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And also, modern gaming platforms are all very similar. Since last gen XBOX and PlayStation have very similar hardware to both each other and to normal PCs and the Switch is very similar to many Android devices. The wild times where console manufacturers designed crazy custom chips that were hard to port to and from are over and thus the engineers tend to also be more agreeable with different platforms.


That’s not an advantage compared to V. V’s Laser Disc release makes a far better frisbee.


The problem was less parallel processing but that every one of the cell‘s 8 co-processors (SPE) needed to be individually programmed. The 360 had a tri core design that was much easier to develop for and take full advantage of. Thus, most 360 games, especially early in the generation, look and/or perform better than their ps3 counterparts, since the latter usually only ran on the one regular processor core (PPE) that the cell had, without taking Ananas off the SPEs. Notable exceptions are the ps3 exclusive titles and some other later games, that took partial or even fully advantage. Even Naughty Dog only used 3-4 SPEs in their earlier uncharted games, while their later games like the last of us uses them all.


I think one of the issues, why there terminal is seen as necessity is, that there are almost no tutorials that refer to the gui. So if you’re a newbie and try to find out how something works like adding a third party repo to your package manager or making an install script executable, all you get is a command. You don’t get a “add this address to the list in the settings menu of your package manager, which you can find here”, for example.


As a German, I am pissed about the way we try to get carbon neutral. Shutting off the nuclear plants before the coal plants was just plain stupid and primarily motivated by unjustified fear and that sweet sweet coal lobby money. And now our energy is still expensive af and still dirty and will be for a while.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that there’s more and more focus on renewables and that they make up a sizeable and growing percentage of our energy supply but it’s pretty clear that that’s not enough or at least not fast enough.


Yea. Someone higher up at PlayStation (I forgot who, might have been the CEO) recently said that they believe PC gamers would buy PlayStations to play exclusive sequels to their PC games (like Horizon Forbidden west, which is not yet on PC). Forcing PSN accounts for their games on PC opens the door to getting a PlayStation just a little bit further.


Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft, Epic, Blizzard and probably some more all make you use their launcher/account as well. Sony doing it is no different. Doesn’t make it the nice thing to do but it’s the sad reality of PC gaming. The price of flexibility is having to deal with tons of accounts (or piracy).


Well, unless you exclusively play games made by small indie studios and that are distributed directly, that’s still the price you need to pay if you want to consume said content while playing on a PC. Or you pirate and thus don’t support the people who created it. I don’t like that situation either and there are some developers I definitely won’t support with my money. However, that decision isn’t based on the need for some account, when it’s trivial to make one. That’s annoying but the dealbreakers should be scammy, unfinished games, predatory, gambling-like micro transactions, bad company culture, etc, not the need to have a burner email account.


You seem like a very angry person.

Having to make a PSN account isn’t exploiting you anymore than you’re already being exploited by having a Steam account, which you do have when you bought the game on PC. You don’t even have to give Sony any real information. Faking one’s birthday and using a burner email isn’t that hard to do. It’s annoying, it’s a dick move by Sony and yes, you should complain about it, but it’s not the culmination of all capitalist evil.


Either that or, I might get a used PS4 together with used physical copies of the games in a few years, when it’s much cheaper, play them and then sell it all again or give it to my brother or something.


I didn’t even notice BO4 and 5 were a thing…


And Hitler also was a dictator, something orange hitler desperately wants to be.


Joe Biden does not stand in the way of democratic processes. I assure you, he won’t falsely claim voter fraud or incite an insurrection if he loses the election. Trump has done that in the past. He’s also proven to be a liar and a rapist. Besides, elitism does not make a dictator. While dictators usually are elitist, in actuality, they define themselves through a totalitarian regime aka them being able to do as they wish without consequences. Something Trump and his Supporters have also claimed they want. Very recently.

And sure, Biden might not make politics for everyone and he most definitely is not the best man for the job, but he doesn’t just make politics for rich white men as Trump does, who, for example, wants to undo anything the Obama and later the Biden administration did for social security, healthcare, etc. You know, the structures average people profit most of. Those who are not the “elite”. Not to speak about Trump’s and the Republican Party’s stance on various minorities.


Sure, Biden might be an elitist in democrat clothing. As I said, he definitely isn’t perfect and definitely not the best man for the job. But you know what he is not? He is not a far-right, misogynist, racist, homophobe, elitist, openly anti-democratic, bought-by-russia rapist, liar and traitor who wears most of those traits very openly.


Generally I‘d agree with you but I was bored in class.


This. A meme even played by the world’s best players.


Calls are fine, especially when they’re social or important. Voice messages are just a way of saying "I don’t respect your time because I’m forcing you to listen to 3min of bullshit until I get to the point, when you could read that information in 10s).


Nazi is short for national socialist. That wouldn’t per se suggest unkindness by name alone. The appearance is deceptive, of course.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. Here in Germany, while abortions are illegal (since fetuses are considered humans by law), it is decriminalized. It’s more about technicalities. You do have the choice though. It’s not as easy as going to an abortion clinic and half an hour later you’re done but if you got pregnant on accident (or by force) or have a medical need for abortion, there’s always a way. If it was just an accident, however, you do have to pay for the abortion yourself, unless you can’t afford it. Also, there is a mandatory counseling session.


