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Do you have a source that shows that he failed multiple times?

I wonder how many do-overs the rest of us would get after blatantly lying on security clearance applications.

Zero. The answer is zero. When you fill out the form for your security clearance application you are told to retain a copy and use it when completing your renewals because even minor differences between applications will raise questions. Dot correct previous mistakes, let them ride since they passed scrutiny before.

Being caught in an outright lie would be immediately disqualifying for anyone except, apparently, Kushner.


And said it would be a minimum of nine months IIRC…


Do you know where that graphic comes from? The data on opensecrets.org indicates that Biden has received $5,688,069 between 1990 and 2024.

I’m not disagreeing that this is a problem. This is undoubtedly a route through which foreign money is making it into US politics and Biden is one of the biggest recipients of Pro-Israel funds. It just isn’t as much money as indicated by the graphic. It is $5,688,069 spread over 34 years but loaded heavily to more recent years.

Biden donations from Pro-Israel sources by election cycle:

  • 2023-2024: $1,459,405
  • 2021-2022: Unsure - Not in top 20 and can’t find full dataset
  • 2019-2020: $3,753,304

All other election cycles, Biden doesn’t appear in the top 20. Simple math indicates that, outside of 2019, 2020, 2023, and 2024, Biden received an additional $475,360 over the rest of his career.

I don’t like to see that Biden received $3,753,304 in the 2019-2020 campaign cycle. That is way too much foreign influence in my opinion, even if it technically came from American organizations. That said, Biden spent $1,614,843,740 in 2019-2020 meaning that only 0.23% of that was from Pro-Israel groups.


Kyle is so good in these confrontational situations. I wish more people got to see him but broadcast news is losing viewership…


How does he not just topple over? Does the shit in his diaper act as a counter balance?


Don’t forget threatening to sanction the ICC over the Netanyahu arrest warrant.


I think there is more nuance to it than this. Certain government officials who are in sensitive positions should be barred from holding stocks except through a blind trust, an index fund, a mutual fund, or some other vehicle that they can’t directly control or influence. Those “certain government officials” should include members of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches who tend to be privy to information that would, if acted upon, constitute insider trading. This would include policy-makers as well as those around the policy-makers whose knowledge would create a conflict of interest.

That is all to say, I don’t think that someone working in government IT, doing wildlife research, or doing HR work for a government agency should be required to divest from their stock portfolios. That should be limited to people whose jobs create an inherent conflict of interest.


allowing them to profit through “normal/legal” channels prevents them from taking bribes or seeking other forms of income.

This doesn’t seem to have worked. Thomas and Alito are the glaring examples, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that they all take bribes of one form or another, whether intentionally or unintentionally because their actions bear no personal consequences other than enrichment.


Thanks for the context. I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted by some people. Given the timing, I don’t see that this either constitutes insider trading or implies prejudice (even if he is prejudiced). I do wonder, though, if something happened in the news cycle around August 14th that might have prompted his sale at that point. I don’t trust Alito to do anything in good faith around the subject of trans rights.


I’m so tired of that word replacing “strongly criticizes”, “rebukes”, “condemns”, “denounces”, or “repremands”. Why do articles have to use such a stupid, lazy word? Does it actually draw more clicks?


It’s not like it needs to go into a news paper. It’s a website headline. “condemns” is only three letters longer than “slams” and doesn’t sound lick clickbait.


The last printed edition was published on Saturday 26 March 2016, leaving only the online edition.



My guess is that these were wealthy women who were able to afford the transfer. I highly doubt that the hospital or any insurance company paid for the transfers. I would bet that there were other women who were unable to afford similar care and had to suffer the consequences.


The headline said exactly what happened. The aid group stated that they believed that their truck was bombed in a targeted attack. They didn’t say who they thought made the attack but requested that the Canadian government reach out to Israel to request an answer. They also requested an investigation by Canadian authorities.

It is fairly clear that the aid organization thinks Israel committed the bombing but they are allowing the Canadian government the latitude to be delicate with the situation.


Has his staff managed to insulate him from memes like this or is he just realizing that they’re not going to be able to weed out everyone who thinks that way? Surely not every potential jurer who dislikes trump has publicly posted memes about him.

Vorticity, (edited )

I’m really encouraged to see that congress is actually doing something to revive the 4th amendment. It is essentially dead in the digital space right now.

The vote was pretty bipartisan, actually. There is a faction in both parties that wants this and a faction in both parties that doesn’t.


  • Yay: 123
  • Nay: 90
  • Present: 0
  • No Vote: 5


  • Yay: 96
  • Nay: 109
  • Present: 1
  • No Vote: 7

It scares me how many in both parties believe that warrantless surveillance of citizens is appropriate. Sure, maybe law enforcement can’t perform warrantless themselves, but I don’t see much difference between doing it themselves and buying it from professional data brokers.

In fact, it is almost certainly more efficient and less costly to buy the data than to develop their own systems for collection and sorting. Getting this kind fo info on suspects might not even be possible for law enforcement without purchasing it.

Vorticity, (edited )

This is not intended to defend Israel. From what I’m seeing, what Israel is doing here is heinous. For example, the mass graves at al-Shifa hospital.

This is just intended to point out that the modern usage of the term “anti-semitic” has come to mean “anti-jewish”, even if that doesn’t really fit with the older history of the word “Semitic”.

From the Wikipedia article on “Semitic People”:

Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. The terminology is now largely unused outside the grouping “Semitic languages” in linguistics.

The terms “anti-Semite” or “antisemitism” came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.

