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I think you’re misunderstanding the statement. He counts, among his three kids, a trans son. As in, among his three kids he has a trans son. If two of his kids were trans, He would count two trans sons among his three kids. Or he counts two boys among his three kids. Or whatever. It is counting the portion of his kids are in the demographic they are mentioning.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....


It’s not even a “gotcha” question. He seems to be clear that his girlfriend’s abortion allowed her to live her best life, and he supported it. So it stands to reason that if he’s voting to restrict abortion, that there must be some line between his girlfriend’s situation, which he supported, and what he votes to restrict. And asking that question is key to understanding his position (if giving him a whole HEAP of benefit-of-the-doubt he doesn’t deserve).

If he wanted to maintain any kind of consistency, he could have simply said “it’s legal right now, so it was her decision and she was able to get one, and if there is a financial burden in that I should take equal responsibility. I don’t think it should be an option, but I can’t make her choose not to when it isn’t illegal.” And that would be that. Even the “best life” thing could be squared away: “It’s never good when a life that should come into this world never sees daylight, but there are, of course, some options that are available that wouldn’t exist with a child, and she has those options. Many women have children unexpectedly and have rich, fulfilling lives, even if they weren’t what they planned. What I meant by her best life is to say she could continue on the path she found to be best, before she found out she was pregnant.”

I’m about as pro-choice as it gets and even I can come up with some shitty justifications for his bullshit hypocrisy. So it’s not just that this guy is a hypocrite, he’s also an idiot. If you’re incapable of explaining your actions and voting, you have no business running for any political position.


You know who I don’t feel bad for? The clerk flying a Trump 2024 flag after he tried to go against the will of the people, claimed a fraudulent election, and incited his supporters toward insurrection. And then for the next several years heard lie after lie about the thing that she had expertise in.

This is beyond leopards eating faces. This is still voting for the leopards eating face party after they’ve already been taking bites of your face.


And you’ll be paying student loans for the rest of your life, so…


No American (except German History majors, I suppose) hearing the word “Reich” thinks of anything except the third one.

This is like the white dude rolling into a party with swastikas on their coat and then claiming it has other cultural meaning. So what? You and we all know that the reason the reference was brought out is to make you think of Nazis.


Religion doesn’t stop a bad person from being evil. It can convince a bad person they’re still good (better!) when they do evil.

And good people don’t need religion to do good. But it can make them overlook the evil of other religious people and protect them, making them bad.

The best-case scenario is that religion can have no effect on how good or bad someone is. Good people stay good despite religion, not because of it.


Please don’t misunderstand. I was not saying that that was the be-all-end-all of religion. I wasn’t speaking against religion in general, just in regards to the irony of suggesting that religion makes people more good. At all.


boss music starts playing on high-pitched poorly tuned xylophone


I feel like every time I hear “neat” it’s meant semi-sarcastically. Like, okay, I guess that’s kind of interesting, but it’s not really relevant or I don’t know how to continue the conversation.

“So, not that it relates to anything we’re talking about, but I’m a world champion in this one very niche thing that you’ve never heard of.”



It looks like there’s no walkway along that street anyway, so why go to the corner just to walk on grass anyway?

Edit: just noticed the whole thing is a walking path. Disregard.


Almost invariably, if a question is asked in a headline, the answer is “no.”

This is no exception.


I disagree and offer Old Man and the Sea.

I get it, there’s a bunch of symbolism and blah blah blah… I could sum the book up in a sentence and not miss much.


I imagine that 90% aren’t getting their memes deleted.


They threaded the needle on it, but they came back around to a point about the subject in the end.


I get what you’re saying, but the reality is if you are trying to do good, it doesn’t matter how “right” you are if you are a dick about it.

Take Doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, for example. He worked hard and found a way to dramatically reduce deaths of women in childbirth (and tons of others besides) by washing hands after autopsies. Instead of trying to convince other doctors and influence the medical culture, he confronted and shamed other doctors, even to the point the doctors who he had gotten to start washing their hands stopped. Could he have caught more flies with honey than vinegar? Probably. But he was right, so what did it matter the method he used?

