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Had a weird compulsion when seeing an ad for a dress, went into denial and redirected my focus to something else on the ad for my feelings (a stupid looking hoodie).

When analyzing these feelings I soothed myself by thinking “maybe I could just dress up mannequins as decoration or something”.

Most egg moment of my life. It’s like my brain knew and purposely avoided it.


“But council I was merely casting the humble and fun Balloon Animal spell targeting penis


I’ll be playing work 🥲

Besides that I’m currently playing Paper Mario for the first time (I don’t know if remakes count on this sub).

Also Noita, if you like exploration and tinkering, and can find humor in dying a lot to physics or yourself, then I highly recommend. You could sink endless hours into it; beating the main portion of the game is jokingly referred to as the “tutorial”.


Some of the high concept type of spells you can make eventually is insane. You truly can play with forbidden magic except it’s sawblades and nukes.

Noita just has that genuine sense of awe and exploration I’ve only experienced in OuterWilds (Also a really good game, progression is story and information based, do not spoil).


When programmers with ADHD/Autism get interrupted from a fixation (like a video), suppressing that interruption, even if unproductive or unimportant, becomes their new fixation.

I’ve been guilty of this many times, for better or worse.

Wirlocke, (edited )

They will assume Skinner is the main character after the only remains being fossilized steamed hams edits.


My favorite fact about all this is that Spielberg insisted on the giant raptors during production. Around the same time the Utahraptor was first being studied, an actual giant raptor about the same size.

Less fun fact, it was gonna be name Utahraptor Spielbergi but it was changed last minute because Universal was suing museums over the word Jurassic. Trademark trolls ruin everything.


Guy on the right, look at his sheer confidence!

He’s already won and he knows it.


Literally what uprooted my “rational” centrist opinions on everything.

The timetable quote just hit me and my sensibilities like a truck.


Yeah but then you get older and it doesn’t cut it anymore so you switch to the harder stuff.



I’ve met four different people involved in the military and also have met four questionable people.

My dad, never got deployed, was in prison for fencing items, also owned businesses that in retrospect were suspiciously ideal for money laundering. o7

Then my childhood friend, sprayed nazi graffiti around town, went to juvie, now serves the troops. o7

Then a coworker, former military (allegedly), has a psychosis (which isn’t bad!), and was harassing his ex at her work based on delusions (which is bad). o7

Then a different coworker at a different place, active military, very authoritarian despite not knowing much and not being our supervisor. Made everyone uncomfortable and frustrated including our actual supervisor. Now he’s becoming a National Guard. o7


Yup, lol


I say Psychosis because I forget the exact mental disorder he had.

I also say “it’s not bad” as in I’m not judging him for it.


First the Google Bard demo, then the racial bias and pedophile sympathy of Gemini, now this.

It’s funny that they keep floundering with AI considering they invented the transformer architecture that kickstarted this whole AI gold rush.


Here is an article about it. Even if it’s technically right in some ways, the language it uses tries to normalize pedophilia in the same ways as sexualities. Specifically the term “Minor Attracted Person” is controversial and tries to make pedophilia into an Identity like “Person of Color”.

It was lampshading the fact this is a highly dangerous disorder. It shouldn’t be blindly accepted but instead require immediate psychiatric care at best.



I believe proper gun safety teaches people to treat every gun as loaded and safety off. Same reason it’s extremely unsafe to point a supposedly empty gun at someone.

nuanceposting rule (lemmy.cafe)

seen this post elsewhere? click for explanationThis post got banned from !memes for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕 I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating. EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank...

Wirlocke, (edited )

Since discovering I’m trans I’ve shaken myself out of this hardcore “rational” mindset that I feel is poisoning the internet.

It’s the moderate point of view that the marginalized needs to remain “civil” and shouldn’t get overly emotional or say anything hyperbolic.

Every statement needs to be followed with multiple asterisks responding to every possible angle of your statement. All until everything boils down to tepid “bad things are bad” statements, or writing things off as “case by case”.

