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Here’s the transcript. It’s a rant against electric boats.

(43:33) So I said, “Let me ask you a question.”

(43:35) And he said, “Nobody ever asked this question, and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT,” very smart.

(43:43) I say, “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery’s underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?”

(43:58) By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that? A lot of shark… I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.” These people are crazy.

(44:14) He said, “There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now who really got decimated and other people too,” a lot of shark attacks.

(44:22) So I said, “So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, and water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Because I will tell you he didn’t know the answer.

(44:42) He said, “Nobody’s ever asked me that question.”

(44:45) I said, “I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.” But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.


There are many clips from news shows and reaction videos on this, but I really don’t think anyone needs a funny person to explain it and editing only makes it appear out of context.

His speech is perfectly idiotic without any editing or explanation.

This is the uncut speech with a timestamp to the boat thing.

I didn't know where else to ask rule (

How do you shave your balls? Every time I’ve tried with my trimmer it pinches and tears my sack and I’m too traumatized to try it again unless there’s a full proof bloodless method. Usually I just pluck as many as I can tolerate while I’m sitting around watching YouTube or somethin. But it’s such a pain (literally)....


You could ask the manufacturer of shaving products:…/how-to-shave-your-balls/


It’s a surprisingly well written guide that doesn’t beat around the bush.

It even suggests “stimulating an erection” for an easier shave.

BREAKING NEWS: EU Commission announces preliminary tariffs up to 38% on Chinese EVs (

The EU will impose additional tariffs of 17.4% to 38.1% on electric cars produced in China, the European Commission announced on Wednesday (12 June), as preliminary results from its anti-subsidy investigation confirmed prices are being distorted by Chinese state support....


Just for the record: Some cars from BMW, Dacia, Renault and Tesla are also imported from China and will get a 21% tariff as well. Probably lots of other brands as well.

It will be interesting to see if they will attempt to pull production back home.

VW seems to have an advantage by already going into fully domestic production, but they still need to prove that they can match the pricing.


Just adding: Wikipedia has a nice article including a map showing the current status of when countries plan to phase out fossil fuel vehicles. It also has a section on which manufacturers have pledged to do so.


Long term politics seem to be a really good strategy for this. Notice how USA is marked as green, even if its only some states who have agreed to do so, and some countries are just grey. However, this is fine, because the manufacturers will still need to make the switch long beforehand in order to keep selling vehicles worldwide.


These are in addition to the existing 10% car tariff.

Also keep in mind that there are large car registration taxes and VAT in Europe. While this applies to all cars imported or not, it does increase the difference in net price.


And they keep going “what about Gina?” Heard that shit as late as yesterday.

China is the fourth most oil producing country in the world, and that’s bad, but they’re pretty fucking far from being in top three. China could triple their oil production and not make the top three.

The top three is in order from top to bottom: USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia.



That’d be like opening a jar of surströmming at a foam party.


Is this a subtle 3/5 reference or why isn’t there 5 black women?


The tall soles works as a gearing, so they don’t have to move the ankle as much… which is probably the exact opposite of what you’d want.

📄 rule (

alt-textIt blows our hivemind that the United States doesn’t use the ISO 216 paper size standard (A4, A5 and the gang). Like, we consider ourselves worldly people and are aware of America’s little idiosyncrasies like mass incarceration, the widespread availability of assault weapons and not being able to transfer money via...

bstix, (edited )

The advantage is folding.

When folded at the middle it becomes the next size.

So if you have an A4 paper but don’t have the proper C4 envelope, you can fold the paper in half and put it in a C5 envelope. This is standard.

Let’s then imagine that you don’t have a C5 envelope either, but only have the remaining Christmas card envelopes, which are C6. So you just fold your paper one more time at the middle and it’ll fit again.

Also, the area of A0 is 1 square meter. You probably don’t nornally have an A0 paper around, but that doesn’t matter, because you can take 8 pieces of A3 or 16 pieces of A4 papers, tape them together and it’ll be A0.

Now it isn’t actually a square meter. It’s the same area, but it’s not square. No, the length and width makes the golden fucking ratio. This might be irrelevant for a legal document, but it’s pretty neat if you want to make a nice drawing.

