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Ck3 with the plague mechanics does this. The base game has some default settings that absolutely wrecks everything once plagues get going and only having the DLC can change those settings.

Age of Mythology: Retold Is Set To Launch On September 4, 2024, Nearly 22 Years Since The Original Game’s Debut | Retro Gaming News 24/7 (

Age of Mythology: Retold is set to launch on September 4, 2024, nearly 22 years after the original game’s debut. This modernized version pays homage to its classic roots while incorporating new elements for an exciting remake. Players will have the chance to choose a major god and progress through four historical ages across...


No day like today to remember you’re old now.


Well, if you think about it, they might want to do a Daggerfall with thousands of nondescript villages and dungeons, powered by AI.


If the words on the internet are to be believed, GOG’s been running at a loss all this while, with papa Witcher covering the costs. Maintaining a large library of games is expensive.


If it doesn’t have Blackjack and Hookers, then it’s a shitty clone.


Neat stuff.

That part’s wild to me, when people are like “This villain in your story seems to have said and done bad things? So that means you agree with them, yes?” No! Of course not! It’s the literal villain in the story, man!

But there is no utilitarian point of art. It exists to express ideas and to tell truth. I think maybe a lot of people get upset because from their point of view, they are paying money, and they have this relationship where it’s like “If it’s not giving me what I wanted out of this transaction, then it’s bad.”


A thread of the problem is likely the publisher/developer conflict of interest. When the two can’t come to an agreement, the end result usually fails horribly in both aspects.


It’s like the second coming of Harambe, only the kid is a woman, Harambe is a bear and the guy shooting Harambe is a guy.


My problem with it is that EA is toying with adding ads in their games, so I don’t wanna wake up to a sudden update promoting sexy Milfs in my area on Citadel billboards.

Also, Andromeda is also discounted at 85% for about the same ~6€/$.


Maybe you claimed it as booty and then forgot. Or maybe I claimed it as booty and then forgot.


One person’s trash, another person’s treasure. Bargain hunters don’t care.


TFW you thought you were cool, but it turns out you had a yee yee ass haircut all along.

lath, (edited )

Find the polar star, then go south.


Hi, just dropping by reading the comments. I believe Jewish students were a part of the protesters so you can’t really go that route without adding a conditional on which Jewish students were in danger.


If I’m reading this right, the groups themselves were peaceful, but individuals which may have been just anti-Israel instead of pro-Palestine or outside agitators taking advantage of the situation stirred things up towards violence. The administration was ineffective in identifying these individuals or maintaining the overall peace, so instead members of the peaceful groups were arrested in order to shut the whole thing down.

So from this perspective, i can see why you would say that.


It is also a common method used to incite violence at peaceful protests in order to disperse them. This is seen as such more clearly when the individuals apprehended are not the ones causing violence and instead are part of what seems to be the leadership of said protests.


DR: Alcohol.

TL;DR: Due to rising life expectancy, old people want to keep caring for their kids. Kids should tell them to prepare a coffin instead. Gently.


Tbh, I did blindly vote for games I recognized or looked good in the screenshots/videos.


Just scrapped an XCOM 2 ironman campaign because I realized I’m not legendary material. A squad of 4 with basic weapons vs 12-14 enemies that need at least two shots in a small room.


Is that voice an “AI” describing the scenes in the trailer? Because it’s awful.


Sometimes, some people need to experience the worst in order to be convinced of pursuing the better.

Should You Pay For An Identity Theft Protection Service? (

Identity theft is a common cause of anxiety in modern society, and it’s pretty justifiable. According to a recent survey from US News, almost three quarters of adults have experienced at least one case of identity theft, and 27% have experienced more than one. In 2022 there were more than 1.1 million reports of identity theft,...


For rich fuckers who can afford specialized individual service, sure. For poor fucks dancing to the Bee Gees every day of their miserable lives, not in the least bit.

The more generalized and mass produced service, the shittier quality it provides. Anything the poor can afford just ain’t worth its price.


No time! We’re sending you into the future to stop the antimeme coalition from traveling into the past and destroying all the memes!

lath, (edited )

The word is thrown around a lot and most people do use it as they want, but from my observations of the online medium, “woke” is usually used for companies that insincerely pander to minorities with a token act of ‘kindness’ that also has discriminatory undertones.

The most common example I’ve seen to have the word used is for comic book live action adaptations or remakes in which a red-haired character otherwise known as a ginger is replaced by a black actor. The ‘woke’ meaning here is companies being intentionally racist in their malicious compliance to add minorities as a quota with the unsaid, yet implied wordplay.

