professional manner, they abruptly sent the Internal Audit team and accused him of stealing files, despite having observed his personal server being used without notice for several month. Due to harassment and the lack of respect from the company and after consulting with his lawyers, he concluded that his private information on his private servers was not subject to any record so he deleted his information to ensure his privacy.

    Note their arguments for it being OK stem from nexon not taking action sooner, and stating they should have recognized the servers were being used during their tenure. As a developer, I should state that mirroring the entire server is uneeded and very weird to see. Usually, proxying in, using git, and their on site build servers through that proxy is the standard. Also, no, nobodies looking at access logs until there’s an issue. I cannot find nexons responce directly, but it is shown in the following videos

    Here’s some Piped links to the coverage from Kira:
    Looking over lawsuit:…
    Full Playlist:…

    Once more on youtube if you prefer:
    Looking over lawsuit:…
    Full Playlist:…

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Amd can be quite hard to work with as a small vendor and even though they have a current product with them it takes alot of time, and money to get a new one. If they can

    The excuse, which I believe, is that AMD is relatively small and can only do buisness with so many people Whereas nvidia is massive, and multiple smaller companies along with the main one will be in a much better place to supply GPUs.

    Completely agree though, I would much prefer an all amd option.


    Thank you for this! I’ve been looking quite a while for a music player that can sort by date modified (or created) and this can pretty easily do it while looking nice too.

    Massive appreciation to you for showing it to me


    “Why identity politics bro?”

    Says the first guy to bring up identity politics in the thread.

    The article didn’t say shit about gender you weirdo. You have hallucinated this.


    Half the article, or more, is a description of evengalian plot. That’s some wild shit man, none of that was in any way relevent. Imma use this tactic myself.

    “I’m sorry, but I am breaking up with you. You do deserve an explination as to why though but to properly convey my emotions first I’ll have to describe the entire through plot of blues clues”


    Shit, sorry, you’re a different guy I think? Apologies for that the top comment was deleted.

    Still going to restate that removing trans people from the community wouldn’t be identity politics, it’d be hatred

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Through some further exploration I’ve also been able to find this which seems relevent:

    Here’s some points the source states:
    In 2015, 15 years after a global cataclysm called the Second Impact, teenager Shinji Ikari is summoned to the futuristic city of Tokyo-3 by his estranged father Gendo Ikari, who is the director of the special paramilitary force Nerv. Shinji witnesses United Nations forces battling an Angel, one of a race of monstrous beings whose awakening was foretold in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Because of the Angels’ near-impenetrable force-fields, Nerv’s Evangelion bio-machines, which are synchronized to their pilots’ nervous systems and possess their own force-fields, are the only weapons capable of fighting the Angels. Nerv officer Misato Katsuragi escorts Shinji into the Nerv complex beneath Tokyo-3, where Gendo pressures him into piloting Evangelion Unit-01 against the Angel. Without training, Shinji is quickly overwhelmed, causing the Evangelion to go berserk and savagely kill the Angel on its own.

    Following hospitalization, Shinji moves in with Misato and settles into life in Tokyo-3. In his second battle, Shinji defeats an Angel but runs away afterward, distraught. Misato confronts Shinji, and he decides to remain a pilot. Shinji and Nerv’s crew must defeat the remaining fourteen Angels to prevent the Third Impact, a global cataclysm that would destroy the world. Evangelion Unit-00 is repaired shortly afterward, and Shinji tries to befriend its pilot Rei Ayanami, a mysterious and socially isolated teenage girl. With Rei’s help, Shinji defeats another Angel. They are joined by Evangelion Unit-02’s pilot, the multitalented but insufferable teenager Asuka Langley Sōryu, who is German-Japanese-American. The three of them manage to defeat several Angels, and as Shinji adjusts to his new role as a pilot, he gradually becomes more confident and self-assured. Asuka moves in with Shinji, and they begin to develop confusing feelings for one another, kissing at her provocation.