Paper come in reams. Reams come in boxes. Boxes come on pallets. The paper boxes fit perfectly on a pallet in both length and width, so the layers of boxes can be placed either way in an interlocked pattern. This is mostly a box design thing though. American paper also fit on American pallets, but without the connection through the sizes, you cannot make a pallet with mixed sizes and expect it to fit.

Forgot to add: the real beauty isn’t the paper size. It’s simply having a standard. Cans and bottles and lots of stuff follow similar metric standards. It’s possible to mix everything and still make it fit snuggly on a euro pallet.


This might be pedantic, but the use of the word “need” pisses me off more than the unrealistic requirement. It’s so needy.


That’s not exactly the take I was expecting, but alright.

The person who posted it is apparently addicted to abusing other peoples labour. Now, as a labour dealer, I can’t provide them with one guy with 10 years experience. That’s too high of a dose.

However, if they’re willing, I can probably find 10 guys with 1 year experience, but the price is going to be 10 times the going rate, because that’s how much it’ll cost me to hire and manage those 10 people off fiver.

Am I cutting the shit? Go find another dealer then. It’s not my “need”. That’s a “your problem”.


Vulnerability? I thought it was about nukes.


What’s the point in having an AI run the search and present the found answer for you, when you just ran the search yourself and gets the AI finding presented?

As this point AI helpers are just a layer that hides the details from the original search. It’s useless for this. AI is wonderful for lots of stuff, but this just isn’t it. I used to laugh when people used the Google search box to find Google so they could search in Google, but that is exactly what AI is doing for us now.


Yes, the search engine AI is a very expensive and shitty filter.

Unfortunately with SEO going nuts these days, it might be necessary to have some kind of spam filter for searching the web just to avoid some of the enshittification created by AI in the first place. Like, the AI goes to Quera and Reddit for answers instead of the marketing links, so at least the answers are less commercial.

Obviously these “human” sources will eventually or are already shittifyed too, with half the posts there also being marketing in one way or the other.

I dislike it, but flooding the web with useless crap may be the key to making some better alternative…


I think LLMs are better for more fluffy stuff, like writing speeches etc.

Excel solutions are often very specific. A vague question like separating a date can be solved in many ways, using a variety of formulas, the text-to-column wizard, VBA, import queries or even just formatting, all depending on what you really need, what the input is and what locality is used and other things.

The text-to-column method is great, because it transforms whatever the input is into a date type, making it possible to treat it as and make calculations as an actual date. It’s not always the right solution though, for instance if the input is ambiguous.

It’s fine that he learned to use this method, but I wonder what he’d ask the LMM in a case where it isn’t the right solution and what it’ll come up with then. He didn’t actually learn to separate a date from the input. He learned to use the text import wizard.

In my experience it’s preferable to learn these things on a more basic level if only just to be able to search more specifically for the right answer, because there is a specific answer. Having a language model run through a bunch of solutions and presenting the most popular one might just be a waste of time and leading you into a wild goose chase.


I thought we were over the whole “USA bad m’kay” but then shit like that turns up. It’s not okay.


The Dutch won’t get awards for the design of the coastline.


Just write the salary already. Does it include pension?


“very shortly” being the time it takes for a donor to tell his campaign managers what his policy is supposed to be.


“Rise of” was he first of the reboot… which was after the remake…which was the sixth movie or something.


I doubt any game logic is going to be that fast ever. It might look better, but it won’t make much difference in how players or even the game itself can react to events in the game. Perhaps it’ll make VR more comfortable or something.


Let’s entertain the idea that an unknown staffer accidentally missed the word… Why was the word even there in the first place?? It really shouldn’t be necessary to check your drafts or templates for accidental nazi references.


To be fair, he didn’t. It was his army that did it and I’m pretty sure they too had trouble getting motivated on Monday mornings.


We’ll probably never get to know what caused it. It doesn’t seem like they’ll be doing an investigation at all.



Just listen to the word. Busy with what?


The thing is… everyone is a regular guy.

All the movie stars, famous musicians, politicians and renowned scientists, yes, those are all regular guys too. They eat, shit and fall asleep on a pillow every night or about as much as regular people do and usually not all at once. 2 arms 2 legs 1 head and so. Mostly. A bit above average perhaps, but generally they have a regular number of limbs.

