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Hell yeah brother. Never forget the most important step a man can take: the next one.


I love it lmfao (lost my flannel at Orlando)


Most users of Windows aren’t editing the registry, no matter what problems they encounter.

For power users that do use regedit, I’d argue there’s still a gap between that and using a shell. The registry can be edited entirely with the Windows graphical utility, after all.


That’s certainly true. If I may ask, what point are you trying to make?

New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters (kotaku.com)

Things aren’t looking good for me. I’m a few levels into Selaco, a new FPS out now on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hiding spot. I’m also low on health. So yeah, a bad spot to be in. I take a deep breath and try something....


Irrelevant. This game is purportedly built using the original doom engine, while almost all other FPS games since Doom are designed with similar mechanics.


Great point. I saw an interesting video recently that touched on this exact issue:


As graphics increase in quality, the desire for developers to fill spaces with clutter grows – which makes it harder to make meaningful levels with thoughtful design.


Looks like I’m in the minority, but I subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online. My wife and I enjoy the extra Mario kart courses and I personally enjoy the N64 virtual console.


every fucking mobile game ever

Hey now, there are some (very few, but some) mobile games that are quite good. Dawncaster is an excellent deck builder for example.


Capitalist utopia? Isn’t the whole point that it’s a Libertarian utopia?


Don’t get me wrong, the only Libertarianism I’ve ever known is intertwined with Capitalism. But they aren’t the same thing, and I always read BioShock as being a take on Libertarianism specifically.


Honestly mad respect for owning it. No one’s perfect all the time, and it takes a lot of courage to be able to admit when those mistakes happen.

In my opinion, that makes you MORE qualified to be a mod – not less.


There was some brief hullabaloo where some nobody on Xitter claimed M$ was considering the buying Valve for 12B$. No sources, no credibility, but some news sources started talking about it like it was news.


What about a live service Titanfall game in the same vein as Helldivers?


Honest question. Why do you think aggression isn’t a trait that can be selectively bred for or against? Surely you agree other traits can be bred – herding and pointing, to use some common examples.


What on earth is that link at the bottom of your comment? Are you…licensing it?


I would instantly buy a ticket if they got ProZD to do it.


I am curious – why does the article including the names and photos of his accusers make this more credible to you?


I appreciate that, friend. I hope my comment didn’t come off as flippant. I absolutely believe you’ve seen the shit you’re railing against, I just haven’t seen it (on Lemmy) myself.


That’s big of you, mate. It’s not easy to admit to mistakes on the Internet, and I appreciate you taking the time.


FYI l: That’s the CEO of Arrowhead, who made the game.


It’s also people so lost in the sauce they can’t see reality in front of them.

Check out this argument I had recently on lemmy. I was saying to someone that voting is important, even if we disagree with Biden on some very important issues, because abstaining is as good as voting for Trump.

And this person, who I think is the owner of the entire instance they’re registered on if their username is anything to go by, repeatedly and aggressively insisted that voting can never accomplish anything.

Reviewing their profile showed they’re pretty consistent in this belief. They seem to seriously think the ONLY option is violent revolution, and nothing short of that is worth a thing.


The man has been leading by example for years. Remember when, during the Obama presidency, he refused to even call a vote on any Supreme Court nominees?

He has shown time and time again that he doesn’t care about the unwritten gentleman’s rules that the government has been (more or less) abiding by for centuries, and now he’s shocked that his party is overrun by people with zero interest in working towards anything other than destruction?

He’s a fool and he’s dragged us down with him.


Imagine if they didn’t blame an entire people for the actions of their corrupt leaders.


I mean realistically, the people who enjoyed it back in the day have outgrown it. So “new” content like this skibidi business, which is the same kind of humor as they used to enjoy 10+ years ago, is deeply unappealing.


Fellas, is it geriatric to not want food poisoning?


Jokes on you, whippersnapper! My ass is behind 7 proxies layers of depends!


I know I’m being that guy here, but this is a butchering of the meme format. Woof.




Where were you in twenty-twentyfour when Bolton threw Trump off hell in a cell and plummeted 20 feet into an announcement table?


I think I understand it. It makes sense if his goals were to 1) release this information and 2) survive afterwards. Doing #1 was relatively easy, as he had the access to accomplish it.

But to then stay alive and (relatively) free required being beyond the reach of the US government. Being in the States is out of the question, and by extension so is being in any country with an extradition treaty with the US. I don’t know what all the options were, but ultimately he chose Russia as the place he would live.

If you assume his goal is freedom for mankind in general, it does seem hypocritical to go running to an authoritarian country for safety. But it seems pretty clear he wasn’t motivated by a vague principle, but rather wanting to blow the whistle on a specific injustice he saw.


It’s unfortunately classic Lemmy. Every post has at least one person commenting something along the lines of “Why would anyone like this?” as opposed to, y’know, actually engaging with the content.


I get what you mean, but considering how many influential people are having their anti-trans opinions broadcast (see: JKR), I think this kind of article is more necessary than you might think.

'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans (www.commondreams.org)

Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month....


There are plenty of American Jews that don’t support what Israel is doing.


In the context of the conversation we’re currently having? Yeah it does matter, because the person I was replying to suggested that all Jews support what Israel is doing.


Right? Some absolutely braindead takes in here.


Not even then. There are countless examples of corrupt prosecutors pushing through convictions because they want a win, even when it was clear the accused was innocent.

Without an absolutely perfect system of justice, I’m not willing to trust the state with executions in any circumstances.


Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing.


It’s a joke about how the head of Ubisoft referred to the game Skull And Bones as a “quadruple-A” game. The highest-budget games are often classified as “triple-A”, though people also tend to use the term as a way to indicate size or quality. By calling S&B an AAAA game he was signaling that it would be in a class of its own in terms of quality, most likely.

The game itself has been pretty universally considered “meh” at best, so this meme is making fun of the original claim.

I hope this explanation helps!


Awesome writeup. I had heard that some very special individuals were trying to paint this company as “pro-woke”, and therefore any game they touched should be avoided – and that’s obviously going to be nonsense, but it’s good to see the full story.


You’re right, but there are a lot of people (that I’ve seen, at least) who are willing to abstain from voting over Biden’s handling of this.


Hilarious as all the other answers are, my guess is that this species has more complex sex chromosomes than the XX/XY variations we’re familiar with – perhaps there are more than 2 slots for the chromosomes to go, and then there are more than 2 options per slot, resulting in the humongous number of options stated in the post.


Why do you think calling for violence against the police is a bad thing? Is it bad, in your opinion, to call for violence against any group, regardless of what that group is?

Say for the sake of example that we were living in Nazi Germany. Would you say that calling for violence against the SS is as bad as calling for violence against Jews? I don’t think you would.

Granted, we are not in Nazi Germany. The police in America are not the SS. But there are plenty of legitimate problems with the police, including the murder of unarmed minorities going unpunished.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I suspect you don’t believe that the police are bad enough to warrant calls for violence, and maybe that’s true. However, there are people who don’t think that’s true – they think the police, as an institution, are corrupt enough that they should see violent consequences.

Bit a side note, but I don’t know that I agree with calling for violence against the police. I don’t think it’s going to accomplish anything at this point because of the very real risk of extreme backlash. But I do understand why people want to.


I’ve made an effort to engage with you, to tell you why a person would disagree with your opinion without belittling you. I even outright said at the end of my last comment that I don’t agree that calling for violence against the police is the right course of action.

You clearly haven’t even read my comments, much less tried to explain your own position.

If you’re being ridiculed, it’s because you’re making a fool of yourself – not because anyone else is wrong. Honestly, dude.

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