    After being absorbed by an Angel, Shinji breaks free thanks to Eva-01 acting on its own. He is later forced to fight Evangelion Unit-03, who has become infected, and its pilot, his friend and classmate Toji Suzuhara, becomes incapacitated and permanently disabled. Asuka loses her self-confidence following a defeat and spirals into depression, which is worsened by her next fight against an Angel who attacks her mind. It forces her to relive her worst fears and childhood trauma, resulting in a mental breakdown. In the next battle, Rei sacrifices herself to self-destruct Unit-00 and save Shinji. Misato and Shinji visit the hospital, where they find Rei alive, but claiming she is “the third Rei”. Misato forces the scientist Ritsuko Akagi to reveal the dark secrets of Nerv, the Evangelion boneyard, and the Dummy Plug system, which operates using clones of Rei, who was created using the DNA of Shinji’s mother, Yui Ikari. This succession of events leaves Shinji emotionally scarred and alienated from the rest of the characters. Kaworu Nagisa replaces the catatonic Asuka as Unit-02’s pilot and befriends Shinji, gaining his trust. He is revealed to be the final foretold Angel, Tabris, and fights Shinji, realizing that he must die to allow humanity to survive. He asks Shinji to kill him, and he hesitates but eventually kills Kaworu; an event that causes him to be overridden with guilt.

    After the final Angel is defeated, Gendo triggers the “Human Instrumentality Project”, a forced evolution of humanity in which the souls of mankind are merged for benevolent purposes. He believes that if unified, humanity could overcome the loneliness and alienation that has eternally plagued them. Shinji’s soul grapples with the reason for his existence and reaches an epiphany that he needs others to thrive and to accept himself by seeing a potential Shinji in another reality. This enables him to destroy the wall of negative emotions that torment him and unites with the others, who congratulate him.


    This led to mass starvation as the workers no longer could feed themselves and no industry replaced the lost work. The textiles produced were of lower quality too, and sold for less which harmed the local economy leading to a rise in food prices along with the lower wages. Since the vast majority of arable land was used for cotton too no local food could lower the prices. Many people died as the luddites predicted.

    There was mass starvation

    They were right. This is not “anti-automation” this is against lower wages, mass unemployment, and an economic decrease. The automation was the cause of this, yes, but the concept of automation was not the issue. The issue was it’s use here.

    If the workers were provided an alternative job, if there was some plan to avoid starvation, and if the textiles were of a reasonable quality then there would be no issue.

    History proved the luddites correct


    Don’t know about gnomes default file manager, but dolphin has this ability. You’ll have to install the addons and enable it in the context menu however.

    To repeat others opinion though, I haven’t actually needed this feature outside of very specific situations (that I create myself). Linux operates a bit different and shouldn’t need this for anything outside of some poorly made, or potentially malicious apps and scripts. I agree though it’s still nice to have the option


    Why do we need to separate somebodies core beliefs from the person?

    That is the person. What they do and what they believe makes them who they are. I hate this “please just ignore this massive section of what makes up a person” trend. Sure though, you can still like this video separating creator from content, but if somebody does something terrible it’s ok to no longer like that person as shown here with “I love them” followed by “I now understand more about this person and no longer love them”


    Authoritarianism is when you judge people by their actions and beliefs, today I learned.

    I’m sorry, that’s incredibly funny. I love lemmy all the weirdos come out to say the wildest shit.

    Sure, their core beliefs can change, as can my opinion of them when this happens.

    To clarify. Authoritarianism is the belief that a singular authority should hold strong control over a system often meaning those who act against it or disagree should face punishment output by said system. I dislike people who agree with that idea, but if they change their opinion mine may too


    To do this one could install the new distro on a new partition, boot to it, delete everything from the old installation except the hone directory, move your user to the base directory (/home/sorrybookbroke -> /sorrybookbroke) before editing your /etc/fstab and mounting the old partition to /home

    This way, no external drive is needed like @Luci suggested. Of course, their suggestion is the easiest, but this is the one I personally chose.


    That sounds like some black magic type shit


    If you like youtube, the linux cast is a great option. For news though, the linux experiment can’t be beat. You’ll learn more as you go along and always know you can ask questions if you have them


    I wouldn’t suggest arch unless you know it’s issues. I love the distro, but I understand many might not.

    It’s the quickest rolling release for most things. When you update, things sometimes break, and break bad. Like the grub issue we all had where you restarted to get a “grub rescue” screen with no way to boot. Like the linux 5.17(I think?) Kernel that had some intel laptops backlights go flash from max to zero, possibly destroying the machine.

    You’ll also have some software or drivers with major bugs like the nvidia driver a while ago that stuck brightness at 100% (or 50, in my case) requiring a downgrade of both the kernal, and nvidia driver.

    Arch is the first place where new software gets to meet a large userbase and their hardware. The first place it might interact with other new software.