What mattered is hand-washing didn’t get adopted. But I’m sure being right offered him some comfort when he was dying of sepsis in a mental asylum. Not to mention the women who died of infection.

The point is, do you want to Be Right, or do you want to do good? Because all this makes it sound like you want to Be Right.


Well that answers that, doesn’t it.

Then there’s your answer. Your memes get deleted and your comments get down voted because you aren’t trying to do any good, you’re just trying to flaunt how Right and morally superior you are.

TheDoozer, (edited )

Oops, missed the name, my fault. It sounded like MilitantVegan responding, so I didn’t check.

But if you think it’s contrary to my point, you’re missing my point. The point is, it doesn’t matter how right you are if you end up making no change because you’re an asshole about it.

To be clear, yes, in this situation history may look back on meat eaters as we do the doctors that wouldn’t wash their hands. That’s perfectly possible. But MilitantVegan (and every other vegan that tries to confront and shame people into being vegan) is not helping the situation, they’re just patting themselves on the back for being right. That doctor didn’t do much to save lives, either, regardless how right he was about it.


go in and make friends

These are some “draw the rest of the owl” instructions right here.


I agree that they public schools should teach the history and dangers of communism. And the history and dangers of capitalism. And the history and danger of monarchies. And the history and dangers of democracy (and republics). And especially the history and dangers of fascism.

Those are all important subjects to teach, and there is not a governmental or economic system in current or previous existence that wasn’t vulnerable to corruption, inefficiency, or evil in some way. An educated populous is the way to mitigate those vulnerabilities.


At my old unit, we somehow managed to justify (and purchased) a really nice 3D printer for my shop. One of the pilots came in at one point and printed a 9 inch long purple spiraled Unicorn horn with NVG mount locking points built into the base, and attached it to the flight helmet of another pilot who everyone thought was a bronie. It was a masterpiece and fit perfectly.


I think either you don’t understand what they were saying, or you don’t understand “all lives matter.”

They were saying that it’s not just bad for incarcerated people, but a generally bad system that denies rights to everyone. It supports the argument.

“All lives matter” is about deliberately misunderstanding what “black lives matters” means in order to dismiss it.

Two very different things.


Therapist: And what do we say to people who want to get to know us?

Me: Not today.


When in April, with its sweet showers, The drought of March had pierced to the root, And bathed every root in such liquor Of which virtue engendered is the flower.

Basically, it’s setting the scene for the coming story (it’s the introduction to The Canterbury Tales), and talking about in April spring starts to see rain dispelling the drought of March and filling the roots with sweet water.

It goes on to talk about the winds and the birds, where the sun is in the sky (directly overhead), and then to pilgrims starting their pilgrimages, as a sort of “And this is where we begin our story” thing.


Easter isn’t even about Jesus. At least Christmas has the name, and some manger imagery, and other Christian-based stuff they can stamp on top of Saturnalia, but Easter is still named after the goddess of fertility with all the accompanying fertility and spring parts, from eggs to rabbits, to little sprouting plants and whatnot.

And I get that the Christians try to associate that spring renewal and rebirth with the resurrection, but I think that’s a pretty big stretch to try to make it work.

Easter is not about Jesus. Every time somebody says “keep Christ in Christmas” I want to say “then get him out of Easter.”


You know when you’re sick and pretty much bed-ridden, and you think “if only I wasn’t sick, I would be working out today and doing such-and-such,” but then as soon as you feel okay again you don’t actually do it or think about it until you physically can’t again?

I feel like it’s like that. That doesn’t mean you should work out while you’re sick. It just means that we need to remember when we’re well.

(To be clear, what I’m saying is I get it and you’re right, but regardless we can’t reasonably do it right now. But once we put fascism down, or if it wanes enough to make a reasonable go of it, we absolutely should remember and fix the voting system).


That’s a fair comparison, and would give me the appropriate “Oh shit!” that this headline just didn’t offer.