Mark likely does all those regular things just as well as regular guys.

However… Someone who goes on a live stream to introduce his new cutting edge technology by staring into a camera without blinking for 45 minutes endlessly mumbling about smoked meats while rocking a caesarian haircut. That’s also perfectly regular… for a lizard.


I’m not even sure if the previous poster was being serious, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone actually thinks of Mark Zuckerberg as a regular dude, because he’s so dorky and awkward that it’s relatable for some people.

It’s pretty clear that the guy has affuenza and having trouble with social relations. I don’t hate that about him, but it doesn’t mean that I will ever consider him to be a regular guy. Like many other rich kids, he never had to grow up and grow out of the juvenile belief that money is the end goal. He’s still a 15 year old thinking it’s clever to cheat and win in monopoly.

He’s a character though, and I like that about him. The world could generally benefit from having more oddballs, instead of billionaire eccentrics. In this way, I’d award him 1 more charisma point than Elon Musk.


I was only taught one comma rule in English: "if in doubt, leave it out ". In this case I would advise you to leave it in.

However it’s your pillow. You make the bed that you sleep in.


Well, that’s fair. I have to point out that the tabloids are pulling a lot of words out of very little data. Exactly the opposite of what Zuckerberg does. He might very well play them like a fiddle.

Anyway, another plus for him is that his phone number is publicly available. I’d like to call him up some day just to talk about meat, while I never really have any reason to call Elon.


With all respect, yes, I hope so.


We’re on a different forum now.

These days the kids can buy a machine that does (up to) 700 strokes per minute.


Cities are just like that. Food is transported in and shit goes out the drain. People commute in and out of cities in a daily cycle only to keep the toilets flowing.


I agree. Smaller local modern salt reactors would be a better use of nuclear than investing in the conventional centralised nuclear plants. However they’re still in the experimental phase and not easily available. I too would love if “we” starting making a lot of them, but there’s no finished design or anyone offering to build them for mass deployment.

Right now, with the currently available options, renewable is the only cheap mass produced energy source that can beeasily deployed everywhere and in different scales.

Hopefully the container sized nuclear plants will eventually be as easy to setup.

Renewables also have a similar issue with storage. It exists mainly in experimental projects. It’s extremely local if it even makes financial sense to do it. In places where existing nuclear or hydro is available it will not be make much financial sense to store excess renewable energy with a loss.

It's called "social jet lag". Yes I know about sleep hygiene. (

It’s absolutely true that a lot of modern-day problems with being tired come from bad sleep habits. What I’m talking about is a real phenomenon that isn’t being in front of a screen too close to bedtime. If anyone wants to know more, here’s a 3-minute video from AsapSCIENCE about what research shows.


Even this might be too simple.

The cicadean rhythm is synchronizing to the light of the sun, temperatures, when you eat, when you exercise and other kinds of routines, but what happens when we remove those?

Scientists in the 1960s set out to find out. From the late 1960 to early 1980s they put test subjects in a bunker. They found out that the human cycle is longer than 24 hours. The average might be around 25 hours, but not all. The longest was 50 hours.

Another well known experiment happened in 1989 where Stefania Follini was isolated in a cave for 4 months. Her internal clock went into a 48 hour cycle.

Of course these are extremes and not very useful knowledge for anyone who sees the sun daily or have actual stuff to do on a regular basis. However it shows that out sleep cycles are very much dependent on being synchronized to what we need to do.

Looking at people in hot places, who sleep (siesta) when it’s too hot outside, or people from non-industrial societies who might be active both during day and night and sleep in between, it’s pretty obvious that the 9-5 productive cycle is not at all “natural” for anyone.


Stupid thing is that it’s locally so cold that I had to turn the heat back on last week after having it off for two months. Just a few weeks back I had to bring the fans down from the attic to stay cool. Shit is just weird. This summer is going to be fucked. There’s also not the usual pollen or insects.

Anyway, if you’re interested in visiting Denmark as a tourist, I can currently only recommend mid May or early September. The remaining 47 weeks of the year are “normal” 10°c and windy rain regardless of seasons.

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