    Sometimes you need to manually intervene and change stuff, and this means keeping up with current arch events via their mailing list, lemmy, or reddit (reddit sadly is the safer bet)

    If you’re ok with this I’d highly reccomend arch if not only for the AUR. If not, PopOS and Fedora are also pretty sick and, there’s also tumbleweed.


    I have a weekly stream going on where we learn rust for those who aren’t cowards

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Probably went something like this:

    “Marketing believes that this will do well in grass roots advertising as it suggests cunnilingus, while not being so explicit as to make it obvious. These things get shared around with ‘did they know’ or ‘how’d this make it past marketing’ comments quite often so at best, we get free word of mouth, at worst we say ‘we had no idea how this fell through and are reviewing our reviewing proccess.’ Either way, we increase distribution of our campaign.”

    It worked too, I had no clue a second one, let alone a third, existed

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    If you’re willing to import, tuxedo computers is another great choice. I can personally vouch for framework but I’d caution if you’re looking for the 16, it’ll be a bit before they’re available. 13ish batches pre-ordered, with batch one shipping in a few weeks, it may take quite a bit to get. The 13 though is in stock and shouldn’t take too long to recieve

    Edit: oh sorry, 13 inch is your preference. I’d strongly vouch for framework. I’d also say stay away from purism due to their scummy history on the phone if you care about that.


    Sure do, though not for all the claims I’ll make here as that was from me obsessively watching the purism forumns and reddit over the 5 or so years this was going on. They promised a phone which most people didn’t get for five years. When it shipped the specs were not great especially for the already pricy cost they had it at. This, after quite heavily suggesting they were nearly good to go. When it came close to the end of waiting, they added a second option (no phones were in hands yet) to upgrade their order, at a cost, to skip the line and get it quicker. Suggesting that if it didn’t sell the company couldn’t ship the original either after taking money both from a crowdfunding campaign and their site. Though a few were eventually able to refund, they sneakily changed their policy to include “no refunds” when at time of purchase they stated clearly refunds would be available at request. There’s also been an issue with their laptops which were advertised as fully FOSS, etirely non-proprietary before eventually shipping with some proprietary software. All around, their customer service is terrible and their responces to allagations and critisism has been childish threats and legal attacks. All around bad group.

    here’s some blog posts and an article:…/the-sad-saga-of-purism-and-the-li… (read all 3 parts)…/2020-07-13-not-recommending-purism/…/why-linux-enthusiasts-are-arguing-o…

    Here’s Luis Rossman (Not always correct on what he reports, but by my memory quite good here):
    Youtube -
    Piped -

    Youtube -
    Piped -


    Not true, firstly ‘framework’ never tried Coreboot they have provided boards to coreboot devs however, who’ve had issues including accidentally bricking the board. New boards have been shipped, and the origional fixed. They haven’t given up though completely and the work is still being done. There was a recent talk that had to be canceled due to the speaker getting sick on this subject. Work is likely still being done, but is slow, and will continue to be so.

    Still though, there’s no evidence that framework has ever had or ever will have the intention of including core-boot by default. They’re simply supporting coreboot devs to make it compatable

    The reasoning for why the others have it is likely due to system76 and nova customs using mostly generic parts like the shell and motherboard along with being around longer. It’s great to support a company that’s ensuring coreboot works on their system however and pushing towards a non-proprietary future


    Even then, by my understanding, that was mostly for the port and bug fixes. CA was very reluctant to give any control and did all art, musical, feature, and overall directional development himself.

    I’d argue it was a recipe for burnout and generally a bad idea but this is what I remember from when I obsessively read his update blogs back then

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    What? That’s just the Glarses patented reasonably sized keyboard

    Always give credit:
    Taking to work:

    sorrybookbroke, (edited )

    Np lol, don’t think I could have found it if I looked myself, and hadn’t seen it before. What would I search? “Massive fuck all keyboard”? I’d assume I’d get quite a list of results rivaling the keyboard itself in size.

    Sorry if my previous comment sounded rude, re-reading it made it sound like I was chastising you. Apologies for that.


    I am 23 years old. I have recently decided to move over to IRC where possible. My friends hate me, but now they hate me on IRC


    Yeah, nah, I don’t think that’s true my dude. I’ve heard his opinions on the gay agenda, 5g, trans people, and ‘cultural marxism’ being taught in our schools. I think it’s just as serious as the place he gets alot of his views, the image boards we all know. It’s the same irony you see on 4chan

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