It’s this hyperdrive to remain unbiased to the point that taking any stance reveals your biased and you lose.

Our ability to sit around and debate all day like greek philosophers is a recent luxury that’s drying up. We need to commit to action, and action requires strong emotional stances by the marginalized.


Can’t wait for FOSS brain implants, it would still be hellish but a fun kind of hellish.

I want someone like Linus Torvalds to verbally abuse someone for not understanding basic computational neuroscience.


There was a weird incident in class where a good amount of my classmates, including some who were POC, believed that black people were biologically more aggressive based on anecdotal experience.

I’m white but I was arguing against this because it made no sense. As a possible explanation I argued that black communities are typically poorer because of history (slavery, segregation, ect) and that poor and desperate communities are whats more likely to be violent.

It seemed to get them to pause for a moment. I’m sure I wasn’t as nuanced as I’d be now but I was a dumb reactionary teenager talking to dumb reactionary teenagers.


Rule of thumb is that Computers love base 2 numbers (2,4,8,16,ect) and hate prime numbers 7 and higher.


This is ultimately because LLMS are intelligent in the same way the subconscious is intelligent. It can rapidly make association but they are their initial knee jerk associations. In the same way that you can be tricked with word games if you’re not thinking things through, the LLM gets tricked by saying the first thing on their mind.

However we’re not far off from resolving this. Current methods are just to force the LLM to make a step by step plan before returning the final result.

Currently though there’s the hot topic of Q* from OpenAI. No one knows what it is but a good theory is that it’s applying the A* maze solving algorithm to the neural network. Essentially the LLM will explore possible routes in their neural network to try and discover the best answer. In other word it would let them think ahead and compare solutions, this would be far more similar to what the conscious mind does.

This would likely patch up these holes because it would discard pathways that lead to contradicting itself/the prompt, in favor of one that fits the entire prompt (In this case, acknowledging the attempt to have it break it’s initial rules).


I’m curious, is there actually so many 42’s in the system? (more than 69 sounds unlikely)

What if the LLM is getting tripped up because 42 is always referred to as the answer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”.

So you ask it a question like give a number between 1-100, it answers 42 because that’s the answer to “Everything”, according to it’s training data.

Something similar happened to Gemini. Google discouraged Gemini from giving unsafe advice because it’s unethical. Then Gemini refused to answer questions about C++ because it’s considered “unsafe” (referring to memory management). But Gemini thinks C++ is “unsafe” (the normal meaning), therefore it’s unethical. It’s like those jailbreak tricks but from its own training set.


That’s how my brain used to work.

Now I have two methods depending on how much I care.

Either I need all available options and have them listed out like a spreadsheet, then I’ll painstakingly determine which ones I like based on critera and using my feelings like a vague sensor.

Or if I don’t have time for that I’ll use an algorithm of some kind, like Spotify’s Smart Shuffle, then I’ll determine what I like based on this new “optimized” list.

Because I can’t just like a random disconnected thing, no no no, I need to make sure it’s something I will definitely like and maybe incorporate into my identity.


I think the idea with Thanos vs Hulk is that their strength gap wasn’t as far apart (presumably Hulk is stronger) but Thanos was using actual fighting and boxing techniques, whereas hulk usually just smashes. Like how a skinny martial artist can take on someone much stronger than them, technique makes a huge difference.

That said I felt really robbed we never got a BannerHulk rematch with Thanos. Him being intelligent would’ve let him actually train his technique over the timeskip and complete the character arc.


As someone who grew up with a friend that constantly made edgy Nazi “jokes” and was also a Brony, this is chillingly accurate.

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (lemmy.world)

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...


That “rated 3 and up” is killing me.

Finally a solution for those jobless deadbeat infants.


I think he grows around his skeleton.