For those who don’t get it, ‘Ginger’ -> ‘N…’

Edit: Of course, for some people, any race replacement for any character is ‘woke’. Also, now that I think about it, most recent movies and animations with women as leading characters get called ‘woke’ as well, often compared to Ripley or Connor from Alien and Terminator movies.

So yeah, in a sort of sense, ‘woke’ would probably be akin to saying ‘insincere pandering’, or that’s how it’s meant to be portrayed?


No you do not. My conclusion in that regard is that those using the word in that context do so with that meaning in mind.

My personal opinion on racism wasn’t expressed in the reply.


I believe that some of them wholeheartedly do. How many actually do so and how many just use it as an excuse, I can’t tell.


Maybe they disagree with it or maybe they disagree with the word having one at all. Doesn’t really matter, it’s just casual chatter.


Maybe. But I wrote it because understanding is a rare commodity and someone would’ve asked. Someone usually does.


Well, that is true. It would seem that each use is subjective to an individual’s own opinion on whether the replacement or the focus is in line with their view of things.


Can’t say I know how. My own limited understanding prevents me from acquiring a verbal lingo that gets a point across entirely.

Sometimes I read replies to my own comments and just stare at them just asking myself “What?”. And the longer the conversation, the easier i lose the original thread and just go off-track, probably confusing the other side even further. Even when writing a longer comment, I just jump from thought to thought. So at times, the first sentence and the last end up being in different dimensions, which may come across as jarring to a reader. Can’t say I’ve managed to fix that over the years.


There’s no doubt bad faith actors are using it for their own purposes and their intended target is the latter kind of person. The lack of self awareness is in my opinion quite common. There’s simply too much to deal with for the average individual on a daily basis to allow ourselves a type of introspection that can clarify who we are and how we act. We are vulnerable to catchy phrases as it is simply too exhausting to analyze every bit of information coming our way, so we accept shallow definitions, we accept a path of superficial righteousness and we accept the paper thin sweetness thrown our way. Only to have it all crumble at a deeper look, taste or thought and leave us helpless.

People are dumb. Intelligence is an exercise. And we have to specialize if we want to achieve something. That means we have flaws to be exploited. And they very much are, in every way.

So I try not to blame the lack of self awareness. Because we all experience it in different ways, of different things. Not knowing is okay. But how many of us can accept that about ourselves or about others? Not many, else the world would be a happier place.


The toxoplasma gondii would like for you to ingest it.


Up next, in the news: Mexicans targeted by secret trans agenda! Shadowy cabal using southern immigrants to push for government takeover! Does eating asparagus turn you gay? Are Chihuahuas a covert ploy to further the feminization of our country? These questions and more, answered just after the break! Stay tuned!


Lawful good evil - neutral good evil - chaotic good evil

Lawful neutral evil - neutral evil - chaotic neutral evil

Lawful evil evil - Neutral evil evil - Chaotic evil evil


You’re properly insane. I keep this list by memory and those I forget, I get to play again. Much more fun. Embrace the chaos!


“Grumpy old man yells at the sky.”


Possibly influenced by movies and games, I’m not-me in my dreams all the time. I’ve been all kinds of people, animals, aliens, non-corporeal entities etc, but as soon as I realize it’s happening, not-me instantly becomes me.


They’re like a movie for me as well, but I’m directing, filming and acting in them. You could say I’m on set, creating scenes and playing them out.


8 billion people. Every product made creates emissions. So the question here isn’t whether fewer cars will lower emissions, but whether whatever replaces them will cover the needs of 8 billion people without increasing emissions as much as cars do or more.


The change has helped the areas in which it was implemented. However, in part, it has also shifted the traffic into other areas instead. It does work, but not fully. To change society and pursue it wholeheartedly, profit must be removed as an incentive or at least make it inconsequential. Otherwise this consumption/production treadmill will never stop speeding up until it breaks.


Think of it as their very shitty solution to mods and cheats that so many dumbasses pay for. “Hey, why let those cheat makers profit off of our games? Let’s make the cheats ourselves! But you know, for better profit, let’s chop off parts of the game and call them cheats instead.”


Digital safari is a pricey venture.


Met two foxes in the mountains. One played cute and the other shanked me and stole my food. Don’t mess with foxes! They don’t fight fair.


Probably SCP. There’s a file for everything in there.


Did ya get them to stop fucking mothers?

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