@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world

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Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist

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@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Lmao I thought of Allegro Common Lisp at first.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s quite obvious that it’s very different to use it as a verb and as a noun to refer to someone.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Spotify is CEF, I think, and it works pretty well.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Also, SafetyNet is deprecated, and Google has said that app developers shouldn’t use it for a long time before that, so I’ve never had to use it. My experience of a blob-free microG has been really good, and I trust FOSS code a hell of a lot more than sandboxed proprietary code, because I can’t be sure what it does with the data I inevitably do provide it.

MicroG has also been very clear IMO about SafetyNet not being a reimplementation, but rather a sandbox when it was relevant.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No OS is perfect, as you likely do have to use a proprietary modem and some proprietary apps, but CalyxOS works well for me on my Fairphone 4. I like the base install being as free as realistically possible on a modern Android phone, especially replacing Google apps with microG. Just don’t enable SafetyNet if you don’t want it to run (sandboxed) Google blobs. That API is deprecated anyways.

The experience is smooth, free and I get a repairable phone without having generative “”“AI”“” shoved down my throat. A win on all fronts in my opinion.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

SDDM is still X11 based, no matter which desktop you run with it. I have tried enabling Wayland on it, but it’s been… Unstable to say the least.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I remember reading that this is because studios don’t compress game assets any more. I’d gladly trade a few seconds load time for reasonable disk usage.

Found a security bug in LMDE6, need some help (i.imgur.com)

I have an older Intel laptop that has a 1600x900 display, and I find that if I put the machine to sleep, connect an external monitor with a higher resolution, and then turn it back on, the login screen doesn’t adjust to the new resolution and it reveals what I had open (see photo)....

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Also, when I have rain clothes, I love rain, so I think you’re on to something.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yep, this is the daily routine of a Linux user.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think the comparison with Lemmy is moot, since Lemmy (or the Fediverse as a whole) isn’t owned by one centralized entity. Twitter quite literally has a Nazi as its owner. Sure, progressive people still have tools at their disposal to be able to use Twitter, but I think it makes sense to question why we should use such a platform.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I like Sway, it obviously needs a bit of configuration to be useful, but that’s partly what I like about it, and using a distro like Guix (Nix configured with Lisp) makes it easy to have the same settings on multiple PCs. Otherwise I like GNOME; it’s well supported and has many good apps. Touch/touchpad support is really good as well.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I guess I mostly agree, though, I disagree that it isn’t acknowledged. From what I see, piracy oftentimes is explicitly precisely just because people want something for free (myself included tee-hee).

The preservation argument has gotten a lot more prevalent, and I agree that there are a lot of people who use that as a justification for pirating while not actually working to preserve the media they pirate, but I at least see far more people who don’t justify it at all. Not that they have to, IMHO.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

OpenGamepadUI works well as a FOSS alternative to Steam if you’d like that as well.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

What’s missing in PipeWire for it to be “pro audio”? Genuine question, since I’ve been making some music casually and heard from music producers that it’s actually quite good.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you’re interested, I have a good experience with yabridge for running Windows VSTs in Linux-native DAWs. If it’s the applications themselves, then I have no experience. I ran the FL Studio demo in Wine for a few minutes but that’s essentially the end of my experience, since I have Reaper.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Seems to have an ALSA UCM configuration since 2022: github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/issues/220

If I’ve understood this correctly, it should just work, and PipeWire should understand the interface.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Happy to help! Have fun!

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Debian is good :)

I myself love Guix, though, so I get why you wanna run NixOS as well.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Use an old kernel version (if yours doesn’t still support it) and something like btrfs-convert to get a maintained filesystem instead. Works pretty well in my experience with converting other filesystems to btrfs.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I agree with the other commenter recommending to migrate as soon as possible while the kernel still does support, but that does seem like a workable strategy if you can’t for the foreseeable future.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, sometimes people use loli stuff which is definitely a red flag for pedo behavior IMHO, but posting with a MILF is quite literally the opposite xd.

AMD GPU driver with opencl support?

Basically title. I have a 7600(x)(t) 8G. I want drivers with opencl for hashcat. I know the proprietary ones work, but they are a ludicrously massive PITA. I am willing to use almost any distro to make this work (not Ubuntu, and not one of those random newer ones). I really hope I don’t have to use the proprietary drivers....

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I second rusticl, but I’d like to note that it uses Gallium internally, and not Vulkan. There is a vulkan-gallium translation layer called Zink, though, which can be used to run rusticl on any Vulkan-capable GPU AFAIK. Zink is initially made to run OpenGL on Vulkan, but it’s also just a general-purpose Gallium driver.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yup, that’s what happened when I found out other people were trans. I was like ‘You can do that!?’. The feeling had always been there but seeing others made it obvious that you don’t have to just be dysphoric and depressed.

nuanceposting rule (lemmy.cafe)

seen this post elsewhere? click for explanationThis post got banned from !memes for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕 I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating. EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank...

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don’t read this as the discussion disenfranchising young men, rather just stating that the broader disenfranchisement of the working class has its effect of making many men vulnerable to far right rhetoric of a day where many white cis-het men did not have to try, like at all (at least, that’s the rhetoric).

I read this as saying that we need to counter these societal issues on multiple fronts; not pandering to right-wing men, while also not letting the far right rhetoric take hold of younger men. Offering a good alternative which actually helps them (leftism) instead.

Help me choose a distro/stay on NixOS

Disclaimer: I know there’s a lot of questions and posts like this but generally they’re aimed at noobs. I consider myself an intermediate user, and I know generally distros don’t matter much and you can have anything another distro has on any distro but I’m looking for something a little “specific” that better suits...

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Have you looked at Guix? I love it because it uses Scheme instead of Nix as its language, but I realize not everyone likes Lisp as much as I do. Also, I found the documentation easier to follow. Since it is a GNU project, you will need to install a third party channel (repo) if you need proprietary drivers/firmware. If you do, check out SystemCrafters’ install image, which has firmware on the image so you can at least boot it.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think so. The language (Scheme) is a lot more logical to me, and the higher focus on reproducibility in the main channel compared to Nix (Guix can be bootstrapped from a tiny binary seed) is a draw for me.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Communism isn’t bad per se, authoritarianism is, but there are many authoritarian regimes going under the name ‘communist’, thus we have a term for that: tankie. Using different terms to describe the Israeli state (like fascist, ethno-nationalist, or Zionist) and its supporters does not mean it’s not bad. It really is! It’s just categorically different in the ideology espoused by them, and having language to describe that is not bad.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

PPA:s are specifically hosted by Canonical, no? Otherwise it’s just a normal repo.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This is different from the Wayland security model, as Wayland restricts the ability for clients to modify and read from other clients arbitrarily. This is an extension to a Wayland compositor, and as all extensions do, it contains code which runs on your system. Any code, unless sandboxed, can access your filesystem no matter if it’s run under Wayland, X11, or no windowing system at all for that matter.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Omg their eggs are heart shaped! 🥰❤️😊

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Does nginx give me anything over apache httpd in the year of our lord 2024? I’ve used both for hosting servers but never really understood the difference, as apache seems to have incorporated the important improvements that nginx made iirc.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Maybe mod_lua is an equivalent? I haven’t used OpenResty so there may be something I’m missing.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I formatted all my C code in High School with the GNU style. I’m not sure my teacher even read the code :P

I mostly write Lisp today, but that GNU style still has a special place in my heart. As long as it’s automatically formatted, I’m fine with whatever style, though.

@boo_@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I thought floating number two was in reference to floating point numbers lmao

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