American beer is definitely high on the “hatred for self” scale


To 1: With a DS or DS Lite, you need an R4 or similar flash cartridge. With a DSi or any 3DS or 2DS, all you need is a computer and a sufficiently sized SD card (depending on how many game backups you‘d want to safe on there). For softmodding a Wii or WiiU, all you‘d need is an SD card and a sufficiently large USB storage medium for the game backups, btw.


Yea but warp 9 isn‘t 9x the size of light but much much more (somewhere between 800x and 1600x, depending which source you believe. But it’s not like trek canon is consistent there).

I suppose it’s somewhat logarithmic, since Warp 1 is c and warp 10 is infinite speed. probably gets a bit annoying in the Warp 9.975 range.


There is some really good Star Trek these days. Just not all of it. And this probably won‘t be…


Linux and mac and any other x86 compatible platform that runs java…


Yea, back in the day I dreamt about a Minecraft that didn’t run on Java and thus better on the low end hardware I had. In my dreams it just still had all the benefits of the Java edition which is why I now dream of old Java Minecraft


Yes exactly. Java runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and any x86 compatible operating system that supports the Java runtime environment. Minecraft bedrock removes support for all of those but Windows.


They all had minecraft before bedrock was a thing yet. That legacy minecraft without crossplay just got replaced by bedrock.


And still, even here in Germany, people played victim, the perpetrators just weren’t the people who “freed” us. There was (and still is to some extent) a “we didn’t know about anything about the holocaust, we’re all victims of the evil Nazis” mentality. This was, of course, most prominent in the years after the war because being a Nazi suddenly had consequences. And it’s obviously not true. While a majority of the population might not have known about death camps or the exact conditions in the camps, they certainly knew about the persecution of the jewish community.

Of course, our history classes do now teach about that (meaning that we did know, even though we liked to pretend we didn’t).


The guy who essentially resurrected Star Trek, produced and co-created the two best star trek shows in at least 20 years? Yes, his work with JJ, Discovery and Picard (and in other franchises) is questionable but without him, we wouldn’t have SNW and LD either…


Not even higher resolution. I mean, potentially on paper but consoles have been UHD capable(-ish) since the PS4 Pro and higher resolution’s are neither viable nor necessary. So it’ll just upscale a few titles a little less or run some games with a little higher fps…


It‘s not original. The joke originated in xkcd 821 (Five Minute Comics Pt. 3), however it was a little different still. The wording (besides the slur) stems from xkcd creator Randall Munroe‘s book What if?.

If you compare the image to actual xkcds, you’ll notice, that the font is different.

Also, I found a picture of the comic from the book on pinterest.

Can’t have people think xkcds could be this tasteless.


When searching for the first half of the quote I quickly found the uncensored version on ifunny… (like the 4th result on DuckDuckGo images)

Took a little longer to find the original comic, where the wolf just says “dude”


I mean, the first rewrite (by Munroe himself) was probably just turning a 5min doodle into a clean, more streamlined comic.

The n-word one probably just to be edgy.


As most racists are when confronted


And still, it is usually possible to get the 20 y/o hardware to run in windows. It might need a bit of trickery but in essence, windows has changed so little under the hood, in the last 20 years…

Recently I acquired a 20 year old film scanner. I had the choice of either buying a new third party scanner software for 100€ or just get the old one working. I found some script that made the old driver identify as something newer and it installed without a problem and has been working since. (Or rather it has worked until recently, when I switched to linux anyways because I want to use the pc for gaming exclusively, since for work related stuff, I have a Mac)


Windows is noob friendly. If you do what noobs do and just buy an off the shelf PC and don’t think about stuff like drivers at all. Now, Linux isn’t much less noob friendly in those cases and just primarily suffers from lack of system integrators using it and, to a much lesser degree, from a lack of software.


Do you have any idea how much more expensive flash storage is compared to discs? There’s a reason cartridge based gaming systems are limited to handheld nowadays. An 8GB switch cartridge costs about as much as a 50GB Bluray, from what I’ve read. And a 32GB card about 60% more. And the switch cartridges don’t exactly use SSD quality NAND chips and controllers, which would be needed for the ever growing need of SSD speeds on current gen hardware.

So unless you’re fine with paying double for your games, don’t expect them to come on high quality cartridges any time soon, especially if we’re talking about games over 100GB, which are getting more and more prominent.


Broadcom wireless drivers was also something I needed the mint driver manager for


You can essentially use any hardware. If you already have an old pc or laptop, you can (probably) use that. If you get a new one, the only major recommendation for usage with linux is: don’t get something with a nvidia graphics card.

And where to begin: Probably some linux distro like Linux Mint or Pop_OS. They‘re reasonably beginner friendly. But, if you have some more specific questions (or need more help finding hardware or don‘t know what a distro is), feel free to ask.


If it’s a plastic bowl I use the counter, otherwise whatever I put it into

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