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He's already there, been there for a couple weeks now, gonna be there for a couple more months


These insurrectionist cunts think "don't go gentle into that good night" under any circumstances, builds their "rebel cred"


Aside from Chernobyl, Fukushima, Kyshtym, Windscale, and the fact the half life of uranium 239 is 24 thousand years, and we've got no legitimate long lasting way of storing, or disposing of nuclear waste, sure, i see no problems at all.

The sun produces more power every day that can power the entire global need 1 million times over. It's right fucking there, all we gotta do it catch it better.



It's out of his hands now, and being decided by a Trump handpicked SCOTUS. He's politically safe making any sort of statement he wants in this specific time window, and so he is. Villain.


There's a percentage of bat guano that's "safe" to have fallen in when corn flakes are produced. I still don't want that fucking bullshit in there.


gonna suck when those underwear, sheets, towels get huge holes in them. gonna make their own soap, shampoo, and deodorant? how bout medications, not buying any of those? subway, L, bus tokens? gasoline? bicycles? shoes? smartphones? lol. this should be interesting to watch.


haven't you learned anything yet, teddy cruz cannot be humiliated by anything ever, it's not possible, he'd have to care what anyone thought of him, and he clearly only cares about retaining power at any cost. these schadenfreude bullshit headlines presupose people like cruz can be humiliated, and therefore attempt to suck in eyeballs to "feast on the joy of other misfortune". cruz couldn't give a single rat fuck about any of this, all he cares about is being re-elected, and as has been shown the monsters of the state of texas couldn't give a shit about it either.


If this, after everything, the monsters beginning to eat themselves in earnest, or still not yet


IT'S TWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pi, as it turns out, is just the friends we made along the way


The Schadenfreude is strong in these threads, but the simple fact of the matter is, Trump is going to sell in six months, or sooner if the board decides he can, which they will, and come out of this with Billions. The suckers, and the "institutional(read:foreign) investors" are going to make sure this stock stays propped up specifically so Trump can get paid out. This is what's happening, it's what's going to happen. The only solace to take from this, is it's possible, though not probable by that time, Trump could be in prison (though that too is incredibly unlikely as even if he's found guilty of the what is it 37 felony counts in the NY hush money trial starting today, SCOTUS is yet to weigh in, and his appeals will almost assuredly allow him to run out the clock of his mortal coil)

The stock thing though, that's a guaranteed winner for Trump, even if it falls to single digits


they gonna put it BACK into the post? hahahahaha ummmm hahahahaha


KOOK, Your mother and I are getting divorced.


don't matter, still flying the fascists flag when you drive one of his pieces of shits around. enjoy.


My grandmother was used as slave labor by BMW making Nazi plane engines at Auschwitz, so, I'm the wrong guy to make this joke to. But who cares about how anyone feels, or actual responsibility, not many. Enjoy your Teslas, and VW's, and Chick Fil A's, I'm gonna keep talking about this shit like it matters.


My grandmother was used as slave labor by BMW making Nazi plane engines at Auschwitz, so, I'm the wrong guy to make this joke to.

But who cares about how anyone feels, or actual responsibility, not many, especially the 4chanification of the online discourse

Enjoy your Teslas, and VW's, and Chick Fil A's, I'm gonna keep talking about this shit like it matters because for some of us it does


checks, are also, right out. his cash is good.


this. guy. packed. scotus. to. kill. roe.

downpunxx, (edited )

At that point we might as well call him Theseus


If it's worth anything at all at the time he can sell, he's made money, likely Billions, Hundreds of Millions, Tens of Millions? I dunno, more than I'll ever see. Money funneled to him for the express purpose of racial hatred, and to destroy American secular egalitarian Democracy. That he was able to do this, at all, is an indictment of how corrupt our institutions are.


All the money in my pocket vs all the money in yours, says that's not going to happen, there are far more people willing to throw good money after bad, to say nothing of institutional investors with money to "invest" in the support of Trump for what they can gain from Trump in the long term, than there are those who will tank the stock by shorting or selling out. Yours is a wish I too would like to see come true, though sadly, as we've seen, is only wishful thinking, with no basis in our communal experience thus far.


given off sparks, i really need you tonight, forever's gonna start tonight


You Wouldn't Download An Entire Caribbean Island, Would You?


RFK Jr is 100% pure unadulterated political crazy poison


How Bout A Nice Game Of 3-D Chess You 2-D Bitch!


Is that like Josh Lyman's Secret Plan To Fight Inflation?


trump isn't accidentally doing anything at all, he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue, he's doing this all out in public, just like everything else, and daring the united states justice system to be able to do anything meaningful to him at all. this isn't a gotcha, it's a so fucking what. he doesn't care. almost half the population of the united states is betting the other half can't do a fucking thing about it, and so far, they've been right.


remember kids, have fun, and take off those rings


He didn't include his current financial statement, lol


Across the entire world there are 15 Million Jews. There are 1.7 Billion Muslims.


remember kids, when it comes to accountability and the republican standard bearer, it's gonna be lucy with the football all the way down.


lol, she doesn't care, even if she wanted to rule in favor of the prosecutors, which she clearly does not, the alternative is to be put on blast, and have all her family members put on blast and threatened for the rest of their lives. clerks? cmon man.


After being an idiot for 15 years, and repurchasing inkjet printers with their insanely expensive inks and guaranteed to dry out, gunk up, and quit working, I went ahead and bought a Pantum laser from Amazon, it came with a full cartridge good for 1600 B&W prints, and there was a special on for another 1600 B&W cartridge for free, the whole thing printer, two cartridges $99 bucks out the door. Steal. Works like a charm. I have, and have had, no real reason to print in color, I'm not handing out presentations, and mostly the only things I actually print are Amazon return labels sometimes, but whenever I've needed to print I no longer worry about the print head clogging up, and it's like freedom from bondage.


"doubling down on misogyny", you mean AFTER they successfully killed ROE by installing their christofascist SCOTUS justices, who will remain in charge for decades?

man, spoonfeeding this shit to the masses, with pablum headlines is just ..... so dystopian.

the water is already at full fucking boil, and the media wants to keep your attention as if this is a progressive disaster unfolding, the disaster is already here. the media offers no solution to this, like, fuck these white born again christian cunts, but continue to offer their destruction of egalitarian secular democracy as a "reasonable alternative" to the dying frogs with all the power to shut the fucking heat off.

the white supremacist christofacists already control the supreme court and are adjudicating. this isn't "doubling down" it's fucking status quo at this point. the house is on fire, right now, right now.

The "martyrdom" of Donald J. Trump. "It’s all slapstick comedy: Posing as a Christ-like figure is so outlandish and absurd" (

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he can reasonably be described as evil. Yet, white “Christian” evangelicals are among his most loyal, stalwart, and enthusiastic supporters. Moreover, when his behavior and character are evaluated relative to the Christian mythological framework, Trump is actually much closer to being...


Absurd you say, have you ever read the OG Christ martyrdom story? These people exist in the absurd, the absurd is their bag, it's their whole thing.


As Steve Martin has said "Existential questions like, does the Pope shit in the woods"


Buying a franchise, and signing that corporate agreement is like fucking a gorilla. You ain't gonna be done until the gorilla says you're done.


which can be rectified by the judge (not the prosecutor) at literally at any time

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