Even a single, well-known point of reference makes it better. We all know world income inequality is absolutely nuts. But to pick out a particular one needs at least some kind of reference point (unless it’s an Indian article for Indian people, like an article from the U.S. for the U.S.).


So my biggest issue with Wesley was what an elitist douchebag he could be. He would openly disparage non-Starfleet people, in a way that was at least unprofessional, and at worst outright insulting (like the shuttle pilot picking them up for that crash-on-a-deset-planet episode).

And at the same time, he sucked up to the people above him or who could help his career so unabashedly.


A captain? Of a shuttle? A-hurr hurr hurr.

I wish Picard had come out with a “shut up Wesley” at that point.


The difference is that this is verifiable, and the idea about what better is, is ending the war on drugs because it was blatantly wrong to begin with. It didn’t even have “good intentions,” and it does nothing but harm now.

MAGA is where it’s at because they hate for the sake of hate. There’s no “better” for them, unless it hurts others. They’ll “believe” whatever is convenient, because they just want to be angry, whether or not there is any truth to what they’re mad about.

There are mountains of difference, and to “both sides” every time the left points out a legitimately bad thing is sheer obfuscating nonsense.


What the hell are we doing?

We’re sending food as a humanitarian emergency operation to people starving from the seige perpetrated by the side we support with weapons. We’re helping to make them starve while sending “emergency aid” to them as if it’s not us keeping them in need of that aid.


Noodler is looking a little blue these days. The pirate life must not be going well under Hook.


The main purpose of words having meaning is to effectively communicate.

Ignoring the context that words are used and insisting on very narrow definitions is not only pedantic, but hinders the ideas being communicated.


Jesus, I range anywhere from 9-15k steps every day. I guess I’ll take steps.


The thing I liked most about that episode was that Moriarty stopped being an evil mastermind when he got real intelligence, found a way to gather the important people in the room with him, and just laid out what it was that happened and asked the questions he needed to to get the information he wanted, like everyone is constantly yelling at characters in shows/movies to do. He cut through all the nonsense, and immediately made friends from enemies.

It just shows how writers make “smart” people dumb.


Seriously, everything up to the introduction of Alfheim was fantastic, to me.

Then they just kind of… went a different direction with it. I even liked the romance story arc until they turned her into a fuckin Damsel In Distress.


I think my favorite part of that is the pair of tiny hands passing that double deuce right back.


Panini press after wrapping it. It’s a game changer.

It holds everything together and gives you a crispy tortilla. All around a superior experience.


I don’t get it. Are most trans women gay?


They’re prepping for the first week, and amassing guns to take from more prepared people after that. To them, Doomsday is their opportunity to go Mad Max style. They’re looking forward to being the bad guys in every post-apocalyptic film, the raider group everyone runs and hides to avoid.


The cat one is enjoyable in a stylistic way, but the first one is just generally good. It’s a little bit sad, showing two people sharing a sunset on a beach together, and ends with one side feeling alone even while sharing the moment. It’s like, to the narrator, the science of it, the how of it doesn’t detract from the beauty of it, it’s what makes it beautiful. And the other person makes it seem like to think about it is to stop enjoying it.

It’s got irony, it’s got depth, it seems like it represents a lot of Data’s experiences, and it does it with a pleasant scene. I think that poem was fantastic, and it blows my mind that the people in that room would be anything but impressed.


From everything I’ve heard about the election in Argentina, it was the meeting of “Anything is better than this” and “it can always get worse.” The former won, and proved the latter correct.

My gf (f23) found an old video of me (m22) with an ex and wont talk to me now.

I am my gfs first partner, she is my second. The girl I dated prior (for 6 months) was a vlogger and for like 3 months made a lotta relationship and prank videos wth me which I was fine with at the time. Now my current gf is my first ever real crush and Ive been into her for a decade....


My wife has full permission to use my laptop (and I hers), but if she got on my laptop to search through my photos and videos to try to find something (something bad, that is), I would absolutely call that a breach of trust.

There’s a difference between using and snooping.

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