In 1879, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr began the politicisation of the term by speaking of a struggle between Jews and Germans in a pamphlet called Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum (“The Way to Victory of Germanism over Judaism”). He accused the Jews of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation. In 1879, Marr’s adherents founded the “League for Anti-Semitism”, which concerned itself entirely with anti-Jewish political action.

Objections to the usage of the term, such as the obsolete nature of the term “Semitic” as a racial term, have been raised since at least the 1930s.


This is horrific! This makes me think that the lesson that Israel learned from the Holocaust is how best to commit a genocide.

The images are nsfl, but everyone should see them.


I don’t really understand a few things about this conflict.

  • What prompted Israel to bomb Iran’s embassy in Syria? I know there are tensions between Israel and Iran. I also know that Israel has been targeting Hezbula targets in Syria. Why attack Iranian generals in Syria?
  • Why would Israel think that they can attack an Iranian embassy without reprisal?
  • Why is Israel acting like the aggrieved party in this instance where they appear to be the aggressor?
  • Why does Israel think it is a good idea to add another front to their current conflict? A stronger front than the one they are currently fighting?

How is this different from a tenant taking their patio furniture with the? “It’s worth more with the patio furniture”. “The new tenants are expecting the nice patio furniture to be there!”

Plants cost money and effort and, in many cases, can be successfully transplanted to a new location. It seems to me that the tenant simply took their property with them when they left.


How is this different from a tenant taking their patio furniture with the? “It’s worth more with the patio furniture”. “The new tenants are expecting the nice patio furniture to be there!”

Plants cost money and effort and, in many cases, can be successfully transplanted to a new location. It seems to me that the tenant simply took their property with them when they left.


And where does a plant fall in this? You can certainly take plants with you, unlike the paint from a fence.

Vorticity, (edited )

I’ve come to the conclusion that conservatives are just people whose sense of empathy is broken. Over and over I hear about conservatives who held bigoted beliefs and only changed their minds when confronted by someone they love becoming the target of other people’s identical bigoted beliefs. These people just can’t empathize enough to think “what if it was my child/spouse/friend?”


This is great. I’ll wait to see the actual proposed legislation before judging it, but this summary indicates to me that the bill is severely lacking in two major respects. Unless it is missing from the summary, it doesn’t appear to address data security requirements nor does it place limits on the types of data that can be collected.

Regardless, this is a step in the right direction, I just hope it isn’t the only step and that it has some significant teeth. Most legislation like this seems to just be a tax on companies rather than a true penalty.


It’s nice to see a republican admitting this. It would be better if he would name names and admit that it goes beyond taking the propaganda bait. It would be nice if he would say “Congressman _____” regurgitates Russian propaganda and may be compromised.


Ad Fontes Media rates Consortium News in the Hyper-Partisan Left category of bias and as Mixed Reliability/Opinion OR Other Issues in terms of reliability. Consortium News was launched in 1995 as the first investigative news magazine based on the Internet. The founder, journalist Robert Parry, was dedicated to breaking the pattern of “silliness and propaganda” that he saw in American journalism. Consortium News is published by the Consortium for Independent Journalism Inc.

Just some additional context.


Most of the people saying this stuff, like Alex Jones, know that it’s bullshit. They are preying upon the uneducated and gullable.


I think you’re right in some cases. Maybe this woman is one of those cases.

I think that for some others “wokeness” is fairly well defined but they know that it is a dog whistle. They know that if they were to explicitly define it they would say the quiet part out lond. They would reveal that “wokeness” means “acceptance, inclusion, and celebration of fundamental differences between people”. They would reveal that being “anti-woke” is just a way to say “Hi, my name is Ron and I’m a bigot”.


What do you mean by a “dismissive parenting style”?


Republicans support many things with higher potential for fraud and abuse than school lunch programs. Privatized prisons come to mind.


This is a secular country.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in this country who disagree. They try to twist the words of the founders to imply freedom of Christian religion. Even some of my more reasonable family members, who won’t be voting for Trump, still think this is a Christian nation.


I’m largely unfamiliar with the Church of Satan. How does the Church of Satan differ from The Satanic Temple?


He’s not completely there for himself, though this trip is certainly self serving or he would do it. He’s there to put his weight behind a candidate for Mitt Romney’s senate seat. A MAGAT who has been endorsed by Trump.


the nose is maybe strangely small, lips are a little off-putting

Well, I mean… It’s not THAT far off, is it?

Well, I mean…

It’s not THAT far off, is it?


Here’s the thing. Right wing media will simply ignore this. Most republican voters won’t be informed that their representatives are taking way their right to a safe work environment. I’m not sure if it would change anything if they were aware but they don’t stand a chance when they’re stuck in their echo chamber.


I still am absolutely flabbergasted that these assholes turned down FREE FUCKING MONEY TO FEED HUNGRY CHILDREN!

Republicans are all narcissists. They have zero empathy or compassion unless something happens to someone they know. Strangers are just NPCs to republicans.


It seems like they need another dose of awe. I haven’t needed to do this in a few years.

Button clicks softly. Button clicks softly. Button clicks softly several times…

Ummm, what’s going on here? It should have plebtky of juice left. I haven’t used it in ages!

Metal grinding on metal.

Shit… The battery is corroded!

Voices from outside

Burn him! Burn the witch!


So, did ANYONE here read the article? It’s not the LCO decided not to pay. Barclays froze their accounts without warning in an effort to weed out fraud. It happened to several other non-profits as well.


It’s crazy that I’ve never seen this picture before but the expressions on their faces immediately told me that this was Of Mice and Men.

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