I’m pretty sure the wolverine is technically not immortal (depending on canon) however the Adamantine casing which is pretty indestructible means there’s always a piece of him to regenerate from.


Diogenes walking in with a bottle of Viagra and a hard on: “Behold, a woman!”

Wirlocke, (edited )

Honestly the Trolley Problem is a perfect representation of this issue. All leftists in America are being asked to either personally hold a part in a genocide, or to personally abstain and allow greater horrors to be unleashed (including the genocide).


The general election vote itself is the trolley problem, the paragraphs are detailing other solutions beyond simple voting to try and get out of the trolley problem.


I dunno, Are We Cool Yet? has done some top tier trolling and shitposting to the SCP Foundation.


Here’s a great video about systematically exploring ideas for indie projects.

I’m also trans, what do I win?


I feel like in the future, a highly valued skill for anyone in a public facing role is gonna be learning to get off of Twitter/Microblogs.

How many people have ruined their own reputations by just giving the internet a constant stream of their inane thoughts? Regardless of if they deserve it or not.


The most convincing theory to me is Integrated Information Theory.

Basically the more integrated the information in a system is, the more potential for conscious experience. Different structures or “shapes” of information translate to different qualia, like the color red or the sound of a note.

Integration in this case means that the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts; you can’t remove a piece without affecting the whole/most of the system.

This is an answer to the Ship of Theseus problem, because the old pieces of wood are getting un-integrated from the whole, they are no longer the ship. The ship made from old pieces is a new ship, with it’s pieces integrated into a new whole.

Animals would be as conscious as the complexity of their brains (not necessarily smarter), and yes this is a spectrum of consciousness.

Computers and AI are far off from this requirement. We purposely designed them to be modular and not overly integrated with itself. Even LLM’s have their neurons in strict layers that has information travel from Input to Output.

No concrete proof, but the theory is very robust and could maybe even be provable one day.


I don’t remember many of these from the movie…



These kind of posts always have weird ones like Poison Breath.

Why would I want that? To kill people? Mustard gas is easy to make and I’d just get arrested anyways.

The only reasonable use I can think of is if you wanted to start a pest control company… woo?

Instant death may be useful if it’s like the Death Note, or else you’d also just get arrested.


Ah having ADHD and Depression, I’m familiar with this technique.


I just read the top part so I thought the worst thing to say was “We may earn commission from links on this page”.


I feel like I’d use Allman for large blocks of code (though in those situations it’s probably better to stick the code in a function first) and I’d use K&R for 1 or 2 lines of code (like calling a function).


On the flipside, if the language is too casual you’d end up with people winning cases by being popular and snarky.

Part of the reason why Trump’s cases have such a high turnover of lawyers. His antics just don’t amuse a judge used to professionalism.

Not saying you don’t have a point. After stuff like bees being classified as fish in California to protect them. It’s clear to see legalese has gone to far.


Yeah the author of Harry Potter! Though the antisemitic goblins and slave apologizing elves were added later by an editor.

I think her name was Joe Karen Rowboat or something?


I finally got my ADHD medicine refilled after months of issues.

When I’m on it, it’s like I remember how to be happy (I also have Depression).


I want the technology invented… to then be recreated by someone else.

I’m never letting Musk turn my brain into BrainX™.


I don’t know if I want my countries decisions made by three liars.


It’s because an essential protein got misfolded while the body decays, these misfolded proteins can misfold other protein and suddenly your brain is full of useless molecules instead of what it needs.


It’s been stable based on temporary peace and Mutually Assured Destruction (not just from nukes). For example China-Taiwan are still in a civil war that never officially ended, and China has always wanted to reabsorb Taiwan and Taiwan has always been opposed to. The Koreas are actively still in a cease fire for a war that also never concluded. And the middle east has always been churning with armed conflicts.

The western 1st world countries managed to extract enough wealth to stay far and away from these kinds of conflicts, but they are still heavily dependent on these countries and we’ll all feel the impacts if things get worse.

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